koski1968 BAUME

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582 Koski

48. Lacroix, I’.: The Organization of Bones, .London, 1951, J. & A. Churchill, Idid.

49. Laitinen, L.: Craniosynostosis, Ann. paed. Fenn. 2: Suppl. 6, 1956.

50. I,atham, R. A., and Burston, W. It. : 7’11c Postnatal Pattern of (Growth at ille ,Suturcs of

the Human Skull, D. Practitioner 17: 61-67, 1966.

51. Massler, M., and &hour, L: The Growth I’attern of the Cranial X’ault in the Albino Rat

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52. Mednick, L. W., and Washburn, S. L.: Them Role of the Sutures in tho Growth of t,hr:

Braincase of the Infant Pig, Am. J-. Phys. Anthrop. 14: 175191, 1956.

53. Moss, &I. L.: Experiment,al Alteration of Sutural Arca Morphology, Anat. Rec. 1%‘:

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54. Moss, M. I,.: Fusion of the Frontal Suture in the Rat, Am. J. Anat. 102: X41-165, 1958.

55. Moss, M. L.: Functional Analysis of liuman Mandibular Growth, J. Pros. Dent. 10:

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56. Moss, M. L., a,nd Yomung, R. W.: A Functional Approach to Craniology, Am. J. Phys.

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57. Moss, M. L.: Extrinsic Det,ermination of’ Sutural Area Morphology in the Rat Calvaria,

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58. MOSS, M. L.: The Functional Matrix in Vistas in Orthodontics, edited by B. 8. Kraus

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61. Powell, T. V., and Brodie, A. G.: Closure of the Spheno-Occipital Synchondrosis, Anat.

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62. Pritchard, J. J., Scott, J. H., and Girgis, F. G.: The Structure and Development of

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63. Ricketts, R. M.: Facial and Denture Changes During Orthodontic Treatment as Analyzed

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64. Robinson, I. B., and Sarnat, B. G.: Growth Pattern of the Pig Mandible. A Serial

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65. Rosen, M. D., Butcher, E. O., and Silverman, S. I.: Muscle and Skull Developmental

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66. Ryijppy, S.: Transplantation of Epiphyseal Cartilage and Cranial Suture, Acta orthop.

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67. Riinning, 0.: The Effect of Papain on the Morphology and Sutural Growth of the Rat

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68. RSnning, 0.: Observations on the Intracerebral Transplantation of the Mandibular

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69. Rb;nning, 0.: The Effect of Papain on Transplanted Homologous Synchondroses. To be


70. RGnning, O., Paunio’, K., and Koski, K.: Observations on the Histology, Histochemistry,

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71. Salzmann, J. A.: Practice of Orthodontics, Philadelphia, 1966, J. B. Lippincott Company,

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72. Sarnat, B. G.: Facial and Neurocranial Growth After Removal of the Mandibular Condyle

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73. Sarnat, B. G.: Postnatal Growth of the Upper Face: Some Experimental Considerations,

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74. Sarnnt, B. G., and Wexler, M. R.: Growth of the Face and Jaws After Resection of the

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75. Scott, J. H.: The Growth of the Human Face, Proc. Roy. Sot. Med. London 47: 91-100,


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