koski1968 BAUME

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Cranial growth centers:

Facts or f alla&s?




T H E term growth center is widely used in connection with skeletal growth

phenomena and thus is also a part of the orthodontic vocabulary.28 Scientific

terms should be clearly defined. However, a brief perusal of the literature reveals

that this term has been used rather loosely to cover many kinds of skeletal

growth site. In fact, the only form of bone growth for which the term has not

been used is the periosteal and endosteal growth, with the modeling resorption

linked with it.

In the second Mershon Memorial Lecture, Baume? proposed that the term

skeletal growth center be used to describe “places of endochondral ossification

with tissue separation force.” It seems that this very idea is implicit in most

usages of the term growth center. If the definition is accepted, then it seems

that the epiphyseal growth plate (Fig. 1) is the prototype of the growth

center.131 24145147148s 84 One has only to read a few discussions on cranial growth to

see that most authors agree with this, since they compare the various cranial

“growth centers,” whatever they may be, with the epiphyseal growth plates.

The definition proposed by Baume already implies a degree of spatial limitation,

that is, a growth center includes only the territory where endochondral

ossification is taking place. The time element also appears important. Some

sites of endochondral ossification are of a very temporary nature only and do

not contribute to the growth of the skeleton in an appreciable way (for example,

the secondary ossification centers of the epiphyses). Thus, the term growth

center should mean a place where growth of the skeleton is occurring for a sufficient

length of time to make a real contribution to the increase of the skeletal

mass beyond t,he size of the model tissue existing at the onset of the growth center

function. A modified definition, therefore, would be that a growth center is a

site of endochondral ossification with tissue-separating force, contributing to the

increase of skeletal mass.


Presented as the John V. Mershon Memorial Lecture at the annual meeting of the

American Association of Orthodontists in St. Louis, MO., April 23, 1967.

Cranial growth centers 567

Fig. 1. A well-organized epiphyseal growth plate in a transplant originally consisting of the

distal cartilaginous end of the radius of the rat, after a 39.day period of transplantation

in the brain tissue.

In the following review I shall try to examine some of the alleged growth

centers of the craniofacial skeleton, using this definition as the criterion. In

order to be more meaningful from the orthodontic point of view, the discussion

will be limited to the postnatal period.


On the basis of the definition, the sutures cannot be called growth centers.

Baume? proposed the term growth site for “regions of periosteal or sutural bone

formation and modeling resorption adaptive to environmental influences,” a

definition which has been accepted by a recent textbook of orthodonticsT1 As

will be seen later, there is much evidence in favor of this differentiation between

growth centers and growth sites. However, since sutures have been called growth

centers or have been regarded as being homologous to epiphyseal growth

plates,4gs *o-83, Q” the “case of the sutural growth” must be dealt with here in some

detail. For a rather comprehensive discussion of this problem and of the cranial

growth in general, a recent review by Hoyte31 is recommended.

That a considerable amount of growth occurs in the sutural areas has been

proved by many authors,% 2% 49, 51, 52, 62, QL 92 and from that point of view the

so-called sutural growth is of major importance in craniofacial growth.

There appear to be two differing views concerning the structure of the

sutures (Fig. 2).

5 68 Koski

Fig. 2. A schematic illustration of the two &Bering views on the structure of the suture. A

represents the three-layer concept; B, the five-layer concept (see text).


One school of thoughP+ go sees the suture as a. three-layer structure. It maintains

that the connective tissue between the two bones plays the same part as

the cartilage at the base of the skull, in the epiphyses, and on t,he articular

surfaees of long bones, that is, there is n “spreading” of the suture, initiated by

the proliferation of the middle layer cdls of the sutural tissue. This concept

appears to imply the existence of “tissue-separating force” in the sutural tissue.

The other concept regards the suture as a five-la.yer structure.62, *O, 81 Each

bone at the suture has its own two-layer periosteum covering also the opposing

surfaces of the bones as if the bones were in a package, and there is a fifth layer

between these periosteal layers. The role of this fifth layer is seen in allowing

for slight adjustments between the bones during growth, while the active proliferating

role is played by the cambial layers of the periosteums of each

bone 26, 51, 62, 75

When histologic specimens of sutures are examined, it is obvious that men

of both schools of thought must have studied the same structures, and they

differ only in the interpretation of the structures (Fig. 3).

It may be mentioned in passing that cartilage tissue has been observed in

the suture areas,54l 62 but it has not been found to be of significance as a growth

center; in some instances, it appears at t.he time of the closure of the suture.54

It is quite clear that the structure of a suture is not at all similar to that of

an epiphyseal growth plate. The question remains: is there an expansive force?

Is the growth in the sutural area of primary nature, that is, does it have an

independent growth-promoting potential, thereby pushing the bones apart, or

is it of secondary nature, a response to some factor or factors, primarily effecting

the separation of the bones and thus necessitating or allowing for an apposition

at the bone surfaces ? (Fig. 4.)

Some authors maintain that “there is no doubt that sutural growth is a

primary and active mechanism for the enlargement of the cranium” and that

Volume 54

Number 8

Cranial growth centers 5 69

Fig. 3. A photomicrograph of a section of the intern-1 suture of the rat. Note that the

periosteum appears to be continuous all around the bone edges, with a vascular layer between

the periosteal layers in the suture itself.

“the apposition of new bone at the sutural surfaces enlarges the single bones

but not the cranium.“s3 This concept is challenged by others, who maintain that

the sutures are not acting as primary growth agents56-5sy 75~ 77 but that the growth

in the sutural areas is secondary and caused by the growth of cartilaginous elements

of the craniofacial complex75y 77 or by the effect of the so-called “functional

matrix.“56l 58

Obviously, these differing opinions are not necessarily correlated with the

different views of the functional structure of the sutures. Whether the appositional

growth at the bone edges in the sutural areas is regarded as being due

primarily to the proliferation of the middle layer cells or of the cambial layer

cells, it may still be either a relatively independent growth process or governed

by some external forces.

Evidence in favor of the dependent role of the sutural growth appears to

be accumulating.

The literature contains only a few observations that are directly related to

this problem. It has been observed that the trabecular pattern in the bones at

the sutures changes with age, probably indicating the changes in the direction

of growth,34 and it is difficult to believe that the sutural tissue itself would have

the information necessary for altering the direction of growth. Subcutaneous

autotransplants of the zygomaticomaxillary suture area in the guinea pig have

* k

Fig. 4. A schematic illustration of the two differing views on the function of the suture. B

represents the concept of a thrusting force residing in the sutural tissue itself; B represents

the concept of an outside force separating the bones from each other.

Fig. 5. A schematic illustration of the nearly parallel superficial direction of the main sutures

of the upper face and of the range of direction of maxillary growth. (After BjGrk: Aota

odont. scandinav. 24: 109-127, 1966.)

not been found to grow,sg which clearly speaks against the existence of an autonomous

growth potential in the sutural tissue. An extirpation of facial sutures

appears to have no appreciable effect on the dimensional growth of the skeleton.73

The shape of the sutures has been found to depend on functional stimuli,53x 57 the

closure of the sutures appears likewise extrinsically determined,54 the sites of

sutures appear not to be predetermined,27 and it is possible to bring the sutural

growth to a halt by such mechanical forces as metal clips applied across the

suture@ or even by inserting a solid bone bridge in the suture.26 In a recent

study in which defects in fibulas of rabbits and dogs were filled with autotransplants

of cranial sutural areas, it was found that the sutural tissues grew so as

to maintain the normal increase in length of the bone.66 This certainly demonstrates

the great adaptability of the sutural tissue, but it does not prove that

the tissue has an independent growth potential.

A popular view holds that the circum-maxillary sutures are parallel to each

other so as to effect the forward-downward growth of the maxilla.8sr 9o However,

it has been shown that this parallelism is only superficial ; the growth at the

zygomaticomaxillary suture, for instance, occurs mainly in a lateral direction.”

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Cranial growth centers 571

Fig. 6. A photomicrograph of the basi-presphenoid synchondrosis of the rat showing the

resemblance of this cartilage to an epiphyseal growth plate.

Furthermore, the direction of growth of the maxilla may vary from 0 to 82 degrees

in relation to the sella-nasion lineI (Fig. 5). How would the sutures,

which are running in practically the same direction in every face, know when to

push the maxilla parallel to the reference line and when to push the jaw in an

almost straight downward direction ?

From the evidence presented, one comes to the conclusion that it is unlikely

that the sutural tissues have a tissue-separating force and that they are not,

therefore, even comparable to growth centers.


The importance of the synchondroses of the cranial base, especially of the

spheno-occipital synchondrosis, is stressed almost universally,4p ‘1 s* 71r 75, 78, Tsg *2*

a37 w 9o and most authors regard it as a growth center of primary value for the

growth of the craniofacial skeleton.

There is no doubt about the structural similarity between the basicranial

synchondroses and the epiphyseal growth plates, although some minor differences

in histology and histochemistry seem to exist between these two categories

of cartilage70 (Fig. 6). The reaction of the synchondroses to various biochemical

stimuli is also similar to that of the epiphyseal growth plates73 32s 69

and it is obvious that endochondral ossification is taking place adjacent to these

cartilages. The scene appears to be ready for the title of growth center-but

is it?

Actually, there appears to be no published evidence of the existence of a

tissue-separating force in the synchondroses. The removal of the spheno-occipital

synchondrosis has been observed to result in an arrest of growth in length of

the cranial base,lg but this does not prove that the cartilage has an independent

growth-promoting potential. The considerable amount of growth that occurs in

Fig. 7. No growth is evident in :I 304:1y t r:tt~s~)lantntiorl (subcut,aneous) of a cranial base

synchondrosis of the rat.

the cranial base, probably due mostly to the endochondral ossification at the

synchondroses, may still be only a response to external stimuli4”

One way of trying to obt,ain direct information about the independent

growth potential of this cartilage is to follow its growth as a transplant in a

relatively nonfunctional site. 24 When this is done, it is seen tha.t the basieranial

synchondroses do not grow and effect dimensional growth of the adjacent bone4G

in a manner comparable to that seen in situ4 (Fig. 7). The cartilage appears

not to have the same amount of independent, growth potential as t,hat observed

in transplants of epiphyseal cartilage under similar experimental condi-

tions 24, 45, 47, 48, 89

In this connection, it should be mentioned that some authors have expressed

doubt about the significance of the spheno-occipital synchondrosis for cranial

growth, on the basis that it appears to close much earlier than is usually stated

in the textbooks, namely, when the individual is 11 to 16 years of age,O1 and

that, even until that time, the dimensional increase of the clivus during the

postnatal period is very slight.”

It appears, then, that at the present time there is no direct evidence to

support the claim that the synchondroses are growth cent,ers in the sense of the



The role of the cartilaginous nasal septum has been discussed by many authors

also ‘9 ‘3 7l I43 ‘j, 78, 7o, 80, 81 and the general consensus seems to he that it pro-


Cranial growth centers 573


Fig. 8. Schematic illustration of the cartilaginous nasal septum, of its relation to the neighboring

structures, ad of its alleged growth directions. A, Sagittal view; B, frontal view.

E, Ethmoid bone; M, maxilla; S, septum; V, vomer.


Fig. 9. A photomicrograph of the posterior part of the cartilaginous nasal septum of a young

rat, in which two areas of endochondral growth show. (Courtesy of Dr. 0. RBnning.)

vides a thrusting force which carries the maxilla forward and downward during

growth (F’ig. 8). Could it be a growth center?

Histologic examinations reveal that there is endochondral ossification taking

place at the septo-ethmoidal junction6 and that there is an area of proliferation

at the vomeral edge of the cartilage7 (Fig. 9). In the palatal area there is resorption

on the nasal side and apposition on the oral side of the bony

palate.2l 7, *L 22 These findings appear to support the general opinion.

Experimentally, it has been shown that excision of the nasal septum affects

the growth of the upper face considerably. 73y 74 However, it is clear that these

experiments do not prove anything about the role of the nasal septum; they

show only what happens if it is not there, and the malformations resulting from

the operations may dust as well b(: ,Iuc~ to t t~;~um;l.l~ I1 is ills0 cYJ~llCY~iVillblP t Il;tt till’

nasal Sf?~1tUlll is a central SUpport fol’ tllt& ll])[K’? f;lc+al ill'f'il. iUltl ils loss II~SIlLtS

in a predictable co1 lapse in thtl ar(‘i~.

An early submucous resection of tht, rlasal septum clot3 not s(‘om to ha\,(h an>

adverse effect. on the devclopmcnt of th(l middle fa(~.“; A twcnt wpnrt (‘oneerning

an arrhinencephalic Cl-month-old child (with the septum missing) states

that the resorption and apposition ~I’OWSWS in the hn,v I)aliit,c WPIY’ occurring

normally and that the height of the nppcr face was not greatly aR’ccted, although

the sagittal development of tht nlitldle third of the fact was rt~tardctl.“”

This finding seems t,o indicate that the nasal cartilaginous scptnm may be im

portant for the anteroposterior growth 0-l’ the upper face, prcsuma.blp hccanse of

the endochondral growth process occurring at its posterior horder! but that it

is not an active contributor to the verticaal dcvclopment of the fact.

On the basis of the present evidence, wc may conclude that the septo-ethmoidal

junction possibly acts as a growth center during postnatal life, although

direct evidence of this is lacking and may. indeed, be difficult, to obtain.



The cartilage in the condyle of the mandible has probably been subject to

more studies and discussions than any other part of the cra,niofacial skeleton,

from the stand-point of growth.

Most orthodontic texts seem to accept the opinion that “growt,h at the

condyle moves the mandibular body forward and downward and thus opens the

space below the cranial base int,o which mandibular and maxillary alveolar

processes grow and teeth erupt,” and the eondylar growth is, therefore, considered

“indispensable for the normal vertical growth of the face.“‘” It has also

been claimed that the growth of t,he condylar cartilage is responsible for the

anteroposterior growth of the mandible,” and the general feeling seems to br

that we are here dealing with the most important growth center of the lower


There have been a few claims to the contrary. Scott7” wa.s of the opinion that

the growth of the condylar cartilage enables the condylr “to grow upwards and

backwards so as to maintain the contact at the temporomandibular joint as the

mandible is carried downwards and forwards by the growth of the upper facial

skeleton.” He further compared the condyle to the end of the clavicle, maintaining

that they are similar in structure, and pointing out that it would not

be correct to say that the clavicles are pushing the sternum and scapulas apart.

During the past few years, MOE@, X+ 5x has been advocating the same view as far

as the role of condylar growth is concerned, but he maintains that the governing

agent is the so-called “functional matrix.”

The structure of this cartilage has been studied and explained by many authors.7,

12, =, 85y se3 9o Apparently, however, the findings of researchers have often

been misinterpreted by readers who have not had first-hand knowledge of the

subject, and a few remarks seem to be called for after all.

This cartilage is a latecomer, a secondary cartilage, and not a part of the

Meckel’s cartilage that acts as the model for the early development of the man-

Volume 54

Number 8

Cranial growth centers 575

Fig. 10. The condyle of a Sday-old rat. There is a relatively wide intermediate layer (the

upper third of the nonossified top of the condyle, excluding the narrow darkly stained articular

zone), a narrow zone of cartilage cells, and a wide zone of hypertrophic cells (darkly

stained). Note the absence of a structural organization, as seen in the epiphyseal growth

plate in Fig. 1. (Courtesy of Dr. 0. Ronning.)

dible. It is not an articular cartilage, nor is it an epiphyseal growth plate

(Fig. 10). It does not even form from the same embryonic precursor tissue as

the epiphyseal cartilages,53 36 a fact which may have something to do with its

structure and function.

It is claimed that the condylar cartilage grows not interstitially, like the

epiphyseal cartilages, but appositionally from the deepest layer of the connective

tissue cover of the condyle.82~ 83185l 86p 9o Th’ is mitotic layer responsible for the

increase of the cartilage is also called the intermediate layer. It is located between

the surface of the condyle and the cartilaginous portion of it,12 and the

cells of this layer are not cartilage cells but are rather like undifferentiated

mesenchymal cells.7o In the epiphyseal cartilages, as we know, the proliferating

cells are cartilage cells. There are other differences between the condylar cartilage

and the epiphyseal growth cartilages. The structural organization present

in the epiphyseal growth apparatuses is lacking in the condylar cartilage, and

the zone of nonhypertrophic cartilage cells in the condyle is very narrow, the

forming cartilage cells turning hypertrophic almost immediately,12> 7o as in the

clavic1e.l It is of special interest that the whole hypertrophic area in the condylar

cartilage seems to be in a state of mineralization, whereas in the epiphy-

576 Koski

Fig. 11. Two subcutaneous transplants of thr c~~ndplar wrl ilag~: proper, originally from a

3.day-old rat, after 30 days of transplantal ion. Both spwimws aw ljartly raytilaginous, but

chondroid bone formation is also soen, oq~wially in the larger qwcirncbn. Thv smaller one is

of the original size, and the larger ant> appcaw lo Imw incwnswl in sizc in :i direction corresponding

to the sagit,tal dimension in sit,,.




12. A subcutaneous transplant of the condylar cartilage plus

a 5-day-old rat, after 30 days of transplantation. There is a m

de in situ.

adjacent ossified r amus

oderate resemblance to a

Volume 54

Number 8

Cranial growth centers 577

seal growth apparatuses only the degenerative zone is mineralizing.70 Finally,

the so-called primary spongiosa, always present in the long bones, seems to be

absent in the condyle.33a TO

In regard to the function of the condylar cartilage, differences have been

found to exist between it and the epiphyses. The condylar cartilage is highly

responsive to mechanical stimuli79 8a I51 I6 and responds differently from the epiphyseal

cartilages to various hormonal and chemical agents.?’ 32~ 6g

The decisive point is the question of the tissue-separating force or the independent

growth-promoting potential. As mentioned earlier, the existence of this

force or potential has been implicit in the interpretation of the function of the

condylar cartilage in most descriptions of the condyle. This problem can again

be tackled by way of transplantation. If the condylar cartilage is transplanted

to a relatively nonfunctional site, such as the subcutaneous or brain tissue, it

does not maintain its structure and does not behave like the condylar cartilage

in sit@+ 68 (Fig. 11). Only when it is accompanied by a piece of adjacent

bony ramus may the transplant grow, and even then the structure is not maintained

in the beautiful manner observed in transplanted epiphyseal cartilages249

45847348 (Fig. 12). Tissue-culture studies have also demonstrated lack of

growth of the condylar cartilage.6o

Thus, these experiments have furnished evidence for the lack of growth

potential in the condylar cartilage, and the condylar cartilage does not seem

to fulfill the definition of a growth center.

Actually, the opinion that the condylar cartilage and its growth would be

of major importance for the growth of the mandible, let alone the face as a

whole, appears rather odd, considering the known facts. To a la,rge extent, the

mandible grows in size by periosteal and endosteal apposition and remodeling

resorption.14* 2os 64p *Or Q 83~ 9o Furthermore, it seems obvious t.hat this bone consists

of several relatively independent parts, whose existence and growth depend on

different factors39 2gg 85 These facts already speak strongly against the simple idea

that the growth of the mandible would be dependent on growth at the condyle,

located in one corner of the curved bone.

There is a great deal of further clinical and experimental evidence against

Fig. 13. A schematic illustration of the effect of a condylar resection in monkey (based on

Sarnat’s illustrations). The black point represents the mental foramen, which has been used

as the point of superimposition; the alveolar margins have also been superimposed.

578 Koski

the idea that the condylar cartilage is of major importance Sor the growth of

the mandible. Bilateral condylectomy,“” even the congenital absence of the

rami, has been found to have no appreciable effect on the growth of the rest

of the mandible in human patients, and the same finding has been made in

connection with experimental condylectomies in animalsl”s 25, K 72 The fact that

the mandibular growth may result in deformation after condylectomy, especially

in the posterior part of the ramus, cannot be used to support the idea of the

condyle’s important role, since the deformation is to be expected (Fig. 13).

The cartilage in the condyle provides for some growth of the posterior part of

the ramus and, if this provision is lacking, then the mandible, in its own field

of muscular and other forces, is bound to grow abnormally.

The claim that the condylar growth directs the growth of the mandible

appears to be incorrect. It is known that the direction of the condylar growth

may vary considerably. 63 This is especially well demonstrated b.y studies involving

the use of metallic implants, which show that the act,ual growth of the

condyle is sometimes upward and backward and sometimes upward and forwardlo

(Figs. 14 and 15). It is very hard to imagine how, in the latter cases,

the condylar growth would be able to propel the mandible forward and downward.

The information available on condylar growth appears very strongly to

Volume 54

Number 8

Cranial growth centers 579

Fig. 15. The outlines of the three mandibles shown in Fig. 14 superimposed on the condyle.

Compare the apparent growth direction as viewed from the temporomandibular joint with the

actual one shown in Fig. 14. The discrepancy between the findings cannot be explained by the

concept of the eondylar cartilage having a pushing and directing force,

point toward its subordinate role as a site of growth, not as a growth center, in

the growth of the mandible.


The foregoing discussion of the available information concerning the growth

of the craniofaeial skeleton has led to the conclusion that most of the areas

which have been labeled growth centers in the past either do not qualify as such

or have not been studied sufficiently for the claim to be proved beyond doubt.

If these sutures and cartilages do, indeed, lack independent growth-promoting

potential, what are the factors responsible for the craniofacial skeleton?

Several students of craniofacial growth have proposed essentially similar

concepts regarding it. Van der Klaauw3g viewed the skull as composed of more

than thirty relatively independent functional units, each governed by its own

functional growth director, as it were. Scott16 divided the craniofacial skeleton

into eight different regions, each having its own growth pattern, related to the

different organs they house or support. The latest theory is presented by Mos+~,~~* s8

who maintains that the growth of the craniofacial skeleton is under the influence

of the “functional matrix,” by which he means all the soft tissues (even empty

spaces) within which the bony structures are embedded.

Thcrc is, as TW have seen, much c~vitlence, both clinical and experimental,

that can be used to support these theories.“’ SO. li5f RS, w The t hcorics, howr’vt~r’, arc

not explicit enough, it seems, and they ha\e not, been prowd beyond an?- doubt.

Nerertheless, they appear valuable as stimuli and as l\orking hppothwrs for

further research in the field. Rincc so many observations apptlar Incompatible

with older views, we should keep an opw mind and look I’or c~xplanations and

theories that would be in agreement with all the known facts.

The author’s own research reported here has been supported by grants from The Sigrid

Juselius Foundation, Helsinki, Finland, and from the National Inst,itutes of Dcmtal Research

(Dl434, DE-01793) and of Child Health am1 Human Development (HI)-001 771, United

States Public Health Service.


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The May issue of the ANERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS carried a most appropriate

response by Harry Sicher to the presentation of the 1967 Albert H. Ketcham Memorial

Award. In his response, Dr. Sicher paid tribute to the two men who had had a profound

influence in developing his interest in anatomy and orthodontics. The first was Julius

Tandler, described by Dr. Sicher as “one of the ‘greatest teachers [in anatomy1 that I have

ever met.” The other was Albin Oppenheim, whom Dr. Sicher regarded as “years and years

ahead of his time” in orthodontics. The JOURNAL regrets the misspelling of the names of these

two men who were held in such high esteem by Dr. Sicher.

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