koski1968 BAUME

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576 Koski

Fig. 11. Two subcutaneous transplants of thr c~~ndplar wrl ilag~: proper, originally from a

3.day-old rat, after 30 days of transplantal ion. Both spwimws aw ljartly raytilaginous, but

chondroid bone formation is also soen, oq~wially in the larger qwcirncbn. Thv smaller one is

of the original size, and the larger ant> appcaw lo Imw incwnswl in sizc in :i direction corresponding

to the sagit,tal dimension in sit,,.




12. A subcutaneous transplant of the condylar cartilage plus

a 5-day-old rat, after 30 days of transplantation. There is a m

de in situ.

adjacent ossified r amus

oderate resemblance to a

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