Monday, 19th September, 2022 (1)

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Small and Middle-Sized

Enterprises (SMEs)

constitute an essential

part of the economic

ecosystem in all parts

of the world. Morden day SMEs

are genuine solvers of societal

challenges such as driving

regional growth, curbing

urban population, providing

employment and contributing to

environmental sustainability.

According to available data

from the Registrar General’s

Department, 92% of businesses

registered in Ghana are SMEs,

employing 70% of the population.

However, much has not

been talked about concerning

the plights of SMEs in Ghana,

The Chief Executive of

the Ghana Investment

Promotion Center

(GIPC), Yoofi Grant,

has noted that Ghana’s

exports to Canada have increased

significantly in the past 25 years.

According to him, Ghana’s

exports, including cocoa, rubber,

processed fruits, nuts, and

aluminium to Canada increased

at an annual rate of 9.51%, from

US$8.3 million in 1995 to US$72.2

million in 2020.

On the other hand, major

imports from Canada into Ghana,

such as heat, cars, used clothing,

excavation machines, and

poultry, increased by 8.97% in the

same period.

He called on Ghanaians

in the diaspora to come back

home and take advantage of the

opportunities available.

The GIPC boss was speaking

at the opening of the Ghana

Canada Investment Summit

(GCIS) in Toronto Canada, on

Thursday, September 15, 2022,

according to norvanreports.com.


SMEs in Ghana require taxcapital

investment to Sustain

Business Growth – Economist

Yofi Grant, CEO of GIPC

which is tax-capital investment

decisions. SMEs in Ghana

operate in a tax space requiring

investment decisions to go

beyond raising only investment


In starting SMEs in Ghana,

entrepreneurs are often keen on

raising capital for the business

without recourse to future tax

liability that may arise and be


Businesses registered in

Ghana must operate within the

confinement of the income tax

Act 896, Value Added Tax Act 870,

the Revenue Administration

Act 915, Customs Act 891 and

their respective regulations.

Most SMEs in Ghana either

Ghana’s exports to

Canada outweigh

imports in the last

25 years – Yofi Grant

“It is our belief that by

the close of this summit all of

you will feel attracted to the

idea of coming back home not

necessarily to stay but to help

make Ghana stronger and better

through strategic partnerships

and long-term investments,” he

is quoted by norvanreports.com.

“Currently, the two-way

merchandise statistics between

Ghana and Canada has reached

over US$475 million, representing

a 71% increase over the figure

recorded in 2020,” he said.

“Clearly, trade between the

two countries is growing,” he


Touching on why Ghana is a

good destination for investment

and business opportunities,

he noted that the country is

rich in resources such as gold,

manganese, bauxite, and even

lithium, with agriculture

being its bedrock and driving


“That is why we say – come

grow in Ghana – grow with

Ghana,” he added.

DAILY ANALYST Monday, 19th September, 2022

do not carefully evaluate the

impact of these tax laws on their

businesses or ignorantly trade at

the blind side of the tax laws in


The capital base of SMEs must

be tax absorptive in the early

stages of business development.

The early stages of most SMEs

development are characterized

by low turnover to cover the

cost of sales and administrative

expenses, high level of

receivables, bad debts, high

operational costs, competitive

market dynamism, low pricing

strategies etc.

However, for instance, the

VAT act does not relieve a VAT

registered person from VAT

liability for taxable supplies

regardless of whether the sales

were made on credit except for

exempt and zero-rated supplies.

Likewise, except for section 7 of

Act 896, the income tax Act will

not relieve a person from income

tax liability once income has

been earned.

Therefore, SMEs are

responsible for raising capital

above investment needs

deliberately. In some cases,

the cash effect of taxable

transactions lags while the tax

compliance period is shorter,

creating the tax financing gap.

Most SMEs frequently try to

finance this gap by filing returns

The Minister for


and Digitalization,

Ursula Owusu Ekuful,

has proposed that

financial technology (Fintech)

industry players should design

a common electronic payment

without payment, not registering

with the Ghana Revenue

Authority, or through short-term


Furthermore, having a capital

base that is tax absorptive

enough reduces tax and pension

contribution compliance risks,

which become a financial burden

on most SMEs in Ghana in their

early stages.

This means of planning is the

cheapest channel for meeting

statutory obligations for SMEs.

Moreover, the uncertainty in

the tax environment may render

SMEs into capital depletion if

the capital base is not taxed

absorptive. The recent VAT

amendment, which restricted

a flat VAT rate of 4% to retailers

within the annual threshold

of ₵500,000, means customers

have to determine whether to

buy from suppliers within this

threshold and pay VAT at 4% or

suppliers above the threshold

would have to absorb the

standard VAT rate of 12.5% to able

to serve the existing clients at

the current margin.

Statutory compliance is

card for Africa that will enable

payments to eradicate the usage

of international payment cards

such as Visa, Mastercard, etc.

According to her, Africans

must not be made to pay service

charges to these international

brands when Fintechs in Africa

costly; SMEs must endeavour to

avoid this risk and its associated

penalties and interest by

anticipating and projecting

such liabilities in their earlier

business cash flow projections,

especially during the uncertain

turnover period.

Again, Investors must

appreciate and understand

the statutory space within

which SMEs operate to

enhance compliance. Statutory

compliance requires proper

financial planning and

stakeholders’ support.

Failure to observe statutory

compliance can result in extreme

case criminal prosecutions

in Ghana and avoidable legal

charges that may even discolour

the organization’s image. The

Ghanaian tax laws are immune

to any explanations and excuses

or business difficulties regarding

payment of tax liabilities.

Author: Isaac Yalley,

Tax Economist at the

Institute for Liberty & Policy

Innovation (ILAPI) with Interest

in fiscal research and Public

Policy for economic freedom.

FinTechs urged to develop

international e-payment cards as

substitute for Visa, Mastercard – Ursula

Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, Minister of

Communications and Digitalization

have showcased their ability to

create these innovations.

“Why can’t we develop our

own local and continental cards

and reduce the fees for our

people and also keep all of that

money within the continent

to finance our development,”

she asked according to


“We have done it with mobile

money, and I believe we can do

it with e-payment and credit

cards,” she said.

The Minister made the call

when she delivered a keynote

address at the Ghana Canadian

Diaspora Investment Summit

in Toronto, Canada, organized

by the Ghana Investment

Promotion Center (GIPC) under

the theme, “Grow in Ghana, grow

with Ghana”.

Ursula also noted that

just like social media and the

internet were not so popular

some years ago, blockchain

currencies may become

very common in a few years,

therefore urging Africans to

start exploring the digital space.

“In the same vein,

cryptocurrencies that are now

illegal may very well become

the norm many years down the

line,” she said.

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