Wednesday, 14th September, 2022

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Page 10Ghana’s leading mobilemicroinsurancecompany, aYoIntermediaries Ghanapicked two top awardsat the recently held GhanaInsurance Awards 2022, stampingits authority on the country’smicroinsurance space.aYo Ghana, a subsidiaryof MTN Ghana, walked awaywith the plaques for the MobileInsurance Leadership Award andthe Best Growing IntermediaryFirm of the Year award. Thecompany won those two out offour nominations for the night.aYo’s two range of policies –Recharge with Care (RwC) andSend with Care (SwC) tower aboveother products in the mobilebasedmicroinsurance space,and they are driving insurancepenetration up significantly,particularly among the informalsector.The company recentlyBusinessaYo Ghana pickstwo laurels at GhanaInsurance Awards 2022marked its fifth year in theGhanaian market, churning outsome very impressive numbersin terms of subscribers, as wellas volumes and value of claimssettled so far.But it has since improvedon those numbers. Currentlyits customer base stands at 8.74million plus, comprising of about7.3 million Recharge with Carecustomers and about 1.5 millionSend with Care customers.Year to date, aYo has paid outabout GHS10.56 million in claimsto over 32,524 policyholders andbeneficiaries.aYo in partnership withMTN provides microinsurancesolutions which leverage ontechnology to give all MTNsubscribers and Ghanaians(particularly, low-middle incomeand informal sector workerswho are most vulnerable to risk/daily eventualities) relevant,affordable, accessible and easy-DAILY ANALYST Wednesday, 14th September, 2022to-use insurance.ProductsAs stated above, aYo has twomain lines of products – Rechargewith Care and Send with Care.Recharge with Care (RwC)gives the policyholder up toGHs120 per night as hospitalcover upon admission tosupport admission bills, andup to GHs6,000 as life cover inthe unfortunate passing of thepolicyholder or a registeredfamily member who is anadditional life on the policy forfree. All at costs the policyholderonly Ghs6 per month via airtimededuction.To access RwC, one simplyneeds to dial *296# and sign up.Send with Care, leverages onMTN mobile money and givesthe policyholder up to GHS30,000Hospital and Life insurancecover benefits whiles the receiverof the MoMo also receives upto GHs3,000 Life cover in theunfortunate passing of thesender.SwC can be found on theregular MTN MoMo short code,*170#; select option 1 (transfermoney), select option 3 (Sendwith Care) and follow the prompt.When one opts for SwC, 5%of the amount he or she sendat any time, will be deducted aspremium from the wallet.RwC Annual CoverMeanwhile, as part of itsfifth years anniversary, aYo hasintroduced a new feature toRecharge with Care (RwC) policy,dubbed RwC Annual Cover, whichenables RwC policyholders get12 months cover of GHs6,000life and GHs120 Hospitalizationbenefit, at a one-time premium ofGHs130 annually.In addition, policyholdersget to earn 10% cash-back ifno claims occur within the 12months cover period.The Recharge with CareAnnual Cover feature is based onuser feedback and lessons gainedsince the launch of RwC in April2018.Aside the benefits mentioned,RwC Annual Cover givescustomers the opportunity toavoid missing some monthlypremiums, so they have thepeace of mind knowing they arecovered for the whole year in caseof any eventuality.The company pointed out thethere are No E-Levy charges onpremiums paid.For further enquiries, one canfind aYo on Facebook, Twitterand Instagram with the nameaYo Ghana, or reach them onWhatsApp number 0596918235,or request a call back on 296 forinformation on their productsand services, or call 100 on MTN.Customers can also dial*296#, select option 1(continue),then option 8 (more info), then 6(more), 4 (request call back).Govt CommendsVodafone Ghana ForSupporting YouthThe Deputy Ministerof Communicationsand Digitalisation,Honourable AmaPomaa Boateng,has lauded Vodafone Ghanafor supporting the youth indeveloping core digital skills thatadd value to their careers andventures.The deputy minister madethe commendation during heropening remarks at the VodafoneSkills Fair held on 1st September,2022.She added that she wasespecially impressed withVodafone’s support for thegovernment’s agenda of drivingdigital growth among the youth.According to her, VodafoneGhana has shown thiscommitment over the years bypartnering with her ministry toembark on various initiativessuch as the Girls in ICTprogramme, the Tertiary DigitalInnovation programme, andothers.While applauding Vodafonefor hosting the skills fair,she urged the youth to takeadvantage of the platform to gaindigital skills that will preparethem for future challenges.“We thank you, VodafoneGhana, for your support over theyears. We encourage you, theyouth, to take up this space. Payattention, ask questions, and berelevant. Thank you, VodafoneGhana, for supporting our youth,making them digital citizens, andmaking them secure online,” sheadded.The Vodafone skills fairis a flagship corporate socialresponsibility programmechampioned by Vodafone. Itcreates a platform for youngGhanaians to connect withexperienced professionals whohave built enviable careers intheir respective fields.Jeremy Awori AppointedCEO for Ecobank GroupEcobank TransnationalIncorporated (ETI),the parent companyof the Ecobank Group,has announced theappointment of Jeremy Aworias new Group Chief ExecutiveOfficer.He will succeed the currentCEO, Ade Ayeyemi, who is to retiresoon from the Group.A statement from ETI saidAdeyemi is retiring because he isturning 60 soon and his successorwas named by the Board ahead ofthe exact retirement date, whichwill be announced later.Ecobank Group Chairman,Alain Nkontchou thanked Ade forhis immense contribution duringhis seven years Ecobank GroupCEO.He said “Ade can be rightlyproud of his success in leadingthe implementation of theRoadmap to Leadership strategy,navigating Ecobank throughchallenges, seizing opportunities,and positioning Ecobank forsustainable long-term growth.Ade’s deep knowledge, unrivalledvision, commitment and infinitepassion made all the difference.It has been a real pleasureworking with him. I count on hiscontinuous support to ensure asmooth transition as we onboardJeremy Awori as the new GroupCEO.”The Board Chair describedAde AyeyemiJeremy Awori as a highlyrespected leader in the bankingindustry with significantachievements in his previouscapacities, adding that the Boardof Directors strongly believesthat his drive and strong focuson results will be vital in steeringthe Group in its next phase.Ade Ayeyemi expressedhis deep gratitude for theopportunity to lead theEcobank Group and stated: “Itis a privilege to lead an amazingteam of Ecobankers in bringingthe Ecobank Group back togrowth and continuing to realiseour commendable pan-Africanmandate.” He also expressedhis commitment to a smoothtransition and onboarding of hissuccessor.The incoming Group CEO,Jeremy Awori, respondingto the announcement of hisappointment said: “It is a greathonour to be appointed EcobankGroup’s Chief Executive Officer.I look forward to consolidatingthe transformation of Ecobank,a truly pan-African institutionfull of talented people, whileinnovating to create value forall Ecobank’s stakeholders. I amhumbled by the opportunity tocontribute to the continent’seconomic development andfinancial integration withEcobank Group”Jeremy Awori is joiningEcobank Group following a25-year-long career in thebanking industry, with almost adecade leading Absa Bank KenyaPlc as the CEO & ManagingDirector.Before joining Absa, Jeremyheld multiple leadership roles atStandard Chartered Bank acrossthe Middle-East and Africa. Hebrings a wealth of experience,skills, and industry know-how tothe Ecobank Group.

DAILY ANALYSTWednesday, 14th September, 2022 Page 11SportsAnthony Joshua 'acceptsTyson Fury's terms' for all-British December fightGraham Potter:Challenge of beingChelsea manager 'toobig to turn down'Graham Potter has saidthe challenge of beingChelsea manager was"too big to turn down".Potter, 47, leftBrighton to take over at StamfordBridge after the Blues sackedThomas Tuchel.His first game in charge willbe a home Champions Leaguegroup game against Red BullSalzburg on Wednesday."You have to look at the tradition,the quality, size and ambitionof the club here," said Potter,who signed a five-year deal withthe Blues."It's a completely differentchallenge from the one I had atBrighton."I had three fantastic yearsthere, but I'm very thankful tothe owners here for putting theirtrust in me."He added: "My main job is tohelp the guys that are here, helpthem improve and put a team onthe pitch that the supporters areproud of."We want to create our ownteam, our own identity so thatit's recognisable. We'll fight everyday for it."Chelsea sacked Tuchel the dayafter defeat by Dinamo Zagreb intheir opening Champions Leaguegroup game, and face a Red BullSalzburg side who drew withAC Milan in their first Group Ematch.Asked if he had ever attendeda Champions League match,Potter said: "Off the top of myhead, I don't think I have - butit's a good time for me to get intothe dugout."My experiences in the ChampionsLeague are just at supporterlevel."But obviously I've experiencedthe Europa Leaguewith Ostersund, winning atGalatasaray and getting throughthe group stage."Wherever we would start itwould be a heck of an introduction,wherever we start it's goingto be brilliant, so why not starthere?"Potter was appointed a dayafter the departure of Tuchel andon the same day as the death ofQueen Elizabeth II was announced.Football paused last weekendas a mark of respect following theQueen's death, meaning Chelsea'smatch against Fulham waspostponed.The home game against RedBull Salzburg is taking place,but the Premier League matchagainst Liverpool on Sunday hasalso been called off "due to eventssurrounding the Queen's funeral"on Monday, 19 September.The international breakcomes after this weekend'sgames, meaning Potter's firsttop-flight match will be at CrystalPalace on Saturday, 1 October."We quickly had to make adecision," said Potter about hisappointment. "There were a lot oftalks and it was very intense."I got a nice feeling for theowners on a human level. Theyare good people. Very intelligentpeople with an understanding ofwhat they want to achieve."They've thought in the longterm, they have a plan so thatwas exciting."The challenge was too big toturn down. It felt right for me."I'll always be respectful andthankful for Brighton & HoveAlbion, but this is an amazingfootball club and an amazingchallenge for us."Boehly on Tuchel and ChelseaplansMeanwhile, Chelsea chairmanTodd Boehly says he is consideringa multi-club model as a wayto develop young players.The new co-owner cited ManchesterCity, who own severalteams worldwide and the RedBull teams at Leipzig and Salzburg,as successful models.Speaking at the SALT conferencein New York, Boehly spokeabout sacked manager ThomasTuchel for the first time, sayingthe German didn't have "a sharedvision for the future"."We have talked about havinga multi-club model, I would loveto continue to build out the footprint,"Boehly said."One of the challenges atChelsea is that when you have18, 19, 20-year old superstars, youloan them to other clubs but youput their development in someoneelse's hands."I think our goal is to makesure that we can show pathwaysto young superstars to get on theChelsea pitch while getting themreal game time. And to me theway to do that is through anotherclub somewhere in a really competitiveleague in Europe."Anthony Joshuahas acceptedWBC championTyson Fury'sterms for an all-British heavyweight fight on3 December and is "awaitinga response", his managementcompany has said.Joshua, 32, was sent an offerby Team Fury, suggesting a 60-40purse split to the champion anda December fight date.The fight was agreed onFriday but the announcementwas delayed because of the deathof the Queen last Thursday.Initial terms have beenagreed but Joshua is yet to sign acontract.I won't tell Vinicius Jr tocalm down - AncelottiReal Madrid managerCarlo Ancelottisays he will not tellVinicius Jr to tonedown his style of playafter incidents in La Liga at theweekend.The forward argued withReal Mallorca players and theirIn a statement postedon Twitter and shared byJoshua, 258MGT said: "258 andMatchroom Boxing can confirm,on behalf of Anthony Joshua, thatwe accepted all terms presentedto us by Fury's team for a fight."Fury, 34, had said he wasretiring after beating DillianWhyte in April, and reiteratedthat claim last month, beforechallenging former worldchampion Joshua in a videoposted on social media.Joshua was beaten byUkrainian Oleksandr Usyk intheir rematch in Saudi Arabialast month, his third defeat in hispast five bouts.There is a rematch clause withcoach Javier Aguirre during a 4-1win for Madrid.Ancelotti could be seen tellingthe Brazilian to calm down, butplayed down the issue beforethe Champions League match athome to RB Leipzig."I see a great playerdemonstrating his talent - that'sa 50-50 split if Joshua beats Fury,but the venue for the Decemberfight, should it go ahead, is yet tobe confirmed.Cardiff's Principality Stadiumhas been mooted, while SaudiArabia or another country in theMiddle East could also host it.There are still hurdles toovercome before the fight isfinalised, with both fighterssigned to rival promoters andbroadcasters, although twotimechampion Joshua thisweek entered the WBC rankingsin sixth position in anothersignificant development.A boxer must be ranked in thetop 15 by all governing bodies tochallenge for a world," Ancelotti said."I'm not deaf and I'm notstupid, I can hear what is beingsaid but this isn't a topic for us orfor Vinicius. He has extraordinaryquality and it's normal thatopponents try to stop him in histracks and the rules of the gameare there to protect all players,not just Vinicius."Vinicius, 22, has scored inhis past five matches in allcompetitions, and Madrid arein good form heading into theLeipzig game.The reigning Europeanchampions have won all five oftheir domestic fixtures to leadLa Liga, and won 3-0 at Celtic lastweek in their opening Group Fgame.Leipzig endured a humbling4-1 home defeat by ShakhtarDonetsk on the same night,which led to coach DomenicoTedesco being sacked the nextdayḢowever, they have madea flying start to life undersuccessor Marco Rose, whooversaw a 3-0 win over BorussiaDortmund in the Bundesligaon Saturday in his first game incharge

Page 10

Ghana’s leading mobile


company, aYo

Intermediaries Ghana

picked two top awards

at the recently held Ghana

Insurance Awards 2022, stamping

its authority on the country’s

microinsurance space.

aYo Ghana, a subsidiary

of MTN Ghana, walked away

with the plaques for the Mobile

Insurance Leadership Award and

the Best Growing Intermediary

Firm of the Year award. The

company won those two out of

four nominations for the night.

aYo’s two range of policies –

Recharge with Care (RwC) and

Send with Care (SwC) tower above

other products in the mobilebased

microinsurance space,

and they are driving insurance

penetration up significantly,

particularly among the informal


The company recently


aYo Ghana picks

two laurels at Ghana

Insurance Awards 2022

marked its fifth year in the

Ghanaian market, churning out

some very impressive numbers

in terms of subscribers, as well

as volumes and value of claims

settled so far.

But it has since improved

on those numbers. Currently

its customer base stands at 8.74

million plus, comprising of about

7.3 million Recharge with Care

customers and about 1.5 million

Send with Care customers.

Year to date, aYo has paid out

about GHS10.56 million in claims

to over 32,524 policyholders and


aYo in partnership with

MTN provides microinsurance

solutions which leverage on

technology to give all MTN

subscribers and Ghanaians

(particularly, low-middle income

and informal sector workers

who are most vulnerable to risk/

daily eventualities) relevant,

affordable, accessible and easy-

DAILY ANALYST Wednesday, 14th September, 2022

to-use insurance.


As stated above, aYo has two

main lines of products – Recharge

with Care and Send with Care.

Recharge with Care (RwC)

gives the policyholder up to

GHs120 per night as hospital

cover upon admission to

support admission bills, and

up to GHs6,000 as life cover in

the unfortunate passing of the

policyholder or a registered

family member who is an

additional life on the policy for

free. All at costs the policyholder

only Ghs6 per month via airtime


To access RwC, one simply

needs to dial *296# and sign up.

Send with Care, leverages on

MTN mobile money and gives

the policyholder up to GHS30,000

Hospital and Life insurance

cover benefits whiles the receiver

of the MoMo also receives up

to GHs3,000 Life cover in the

unfortunate passing of the


SwC can be found on the

regular MTN MoMo short code,

*170#; select option 1 (transfer

money), select option 3 (Send

with Care) and follow the prompt.

When one opts for SwC, 5%

of the amount he or she send

at any time, will be deducted as

premium from the wallet.

RwC Annual Cover

Meanwhile, as part of its

fifth years anniversary, aYo has

introduced a new feature to

Recharge with Care (RwC) policy,

dubbed RwC Annual Cover, which

enables RwC policyholders get

12 months cover of GHs6,000

life and GHs120 Hospitalization

benefit, at a one-time premium of

GHs130 annually.

In addition, policyholders

get to earn 10% cash-back if

no claims occur within the 12

months cover period.

The Recharge with Care

Annual Cover feature is based on

user feedback and lessons gained

since the launch of RwC in April


Aside the benefits mentioned,

RwC Annual Cover gives

customers the opportunity to

avoid missing some monthly

premiums, so they have the

peace of mind knowing they are

covered for the whole year in case

of any eventuality.

The company pointed out the

there are No E-Levy charges on

premiums paid.

For further enquiries, one can

find aYo on Facebook, Twitter

and Instagram with the name

aYo Ghana, or reach them on

WhatsApp number 0596918235,

or request a call back on 296 for

information on their products

and services, or call 100 on MTN.

Customers can also dial

*296#, select option 1(continue),

then option 8 (more info), then 6

(more), 4 (request call back).

Govt Commends

Vodafone Ghana For

Supporting Youth

The Deputy Minister

of Communications

and Digitalisation,

Honourable Ama

Pomaa Boateng,

has lauded Vodafone Ghana

for supporting the youth in

developing core digital skills that

add value to their careers and


The deputy minister made

the commendation during her

opening remarks at the Vodafone

Skills Fair held on 1st September,


She added that she was

especially impressed with

Vodafone’s support for the

government’s agenda of driving

digital growth among the youth.

According to her, Vodafone

Ghana has shown this

commitment over the years by

partnering with her ministry to

embark on various initiatives

such as the Girls in ICT

programme, the Tertiary Digital

Innovation programme, and


While applauding Vodafone

for hosting the skills fair,

she urged the youth to take

advantage of the platform to gain

digital skills that will prepare

them for future challenges.

“We thank you, Vodafone

Ghana, for your support over the

years. We encourage you, the

youth, to take up this space. Pay

attention, ask questions, and be

relevant. Thank you, Vodafone

Ghana, for supporting our youth,

making them digital citizens, and

making them secure online,” she


The Vodafone skills fair

is a flagship corporate social

responsibility programme

championed by Vodafone. It

creates a platform for young

Ghanaians to connect with

experienced professionals who

have built enviable careers in

their respective fields.

Jeremy Awori Appointed

CEO for Ecobank Group

Ecobank Transnational

Incorporated (ETI),

the parent company

of the Ecobank Group,

has announced the

appointment of Jeremy Awori

as new Group Chief Executive


He will succeed the current

CEO, Ade Ayeyemi, who is to retire

soon from the Group.

A statement from ETI said

Adeyemi is retiring because he is

turning 60 soon and his successor

was named by the Board ahead of

the exact retirement date, which

will be announced later.

Ecobank Group Chairman,

Alain Nkontchou thanked Ade for

his immense contribution during

his seven years Ecobank Group


He said “Ade can be rightly

proud of his success in leading

the implementation of the

Roadmap to Leadership strategy,

navigating Ecobank through

challenges, seizing opportunities,

and positioning Ecobank for

sustainable long-term growth.

Ade’s deep knowledge, unrivalled

vision, commitment and infinite

passion made all the difference.

It has been a real pleasure

working with him. I count on his

continuous support to ensure a

smooth transition as we onboard

Jeremy Awori as the new Group


The Board Chair described

Ade Ayeyemi

Jeremy Awori as a highly

respected leader in the banking

industry with significant

achievements in his previous

capacities, adding that the Board

of Directors strongly believes

that his drive and strong focus

on results will be vital in steering

the Group in its next phase.

Ade Ayeyemi expressed

his deep gratitude for the

opportunity to lead the

Ecobank Group and stated: “It

is a privilege to lead an amazing

team of Ecobankers in bringing

the Ecobank Group back to

growth and continuing to realise

our commendable pan-African

mandate.” He also expressed

his commitment to a smooth

transition and onboarding of his


The incoming Group CEO,

Jeremy Awori, responding

to the announcement of his

appointment said: “It is a great

honour to be appointed Ecobank

Group’s Chief Executive Officer.

I look forward to consolidating

the transformation of Ecobank,

a truly pan-African institution

full of talented people, while

innovating to create value for

all Ecobank’s stakeholders. I am

humbled by the opportunity to

contribute to the continent’s

economic development and

financial integration with

Ecobank Group”

Jeremy Awori is joining

Ecobank Group following a

25-year-long career in the

banking industry, with almost a

decade leading Absa Bank Kenya

Plc as the CEO & Managing


Before joining Absa, Jeremy

held multiple leadership roles at

Standard Chartered Bank across

the Middle-East and Africa. He

brings a wealth of experience,

skills, and industry know-how to

the Ecobank Group.

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