Wednesday, 14th September, 2022

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Page 4DAILY ANALYST Wednesday, 14th September, 2022Oppong Nkrumahclarifies Akufo-Addo’s comment onAisha Huang’s exitMinister for Information, Kojo OppongNkrumah has clarified President Akufo-Addo’scomment about his uncertainty regardinghow ‘galamsey’ kingpin, Aisha Huang, exitedthe country in 2018.President Akufo-Addo in an interview on a Ho-based radiostation on Monday, as part of his tour of the Volta Region saidhe is not sure about how Aisha Huang left the country.“I’m not still sure whether she was in fact deported. Orwhether she fled the country the first time and has now comeback. There still seems to be some uncertainty about it.“But whichever way it is, she’s become the sort ofnickname for all that galamsey represents”, the PresidentsaidṖresident Akufo-Addo has since been severely criticisedfor his comment which has been described, among others, asa “mockery” of the security architecture.But the Information Minister in an interview onNewsnight on Joy FM, Tuesday, said the President’s commentwas a direct response to the particular question he was asked.“The President was not speaking in a vacuum. There wasa question about deportation and the President proceededto respond that he is not too sure whether it is aboutdeportation or whether she fled but then the substantivething is this and then he proceeded to provide the substantiveanswer.“I have heard several commentators suggest that thereshould have been more clarity in the President’s wordsetc. I mean in a democracy I am sure that we can alwaysraise questions about the choice of words,” he explained onTuesday.The Ofoase-Ayirebi MP also confirmed that Aisha Huangexited the country on a repatriation notice.“What is on the minds of many people is indeed, did thisperson exit the Ghanaian jurisdiction? That is what is on theminds of many people. That whether the instrument used wasrepatriation or a deportation. Did she exit the jurisdiction?“And I think the answer to that is yes, she exited thejurisdiction on the wishes of the government and I havesighted the repatriation notice and I have also sighted theflight details that were used for that repatriation exercise,” headded.Meanwhile, Security Analyst, Dr. Ishmael Norman hasdescribed the President’s comment as a mockery of thenational security architecture.“It tells you that national security is wack in terms ofpreparedness against potential threat at our borders andas security people, we need to impress upon the Presidentthat we need to know more. Because to tell you the truth,they are making a mockery of the Ghana Army, the Police,the Immigration, of Customs and all the security agenciesbecause of what the President just said today. No controlsystem is in place so people can come and go when theywant,” he said on Top Story, Tuesday.Source: myjoyonline.comMinister for Information, Kojo Oppong NkrumahMahama deniesex-gratia claimsFormer President JohnDramani Mahama hasrubbished claims bythe New Patriotic PartyChairman for the BonoRegion, Kwame Baffoe Abronye,that he has been paid millions asex-gratia.According to him, what hereceives from the governmentcurrently was his monthly pension,adding that all other billsthe state must cater for had notbeen attended to since he leftoffice in 2017.He disclosed that he is notfully benefiting from emolumentshe is entitled to as aformer Head of State.Mr. Dramani Mahama was respondingto the recent claims byMr. Baffoe Abronye to the effectthat he has been paid millions inlieu of ex-gratia payments.He was speaking on TV3,which was monitored by DAILYAnalyst.He went on to underscorethat he was currently footing amyriad of bills.These, he said, included hisown light bills, fuel, office rentand travel bills.“I receive only my monthlyAMember of theNational DemocraticCongress (NDC) legalteam, Lawyer EdudziTamakloe, says formerPresident Mahama’s commenton the Judiciary is not differentfrom an Afro-barometer reportby the Centre for DemocraticDevelopment (CDD).This statement comesafter the Attorney-General andMinister for Justice, GodfredDame responded to formerPresident John Mahama’s recentcritique of the Judiciary.The Former Presidentspeaking at a gathering at theNDC’s Lawyers’ Conference onSunday, August 28, said it willtake a new Chief Justice torepair the ‘broken image’ of theJudiciary.According to him, the currentleadership of the Judiciary lackswhat it takes to redeem itssunken image, hence the need fora new Chief Justice.Reacting to Mahama’scomment, Mr. Godfred YeboahDame said the former presidenthas developed the habit ofcriticising the Judiciaryunnecessarily.“Such conduct is clearlydeplorable, coming from one whohas occupied the highest officeof President and aspires againto that office. At this moment, itis important for all to note thatI express this sentiment notbecause I stand in opposition toFormer President John Dramani Mahamapension. Like President Kufuor orPresident Rawlings was receivinguntil he died. That is all I get.”…I pay the electricity bill formy house, for my office. I pay thewater bill for my house and office.I live in my own accommodationso the state does not pay meanything for accommodation,” hestated.former President Mahama as apolitician”, Godfred Dame said.Speaking on Accra-basedAtinka FM yesterday, lawyerEdudzi Tamakloe, said the attackon Mahama is unwarranted aswhat he said had already beensaid by others.He revealed that anAfrobarometer survey bythe Centre for DemocraticDevelopment (CDD) indicatedthat 85% of Ghanaians perceivejudges and magistrates ascorrupt.According to the report, morethan eight out of 10 Ghanaianssay at least some judges andmagistrates are corrupt,The former President made itclear that he has not been givenan office by the state.“I rent an office in East Cantonment,I pay the rent myself, Ipay for my own fuel, and the statedoesn’t give me fuel. I pay myown domestic staff, I pay my ownmedical bills. I pay for my own airtickets when I travel,” he said.“CDD report backs Mahama’sclaims against judges”including 40% who say almost allcourt officials are corrupt.“It’s either we do not liketo speak the truth or we areinterested in the person speakingthe truth. The Afro-barometersurvey by the Centre forDemocratic Development (CDD)indicated that 85% of Ghanaiansperceive judges and magistratesas corrupt. Kan Dapaah hasalso made a similar comment.How different is what JohnMahama said from that of theCDD, is it because it is comingfrom Mahama?,” Lawyer EdudziTamakloe told Kaakyire OforiAyim.

DAILY ANALYSTWednesday, 14th September, 2022 Page 5It is vital for young Africansto have balancedfacts, including Colonisation.In the wake ofQueen's Elizabeth death, Inotice misleading publicationsfrom African media houses andyoung Africans echoing lies andfractional facts in anger. Humanbeings must see truth as our bestfriend, concurring or even aboveintelligence and kindness. Ourcommon enemies are fear, greed,and arrogance-- these three existedin Africa and other placesway before Colonisation.They are the roots of evil, butthe main branches are ignorance,lies, and cruelty. Colonisationof individuals and familiesexisted in Africa, but Colonisationof countries is largelyby Westerners and Asians. Allevidence points to Africa as theorigin of humankind, thus goodand evil of humans likely startedin Africa, but our Children ofother races have become betterand worse than us? Let youngAfricans choose the best andpartner up around the world.Colonisation was a hard rescuefor Africans with advantagesand disadvantages, but are weoptimizing even the advantages?Although financially deceptive,Colonisation brought Africasteps closer to unity, but manyrefuse to see even the opportunity,much more to push ahead.Slavery started in Africa and wasmuch worse than Colonisation,but all enslavement were notequal; similarly, all Colonisationwere/are not equal and itis vital to differentiate them,without justifying the bad overthe worse. Our character in thelearning and working worldsmust be gauged and improvedto acceptable levels, not justour fun character ... Remembersex is just one big aspect of fun,which can be play (ok/bad) orworse than play...I have repeatedly criticise theEnglish language, even thoughit is my favourite language andsee it as huge blessing, waitingto be improved. Languagesevolve or devolve within orallevel, then similarly when written.English is no exception,the writers of old and modernEnglish took English to a newhigher level, but that does notmean squarely. The very word'Colonisation' is actually closerto the word clone than colon. Wecolonise our clones may be right,but we clonise our clones may becloser to reality. We cannot sayall humans had children due tofear and greed, but in all honestymost humans sought children(clones) due to fear and greed,sometimes arrogantly, fromhaving to managing. Even suchindividual Colonisation haveadvantages and disadvantages;so where family problems growbig, an offspring may disown alast name or even a language.Colonising families is still in existencein Africa, including smallGambia. Sometimes they call awhole family 'our slaves', but thetreatment is closer to Colonisation,deceptive relationship withzero or near zero force. Both aresometimes happily together inslave and master relationship...Beside the questionablesocial level in old Africa, thepre colonisation Africa must behonestly studied to understandwhy God allowed Colonisationas hard rescue. Africa, largely,had very cruel Kings and underresisting populace. Now we havestupid than cruel leaders withunder resisting populace? Besidecruelty, these African leadersfailed to significantly developlearning and working aspects ofAfrica. As little as writing, overninety percent of African languagesfailed to evolve to poor orgood writing level. The culturesrevolve around fun or play andabuse. A king that rules beyondthe Gambia once reportedly builta house with four alive womenas pillars, built around them.When my 'uneducated' mumwas narrating it to me, she said,'it was good the whites came...'My point is cruelty existed in Africaand needed to be challengedby Africans or others . When badwhites have to confront worseAfricans, I will say be my guest,but understand how to confrontthe bad whites after?Colonisation was done withnear zero resistance in mostpart of Africa. The African Kingswere lured with gifts, then toldwhat they can no longer do. Thewhites were the new looters,sharing the loot with prominentAfricans. The children of theKings were offered learning opportunitiesabove others, whileslaves in America were deniedlearning opportunities. In placeslike the Gambia, some chiefswere reluctant to send their childrento free school, many chiefssent others until they saw it wasbeneficial, then they sent theirbiological children. Some ordinaryparents allowed their childrento go to school, but lackedthe needed patience or changedmind. The very person I amnamed After is my grandfather,Jarga Kebba Njie, and was saidto be an exceptional student, buthis father forced him out of freeschool and the teachers appealedto no avail. The little schoolhe got was enough for him tobe a highly successful peanuttrader, buying peanuts from thelargely zero schooled farmersand selling to bigger traders andinternational world. The colonisersin a nutshell: 'We will lootthree million dollar worth ofgold from Ghana, million dollarof sand from the Gambia, but wewill give back one or two millionworth to the Gambia as 'freeeducation'; we will determinethe price of peanuts then andnow, you get something and ourpeople can taste and research onand beyond peanuts? Who forbidyou to research on peanuts+ orforce you to buy our value addedproducts? We will address one orfew cities as example, but howmany years before your liberatorsdo nationwide?When God made man million+years ago, some peoplerespected learning and learnersthan others. When the Godof heavens and earth revealedLearn( iqra) about 1500 years ago,some people misinterpreted itto mean learn only one religiousknowledge, but the root word ofiqra includes up to research. Realityand common sense revealhumans should learn to improvethemselves and avoid hurtingeach other. That special bookcalled the Koran or Recitationis also very balanced: it warnedus about hypocritical Christians,but said other good thingsabout Christians, including'they are lovers of knowledge'.A great Muslim must ask whysuch a verse and see it as challengeto love knowledge morethan the best of Christians or atleast average Christians. Sucha verse also confirms not onlyso called 'Islamic knowledge' isknowledge to God or the Angels.The misinterpretations bysome arrogant Arabs were sadlyunquestioned by Africans, sowhen Timbooktu taught mainlyone religious knowledge, otherswere respecting other aspectsof learning. Nas, the hip hopartist, may not truly understoodTimbooktu or ever visited there,but more important is how wecan have high end universitiesall over Africa, through Black+billionaires and millionaires. Wemust learn from Cuba and seek100% literacy, but we must startand support higher end learning.SARJO Manneh and Mo Sallahcan challenge other footballersbeyond Africans, Akon and Youssoundure can challenge singers,LeBron James and Jay z, etc butbeyond their countries. A billionairelike Oprah Winfrey sponsoringa high school or even collegemay be too low; we need manyhigh end universities in Africa,or just say thanks to slavery?'Lovers of Knowledge' meansthey spend enough time andmoney to get knowledge and rewardknowledgeable folks thanpraise singers and questionablemarabouts and pastors. Thereis some good in Religion, buttime must be balanced. Whenyou scan African satellite TV andsee mainly Christian channels,the Arabs are on questionablehadiths than Quaran, then fewAfrican entertainment thanedutainment music channels, itis almost scary, except it is betterthan doing drugs.Deception through culture,Religion, or government are allbad. Since our focus is Deceptionaround Colonisation, we mustnarrow it due to limited knowledgeand to avoid a book likearticle. We all agree, Colonisationwas largely financial Deception,but the world is more than finance.A country like the Gambiahappens to have near zero 'rawmaterials ' to loot. The GambiaPerspectiveBalanced Facts Around Colonisationand Way Forward for Africahappens to be a unique countryin Africa and the world! Peoplemay rightly talk about the BerlinConference, but the Gambia wasnot discussed there. The Gambiais the only country in the worldthat was created to end slavery,the worst human treatment. ThePortuguese came to the Gambia,but felt like Bissau was better;the French were in the Gambiaand Senegal, but when the bestof westerners wanted to endslavery, Portugal was not cooperativeand taking slaves fromBissau+. Since the French wereeither cowards, not determinedenough, or lacked equipmentthan Portugal or England, theEnglish carved out the Gambiaas the strategic point to confrontslave traders. Thus wasGambia born. Forth Bullen ofBarra have the evidence forTourists who believes in factsthan the fiction of Roots, KuntaKinteh. I wish Gambians werefreedom oriented and championfreedom around the world, but Iam one Gambian who thinks wehave a task greater than praisingthe past achievements.The crimes of the westernworld post Colonisation is arguablyworse than during Colonisation,except they have Africanpartners in both eras. Murderingour best leaders and helpingour bad to worst leaders is notminor. Like a good parent willnot prematurely release an offspring;the west was suppose tohave a quota of over 50% literacybefore independence. Or set itas conditions within xyz years,through xyz of taxes and aidsmust be dedicated to education.When you contrast howAfrican Kings occasionallyconquered tribes to how Asiansdid to each other, you will againconclude Africans are almostnever best or worst, often in thevalley of WWbogBB. The Whitescoming here was much betterthan allowing Asians againstus, especially then. The Loansour leaders are taking must besmartly invested in learningthan education, through compensatingachievements than researchfunding. The sick mindsetour children 'cannot repay us' isharming Africa at different levels,including leaving them withmismanaged loans as 'favor'.Remember the God who allowedlying whites to claim slavery as'favor' is still alive and may allowAngels to do worse to you, if yourefuse to repent. Let the African+children take better route thanour ancestors , whites, and others.God is not against Africans,but let us never think that weare above the universal laws.It is very wrong to pay fora crime you have not committed.As much as I believe thewest still have terrible criminalsagainst Africa, I think goodwhites exist and we must neverharm them in anyway, or becomelike the bad whites. Needlessto beat on my Grandparentsfor failing to invest in learningor resisting bad Kings and badwhites; if the average yearlyloot was one dollar per personduring colonial days, I think itwas much worse in the Jawaradays of the Gambia. Worse thanthe looting, our education andworking standards went down,except those who count quantityof schools. Then comes YahyaCont’d on page 9


Wednesday, 14th September, 2022 Page 5

It is vital for young Africans

to have balanced

facts, including Colonisation.

In the wake of

Queen's Elizabeth death, I

notice misleading publications

from African media houses and

young Africans echoing lies and

fractional facts in anger. Human

beings must see truth as our best

friend, concurring or even above

intelligence and kindness. Our

common enemies are fear, greed,

and arrogance-- these three existed

in Africa and other places

way before Colonisation.

They are the roots of evil, but

the main branches are ignorance,

lies, and cruelty. Colonisation

of individuals and families

existed in Africa, but Colonisation

of countries is largely

by Westerners and Asians. All

evidence points to Africa as the

origin of humankind, thus good

and evil of humans likely started

in Africa, but our Children of

other races have become better

and worse than us? Let young

Africans choose the best and

partner up around the world.

Colonisation was a hard rescue

for Africans with advantages

and disadvantages, but are we

optimizing even the advantages?

Although financially deceptive,

Colonisation brought Africa

steps closer to unity, but many

refuse to see even the opportunity,

much more to push ahead.

Slavery started in Africa and was

much worse than Colonisation,

but all enslavement were not

equal; similarly, all Colonisation

were/are not equal and it

is vital to differentiate them,

without justifying the bad over

the worse. Our character in the

learning and working worlds

must be gauged and improved

to acceptable levels, not just

our fun character ... Remember

sex is just one big aspect of fun,

which can be play (ok/bad) or

worse than play...

I have repeatedly criticise the

English language, even though

it is my favourite language and

see it as huge blessing, waiting

to be improved. Languages

evolve or devolve within oral

level, then similarly when written.

English is no exception,

the writers of old and modern

English took English to a new

higher level, but that does not

mean squarely. The very word

'Colonisation' is actually closer

to the word clone than colon. We

colonise our clones may be right,

but we clonise our clones may be

closer to reality. We cannot say

all humans had children due to

fear and greed, but in all honesty

most humans sought children

(clones) due to fear and greed,

sometimes arrogantly, from

having to managing. Even such

individual Colonisation have

advantages and disadvantages;

so where family problems grow

big, an offspring may disown a

last name or even a language.

Colonising families is still in existence

in Africa, including small

Gambia. Sometimes they call a

whole family 'our slaves', but the

treatment is closer to Colonisation,

deceptive relationship with

zero or near zero force. Both are

sometimes happily together in

slave and master relationship...

Beside the questionable

social level in old Africa, the

pre colonisation Africa must be

honestly studied to understand

why God allowed Colonisation

as hard rescue. Africa, largely,

had very cruel Kings and under

resisting populace. Now we have

stupid than cruel leaders with

under resisting populace? Beside

cruelty, these African leaders

failed to significantly develop

learning and working aspects of

Africa. As little as writing, over

ninety percent of African languages

failed to evolve to poor or

good writing level. The cultures

revolve around fun or play and

abuse. A king that rules beyond

the Gambia once reportedly built

a house with four alive women

as pillars, built around them.

When my 'uneducated' mum

was narrating it to me, she said,

'it was good the whites came...'

My point is cruelty existed in Africa

and needed to be challenged

by Africans or others . When bad

whites have to confront worse

Africans, I will say be my guest,

but understand how to confront

the bad whites after?

Colonisation was done with

near zero resistance in most

part of Africa. The African Kings

were lured with gifts, then told

what they can no longer do. The

whites were the new looters,

sharing the loot with prominent

Africans. The children of the

Kings were offered learning opportunities

above others, while

slaves in America were denied

learning opportunities. In places

like the Gambia, some chiefs

were reluctant to send their children

to free school, many chiefs

sent others until they saw it was

beneficial, then they sent their

biological children. Some ordinary

parents allowed their children

to go to school, but lacked

the needed patience or changed

mind. The very person I am

named After is my grandfather,

Jarga Kebba Njie, and was said

to be an exceptional student, but

his father forced him out of free

school and the teachers appealed

to no avail. The little school

he got was enough for him to

be a highly successful peanut

trader, buying peanuts from the

largely zero schooled farmers

and selling to bigger traders and

international world. The colonisers

in a nutshell: 'We will loot

three million dollar worth of

gold from Ghana, million dollar

of sand from the Gambia, but we

will give back one or two million

worth to the Gambia as 'free

education'; we will determine

the price of peanuts then and

now, you get something and our

people can taste and research on

and beyond peanuts? Who forbid

you to research on peanuts+ or

force you to buy our value added

products? We will address one or

few cities as example, but how

many years before your liberators

do nationwide?

When God made man million+

years ago, some people

respected learning and learners

than others. When the God

of heavens and earth revealed

Learn( iqra) about 1500 years ago,

some people misinterpreted it

to mean learn only one religious

knowledge, but the root word of

iqra includes up to research. Reality

and common sense reveal

humans should learn to improve

themselves and avoid hurting

each other. That special book

called the Koran or Recitation

is also very balanced: it warned

us about hypocritical Christians,

but said other good things

about Christians, including

'they are lovers of knowledge'.

A great Muslim must ask why

such a verse and see it as challenge

to love knowledge more

than the best of Christians or at

least average Christians. Such

a verse also confirms not only

so called 'Islamic knowledge' is

knowledge to God or the Angels.

The misinterpretations by

some arrogant Arabs were sadly

unquestioned by Africans, so

when Timbooktu taught mainly

one religious knowledge, others

were respecting other aspects

of learning. Nas, the hip hop

artist, may not truly understood

Timbooktu or ever visited there,

but more important is how we

can have high end universities

all over Africa, through Black+

billionaires and millionaires. We

must learn from Cuba and seek

100% literacy, but we must start

and support higher end learning.

SARJO Manneh and Mo Sallah

can challenge other footballers

beyond Africans, Akon and Youssou

ndure can challenge singers,

LeBron James and Jay z, etc but

beyond their countries. A billionaire

like Oprah Winfrey sponsoring

a high school or even college

may be too low; we need many

high end universities in Africa,

or just say thanks to slavery?

'Lovers of Knowledge' means

they spend enough time and

money to get knowledge and reward

knowledgeable folks than

praise singers and questionable

marabouts and pastors. There

is some good in Religion, but

time must be balanced. When

you scan African satellite TV and

see mainly Christian channels,

the Arabs are on questionable

hadiths than Quaran, then few

African entertainment than

edutainment music channels, it

is almost scary, except it is better

than doing drugs.

Deception through culture,

Religion, or government are all

bad. Since our focus is Deception

around Colonisation, we must

narrow it due to limited knowledge

and to avoid a book like

article. We all agree, Colonisation

was largely financial Deception,

but the world is more than finance.

A country like the Gambia

happens to have near zero 'raw

materials ' to loot. The Gambia


Balanced Facts Around Colonisation

and Way Forward for Africa

happens to be a unique country

in Africa and the world! People

may rightly talk about the Berlin

Conference, but the Gambia was

not discussed there. The Gambia

is the only country in the world

that was created to end slavery,

the worst human treatment. The

Portuguese came to the Gambia,

but felt like Bissau was better;

the French were in the Gambia

and Senegal, but when the best

of westerners wanted to end

slavery, Portugal was not cooperative

and taking slaves from

Bissau+. Since the French were

either cowards, not determined

enough, or lacked equipment

than Portugal or England, the

English carved out the Gambia

as the strategic point to confront

slave traders. Thus was

Gambia born. Forth Bullen of

Barra have the evidence for

Tourists who believes in facts

than the fiction of Roots, Kunta

Kinteh. I wish Gambians were

freedom oriented and champion

freedom around the world, but I

am one Gambian who thinks we

have a task greater than praising

the past achievements.

The crimes of the western

world post Colonisation is arguably

worse than during Colonisation,

except they have African

partners in both eras. Murdering

our best leaders and helping

our bad to worst leaders is not

minor. Like a good parent will

not prematurely release an offspring;

the west was suppose to

have a quota of over 50% literacy

before independence. Or set it

as conditions within xyz years,

through xyz of taxes and aids

must be dedicated to education.

When you contrast how

African Kings occasionally

conquered tribes to how Asians

did to each other, you will again

conclude Africans are almost

never best or worst, often in the

valley of WWbogBB. The Whites

coming here was much better

than allowing Asians against

us, especially then. The Loans

our leaders are taking must be

smartly invested in learning

than education, through compensating

achievements than research

funding. The sick mindset

our children 'cannot repay us' is

harming Africa at different levels,

including leaving them with

mismanaged loans as 'favor'.

Remember the God who allowed

lying whites to claim slavery as

'favor' is still alive and may allow

Angels to do worse to you, if you

refuse to repent. Let the African+

children take better route than

our ancestors , whites, and others.

God is not against Africans,

but let us never think that we

are above the universal laws.

It is very wrong to pay for

a crime you have not committed.

As much as I believe the

west still have terrible criminals

against Africa, I think good

whites exist and we must never

harm them in anyway, or become

like the bad whites. Needless

to beat on my Grandparents

for failing to invest in learning

or resisting bad Kings and bad

whites; if the average yearly

loot was one dollar per person

during colonial days, I think it

was much worse in the Jawara

days of the Gambia. Worse than

the looting, our education and

working standards went down,

except those who count quantity

of schools. Then comes Yahya

Cont’d on page 9

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