The Energy Republic September Edition

This magazine is a Special Edition focused on the global energy transition agenda. We also did a spotlight on some countries and energy companies decarbonization strategy which will serve as a statistics to measure the ongoing progress and investment opportunities in energy transition. This particular’ edition, we featured Ukraine’s oil and gas potentials coupled with the just concluded Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) Conference 2022 held in Stavanger Norway, plus latest industry news in the Northsea and other regions as well.

This magazine is a Special Edition focused on the global energy transition agenda. We also
did a spotlight on some countries and energy companies decarbonization strategy which
will serve as a statistics to measure the ongoing progress and investment opportunities in
energy transition. This particular’ edition, we featured Ukraine’s oil and gas potentials
coupled with the just concluded Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) Conference 2022 held in
Stavanger Norway, plus latest industry news in the Northsea and other regions as well.


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Equinor Fueling Energy Transition With




Publisher by:

The Energy Republic Marketing

and Communications Limited

(RC: 1919406)

Editorial Director

Bako Ambianda (USA)

Managing Editor

Ndubuisi Micheal Obineme


Tobi Owoyimika

Legal Counsel

Barr. Jackson Olagbaju


Genevieve Aningo

Ifeoma Ofole

Samson Binutiri

The Energy Republic (TER) is published by The

Energy Republic Marke ng and Communica ons

Limited. TER provides an in-depth analysis about

the oil industry, and opportuni es around clean

energy sources such as Natural Gas, Hydrogen,

Ammonia, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Hydro

Energy, Geothermal Energy, Biomass

Energy, among others.



Welcome to our sixth edi on for the year 2022. Our publica on provides an in-depth

analysis about the oil industry, and opportuni es around clean energy sources such as

Natural Gas, Hydrogen, Ammonia, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Hydro Energy, Geothermal

Energy, Biomass Energy, among others.

This magazine is a Special Edi on focused on the global energy transi on agenda. We also

did a spotlight on some countries and energy companies decarboniza on strategy which

will serve as a sta s cs to measure the ongoing progress and investment opportuni es in

energy transi on. This par cular’ edi on, we featured Ukraine’s oil and gas poten als

coupled with the just concluded Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) Conference 2022 held in

Stavanger Norway, plus latest industry news in the Northsea and other regions as well.

In this edi on, we did several exclusive interviews, star ng with ED Ubong, Managing

Director of Shell Nigeria Gas, who shared more light on his company’s new investment

focus under the Nigerian ‘Decade of Gas’ ini a ve. Interes ngly, we also interviewed

Christel Kvalvik, Managing Director at Equinor Nigeria Energy Company Limited. She also

listed some of her company’s capital expenditure and project opportuni es on renewable

energies among other interes ng stories.

Please take your me to go through this publica on to get more informa on about the

latest updates and project opportuni es in the energy, oil and gas industry.

For general inquiries, please email us at: info@theenergyrepublic.com

Thank you.

Best regards,

Ndubuisi Micheal Obineme

Managing Editor

For: The Energy Republic

Email: info@theenergyrepublic.com


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Page 67: ONS 2022 FEATURES



Equinor Fueling Energy Transition With






“Shell to Facilitate More Investment for Nigerian Gas

to industries, Power Projects” – Ubong

In this interview, the Managing Director of Shell Nigeria Gas (SNG) and President of Nigerian Gas

Association (NGA), ED Ubong, talks to The Energy Republic about Shell's operational excellence in

Nigeria and the company's new investment focus on expanding its distribution networks, as well

as investing in gas-to-industries and power projects. Interview by Ndubuisi Micheal Obineme

TER: Since 1998, Shell Nigeria Gas (SNG) has been involved in the

downstream distribution of gas to major industries in Nigeria, as

well as providing clean, reliable, and low-cost alternatives to liquid

fuel. Please could you provide more insight on SNG's operational

excellence in the Nigerian gas sector?

Ubong: Shell Nigeria Gas (SNG) was incorporated in 1998 for the

marketing and distribution of natural gas to companies in Nigeria.

It is the first wholly-owned gas distribution subsidiary of an

international energy company in Nigeria. The company is certified in

ISO 14001 - a certification that shows it operates at the highest

industry standards.

Shell Nigeria Gas currently operates a growing world-class gas

transmission and distribution network of over 150km in Nigeria. It

operates several distribution systems including Agbara-Ota in Ogun

state, the Aba Cluster in Abia State, and the Port Harcourt Cluster in

Rivers State. Today, SNG serves about 150 industrial and commercial

customers. Our gas distribution networks are capable of distributing

more than 150 million cubic feet of natural gas a day to over 300

industrial and commercial customers.

In 2021, SNG supplied more than 400 megawatts (MW) equivalent of

gas-generated power in Nigeria and completed the final phase of its

20km domestic gas pipeline expansion project in Abia State,

connecting Agbor Hill, Osisioma, and Ariaria industrial zones.

The project has also enabled the supply of pipeline gas to Ariaria

Market Energy Solutions Limited, the Independent Power Project

(IPP) consortium that provides electricity to the popular Ariaria

market in Abia State. Ariaria International Market is one of the

largest leather shoe-making and open stall markets in West Africa,

with over 37,000 shops and an estimated one million traders.

By the end of 2021, SNG had agreements in place with 165

customers across six states: Ogun, Abia, Rivers, Bayelsa, Oyo, and

Lagos. The agreements will enable the supply of reliable, lowercarbon

energy that drives industrialization, employs both the

skilled and unskilled local population, as well as directly improve

internally generated revenues in these states.

With gas, we are driving industrialization, providing employment,

and improving internally generated revenues in the states where

we operate.

TER: Nigeria's gas potential is yet to be fully explored. According

to a report, gas development in the country stands at about 25%

of the proven reserves. There are opportunities along the entire

upstream, midstream, and downstream value chain in the

Nigerian gas sector. How is SNG working with government and

industry stakeholders to accelerate domestic gas utilization incountry?




Ubong: Shell Nigeria Gas continues to

collaboratively assess different potential

solutions to help unlock value in this area

and accelerate the growth of the domestic

gas market; further deepening local content

and unlocking Nigeria’s economic


In 2021, SNG signed a 20-year agreement for

the domestic distribution of gas to industrial

customers and manufacturing plants in

Lagos and Ogun States. The new deal with

the Nigerian Gas Marketing Company

(NGMC) will also enable SNG to extend its

distribution network to Badagry to serve a

new market in the community that borders

the Republic of Benin.

Shell Nigeria Gas pioneered the Strategic

Partnership with Alternative Gas Delivery

Technology Players in 4 states to reach offgrid

frontier customers ahead of

infrastructure development in those areas.

We pride ourselves on such collaborations

which have resulted in reductions in

emissions from the use of liquid fuels such

as diesel and the Low Pour Fuel Oil (LPFO).

We have also partnered with the Ogun

Guangdong Free Trade Zone (OGFTZ), the

first FTZ with full natural gas infrastructure

in Nigeria. SNG currently supplies gas to

three customers in the zone: Goodwill

Ceramics, Greenpower Utilities, and CNG

Glass Limited.

CNG Glass Nigeria FTZ, one of SNG's

customers in the zone, is the first float glass

manufacturing plant. This plant aims to

meet the rising infrastructure-driven

domestic demand to diversify the Nigerian


The plant will have a capacity of 500 tonnes

per day and will produce tinted and solar

control coated glass. 80% of the production

will be sold locally and the balance will be

exported to other countries in West Africa.

TER: What other areas is SNG looking to

explore in expanding its distribution

network in Nigeria?

Ubong: Despite the required portfolio

actions in line with Shell’s Powering Progress

Strategy, Nigeria remains core for Shell, and

we will continue our investments in deepwater

and gas. Gas-to-industry is an area we

want to deepen, as we have seen that

industrial clusters allow communities to

flourish, developing economic activities like

trading and manufacturing. This is a

Standing from L-R: ED Ubong, Managing Director of Shell Nigeria Gas (SNG),

and Osagie Okunbor, Managing Director of SPDC and Chairman of

Shell Companies in Nigeria

sustainable ecosystem that spurs

development and employment.

At the same time, gas is more resistant

to theft and sabotage, which has been

one of the major concerns surrounding

oil pipelines.

Shell Nigeria gas is looking at the

Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano (AKK) pipeline

project as an opportunity to target

Northern Nigeria. This region has a

h u g e p o p u l a t i o n a n d m a j o r

manufacturing potential. The AKK

pipeline will be extensive and someone

needs to build local distribution

networks that will take gas to the

various industrial areas. That is where

we could come into play.

We are also building clusters in Bayelsa

State and Oyo State. We plan to grow by

getting as much gas as possible to

power industries and manufacturing

plants and to support Nigeria’s Decade

of Gas.

SNG signed a Memorandum of

Understanding (MoU) with the Oyo

State Government for the acceleration

of domestic gas infrastructure

development to enable the distribution

of cleaner and more reliable energy to

industries in Oyo State and has also begun

building a large gas processing plant in the

city of Aba, Abia State.

Agbara-Ota is the cluster with the highest

industrial density in the country. In

January 2021, we signed a 20-year

agreement that allows us to continue

providing gas to industrial and

manufacturing companies in Lagos and

Ogun states. This is a long-term testament

to our confidence and commitment. We

invest in the region, build the required

infrastructure, and partner with the

government to ensure that we continue

to deliver gas reliably to the more than

100 industries in this zone. This is a winwin

equation in which they pay for gas

and we continue to supply them with a

cleaner source of energy over the next 20


TER: With the Federal Government's

adoption of gas as the country's

transition fuel, what's SNG's business

model to contribute to developing a

credible gas-powered economy in


Ubong: Today, SNG operates under the

Shell Energy brand… a business line

established in Nigeria in 2021 to expand




natural gas marketing and sales.

Consolidating SNG’s successes achieved in

previous years and inline with the federal

government’s “Decade of Gas” initiative.

Shell Energy Nigeria’s focus is to deliver gasbased

energy solutions to diverse

businesses across the country by bringing to

Nigeria, the resources and competence of

our global gas, power, and environmental

products marketing and trading business.

Shell Energy Nigeria will focus on gas, power,

and energy solutions for industrial and

commercial customers. SEN’s ambition is to

distribute 1 billion cubic feet of gas in the

domestic market by 2030.

TER: At SNG, are there plans or ongoing

p r o j e c t s o n C N G , L P G , A u t o g a s

development, and retrofitting some of

your company's current fleet from PMS to

gas-powered vehicles?

Ubong: Indeed, we have a pilot project

underway where we retrofitted an

operational vehicle with a dual fuel CNG

combustion system that can run on 100%

CNG or PMS. This pilot project is the first of

its kind in Shell Nigeria. It involved using a

c h e a p e r, s a fe r, c l e a n e r, & m o re

environmentally friendly fuel that will result

in the reduction of GHG emissions, as well as

a reduction in fuel, maintenance, and

operations, cost associated with SNG’s

Operations. Once the pilot test is

completed, SNG plans to extend the

opportunity to other vehicles in SNG’s fleet.

This initiative contributes to SNG’s CO2

emissions abatement strategy by reducing

GHG emissions associated with its

operational footprint by replacing

PMS/AGO fuel with CNG. Consequently, this

initiative contributes positively to the GHG

reduction strategy and has a very significant

positive impact on the environment.

TER: It is estimated that Nigeria needs

about $40 billion of direct investments to

achieve the target of the 'Decade of Gas'

initiative. What do you think the country

can do to attract this level of investment?

Ubong: The growing demand for gas in the

Nigerian domestic sector and the

international market translates to

significant reserves and production capacity

development requirements. Reviewing the

regulatory environment and promoting

investor and business-friendly policies are

crucial to attracting investment for the

energy transition.

Experience from other emerging

markets shows the potential of an

enabling policy environment to

accelerate the deployment of new

energy infrastructure.

Mechanisms, such as smart subsidies

for cleaner energy, may be needed to

ensure the affordability of energy

supply for the economically vulnerable

sections of the population. It will

encourage more interest and

participation by industry players in

exploring the untapped opportunities

in the gas industry.

It is also important to promote local

procurement in new projects so that

local industries can flourish. Duty

exemptions and tax incentives can be

part of policies to promote cleaner

energy solutions such as gas.

There are several challenges that we

need to overcome to successfully

liberate the domestic gas market and

attract investments. A few key ones are:

Unpaid deliveries for power and gas -

One of the challenges is to clear the

backlog of deliveries of both power and

gas to customers that have not been

paid for. Without the payment of

outstanding gas and power invoice

arrears, and securitization of current

and future revenues, operators are

reluctant to commit additional

investments to grow the domestic gas


Investment to develop infrastructure -

Another challenge is the need to attract

ED Ubong

i nvestment to f u r t h e r d e velop

infrastructure along the gas value chain,

for example, to create a more robust

pipeline network to improve reliability

and security of supply. The reliability of

the existing power transmission also

needs improvement.

For example, SPDC JV’s Afam VI power

plant, which has the capacity to generate

up to 650 MW, only generates between

350-450 MW most of the time because

the power transmission system is unable

to evacuate the full output.

Sustainable upstream supply- upstream

supply development needs to be

incentivized at a level that recognizes

Nigeria’s huge low-cost resource base

while still supporting investment over the

long term. Shell is assessing different

potential solutions to help unlock value in

this area and accelerate the growth of the

domestic gas market; further unlocking

Nigeria’s economic development.

Encourage Local manufacturing with gas

as feedstock/raw material - Businesses

such as petrochemical companies that

use natural gas as a feedstock offer a large

capacity to employ and use significant

volumes. We must encourage local

manufacturing to drive demand for

businesses such as the petrochemical

companies that use natural gas as a

feedstock and offer a large capacity to

employ and use significant volumes.

The legal, regulatory framework, and

security- Finally, ensuring a conducive

business environment is essential to

attracting investments and running





This reliable spirit operations. was on display This includes at the respect 5th GECF for

Summit the sanctity of Heads of of existing State and contracts, Government and in

predictable Equatorial Guinea regulatory, in November commercial, 2019 – a firstof-its-kind

framework event in Africa across – where the the country. GECF’s




highest leadership




the crucial

in the




natural gas in Africa’s uplift and resolved their

Delta has experienced an increased risk to

common determination to “promote the GECF

personnel and property as well as the

cooperation with African countries to use gas as

disruption the core source to of operations energy in their is development also very


programmes and climate change policies, to

o vercome e n e rg y p o verty, e n h a n c e

TER: development In terms and to of mitigate gas, creating CO2 emissions”. the link

between the gas producer and the market

has That been same a year, problem Africa gained Nigeria. a new What's elevation your in

the perspective world of on energy strategies the and Russia-Africa policy

Summit, implementation held in October in 2019 unlocking Sochi, Russia, new

opportunities and co-hosted to by strengthen Russian President Public-Private Vladimir


Putin and Egyptian



going forward?

Abdel Fattah el-

Sisi, with the attendance of 43 heads of state or

government. At this landmark event, much

Ubong: Policies must be fit for purpose;

emphasis was laid on the sovereign rights of

countries while learning to harness from their policy natural development resources,

such across as natural the world, gas, for there advancement must be of a

their recognition societies. of After the all, Africa peculiarities is bestowed of with the

Nigerian a rich array context of minerals both and in setting the people policy of and the

driving continent its must implementation. have an equal shot Policies at social must and

provide personal prosperity. mitigation for potential short-term

negative impacts while still laying the

groundwork Yet, as the world for long-term is progressing success. to increase

energy access and fulfil the UN Sustainable




Goal (SDG)




to ensure


access to


affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern

infrastructure, funding, security, and

energy for all, there is still an estimated 548

capacity, policy implementation must be

million people in sub-Saharan Africa, or 53% of

phased the population in their without approach. access This to electricity, approach

enables according to the the United quick Nations. wins Further, that create nearly

momentum 789 million Africans for long-term currently have delivery. no access It also to

helps clean cooking.

aligning and gaining support from

multiple, complex and varied stakeholders.

In my participation at the recently-held ‘The

The Decade PIA of has Gas’ provided Conference a (29 stable March), regulatory where I

framework joined Nigeria’s for both President the and domestic the State and

export Minister gas for market Petroleum in Nigeria. Resources With the HE





gas as a



HE Timpire

fuel by



along with global energy leaders, I had

EU and the growing demand for gas, Nigeria

emphasised that these communities deserve

is well placed to exploit the opportunity to

access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable

modern fill this gas, energy, especially such as over natural the gas, next to decade. become

part of the global movement to eradicate

energy As much poverty. as renewable energy is reshaping

energy consumption globally, oil and gas

remain To mobilise a very its members’ important strength drive for to the meet world this

economy. most urgent The issue success facing Africa, of the last Petroleum December

Industry the GECF is entered and will into always an MoU be dependent with UNESCO on

the with legal the singular provisions, goal governance, of researching timely and

developing regulations, technologies and fiscal framework. and mechanisms that

will enable Africa to unlock its energy potential,

while safeguarding the global environmental

TER: As a gas producer and President of the


Nigerian Gas Association (NGA), what

should Working government from our Secretariat do, in partnership in Doha, Qatar, with we

industry are also working stakeholders directly with and representatives players in of

developing several countries a credible from Africa. gas-powered The GECF

economy regularly engages in Nigeria? with

Ubong: The declaration of 2021-2030 as the

“Decade of Gas” is the realization by the

Nigerian Government that Nigeria is,

ED Ubong at World Gas Conference in May with the outgoing President of the

Interna onal Gas Union Dr Joe Kang

indeed, a gas nation whose gas

production and consumption need to




and members of

diplomatic missions from Africa, who

represent around 20 countries from the

For me, I believe the most important

African continent. The Forum has also



an ‘African

of success


for the



– a

day-long Nigerian conference citizen will dedicated be a to reliable energy

electricity/power in Africa. supply. Currently, 85

million Nigerians do not have access to

grid This enthusiasm electricity, and therefore belief in we Africa’s must

unlock energy potential the challenges are not in unfounded the gas-topower

without value merit. chain Projections to improve from access the latest to


energy available for iteration Nigerians. of the GECF’s Global Gas

Outlook 2050 show that Africa will witness


the highest

will require



rate of natural




among all regions of the world, at nearly

address structural issues across the ongrid

value chain ranging from

150% up to 2050. Countries such as

Senegal and Mauritania in Africa stand on



n t


e r r u p t i




n s


i n g




s s


u p p l y,

transmission in the short term, grid while losses Mozambique and outages, and

inadequate Tanzania are expected metering to become infrastructure, natural

and gas exporters illegal connections.

in the long term.

The In the NGA short term is working too, the GECF’s with first its

stakeholders Annual Short-Term to accelerate Gas Market gas Report sector

development (2020) shows, across Africa seven boasts thematic several

areas: promising unlocking growth factors, the domestic such as gas in the to


area of power



chain; accelerating


through natural gas vehicles (NGVs), and

infrastructure development including


virtual pipelines; driving gas-based


The GECF is working


to foster



LPG partnerships penetration, with other building Africa-based a stable

regulatory organisations environment such as AFREC, anchored APPO, on and a

willing the Africa buyer-willing Energy Chamber seller (AEC). pricing To give

regime; you an idea growing of the pace the of development export and in

regional the gas industry gas market, in Africa, building Mozambique local

capacity/content alone took FID 3.3 for million contractors tonnes and per

professionals annum (mtpa) in in the 2017 gas sector. followed by a

further 13 mtpa in 2019. The first project is




to be









the second one will enable LNG flows

to realizing the objectives of the

‘Decade of Gas’ and need to be pulled

together in a Nigeria Decade of Gas

Masterplan (NDGMP) that provides a

roadmap that allows Nigeria to utilize its


from Mozambique

gas resources







by 2024-25.

growth in developing a credible gaspowered


Additionally, there are more than 74 million

mt/year of LNG export capacity to be

approved in the Sub Saharan region by 2030,

We provided a re that collaborating all the conditions are w imet t h if t hwe


government view it in the context and its of industry the African partners Coalition to

unlock for Trade the and potential Investment in the in Natural gas value Gas. chain

and create an enabling environment for

the At the Nigerian same time, gas sector new market to thrive. players This will are

yield rising a with myriad the discovery of economic of huge opportunities.

gas reserves

in Tanzania, Gabon, Mauritania, Congo,

Senegal, Harnessing and our Cameroon vast gas resources that are likely is key to


the development

an ambitious

of the






domestic consumption as well as LNG

gas gives us the ability to lift millions out


of energy poverty, giving people the














fruit well-being, and this and was standard evidenced of at living. the last GECF

Ministerial Meeting, held in November 2020.

The It also 22nd gives GECF us a Ministerial pathway to Meeting economic was

hosted growth (virtually) and development, by Algeria and welcomed not only

the through participation direct exploration of ministers and trading and top of

authorities gas resources from but several by providing guest reliable African

countries power supply who delivered for the manufacturing their key messages and

on industrial the energy sectors sector which and are gas the market major in


g rowth e


n g i n e s


fo r d



Tanzania, Tunisia, and Senegal.


OGR: GECF and UNESCO have signed an


TER: How

on climate

is SNG leveraging

change. What

on Nigerian


planning Content for and Africa? building capacities through

gas development?

Sentyurin: The GECF serves as a platform for

the Ubong: science-policy Shell Nigeria interface, Gas Limited underpinning (SNG) is

the importance only Nigerian of the exchange subsidiary of scientific of an

knowledge, international experience, oil company and in dissemination

domestic gas

of distribution information and through it is 100% research Shell and share.

Shell Companies in Nigeria contribute to

economic growth in Nigeria by generating

revenue for the government through

taxes, creating employment

07 26




ED Ubong Courtesy Visit and Award Presenta on to H.E Timipre Sylva, Nigeria Minister of State for Petroleum Resources

opportunities, and contributing to the

development of local businesses.

In 2021, Shell Companies in Nigeria directly

employed 2,500 people, 97% of whom

were Nigerian nationals. More than 8,500

contractors supported our operations

during the year.

Shell Companies in Nigeria awarded

contracts worth $800 million (the same as

in 2020) to Nigerian-registered companies,

of which 92% was to companies where the

Nigerian ownership was at least 51%.

At Shell Nigeria Gas, all our contracts for the

past 3years have been awarded to Nigerian

Contractors. In 2019, 98% of Shell

Companies in Nigeria’s contracts worth

$1.1 billion were awarded to Nigerian

companies. These include the manufacture

of tools and technical kits, the operation of

helicopter flights in the Niger Delta, and

strategic partnerships between foreign and

local companies to stimulate technology

transfer and capacity development.

Shell is investing in a gas portfolio that will

increase supply for Nigeria’s growing

industrial and commercial sectors, as well

as to international customers via an expanding network of plants, pipelines, and export

terminals. At Shell, we recognize that local content is key to surviving a post-covid world and

Shell will continue to invest in this space. We remain committed to building capacity and

competence in the country and to investing funds that enable more Nigerians to participate

directly or indirectly in the gas value chain and support the local economy.

The Nigerian Gas Association is also focused on building human capacity and developing

talent to move this industry forward. As we look forward to developing a gas-based economy

in Nigeria, one of the NGA’s priorities is ensuring that we have skilled and competent

individuals to lead and accelerate this transition. The skillsets required in oil production and

gas production/distribution are quite different so the NGA is looking at how we can retool

the seasoned oil professionals for gas sector delivery.

In this vein, we are seeking to collaborate with various stakeholders to deliver training

programs that will build the required technical skillset for gas sector development. We are

confident that most of the talent required for this transition to a gas-based economy, will

come from Nigeria.

TER: What's SNG's new investment focus in 2022 and beyond?

Ubong: Gas-to-industry and power is an area we want to deepen, as we have seen that

industrial clusters allow communities to flourish, developing economic activities like trading

and manufacturing. This is a sustainable ecosystem that spurs development and

employment. At the same time, gas is more resistant to theft and sabotage, which has been

one of the major concerns surrounding oil pipelines.

SNG will continue to make domestic infrastructure investments under the right commercial

conditions and birth domestic gas projects that will be major game-changers in Nigeria’s

quest for cleaner energy sufficiency, industrialization, and economic growth in supporting

the manufacturing and industrial sector.

04 08


14-16 FEBRUARY 2023


PETAN Expands African Local

Content Agenda For SAIPEC


...announces new dates for SAIPEC 2023

By Ndubuisi Micheal Obineme

The Petroleum Technology Association of Nigeria (PETAN) has

taken bold steps in expanding the African local content agenda to

maximize cross-border collaboration in the upstream,

midstream, and downstream sectors.

The move is a part of efforts geared towards unlocking new

opportunities for the upcoming Sub-Saharan Africa Petroleum

Exhibition and Conference (SAIPEC) taking place on 14 - 16 February

2023 in Lagos.

The importance of local content in Africa has been a major talking point

at SAIPEC and PETAN. It is also of great interest to the Nigerian Content

Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB), other government

representatives, as well as industry stakeholders from Nigeria, Uganda,

Kenya, Gambia, Namibia, Sierra Leone, Angola, Mozambique, Tanzania,

Somaliland, Gabon, Ghana and Mauritania as conversations centred on

achieving sustainable economic growth and development of the African

Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) are ongoing.

SAIPEC, being hosted by PETAN, is a multilateral platform showcasing the

Sub-Saharan Africa oil and gas potentials and project opportunities. It

plays a key role in charting the pathway to developing the Continent’s

untapped energy, oil, and gas resources, representing more than 15

NOCs, governments, and regulators, with over 5,000 delegates drawn

from 41 countries, including government parastatals, exhibitors, and


“Sub-Sahara Africa is said to be the last energy frontier and global hub,

noting that the key enabler is to create a collaborative ecosystem

between the local industry stakeholders within the Sub-region alongside

the Africa continental free trade Area (AfCFTA),” Mr. Nicolas Odinuwe,

PETAN Chairman, said during the 2022 SAIPEC.

“The value chain in the oil, gas and energy industry is such that if properly

harnessed, will transform the economy of the entire continent. The

challenge has been an enabling environment to create a private sectorled


About PETAN’s SAIPEC Opportunities:

Ø SAIPEC attracts NOCs, IOCs, EPC contractors,

service companies, technology providers and the

whole oil and gas value chain .

Ø Over 3500 attendees participated in total, from

36 countries, including 20 National Oil Companies

from Mozambique, Nigeria, Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal,

Uganda, Angola, Cameroon, Ghana, Liberia,

Equatorial Guinea and Gambia.Ø Indigenous

Capacity Development for Future Energy Demands.

Ø SAIPEC 2023 will offer direct access to the

primary stakeholders and key players across the

entire Sub-Saharan Africa supply and value chains.

Ø SAIPEC 2023 is projected to attract more than

200 exhibiting companies and 6,000 visiting

professionals from across Sub Saharan Africa,

Europe, Americas and Asia..

Ø SAIPEC provides your company with the

opportunity to place your marketing and branding

directly in front of 6,000+ industry professionals,

enabling you to secure new business, service your

existing clients and engage in industry dialogue

Mr. Nicolas Odinuwe, PETAN Chairman

Governments across Africa,

especially the Oil and gasproducing

sub-Saharan countries,

should provide necessary

incentives to attract privatesector

investments across the

entire value chain.

“This will trigger a massive economic revolution, human

capital development and deepen local content across Africa”.

The Africa Continental Free Trade Area is an exciting

opportunity in the Continent. AfCFTA, the largest global free

trade area, aims to be a model of cross-border cooperation in

an era of growing isolationism.




PETAN Execu ves, Chairman, Mr. Nicolas Nik Odinuwe and Vice Chairman, Mr. Ran Omole paid a

courtesy visit on the Na onal Petroleum Ins tute, INP, Mozambique, as part of PETAN's efforts to

deepen Local Content in Africa

It is projected to lift around 68 million

people out of poverty and make African

countries more competitive.

According to a report, Africa accounts for

just 2% of global trade. And only 17% of

African exports are intra-continental,

compared with 59% for Asia and 68% for

Europe. The potential for transformation

across Africa is therefore significant. The

AfCFTA will create the largest free trade

area in the world measured by the

number of countries participating.

Connecting 1.3 billion people across 55

countries with a combined gross

domestic product (GDP) valued at $3.4


In another report, the United Nations

Economic Commission for Africa

(UNECA) predicted that the AfCFTA will

raise intra-African trade by 15 to 25

percent, which is $50 billion to $70

billion, by 2040, compared to an Africa

without the AfCFTA.

However, the implementation of the

Africa Continental Free Trade Area will

allow Africa to increase local content

initiatives, expand economic activity and

drive local capacity for the development

of Africa’s hydrocarbon resources.

Leading the African local content agenda,

PETAN, the largest and leading

indigenous advocacy group representing

the Nigerian oil and gas service

companies with membership across the

entire value chain is forging partnerships

across Africa to stimulate a privatesector

led industry that will catalyse the

growth and development of the

Continent through local content


PETAN is working extensively with the

SAIPEC member countries to increase

Intra-African trade under the African

Continental Free Trade Area, and working

closely with the Global Event Partners, the

event organizer, to develop a stronger

platform for SAIPEC’s subsequent edition.

Recently, PETAN partnered with the

Mozambican Local Content Association

(ACLM), and the Association of Tanzania Oil

and Gas Service Providers (ATOGS) to deepen

and promote local content opportunities for

the benefit of both countries through sharing

of experiences, capabilities, expertise, and

technical engineering solutions. It will also

enhance collaboration on joint venture

bidding and financing for projects whilst

exploring business opportunities available in

the oil and gas sector, and training and

capacity-building programs for indigenous

operators across the oil and gas value chain.

Speaking on this development, PETAN

Chairman, Nicolas Odinuwe commented,

“Private sector must lead in the oil and gas

industry. Politics and investment usually don’t

go together. The government is supposed to

provide an enabling environment. The

industry is wide with a lot of linkages attached

to it and it involves all sectors of the economy.

I believe that if the government will work with

the Association, we will be able to get a lot of

mileage to develop competencies and


“With indigenous capacity and competence,

local participation will ensure seamlessly.

Opportunities will trigger capacities,

competencies, and innovation. Partnerships,

research, and development, and access to

markets, finance, and capital are also vital for

local content development. Stakeholders

must form collaborations to catalyse growth

and development.

“The process of developing local content is

beneficial in the long run, as it will address

challenges such as touting, capital flight, and

improve in-country value retention,

domiciliation, and domestication.

Indigenous suppliers or

service providers must

develop a culture of

reliability and competence.

As the focal point of the

local content drive and

private sector

representatives, we must

be the pedestal to the

growth and progress of

the business ecosystem

that drives opportunities

for SMEs and linkage

sectors of our economies.

“Local participation doesn’t just happen.

There must be deliberate policy by the

government to promote participation and the

necessary enablers must be put in place for it

to thrive.

“In Nigeria, PETAN partnered with the

government to form our Local Content Law,

and today, we have our Local Content

regulatory body, the Nigerian Content

Development and Monitoring Board,

NCDMB, which has been doing wonderfully

and on who’s Board PETAN has a spot as a

Council Member.

“With PETAN’s experience as the leading

association of professional indigenous

technical oilfield service companies in the

upstream, midstream, and downstream

sectors of the oil and gas industry in Nigeria,

as well as the leading representative advocacy

group, PETAN is ready to offer support and

mentorship to achieve its objectives”.

SAIPEC will return to the Eko Convention

Centre from 20-23 February 2023 for its 7th

edition, as the only oil and gas event held in

partnership with the entire Sub-Saharan

African petroleum industry. The 3-day

flagship international energy conference is

being hosted by PETAN, an association of

leading Nigerian Indigenous Technical Oilfield

service companies in the upstream,

midstream, and downstream sectors of the

Nigerian Oil and gas industry, with the active

support from the Nigerian Content

Development and Monitoring Board





SSA Driving Africa's Oil and Gas Project

Opportunities, Investments

By Ndubuisi Micheal Obineme

Sub-Saharan Africa has for decades

been a cornerstone for oil and gas

p r o j e c t o p p o r t u n i t i e s a n d

investments and is the largest contributor

to the continent’s hydrocarbon future.

Regarded as one of the final global frontier

regions for oil and gas exploration, it’s no

secret that Sub-Saharan Africa is the driving

force for Africa's oil and gas industry.

By February 2023, industry stakeholders

and players will convene for the Sub-

Saharan Africa International Petroleum

Exhibition and Conference (SAIPEC) 2022 to

discuss and explore the abundance of

hydrocarbon resources in the region.

At this year's SAIPEC event, some major

African oil and gas producers are seeking

strategic partners and investors to develop

the oil and gas industry in their countries.

This is as the continent works towards

addressing energy poverty, unemployment,

poor electricity supply challenges, and

building a stronger economy through the

harnessing of the continent’s God-giving

hydrocarbon resources

In their presentations at the Conference,

Chief Operating Officer, Uganda National Oil

Company (UNOC), Philips Obita; Chief

Executive Officer, National Oil Corporation

of Kenya, Leparan Ole Morintat; Managing

Director, Gambia National Petroleum

Corporation, Yaya Barrow; Director-General

Technical Advisor, Societe Mauritanienne,

Cheikh Brahim Haiballa; and Exploration

Director, PETROSEN, Senegal, Joseph

Medou, listed opportunities that exist in the

various countries.

downstream, midstream, and upstream

sub-sectors of the oil and gas industry in


Nigeria and 16 other African countries have

about 125.8 billion crude oil reserves and

over 500 trillion cubic feet of proven gas

reserves. However, data released in

November 2021 by Statista, an online portal

that provides data on economies, industrial

sectors, and markets in over 50 countries,

showed that the reserves of the 17 African

countries were depleted by about 500

million barrels in 2021, due to underinvestment

in the continent's oil and gas


Despite the current challenges concerning

investment in the continent’s oil and gas

04 12



industry, most of the continent’s

producers are creating enabling

investment environment for investors.

For instance, Uganda, Tanzania,

TotalEnergies, and CNOOC in April

2021, signed agreements that will

kickstart the construction of a $3.5

billion crude pipeline to help ship crude

from fields in the western part of the

country to international markets.

According to the Petroleum Authority

of Uganda, the signing unlocks new

investment into Uganda's economy,

which includes the implementation of

the Tilenga Project (approx.$4billion),

a n d t h e K i n g f i s h e r P r o j e c t

(approx.$1.5billion); and, the EACOP

(approx. $3.6bn).

In Kenya, the country discovered oil and

gas in South Lokichar, Turkana-Kenya in

2012, and is currently in the exploration

phase in all its oil blocks. Opportunities

currently exist in the drilling and well

services, drilling equipment hire, and

seismic services in the county’s oil and

gas industry.

Furthermore, The Gambia has been

investing in infrastructure to drive its oil

and gas industry. Large-scale oil and gas

discoveries have also been made

between 2014 and 2017 in neighboring

countries like Senegal and Mauritania.

Senegal has oil and gas reserves of over

1 billion barrels located offshore

between Senegal and Mauritania.

Between 2014-2017 over 40 billion

cubic feet of natural gas were

discovered in the area.

With this in mind and over 50 trillion

cubic feet (tcf) of gas already

discovered in the region, here are the

top eight oil and gas mega-discoveries

of the past five years to watch:

Senegal: Yakaar-Teranga Discovery

A bp-Kosmos joint venture discovered

20 tcf of natural gas in the Yakaar-

Teranga development, located in the

Cayer Profond deep water offshore

block in Senegal at 3,000 meters depth.

Final Investment Decision (FID) is

expected by the end of the year with

production tentatively slated for 2024

following the 2017 discovery, initially

capped at 150 million cubic feet per


Mauritania: Orca Discovery

Also owing to bp and Kosmos’ partnership,

the Orca discovery made in 2019 revealed

13 tcf of natural gas at 2,500 meters depth in

Mauritania’s C-8 offshore block. A

testament to bp’s 100% discovery drilling

success rate in Senegal and Mauritania,

Orca’s FID waits on Greater Tortue Ahmeyim

and Yakaar’s.

Ivory Coast: Baleine Discovery

Discovered in Eni’s first ever Ivory Coast

prospect well, CI101 Block’s Baleine holds

two billion barrels of light oil and 2.4 tcf of

gas at 1,200 meters depth, 60km offshore.

Early production is expected by Q4 2023 –

the first net zero emission project for the


Ghana: Afina Discovery

G h a n a i a n f i r m S p r i n g f i e l d E n e rg y

announced the Afina discovery in 2019,

with the prospect of holding up to 650

billion barrels of crude and 0.7 tcf of gas,

discovered in the West Cape Three Points

Block 2 in November 2019. Production waits

for the green light from the federal


Angola: Agogo Discovery

Agogo is a deep-water oil and gas field

currently being developed by Eni’s joint

venture with Sonangol and SSI Fifteen.

Agogo sits at 1,700 meters depth, 180km off

Angola’s coast with one billion barrels of

light oil in production at 20,000 barrels per

day (BPD). It was discovered in March 2019

and is located in Block 15/06.

Angola: Ndungu Discovery

P ro d u c t o f t h e s a m e A n golan E n i

consortium, Ndungu holds 800 million to

one billion barrels, located 130km offshore

Angola and sharing Agogo’s block.

Production started in February 2022 via the

100,000 BPD Ngoma Floating Production

Storage and Offloading vessel, with a

second producer well coming online by the

fourth quarter of this year.

Ghana: Nyankom Discovery

AGM Petroleum made an oil discovery in its

South Deepwater Tano (SDWT) block

offshore Ghana. Dubbed the Nyankom

discovery, the find boasts 127 million

barrels of proven oil reserves with an

estimated 400-650 million more in its

immediate surrounds. Currently, the Ghana

National Petroleum Company is moving to

acquire 70% in Nyankom’s SDWT Block and

a 37% share in the CTP Block holding the

Afina discovery.

Gabon: Ivela Discovery

In 2018, Spain’s Repsol and Australia’s

Woodside made a sizeable discovery in the

Ivela-1 exploration well, located in the Luba

Muetse block, offshore Gabon. According to

the companies, the rig encountered a 78-

meter column of crude oil. A partnership

with seismic surveyor Spectrum is assisting

in mapping the field pre-production.

SAIPEC is hosted by the Petroleum

Technology Association of Nigeria (PETAN),

a leading organization that represents

oilfield services and technology companies

operating across upstream through to

downstream projects. PETAN is a leader in

the promotion of innovative engineering

and creative solutions, that help advance

the petroleum industry both nationally and


Year on year, SAIPEC continues to address

the needs of companies seeking to

showcase their innovative solutions and

new technologies, and to support the

development of major new businesses and

partnerships to benefit Sub-Saharan Africa’s

petroleum economy.

SAIPEC's content and proceedings are

driven by an esteemed steering committee

and speakers, representing a cross-section

of key stakeholders and the most senior

representatives from the Sub Saharan Africa

oil and gas industry, delivering high-level

strategic sessions and discussions on gamechanging

solutions, combined with an

international exhibition.

SAIPEC 2022's world-class conference

featured 85 industry leaders and global

experts on an insightful programme which

was held alongside the sold-out exhibition

with over 100 companies showcasing their

products and services and generating

meetings with thousands of invested

industry professionals.Over 3500 attendees

participated in total, from 36 countries,

including 20 National Oil Companies from

Mozambique, Nigeria, Côte d'Ivoire,

Senegal, Uganda, Angola, Cameroon,

Ghana, Liberia, Equatorial Guinea and





NJ Ayuk: Africa Needs to Industrialize as Europe


By Ndubuisi Micheal Obineme

While western nations are gradually

moving away from hydrocarbon

exploration and production (E&P) to

renewable energies as part of their

decarbonization strategy, Africa remains a

continent struggling with energy poverty

and the continent's socio-economic

development is powered by the utilization

of its abundant oil and gas resources.

NJ Ayuk, Executive Chairman of the African

Energy Chamber has affirmed that Africa

needs its oil and gas resources for

i n d u s t r i a l i z a t i o n , w h i l e E u r o p e

decarbonizes its energy systems.

Perhaps, report shows that countries in the

EU are also responsible for approximately

18% of global carbon dioxide emissions

produced since the industrial revolution

began. In the third quarter of 2021 alone,

the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions totaled

881 million tons of CO² equivalent.

More so, Africa holds some of the world’s

largest oil and gas reserves – estimated at

125.3 billion barrels of crude oil, and 620

trillion cubic feet of gas. Despite these

abundant resources, Africa’s development

has been slow, largely due to natural

resource exports, refined product imports,

the lack of adequate infrastructure, and the

lack of adequate investment and

reinvestment in key sectors.

However, NJ Ayuk made a strong case for

Africa at the Eurafrican Forum 2022 held in

Portugal recently - highlighting the need to

alleviate energy poverty in Africa through

the utilization of the Continent's oil and gas


He said, "Europe needs to decarbonize and

Africa needs to industrialize. And if you have

to go from there, then you have to ask

yourself, how can we achieve it?

"The oil and gas industry has been so

demonized but I think it's the most beautiful

industry in the world. It has driven human

civilization and it still has a lot of growth

potential, especially in the African


"They want the oil and gas industry to go

away but we don't believe that in Africa. We

believe gas still has a future and we need to


The Execu ve Chairman of African Energy Chamber, NJ Ayk Speaking in a panel session at the

EUAfrican Forum 2022 held on in Portugal.

drive more gas because it's the cleanest

form of fossil fuel.

"Africa needs its oil and gas to grow.

Wealthy nations have industrialized

through the increased use of fossil fuels.

They experienced amazing growth in

economic prosperity. Increased life

expectancy, cleaner air, cleaner water,

decreased malnutrition, fewer deaths from

infectious disease, and fewer climaterelated

deaths. Africans should not be

denied that".

Africa holds over 600 trillion cubic feet (tcf)

of proven gas reserves and accounts for 7.1

percent of the global gas reserves as of

2019, according to a Deloitte report. The

Continent is gradually turning into a big gas

market in the world and the development of

African gas resources can address its

electricity deficit, bring power to major

industries, unlock billions of dollars of

investment, generate long-term economic

g ro w t h , a n d c re ate e m p l o y m e nt

opportunities, including a major preferable

supplier of gas to European countries

among others.

Ayuk added, "At the same time, we need to

drive renewables at the same pace. While

you were producing gas, you need to give

Africa chance to transition itself and

monetize the gas for development and

industrialization," Ayuk explained. "How

can you tell us that we're going to

industrialize Africa if we can't use gas to

develop Ammonia, Fertilizer plants and also

use a lot of European technologies to do


"Of course, we can bring in solar and other

renewables. Hydrogen has a big role to play.

The infrastructure we are building right now

when it comes to energy, we're bringing in

green hydrogen and investing in

infrastructure to replace gas in the next


At COP26 in Glasgow, the western nations,

including the United States and Canada

pledged to end foreign financing on oil and

gas projects to commit to reducing carbon

emissions, thereby compelling the scaling

down of equity investment in oil and gas

exploration and production in favor of

expanding their renewable energies


Following the energy crisis cuopled with the

Russia - Ukraine war, the European

Parliament approved a contentious EU rule

labeling investments in gas and nuclear

power plants as climate-friendly, throwing

out an attempt to block the law that has

exposed deep rifts between countries over

how to fight climate change. The new rules

will add gas and nuclear power plants to the

EU "taxonomy" rulebook from 2023,

enabling investors to label and market

investments in them as green.

Speaking on this at the Eurafrican panel

session, Ayuk said, "Let's be practical about

this. What did we do after COP26? After

COP26, we made these pledges that we're

going to cut down emissions and hold back

on oil and gas exploration and production.

Gas was seen as the worst fossil fuel.



"What happened between January and

February? The EU started saying gas is green

because reality kicked in - energy security.

We need to use that to focus on how we

drive this debate moving forward.

"In January, Norway announced that they

are going to do 52 oil licenses and Germany

also invested more in driving exploration in

the North sea. The UK, for the first time in 30

years, said they will open up coal power

plants, and then Germany opened two new

coal power plants, as well as the United

States, opened up Federal Lands for drilling.

China, Russia, and India are laughing at us

because they are utilizing everything.

"When you turn around to Africa and you

say well right now, natural gas we see it in

the European "taxonomy" and we're not

going to finance it.

"We have big gas discoveries in Africa.

Mozambique can become the third

largest gas producer in the world. Right

now, TotalEnergies have made significant

oil and gas discoveries in Namibia,

including Senegal, Mauritania, and


"Then you come back from Europe and

you say well, we need you to bring gas to

Europe. We need you to build a pipeline,

but we're not going to invest in


"We need to sow so that we can reap in

the future for a sustainable world".

The African Energy Chamber is the voice

of the African energy sector fully

determined to improve the landscape of

the African energy sector, and explore the

continent’s full potential in a way where

the people benefit first.

Furthermore, the African Energy

Chamber will be hosting its second

edition of African Energy Week scheduled

to hold on 18th - 21st October 2022 in

Cape Town, South Africa.

African Energy Week (AEW) is the African

Energy Chamber’s annual event, uniting

African energy leaders, global investors,

and executives from across the public and

private sectors for four days of intense

dialogue on the future of the African

energy industry.

Join the African Energy Network

Be part of the African Energy transforma on. An exhibi on

and networking conference.

Established in 2021 to unite African energy stakeholders, drive

industry growth and development, and promote Africa as the

des na on for African-focused events.

AEW represents Africa’s official energy event where decisions

regarding the future of the continent’s natural resources will

be made. For more information, please visit www.aecweek.com




Africa Must Move from PowerPoint Presentations

to Concrete Actions - Kyari

The Chairman of the meeting of CEOs

of APPO National Oil Companies

(NOCs) and Group CEO of the

Nigerian National Petroleum Company

(NNPC) Ltd has called on African Petroleum

Producing Countries to move from making

beautiful PowerPoint presentations to

taking concrete actions that will take the

continent out of energy poverty.

He made the call at the 2nd meeting of CEOs

of the NOCs in Abuja, Nigeria recently...

Giving more details, the meeting Chairman

stressed that Africa must opt for a synergy of

actions to meet the challenges posed by the

energy transition to its oil and gas industry.

He urged the meeting to strengthen and

integrate such regional initiatives as the

trans-Saharan pipeline project, the Central

Africa pipeline project (CAPS) and the West

African Gas Pipeline (WAGP) towards

meeting the challenges.

He further emphasized on the need to

create a financial institution as soon as

possible to finance energy, oil and gas


In an opening remark before the meeting,

the Minister of State, Petroleum Resources

of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, His

Excellency Chief Timipre Sylva who was

accompanied by his counterparts from

Equatorial Guinea and Niger, recalled that

the decision to revive and empower the

CEOs of the NOCs of the APPO Member

Countries(MCs) was taken by APPO’s

Ministerial Council during the major reform

and restructuring. from APPA to APPO. This,

he explained, was in recognition of the

essential role that the NOCs of the APPO

MCs would play in ensuring the survival and

development of the oil and gas industry in

Africa in the era of energy transition.

Key considerations at the Meeting include:

3Contributions from sovereign funds for

the financing of the oil and gas industry

through the African Energy Transition Bank;

3Support for regional integrated

infrastructure initiatives such as the

extension of the GAO in the West African

region to Morocco, the trans-Saharan

pipeline projects and the Central African

Pipeline System (CAPS)

3The rapid establishment of Pan-African oil

and gas services companies in the various

fields of industry coordinated by the APPO


L-R: APPO Secretary General, Dr Omar Farouk Ibrahim and Malam Mele Kyari The Group Chief

Execu ve Officer (CEO) of the Nigerian Na onal Petroleum Company (NNPC) Limited

Mozambique Set To Host Gas and Energy

Summit in September 2022


he Mozambique Gas & Energy

S u m m i t & E x h i b i t i o n w i l l

reconvene key Mozambican Government,

Ministerial and industry stakeholders

with international investors, developers

and private sector value chain

participants to engage in B2B networking,

develop bilateral and local partnerships

and exchange knowledge and best


Tiago Marques, Head of Content – Africa,

dmg events, said "This year we are

receiving more international delegations

than before, we have Saudi Arabia, South

Korea, Italy, France is extremely well

represented with an exciting country

pavilion and other countries such as

Angola, Argentina, Canada, are also

joining. In terms of speakers and

delegates we also have a varied range of

industry experts from all around the

world and the region, for example South

Africa, South Korea, Europe, Italy, Middle

East and other countries which are

actively looking to strengthen their

partnerships with Mozambique.

"The energy potential of Mozambique is

enormous and the interest in the Summit

is reflecting that.

Our esteemed partner ENH and the

Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy

have worked incredibly hard to put

Mozambique at centre stage in the global

energy map.

"The Mozambique Gas & Energy Summit

always had a strong focus on Local

Content and opportunities for national

citizens and companies.

“We not only have a panel on Local

Content, but we also have a session on

nurturing tomorrow’s leaders as well as

how Mozambique will use gas to

revolutionise its industrial landscape.

"The current global crisis in Europe and

around the world is a complex issue which

is without a question accelerating the

interest in reliable energy supply.

“Africa is blessed with resources and I

believe countries around the continent

and Mozambique in particular, are

working hard to provide opportunities

and develop their energy sector which

will ultimately lead to socio economic





About The Author

Michael Ehrenstein is a U.S.-

based trial attorney, founder

of the international business

litigation boutique Ehrenstein|

Sager, and the 2022 president

of the Litigation Counsel of


He has more than

30 years of legal experience,

including representing

nations such as the Republic

of Angola in sovereign

immunity cases related to

their commercial activities.

Michael Ehrenstein is a U.S.-based trial a orney, founder of the interna onal business

li ga on bou que Ehrenstein|Sager

Africa Must Be a Trusted, Global

Energy Partner

This summer, London suffered one of

the worst heat waves in a century. I

know because my daughter, who

studies fashion there, shared stories about

the extreme heat. People sweltered on the

train. London's humidity and the record heat

combined in her flat to create a steam room.

My best advice to her: hydrate now and enjoy

the heat while you can, because come winter,

she and her friends will be praying for its


The fallout from Russia's invasion of Ukraine

destabilized the United Kingdom's (and

Western Europe's) fuel supplies. The war

dramatically increased prices at the pump,

ramped up energy bills and will further

disrupt their quality of life. Already, the Office

of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem), the

United Kingdom’s energy regulator, increased

the price cap on U.K. gas and electricity rate

increases by 54% in April, the largest-such

annual increase since 1970. Experts

anticipate further increases when the agency

revisits the rate cap this month. Meanwhile,

some European countries with less developed

energy infrastructures will face a harsh winter

without sufficient fuel to reliably provide

needed heat.

It is easy to blame the West's current energy

struggles on Russia's invasion and the

sanctions it triggered, including boycotting

Russian fuel. However, Western European

leaders are also responsible. They failed to

adequately diversify their fuel supply and

became dependent on Russian


For example, in the two years leading up

to the invasion of Ukraine, European

nations imported about two-thirds of

Russia’s oil exports, according to the

International Energy Agency. Last year,

the European Union imported 2.2 million

barrels of crude oil per day from Russia,

along with 0.7 million barrels per day via

pipelines. Russia's Baltic pipeline,

Nordstream 1, typically accounts for

about a third of all Russian gas exports to

Europe. Last month, Russia cut the

pipeline's deliveries to a mere fifth of its

total capacity. It should be no surprise

that the West’s failure to adequately

diversify its fuel supply will likely cause

further harm this winter.

A glimmer of hope shimmers amidst the

warfare and political turmoil — and it lies

in Africa. Western Europe needs a new,

reliable energy partner. Europe should

look south. Long overlooked and

underestimated by the West, Africa is a

continent with enormous resources, a

young and eager workforce, and

unlimited potential.

From strategic pawn to strategic partner

For too long, world powers carved Africa

into spheres of influence to support their

geopolitical goals. For example, China

played — and continues to play — Africa

By Michael Ehrenstein

as a strategic pawn, using its status as the

c o n t i n e n t ’s l e a d i n g p r o v i d e r o f

developmental finance to control one-fifth of

all lending to African countries. In opaque

deals, China collateralizes that debt with

Africa's resources and infrastructure. Russia,

too, has molded African interests to its own

needs behind the scenes, supporting its ruling

elites to maintain substantial footholds in

resource-rich regions. At the same time,

European nations have stalled, offering

capitalistic platitudes but paltry investments.

But Africa is more than a pawn on a global

diplomatic chessboard. Russia’s war and

Europe's painful weaning from Russian fuel

reliance should encourage realistic and fresh

investment into energy trade between

Europe and Africa. With appropriate

investment, the continent can be well

positioned as a reliable energy exporter —

further diversifying the global fuel market and

providing additional energy security to

Europe. Consider, as The Energy Republic

reported in its May-June 2022 issue, that

Africa sits on an estimated 600 trillion gallons

of proven LNG reserves, all available for

extraction and delivery.

It is beyond time for Western leaders to

recognize that Africa offers a realistic solution

to its present energy crisis — a crisis that will

get far worse in winter without Africa

contributing its fuel to the European energy


Impediments and incentives to Africa acting

as a global energy partner

Plagued by colonial history, Western Europe

will face an uphill climb in earning Africa’s




trust — especially as Russia holds

hostage the Ukrainian grain and other

resources essential to many African

economies. Look no further than the

breakdown of the U.N. General

Assembly’s March 2022 vote on a

resolution to condemn Russia’s

invasion of Ukraine. Of the 35 countries

that abstained from voting, 17 were

from Africa. One African country,

Eritrea, even voted against the


Nevertheless, Western Europe should

continue p u rs u i n g p ro d u c t i ve


with the continent. We have already seen

progress on this front from France and Italy.

France’s €3.6 billion investments in 2020

shored up social services and infrastructure

needs on the continent, especially in

Francophone nations. Meanwhile, Italian

energy conglomerate ENI plans to invest in

Sonatrach, Algeria’s state-owned energy

company, to pursue more sustainable

supplies and new oil field extraction

opportunities. Certainly, with more

agreements like these, Europe can obtain

the fuel it needs. More importantly, Europe

can build trusting and reliable relationships

with African

producers. If they are genuine, those

relationships will benefit Africans and

Europeans alike well after the present crisis has


Africa controls its energy future. The present

energy crisis highlights the potential for Africa

to emerge as a global energy partner. The

continent offers plentiful resources and the

desire to share its gifts with the world. Western

Europe must look to Africa for energy

development now.

Africa’s Natural Gas to Rise 155% By 2050 - GECF


n a recent story published by

Business Day Nigeria, natural gas

demand in Africa will record the

highest growth rate among all regions of

the world by 2050.

The report, which was extracted from the

Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF)

Global Gas Outlook 2050, revealed that the

demand for natural gas in Africa will

increase by 155 percent to 13.95 trillion

cubic feet (tcf) – 395 billion cubic meters

(bcm) within that period.

Nigeria accounts for over 209 tcf of proven

gas reserves, followed by Algeria’s 81 tcf.

Other regions such as Asia Pacific, Latin

America, and the Middle East also top the

list of rapid natural gas demand growth

while Europe is expected to see an 18

percent decline in its natural gas


“Natural gas demand in Europe will drop by

18 percent to 14.83 tcf (420 bcm) by 2050.

Nevertheless, natural gas will remain

resilient at least up until 2030 as emissionreduction

measures are expected to

initially have more impact on coal and oil

within the power generation and transport


“O ver t h e l o n g term, i n c re a s e d

decarbonisation efforts through energy

efficiency, electrification, renewables, and

low-carbon hydrogen, particularly green

hydrogen that will be introduced for a wide

range of sectors, will create pressure for

natural gas demand.

“The transport sector and blue hydrogen

generation will present the best growth

potential, partially offsetting declines in

other sectors,” the GECF said.

According to the outlook, the availability of

rich gas reserves in Africa and the upbeat

outlook for indigenous production offer

significant prospects for its increased

domestic usage.

“Infrastructure expansion could be a

potential obstacle in the region, but a

number of countries have plans for pipeline

construction and network development to

stimulate local consumption.

“Accelerated economic activity and a rising

urban population, accompanied by an

unprecedented increase in electricity

demand, will be the key drivers,” the

outlook noted.

Global Gas Outlook

Natural gas demand is expected to grow

globally to 198.65 tcf (5,625 bcm) by 2050 –

46 percent higher than in 2020.

On the other hand, Mustafa Amer, a

researcher at the GECF has said that natural

gas will remain in demand in all regions of

the world even in Paris-aligned scenarios.

He made this known during his presentation

on the theme of Energy Transition and the

Role of Natural Gas at the annual

International Association for Energy

Economics (IAEE) conference held in a

hybrid format in Tokyo, Japan (July 31 –

August 4, 2022).

Amer said the financial sector should

maintain responsible financing for energy

supply projects while the demand side, with

its policies, priorities, and technologies

should determine which energy mix to


He further discussed the growing role of

natural gas by mid-century based on the

latest edition of the GECF GGO, the role of

the financial sector in ensuring an adequate

supply of energy, the role of carbon removal

technologies in the climate agenda, and the

future of energy demand in the

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

Change (IPCC) assessed scenarios.

Also, Hussein Moghaddam, GECF’s senior

energy forecast analyst, presented the

results of his study on “The role of natural

gas in mitigating GHG emissions: The

environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis

for the major gas producing countries.”

He said that as natural gas is the lowestcarbon

hydrocarbon compared to other

fossil fuels, substituting gas with oil and coal

would reduce the speed and slope of CO2


“Investment in technologies to prevent

emissions from the entire gas value chain as

well as in investment in CCS technology is

n ecessary fo r t h e ga s indust r y,”

Moghaddam said.

On the role of hydrogen in achieving carbon

neutrality, Seyed Mohsen Razavi, energy

technology analyst, explained how

hydrogen would contribute to global carbon

neutrality by penetrating hard-to-electrify


Razavi, in his presentation, elaborated on

the exclusive role of hydrogen and the

potential of carbon dioxide (CO2)

abatement through its development. He

said that hydrogen is not the only measure

but is unique for particular sectors.

According to his paper, natural gas coupled

with carbon capture and storage (CCS) and

renewable power are among the most

potent and reliable sources to decarbonise

the energy system in terms of the volume of

mitigation potential.



Gas Expor ng

Countries Forum

Member Countries




Eni Buys FLNG Facility to Produce and Export LNG

from Congo Republic

Energy group Eni has announced that it

had acquired Tango FLNG to produce

and export liquefied natural gas (LNG)

from the Republic of Congo, as Italy rushes to

find alternative supplies to Russian gas.

Eni acquired the company, Export LNG Ltd,

which owns the Tango FLNG floating

liquefaction facility, from Exmar group. The

facility will be used by Eni in the Republic of

Congo, as part of the activities of the natural gas

development project in the Marine XII block, in

line with Eni's strategy to leverage gas equity


The Tango FLNG, built in 2017, has a treatment

capacity of approximately 3 million standard

cubic meters/day and an LNG production

capacity of approximately 0.6 million tons per

year (about 1 billion standard cubic

meters/year). The acquisition of this facility

allows the development of a fast-track model

capable of seizing the opportunities of the LNG

market. In addition, the high flexibility and

mobility characteristics of the Tango FLNG will

favour the development and enhancement of

Eni's equity gas by accelerating production

start-up time.

Tango FLNG will begin its activity in Congo in the

second half of 2023, following the completion

of mooring and connection works necessary to

tie with the Marine XII network and

infrastructure. LNG production from Marine XII

is expected to begin in 2023, and when fully

operational it will provide volumes in excess of 3

million tons/year (over 4.5 billion cubic


Eni's activities are concentrated in the

conventional and deep offshore facing Pointe-

Noire and onshore Koilou region over a

developed and undeveloped acreage of 2,484

square kilometers (1,306 square kilometers net

to Eni). Eni’s main operated producing interests

are the Nené Marine and Litchendjili (Eni’s

interest 65%), Zatchi (Eni’s interest 55.25%),

Loango (Eni’s interest 42.5%), Ikalou (Eni’s

interest 100%), Djambala (Eni’s interest 50%),

Foukanda and Mwafi (Eni’s interest 58%), Kitina

(Eni’s interest 52%), Awa Paloukou (Eni’s

interest 90%), M’Boundi (Eni’s interest 83%)

and Kouakouala (Eni’s interest 74.25%) fields

and other relevant non-operated producing

areas located in the Pointe-Noire Grand Fond

(Eni’s interest 29.75%) and Likouala (Eni’s

interest 35%) permits.

TotalEnergies and ADNOC partner for

Fuel Distribution in Egypt

The partnership between

TotalEnergies and ADNOC has

been further strengthened

following the signing by ADNOC

Distribution of an agreement to

acquire a 50% stake in TotalEnergies

M a r k e t i n g E g y p t L L C f o r a

consideration of approximately $200

million. This new transaction follows

t h e s i g n i n g o f t h e st rategic

partnership agreement signed by

TotalEnergies and ADNOC on the

occasion of the state visit in Paris of His

Highness Sheikh, Mohamed bin Zayed

Al Nahyan, President of the United

Arab Emirates.

Established in 1998, TotalEnergies

Egypt operates about 7% of service

stations in Egypt. The contemplated

partnership between TotalEnergies, a

leading global multi-energy company,

and ADNOC Distribution, the UAE’s

largest fuel retail distributor, includes

a portfolio comprising 240 fuel retail

stations, as well as wholesale fuel

activities, an aviation fuel business,

and lubricants sales.

The Acquisition is expected to

complete in Q1 2023 pending

satisfaction of certain conditions,

including customary regulatory


Thierry Pflimlin, President Marketing

& Services at TotalEnergies, said,

‘’TotalEnergies is pleased to join forces

with ADNOC Distribution in Egypt. The

rich experience of an experienced fuel

distributor in the GCC region will bring a

significant added value to TotalEnergies

Marketing Egypt. We look forward to

collaborating with ADNOC Distribution in

a combined growth strategy.’’

Bader Saeed Al Lamki, CEO of ADNOC

Distribution, said, “TotalEnergies Egypt is

a well-established business with a solid

track record of operational excellence and

in-depth knowledge of the Egyptian fuel

and retail sector. This move aligns with

our vision to establish ADNOC

Distribution as a regional leader in the

fuel distribution sector. We look forward

to providing the best possible service to

customers in Egypt, and working with

TotalEnergies to accelerate our

international expansion in Egypt and


ADNOC Distribution is the leading fuel

distributor and convenience store

operator in the UAE. ADNOC Distribution

operates 464 retail fuel stations, 350

convenience stores as of 31 March 2022

and is the leading marketer and

distributor of fuels to commercial,

industrial and government customers

throughout the UAE. ADNOC Distribution

is the only fuel retailer operating in all

seven emirates in the UAE.









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Patrick Pouyanné,

CEO of TotalEnergies

TotalEnergies Takes FID on Three

Major Oil, Gas and Solar Energy

Projects in Angola

As part of the rollout of its multi-energy

strategy in Angola, TotalEnergies

announces the launch of the Begonia

oil field, and Quiluma and Maboqueiro gas

fields developments, as well as its first

photovoltaic project in the country, with a

capacity of 35 MWp and the possibility of

adding 45 MWp in a second phase.

Begonia, the first development on Block


TotalEnergies today announces the final

investment decision for Begonia, the first

development of block 17/06, located 150

kilometers off the Angolan coast, in

agreement with concession holder Agência

Nacional de Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis

(ANPG) and its partners on Block 17/06.

The Begonia development consists of five

wells tied back to the Pazflor FPSO (floating

production, storage and offloading unit),

already in operation on Block 17. After

commissioning, expected in late 2024, it will

add 30,000 barrels a day to the FPSO's


After CLOV Phase 3, another satellite project

that produces 30,000 barrels a day and was

launched on Block 17 in June 2022, Begonia is

the second TotalEnergies-operated project in

Angola to use a standardized subsea

production system, saving up to 20% on costs

and shortening lead times for equipment


The project represents an investment of $850

million and 1.3 million man-hours of

work, 70% of which will be carried out in


Quiluma and Maboqueiro, Angola's first

non-associated natural gas projects

TotalEnergies also announces the final

investment decision for the “Non

Associated Gas 1” (NAG1) project, in

which the Company holds an 11.8%

interest alongside its partners, Eni

(operator with 25.6%), Chevron (31%),

Sonangol P&P (19.8%) and bp (11.8%).

NAG1 is the first non-associated natural

gas project developed in Angola. Gas

produced from the Quiluma and

Maboqueiro offshore fields will supply

the Angola LNG plant, improving Angola's

LNG production capacity and the

availability of domestic gas for the

country's industrial development.

Production is scheduled to start in mid-


Quilemba, Angola's first TotalEnergies

solar plant

TotalEnergies, alongside the Ministry of

Energy and Water as well as its partners

Sonangol and Greentech, was also

awarded by the Angolan authorities, the

concession for the construction of the

Quilemba photovoltaic plant, with initial

capacity of 35 MWp and the possibility of

adding 45 MWp in a second phase.

The plant will be located in the southern

city of Lubango and should come on

stream at the end of 2023.

It will contribute to the decarbonization of

Angola’s energy mix and, through a fixedprice

Power Purchase Agreement (PPA),

deliver significant savings for the Angolan

government compared to the fuel used in

existing power plants. TotalEnergies holds an

51% interest in Quilemba solar, alongside

affiliates of Sonangol EP (30%) and Angola

Environment Technology (Greentech, 19%).

"Begonia, NAG1 and Quilemba illustrate the

deployment of our multi-energy strategy in

Angola, where TotalEnergies has been active

for nearly seventy years," said Patrick

P o u y a n n é , C h a i r m a n a n d C E O o f

TotalEnergies. “With Begonia, the first subsea

tieback to another block, we are leveraging

the existing Pazflor infrastructure, reducing

costs, thanks largely to the standardization of

subsea equipment, and continuing to

innovate in the deep offshore. With the NAG1

project, we will contribute to the country’s

industrial development and enable Angola,

from 2026, to increase its LNG production and

to contribute to the security of supply of

Europe and Asia.

“Quilemba will allow us to harness the

country's solar potential and develop a

sustainable model for the production of

electricity. These three projects demonstrate

TotalEnergies' ambition to support Angola

during the energy transition by producing

energy with low carbon intensity and

developing renewables in a country with

strong potential."

TotalEnergies has been present in Angola

since 1953 and today employs around 1,500

people across different business segments.

With a diversified portfolio, deep offshore

operated assets representing more than 45%

of the country’s oil production, service

stations in partnership with Sonangol and

renewable energy projects, TotalEnergies in

Angola is a key player in supporting the

country’s sustainable energy transition.

TotalEnergies operates Block 17/06 with a

30% interest, alongside affiliates of Sonangol

P&P (30%), SSI (27.5%), ACREP/Somoil (5%),

Falcon Oil (5%) and PTTEP (2.5%).

TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy

company that produces and markets

energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and

green gases, renewables and electricity.




Eni Looks To Construct Second South Coral FLNG

Offshore Mozambique

Eni has proposed that its partners in

the Rovuma LNG project to

construct a second floating

liquefied natural gas processing facility to

circumvent political risks that have

disrupted ExxonMobil from building an

onshore megaplant, according to report

from SPE's Journal of Petroleum


Italy’s Eni is aiming to construct a second

floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG)

processing facility offshore Mozambique

to fast-track monetization of the

ultradeepwater gas reserves it is

developing with its partners ExxonMobil

and China National Petroleum Co. (CNPC)

in the Mozambique Rovuma Venture SpA


No final investment decision (FID) has

been made, but Eni CEO Claudio Descalzi

told analysts during a 2Q earnings call on

29 July that Eni’s partners “are positive”

and view the option as a temporary fix to

work around political risk that has stalled

ExxonMobil’s movement on the $30-

billion onshore LNG facility originally


Chief Timipre Sylva

The Coral-Sul FLNG facility during sailaway fes vi es in South Korea in November 2021. Source: Eni.

Ghana To Draft New Local Content

Regulation For Downstream Sector

In late 2020, an Islamic militant

insurgency that had been building over 3

years intensified attacks along the Cabo

Delgado coast, home to not only

ExxonMobil’s Rovuma LNG facility but

a l s o To t a l E n e rg i e s ’ $ 2 0 - b i l l i o n

Mozambique LNG development. The

attacks prompted the French major to

declare force majeure in late April 2021

and ExxonMobil to postpone its FID to

2022 or even 2023.

Mozambique’s Importance as a Global

Energy Hub

In 2020, Mozambique boasted the thirdlargest

natural gas reserves in Africa after

Nigeria and Algeria, with its largest gas

deposits—and supply source for future

LNG exports—located in Area 1 and Area

4 of the Rovuma Basin, according to the

US Energy Information Administration.

The MRV joint venture between Eni,

ExxonMobil, and CNPC holds a 70%

interest in the Area 4 exploration and

production concession contract to

develop Coral South along with two other

world-class gas reservoirs in the Mamba

complex. The remaining 30% interest in

Area 4 is split equally between Portugal’s

Galp, Korea’s KOGAS, and Mozambique’s

state-owned ENH (Empresa Nacional de

Hidrocarbonetos EP).

Ghana's Energy Minister, Dr. Matthew

Opoku Prempeh has announced that

the Government is working on drafting

new local content regulation for downstream

sector to increase Ghanaian participation in the

oil and gas industry.

The Minister disclosed this on his official

LinkedIn page, noting that the ministry has met

with representatives of Vivo Energy,

TotalEnergies SE and Engen, including key

players in Ghana’s downstream petroleum


He stated, "Together with senior officials of the


regulator of the industry, we discussed the

concerns of these players around the proposed

amendment to the Act that established the NPA

as well as the Draft Regulation for Ghanaian

Content and Ghanaian Participation for the

downstream sector.

"I provided these officials clarification on

government’s policy intention which will be

anchored on this regulation. I indicated clearly,

that issues such as ownership structure of

downstream operators within the context of

local content and local participation, among

other issues are not designed to make foreign

p l aye rs u n c o m fo r ta b l e b u t p a r t o f

government’s overarching strategy to ensure

that our local people can fully participate in the


"As I have always held, it is through an effective

local content and local participation policy

framework and legislations, that Ghanaians can

maximise the benefits of any industry.

"Whilst I believe I was able to allay any possible

fears of these entities, I am fully committed as

sector Minister, to sound investor relations and

also work to ensure that Ghana, and for that

matter Ghanaians are able to take advantage of

the numerous opportunities in our energy

sector value chain".

24 26 21



President Felix Tshisekedi Launches the DRC’s

30-Block Licensing Round


n an exciting move for the African

oil and gas industry, the

Democratic Republic of the Congo

(DRC) has officially launched its highly

anticipated bid licensing round. Opened

by H.E. Felix Tshisekedi, President of the

DRC. The round has 30 blocks on offer –

27 of which are oil and three are gas –

positioning the country as one of the

most attractive frontier hydrocarbon

markets in 2022 and beyond. Launched

ahead of the continent’s premier event

for the oil and gas industry, African

Energy Week (AEW) 2022 – taking place

October 18-21 in Cape Town – the bid

round is set to create an influx in foreign

investment to the DRC, triggering

newfound socioeconomic growth.

Present at the launch were H.E. Gabriel

Mbaga Obiang Lima, Minister of Mines

and Hydrocarbons of Equatorial Guinea

and H.E. Dr. Omar Farouk Ibrahim,

Secretary General of the African

Petroleum Producers Organization.

While 16 blocks were initially on offer, in

response to rising global demand and the

need for more oil and gas in Africa, H.E.

Didier Budimbu Ntubuanga, Minister of

Hydrocarbons of the DRC, doubled the

blocks on offer earlier this month.

Among the blocks, three are located in

the coastal basin of the Kongo Central

province while nine are located in

Cuvette Centrale,11 close to Lake

Tanganyika and four near Lake Albert

–where sizable discoveries have already

been made on the Ugandan side of the

prospect. The three blocks open for gas

exploration are located in Lake Kivu.

With an estimated reserve potential of

five billion barrels of oil and 30 billion cubic

meters of gas, the round makes good on the

government’s promise to reawaken the DRC

oil and gas market.

Speaking at the launch, H.E. President

Tshisekedi emphasized the government’s

commitment to fast tracking hydrocarbon

developments, targeting first oil from the new

blocks in the earliest time frame possible,

while maintaining environmental obligations

and protection. With discussions officially

open for the round, the government is

committed to working with sustainable

investors, ensuring exploration and

production is achieved without the risk of

environmental disruption. For the country,

both developing oil and gas and protecting

the environment goes hand in hand, and led

by H.E. President Tshisekedi, the government

has placed both objectives at the center of the

country’s developmental agenda.

“The DRC is by no means reneging on any of

its international obligations towards the

environment with our push to explore

hydrocarbons. On the contrary, we are more

than ever committed to meeting these goals,

while at the same time ensuring that our

nation can benefit from our hydrocarbon’s

potential,” H.E. President Tshisekedi stated.

In addition to unlocking new investment and

international participation in DRC oil and gas,

the round will drive investments across the

energy value chain, kickstarting a new era of

energy access in line with the government’s

ambition to make energy poverty history.

Currently, the country produces 25,000

barrels per day (bpd) of oil, however with the

round, the government has introduced an

ambitious target of increasing this figure to

one million bpd within the next two decades,

significantly improving energy access,

security and independence.

“With 30 blocks on offer in the DRC, Africa is

sure to witness a new era of investment and

hydrocarbon development. While the round

aligns closely with the government’s

objectives of developing a competitive and

mutually beneficial oil and gas industry in the

DRC, it goes one step further, emphasizing the

government’s commitment to protecting the

environment. By ensuring the operation and

development of fields is done in a low carbon

manner, adhering to international

environmental standards, while only working

with sustainable investors and energy

companies, the government has prioritized

the sustainable development of its energy

sector,” states Verner Ayukegba, SVP of the

African Energy Chamber, adding that, “This is

what AEW 2022 is all about. The sustainable

developments of Africa’s oil and gas reserves.

If we are going to make energy poverty history

by 2030, we need to develop and use our oil

and gas.”

During African Energy Week (AEW) 2022, a

DRC delegation led by H.E. Minister

Ntubuanga will not only be driving discussions

around Africa’s upstream landscape, but will

be providing critical insight into the DRC’s

licensing round, holding technical

presentations and directly engaging with

potential bidders. With AEW 2022 taking

place under the theme, Exploring and

Investing in Africa’s Energy Future while

Driving an Enabling Environment, updates on

the DRC’s licensing round and insight from

H.E. Minister Ntubuanga will be key, as the

continent looks to create a new narrative

around developing oil and gas in an

environmentally sustainable manner.




VAALCO Energy has released the

progress reports on its field

development and facilities

overhaul program in the Etame license

offshore Gabon. According to the

report, VAALCO Energy has successful

drilled the South Tchibala 1HB-ST well

that was drilled from the Avouma

platform in the Etame field, offshore


George Maxwell, VAALCO’s Chief

Executive Officer, commented, "With

the drilling of the South Tchibala 1HB-

ST well and completion in the Deep

Dentale interval, VAALCO will add new

reserves and production that were not

previously in our 2P reserve base.

Additionally, there is the D9 sand that

will remain cased as we produce out of

VAALCO Energy Releases Progress Report

on its Field Development Campaign at Etame

offshore Gabon is analogous to the Deep Dentale producing field

the D1 that could be tested or completed in

the future. This discovery is analogous to

our producing Dentale in North Tchibala.

The continued success of our drilling

campaign further demonstrates the quality

of our premier Etame asset. We expect the

well to be online in June and will provide the

market with an update when we have initial

production data.”


3Discovered significant columns of

multiple hydrocarbon bearing sands in the


3Completing the Dentale D1 sand (18

meters net hydrocarbons) interval, which

in North Tchibala with similar porosity and


3Additional cased Dentale D9 (15 meters net

hydrocarbons) interval can be tested and

completed in the future.

3Penetrated a thin section of the Gamba sand

that is not economically viable to complete in this

wellbore. Evy Maffini

3Adds new reserves that were previously not

captured in VAALCO’s 2P reserves, upon successful

completion and first production, these reserves

will be additive to VAALCO’s 1P reserves.

3Potentially adds new future drilling locations in

the Deep Dentale trend across the Etame block;


3Currently completing the South Tchibala 1HB-ST

well with initial production expected in June.

Masdar and TANESCO to develop renewable projects

in Tanzania

Masdar, one of the world’s leading

renewable energy companies, has

signed an agreement with Tanzania

Electric Supply Company Ltd. (TANESCO) for the

development of renewable energy projects

with a total capacity of up to 2 gigawatts (GW).

Abdulla Zayed, Head of Business Development

& Investment at Masdar and Maharage Chande,

Managing Director of TANESCO, signed the Joint

Development Agreement (JDA) on the sidelines

of the Tanzania Energy Congress in the presence

of Hon. January Makamba, Minister for Energy

for Tanzania. The JDA envisages the

establishment of a co-owned joint venture (JV)

company by the two organizations to progress

the project development.

Maharage Chande, The Executive Director of

TANESCO, said: “The agreement we are signing

today will bring about a big revolution in the

development of renewable energy in the

country. Through the first phase of the

collaboration, we expect to generate

approximately 600 megawatts, and we will

continue with other projects until we reach

2,000 megawatts.”

Abdulla Zayed, Head of Business Development

& Investment at Masdar, said: “Masdar and

TANESCO are working together to support

Tanzania’s sustainable development and to

provide a secure, clean source of energy for the

people of Tanzania. The signing of this

a g r e e m e n t d e m o n s t r a t e s M a s d a r ’s

commitment to the Tanzanian market and to

the nation’s energy transition, supporting the

target to reach 5,000 MW capacity by 2025. We

look forward to working with TANESCO to

develop this ambitious program and to provide

a clean pathway for growth for Tanzania.”

Through the JV, the two companies are initially

targeting the development of renewable

energy projects with a capacity of about 600

megawatts (MW) starting with solar

photovoltaic (PV) and onshore wind.

AfCFTA, AFDB Signs Agreement for $11 million Institutional

Support Project

The African Continental Free Trade

Area (AfCFTA) Secretariat and the

African Development Bank’s African

Development Fund, has signed a Protocol of

Agreement to formalise their shared

commitment towards the effective

implementation for the AfCFTA Agreement.

The Secretary-General of the AfCFTA

Secretariat, His Excellency Wamkele Mene and

the African Development Bank’s Acting Vice

President for Regional Development,

Integration and Business Delivery, signed the

Protocol of Agreement for the grant of $11.24

million for AfCFTA implementation at the

margins of the 9th Meeting of the AfCFTA

Council of Ministers Responsible for Trade in

Accra – Ghana.

H.E. Wamkele Mene said: “We welcome the

support of the Bank as this is a clear indication

of our strategic partnership that will strengthen

the capacity of the Secretariat and facilitate the

start of commercially meaningful trade under

the AfCFTA preferences. The COVID-19

pandemic and the current geopolitical tensions

have created an ethos of urgent collective

action for the implementation of the AfCFTA.

We all have a shared responsibility to change

the destinies of all Africans as we achieve the

laudable objective of the AfCFTA.”

“The African Development Bank is proud of the

strong partnership with the AfCFTA Secretariat

and confident that this institutional support will

enable our respective mandates to spur greater

c o n t i n e n t a l t r a d e a n d e c o n o m i c

transformation, in line with Agenda 2063’s

vision of the Africa we want,” Mrs. Yacine Fal,

Acting Vice President of Regional Development,

Integration and Business Delivery said. “Africa’s

hope for building back strong and better lies

with the successful implementation of the


The African Continental Free Trade Area

(AfCFTA) is one of the flagship projects of

Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want and entered

into force on 30 May 2019. It is a high ambition

trade agreement, which aims to bring together

all 55 member states of the African Union,

covering a market of more than 1.3 billion

people, with a comprehensive scope that

includes critical areas of Africa’s economy, such

as digital trade and investment protection,

amongst other areas. By eliminating barriers to

trade in Africa, the objective of the AfCFTA is to

significantly boost intra-Africa trade,

particularly trade in value-added production

and trade across all services sectors of Africa’s

economy, at a potential of 52.3 percent.




Nigeria, Algeria, and Niger to Cash In as Parties

Signs MOU for Trans-Saharan Gas Pipeline

To move away from relying on Russian

gas, the European Union are

increasingly turning to Africa for

natural gas imports — and Algeria, Niger and

Nigeria are looking to cash in.

Algeria, Niger and Nigeria has signed a

memorandum of understanding to build a

4,000-kilometer (2,500-mile) Trans-Saharan

Gas Pipeline. It is estimated that, once the

$13 billion (€12.75 billion) pipeline is

complete, it will transport up to 30 billion

cubic meters (1 trillion cubic feet) of gas

annually from Nigeria, in West Africa, north

through Niger and on to Algeria, according

to DW report.

From there, it could be pumped through the

undersea from Trans-Mediterranean

Pipeline to Europe or loaded onto Liquefied

Natural Gas tankers for export.

The new momentum comes as the

European Union seeks to wean itself off

Russian gas during the war in Ukraine.

The MoU was signed in Algiers by the

Algerian Minister of Energy and Mines

Mohamed Arkab, Nigerian Minister of State

for Petroleum Resources Timipre Sylva, and

Niger Minister of Energy and Renewable

Energy Mahamane Sani Mahamadou.

Algeria's Energy Ministry said the natural

gas pipeline would stretch across the Sahara


n 2009, an accord was signed by Nigeria,

Niger, and Algeria to build the Trans Saharan

gas pipeline project with an aim to

commission it in 2015. However, the project

could not be implemented so far due to

various reasons, which include security


The proposed pipeline will source natural

gas from Nigeria and traverse north through

Niger, and further to Algeria.

It is planned to start in Warri in Nigeria and

end in Hassi R’Mel in Algeria. From there, it

will connect to existing pipelines that reach



Perenco’s PetroChad Exports First

Oil via Chad-Cameroon Pipeline


he Perenco-owned company has

announced the delivery of its first oil to

the Chad-Cameroon pipeline, signaling

a new era of oil production and distribution in


In less than one month under new leadership,

PetroChad Mangara has announced the export

of its first barrel of oil via the Chad-Cameroon

pipeline, ushering in a new era of production

and revenue generation for Chad. At a time

when global demand for oil is on the rise, the

export marks a significant step towards

restarting and rebuilding production in Chad, as

the company aims to position the country as a

globally competitive oil producer.

According to Perenco, the export of first oil

would not have been possible without the close

coordination with Société des Hydrocarbures

du Tchad (SHT) and the Ministry of Petroleum

and Energy, led by Minister Djerassem le

Bemadjiel. Both the ministry and SHT have

emphasized the role that oil and gas will play in

Chad’s energy and economic future, and by

working closely with international energy

major, Perenco, the country is already seeing

growth. For SHT and the ministry, the

announcement reaffirms Chad’s readiness to

welcome international explorers and investors

into the country while for Perenco, it

demonstrates the company’s capacity to deliver

operational results in a remarkably short time.

“Production is getting back on track. I am bullish

about what this project. I have always believed

that when African nations stop throwing up

roadblocks and start working to ensure that our

oil and gas operators invest, our best economic

opportunities comes to fruition. Chad as a

country will reap the benefits of its huge

reserves now that its leaders are taking this

historic opportunity with Perenco and other

operators and we encourage them to continue

the dialogue and put the right policies in place.

Under Minister Djerassem le Bemadjiel, Chad

has created an environment worthy of foreign

investment and following this announcement,

new developments are set to follow,” states NJ

Ayuk, Executive Chairman of the African Energy

Chamber (AEC), adding that, “These kind of

developments are what we at the AEC are

excited to see in Africa. We have been saying for

years that we need to develop our oil and gas

resources to make energy poverty history and

by getting production back on track,

kickstarting exploration and utilizing intra-

African pipeline networks such as the Chad-

Cameroon pipeline, Africa will develop.”

Currently, PetroChad operates three major oil

fields in Chad, namely, Mangara and Badila –

both producing since 2014 and exporting oil via

the Doba Oil Pipeline – and the undeveloped,

yet high potential Krim oilfield. The

announcement of first export via the Chad-

Cameroon pipeline – a 1,070km-long pipeline

linking the Doba oil fields in Chad with

Cameroon’s Atlantic Coast pumping stations,

ancillary facilities and infrastructure – marks

the first step in the independent’s drive to

resume production, while triggering associated

exploration activities across the basin. The Krim

oilfield itself represents a particularly attractive

hydrocarbon hotspot, and with revenue

generated from exports, exploration can

kickstart and national output increase even




2022 Africa Climate Week: Experts Discuss Africa’s

Needs and Priorities Ahead of COP27

Amid a call for urgent action to

safeguard the continent from

c l i m a t e c h a n g e , G a b o n ’s

President Ali Bongo Ondimba opened

the 2022 Africa Climate Week by

highlighting his country’s efforts to boost

climate action and calling for continuous

collective efforts.

“For more than ten years, we have

intensified our efforts to protect our

remarkable forestry heritage and build a

low-carbon economy,” Ondimba said.

“Consequently, Gabon, which has

already achieved the objectives set by

the Paris Agreement, is considered the

most carbon-positive country in the


More than 1200 delegates attended the

event, which opened in Libreville, Gabon

on Monday, 29 August. The conference is

providing a crucial platform for the

continent to address social inequalities

and invest in development to advance

climate action and safeguard people and


In her address, Patricia Janet Scotland,

secretary-general of the Commonwealth

of Nations, said: “If we choose, we can be

the solution we need, Africa can be the

answer. And this is our time. We are the

f i rst g e n e ra t i o n t o s u f fe r t h e

consequences of climate change but we

are the last generation able to do

anything about it.”

Egyptian Foreign minister, Sameh

Shoukry, the designated

president of COP27, said that Africans should

work to secure climate, given the

disproportionate impact climate change is

projected to have on Africa as compared to

other regions. He said: “African governments

and all other African voices, be they civil

society, youth, women’s groups, farmers,

workers, academia and the thriving African

private sector, should all continue to call for

climate justice.”

The African Union’s Commissioner for Rural

Economy and Agriculture Josefa Sacko, urged

African countries to maintain a common

stance as the continent tackles the impacts of

climate change to achieve its long-term goals.

Africa Climate Week is taking place under the

United Nations Framework Convention on

Climate Change and is a crucial step on the

road to COP27, which will be held in Egypt in

November 2022.

The opening session featured a ministerial

dialogue on the challenges of mobilizing and

accessing climate finance at scale to spur the

implementation of countries’ Nationally

Determined Contributions (NDCs) and

priority national climate plans and strategies.

Kevin Kariuki, African Development Bank

Group Vice President for Power, Energy,

Climate & Green Growth, said, “For us, a just

transition is all about greening the economy

in such a way that it is fair and inclusive, and

that ensures the costs and benefits of the

transition to low carbon and climate-resilient

development are shared across the entire


The African Development Bank’s 2022 Africa

Economic Outlook report projects that Africa

will need as much as $1.6 trillion between

2020-2030 to implement its climate action

commitments and NDCs.

The African Development Bank has

committed to mobilizing $25 billion for

climate finance by 2025; more than 50% of

that funding will be allocated to adaptation


A representative of the youth, Omnia El

Omrani, said that commitments to climate

action in Africa needed accelerating. “It’s time

for real action. Let this generation be the last

generation to face the climate crisis,” El

Omrani said.

Africa Climate Week, one of a series of

regional climate weeks, gives a voice to a

range of actors and partners: civil society,

women, local communities and financial

institutions. The event offers a forum for

discussion on how to contribute most

effectively to COP27 and achieve the Paris

agreement objectives.

Hosted by the Government of Gabon,

ACW2022 is organized by UN Climate Change

i n collaboration w i t h t h e A f r i can

Development Bank, UN Development

Programme, UN Environment Programme,

the World Bank Group, the African Union, the

UN Economic Commission for Africa and UN

Gabon. ACW 2022 aims to explore resilience

against climate risks, the transition to a lowemission

economy and partnerships to solve

pressing challenges.




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NNPC, IOCs Renew PSC Agreements

to Unlock Over $500 Billion

Revenue for Nigeria

33 34


NNPC Adopt New Monitoring Apps for

Crude Oil Theft, Pipeline Vandalism

Petroleum Ministry Inaugurates

Committee on Establishment of

Oil, Gas Promotion Office

President Buhari Unveils New NNPC Ltd, Assures

Nigerians Of Energy Security

Forty-four years after inaugurating

the old Nigerian National Petroleum

Corporation (NNPC) in 1977,

President Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday

July 19, 2022 in Abuja officially unveiled the

new Nigerian National Petroleum Company

Ltd in line with the provisions of the

Petroleum Industry Act (PIA) 2021.

The unveiling by the President at the State

House in Abuja signals a new era of

transparency, accountability and energy

security for the country. The unveiling

event was attended by the Group Chief

Executive Officer of the NNPC Ltd, Mele

Kyari, Chairman of the Board of NNPC

Margary Okadigbo, the Minister of State for

Petroleum Resources Timipre Sylva, the

Senate President Ahmed Lawan, Speaker of

the House of Representatives Femi

Gbajiabiamila and other top officials in the

public and private sectors of the Nigerian


With the change in structure, the company

would be regulated in line with the

provisions of the Companies and Allied

Matters Act (CAMA)

He affirmed that the company was more

than ever, now mandated by law to ensure

certainty in Nigeria’s national energy

security as well as operate in an

environment of transparency and


“NNPC Limited will operate as a

commercial, independent and viable

National Oil Company (NOC) at par with its

peers around the world, to sustainably

deliver value to its over 200 million

shareholders and the global energy

community, while adhering to its

fundamental corporate values of integrity,

excellence and sustainability.

“NNPC Limited is mandated by law to

ensure Nigeria’s national energy security is

guaranteed to support sustainable growth

across other sectors of the economy as it

delivers energy to the world,” he stated.

Aside not relying on government funding ,

the president reiterated that the new

company shall be free from institutional

regulations such as the Treasury Single

Account (TSA), Public Procurement and

Fiscal Responsibility Acts.

According to him, the provisions of PIA

2021, have now given the Nigerian

petroleum industry a new impetus, with

improved fiscal framework, transparent

governance, enhanced regulation and the

creation of a commercially-driven NOC.

‘‘It will, of course, conduct itself under the

best international business practices in

transparency, governance and commercial

viability,” he added.

He added that the new company would

focus on becoming a dynamic global energy

company of choice to deliver energy for

today, for tomorrow and for the days ahead.

In his remarks, an elated Minister of State

for Petroleum Resources, Chief Timipre

Sylva, who later confessed while appearing

on Arise television that the historical

unveiling of the new NNPC gave him goose

bumps, said the delay in signing the PIA into

law had cost the nation a whopping $50

billion in investments.

According to him, with the new law, the

international and local oil companies are

now assured of adequate protection for

their investments, with the nation’s

petroleum industry no longer rudderless.




"While the country was waiting for the

PIA, Nigeria’s oil and gas industry lost

about $50 billion worth of investments.

In fact, between 2015 and 2019, KPMG

states that only 4 per cent of the $70

billion investment inflows into Africa’s

oil and gas industry came to Nigeria

even though the country is the

continent’s biggest producer and the

largest reserves.


“We are setting all these woes behind

us, and a clear path for the survival and

growth of our petroleum industry is

now before us,’’ he said.

Sylva described the unveiling of NNPC

Limited as a new dawn in the quest for

the growth and development of the

Nigerian oil and gas industry, opening

new vistas for partnerships.

The NNPC Limited, he said, would

operate as a profitable commercial

entity and declare dividends to its

shareholders as well as demonstrate

higher level of performance and


NNPC Limited is a dynamic global

energy company with businesses and

operations across the entire spectrum

of the energy value chain. The company

offers diverse business and investment

opportunities in energy across different

geographies with a strong focus on


NNPC energy transition plan is

designed to ensure a low carbon

footprint across our businesses

through New Energy using various

means. The company's first step in this

direction as priority is, to determine our

emission baseline through the

development of our Environmental,

S o c i a l a n d G o vernance ( ESG)

framework, as well as the conduct of

the company-wide Greenhouse Gases

inventory. The implementation of its

ESG framework would result into

appropriate reporting of same in its

annual reports/financial statements.





NNPC, IOCs Renew PSC Agreements to Unlock

Over $500 Billion Revenue for Nigeria

ess than a month after the

unveiling of NNPC Limited by H.E

President Buhari, the Nigerian National

Petroleum Company Limited (NNPC) and

International Oil Companies (IOCs)

operating in Nigeria, has renewed its

Production Sharing Contract (PSC) and

signed the agreements that would

ensure the production of about 10 billion

barrels of crude oil and generate over

$500bn revenue to all parties involved.

During an event to mark the landmark

achievement held at the NNPC Towers in

Abuja, the parties renewed their

agreements in five Oil Mining Leases

(OMLs 128, 130,132, 133, and 138), a

development that would not only unlock

further investments in the upstream

sector and boost investors' confidence

but would also unlock over $500bn in

revenue for the country.

Group CEO, NNPC Ltd, Mallam Mele

Kyari, said renegotiations of the assets

were in line with the provisions of section

311 of the PIA with other improvements

to the PSCs aimed at driving performance

in the PSC operations.

Speaking further, Kyari said the

negotiations were completed within the

timeframe specified by PIA for all renegotiated

PSCs, stressing that "the

"meaning of this is that there is now a

great deal of clarity between NNPC Ltd

and its partners in the deepwater space."

Kyari commended President Muhammadu

Buhari for his leadership in providing the

NNPC Ltd and its Contractors the opportunity

to achieve the milestone through the PIA,

thereby offering more opportunities for

boosting the nation's crude oil production

and revenue base.

In his remarks, Country Chair, Shell

Companies in Nigeria, Mr. Osagie Okunbor

described the execution of OML 133 PSC

contract as significant progress towards

harnessing the deep-water resources of


Also speaking, the Chairman/Managing

Director of ExxonMobil Companies in Nigeria,

Mr. Richard Laing noted that the renewal of

the Usan and Erha leases validates his

company's commitment to maintaining a

significant deepwater presence in Nigeria,

through Esso Exploration and Production

Nigeria (Deepwater) Limited.

On his part, Chairman/Managing Director of

Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL), Mr. Rick

Kennedy said Chevron is proud of its strong

partnership with Nigeria and its various

partners and remains also committed to

supporting the country to develop its energy

resources safely and reliably.

The recent negotiations will put to rest the

protracted dispute between the NNPC Ltd

and the Contractor Parties in Oil Mining

Leases (OMLS) 125, 128, 130, 132 and 133, as

well as 138 PSCs). The PSCs and their leases,

except OML 130, will run for another 20 years

term under pre-PIA laws, while OML 130 is to

be renewed under PIA terms.

The PIA in Section 311(2) stipulates that new

PSC agreements under new Heads of Terms

will be signed between NNPC Ltd as

Concessionaire and her Contractor Parties

within one year of signing the PIA into law,

giving a deadline of 15th August 2022.

This provision paved the way for the

resolution of lingering disputes which created

investment uncertainty and stifled new

investments in the nation's deep offshore


To achieve this, NNPC Ltd leveraged on the

near-end term of the PSCS and the parties'

interest to renew the PSCs as a negotiation

currency in bringing the contractors to work

towards trading the past for the future.

These renewed PSCs would provide several

benefits such as improved long-term

relationships with contractors, elimination of

contractual ambiguities, especially in relation

to gas terms, and enable early contract

renewal amongst others.

The signing ceremony was witnessed by the

Honourable Minister of State for Petroleum

Resources, Chief Timipre Sylva; Board

Members of NNPC Ltd, led by the Chairman,

Senator, Margerie Chuba Okadigbo; Chief

Executive of NUPRC, Engr. Gbenga Komolafe;

Chief Executive of NMDPRA, Mr. Faruk Ahmed

and the Executive Chairman, Federal Inland

Revenue Service (FIRS), Mr. Muhammad





Mele Kyari, Group Chief Execu ve Officer (GCEO), NNPC Limited

NNPC Adopt New Monitoring

Apps for Crude Oil Theft,

Pipeline Vandalism

In response to the menace of oil

theft in Nigeria, the Nigerian

National Petroleum Company

Limited has launched an application for

the monitoring of crude oil theft and

pipeline vandalism, according to

Nairametrics report.

NNPC launched the Application in Abuja

at the signing of renewed Production

Sharing Contracts (PSCs) agreements

between NNPC and its partners in Oil

Mining Leases.

Speaking at the official launching of the

app, Mele Kyari, Group Chief Executive

Officer (GCEO), NNPC Ltd, said that the

actions of vandals on pipelines have

become a difficult thing to deal with.

The app called ‘Crude Theft Monitoring

Applications’ was created for members

of host communities and other Nigerians

to report incidents of oil theft.

Mr Kyari said the cooperation partners

were engaged, alongside government

regulatory bodies, security agencies and

host communities while putting up a

robust framework to curtail the menace.

“There are still ongoing activities of oil

thieves and vandals on our pipelines and

assets, very visible in the form of illegal

refineries that are continuously put up in

some locations and insertions into our

pipeline network.

“Arrests have been made and vessels

have been arrested by the Nigerian Navy,

I commend the Armed forces, in the last

three months, they have done substantive

work and had destroyed some illegal

refineries,” he said.

Kyari said companies must endeavour to

report suspicious sales even on the

international arena.

He added, ”Every product that left the

country must have a unique registration

number by the NNPC and validated by the

Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory

Commission (NUPRC).

“Ahead of this, we are also creating a platform

where end-users, particularly refiners and

traders can validate the product.

“We cannot do this without international

collaboration. It is impossible for any refinery

to take a crude they do not know the source,

refineries are designed to process certain

specific grade of crude.

“It is their duty to ensure that they validate

this, because we have unique number of

every crude that leaves this country.”

Speaking further, he said “We have visibility

around everyone’s operations and the

Economic and Financial Crime Commission

(EFCC) is following everyone related to those


“Wherever there is massive movement of

cash, EFCC will follow the person, we believe

that the combination of all these will get us

back to normalcy,”

Ministry, PAP,

NDDC to Develop

Joint Action Plan

to End Pipeline


The Minister of Niger Delta Affairs,

Umana Okon Umana and the

i n t e r i m a d m i n i s t r a t o r o f

Presidential Amnesty Programme (PAP),

Col. Milland Dixon Dikio (retd), have

resolved to formulate a common blueprint

to develop the Niger Delta, end pipeline

vandalism and illegal bunkering.

The duo agreed that it was high time the

ministry, PAP and the Niger Delta

Development commission (NDDC) worked

in tandem to develop common practical

template to tackle the problems in the

region especially oil theft related


Speaking recently, when Dikio and PAP

officials visited him in Abuja, Umana said

such joint rescue plan was required

because oil theft and pipeline vandalism

were undermining the peace and security

of the nation. He said: “those of us in the

Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs, the

Presidential Amnesty Programme, the

NDDC and other stakeholders, including

community leaders, should work together

to address the burning issue in our region,

which is the issue of oil theft and pipeline

vandalisation. “I would like all of us to sit

down and come up with a solution to this

problem. I challenge all of us to work

together to assist the Federal Government

to solve the problem.”

A statement signed by Dikio’s Special

Adviser, Media, Neotabase Egbe, quoted

Umana as saying that the NDDC and the

ministry would consolidate their

intervention plans into one blueprint for

the holistic and more effective

development of the region. He

acknowledged that Dikio was right in his

argument that the region would be better

off if the various agencies charged with

developing it worked in one accord.




Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Chief Timipre Sylva

Petroleum Ministry Inaugurates

Committee on Establishment of

Oil, Gas Promotion Office

The ministry of petroleum resources

has inaugurated a committee on the

establishment of an oil and gas

investment promotion office in Abuja to

interface with businessmen interested in

investing in the sector, according to news

from ThisDay.

In his remarks at the ceremony, the

Director overseeing the Office of the

Permanent Secretary, Mr. Kamoru Busari,

said that having an investment

promotion office in the ministry was a

strategic milestone to get investors to put

their money in Nigeria’s oil and gas sector,

stressing that the initiative would come in

handy to businesses, given the country’s

enormous oil and gas deposits.

The inauguration, according to Busari, was

sequel to the approval granted by the

Minister of State for Petroleum Resources,

Chief Timipre Sylva, on 22nd June, 2022.

“The oil and gas investment promotion office

is expected to be well equipped to support

Investors and further create awareness to

investors about Nigeria as an attractive

destination for oil and gas investment which

when established will act as a one-stop shop

of oil and gas investment”, Busari noted.

Nigeria Can Be The Energy Hub Of Africa – Oseragbaje

Nigeria must work to position itself as

the energy hub of Africa. This was the

assertion by Ado Oseragbaje the CEO

of Heritage Energy Operational Services

Limited (HEOSL), at the ongoing Nigeria

Annual Conference and Exhibition of the

Society of Petroleum Engineers in Lagos

Nigeria Monday August 1, 2022.

During a brief remark at the opening of the

topical issues panel discussion at the

conference, the HEOSL CEO said “With the

world seeking to transition to zero net

emission by 2050, it is a matter of existential

imperative for the Nigerian energy industry

to appropriately contextualize its place in

the fast-evolving scheme of things”.

Continuing, he said, “at Heritage Energy

Operational Services Limited (HEOSL) we

Ado Oseragbaje the CEO of Heritage Energy

Opera onal Services Limited (HEOSL)

believe the Nigerian industry holds a prime

place in the global energy landscape.

It is our expectation that today’s discussions

will explore thoughts and ideas on how to

best make the Nigerian industry realize its

fullest potentials.”

HEOSL is the operator of OML 30 Joint

Venture between the Nigeria Petroleum

Development Company (NPDC) and

Shoreline Natural Resources Limited (SNRL).

He called on industry players to engage in

open minded conversations on how best to

position the Nigerian energy industry for

sustainable profitability and relevance in

the global energy space.




Shell Nigeria Gas Commissions Indigenous Firm To Carry

Out Largest Domestic Gas Market Survey In Nigeria

Nigeria’s leading domestic gas

distribution company, the Shell

Nigeria Gas Limited (SNG), has

commissioned a far-reaching gas market

survey in 33% of the states in Nigeria to gain

deeper market insights for entry and to

accelerate the achievement of Nigeria’s

Decade of Gas objectives. SNG has engaged

notable indigenous consulting firm, Philips

Consulting Limited, for this project which

has the potentials to advance Nigeria’s

energy transition agenda.

unique opportunity to transform lives while

advancing Nigeria’s energy transition


Shell Nigeria Gas (SNG) is part of Shell

Energy in Nigeria. This relationship allows

SNG to leverage the capability of Shell

Energy Trading, Shell’s global gas & power

marketing and trading business, to

accelerate and deliver competitive and

reliable energy which enables economic

development and growth.

SNG’s Managing Director, Ed Ubong, said,

“The outcome of this survey will provide

additional insights into gas critical role in

transforming Nigeria to an industrialized

nation. This key commercial activity of

identifying gas supply and expansion

opportunities cuts across all regions in the

country and would leverage Nigeria’s $2.8

billion Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano (AKK)

pipeline project to penetrate the key

Northern markets.”

He said, “The new market survey will

provide an opportunity to deepen domestic

ga s u t i l i s a t i o n , e n h a n c e f u r t h e r

industrialisation and enable local industries

to have access to reliable and affordable

energy to thrive and create employment

opportunities for Nigerians.”

ED Ubong, Managing Director of Shell Nigeria Gas

Managing Director Phillips Consulting

Limited (PCL), Mr Rob Taiwo, said “PCL is

pleased to partner with Shell on this

important project as the world transitions

to cleaner energy solutions. It will support

consumers in meeting their evolving energy

requirements by providing cleaner and

cheaper alternatives. This project offers a

Incorporated in 1998, Shell Nigeria Gas

(SNG) is a fully owned Shell company for the

downstream distribution of gas to over 150

industries and manufacturing plants in

Nigeria. The company’s over 150-kilometre

gas transmission and distribution network

serves several distribution systems that

includes Agbara-Ota industrial cluster in

Ogun State, the Aba Cluster in Abia State,

and the Port Harcourt Cluster in Rivers


NCDMB, NLNG To Deepen Partnership On Projects,

LPG Penetration

The Nigerian Content Development

and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) and

the Nigeria Liquified Natural Gas

Limited will set up a tactical team

c o m p r i s i n g n o m i n e e s f ro m b o t h

organizations to drive closer collaboration

on projects, ensure compliance with

Nigerian Content obligations and promote

other strategic alliances for the good of the

nation’s economy.

This decision was reached on Wednesday

when the Managing Director of Nigeria LNG

Ltd, Dr. Philip Mshelbila led his management

team to pay a courtesy visit to the Executive

Secretary of the NCDMB, Simbi Kesiye

Wabote at the Nigerian Content Tower,

Yenagoa, Bayelsa State.

The Managing Director explained that the visit

was conceived to introduce the company’s new

management team to the NCDMB. He stated

that “NLNG and NCDMB have a special

partnership that is beyond operator and

regulator relationship. We started this

relationship when we signed a Service Level

Agreement (SLA) a few years ago and it put in

place standards by which we would work

together and ensure compliance and guard

against surprises.”

He said the current plan is to take the

relationship further and beyond complying with

the provisions of the Nigerian Oil and Gas

Industry Content Development (NOGICD) Act.

He said the reason is because “NLNG has a

vision not just to be a globally competitive

NLNG business, but to help build a better

Nigeria. To do that we have to work closely with

the NCDMB and raise our partnership to a new

level, and that includes human development,

research, and other areas.”

Speaking on the ongoing Train 7 LNG project,

Mshelbila recalled how NCDMB supported the

Nigeria LNG in various ways to enable the

takeoff of the project. He said: “the Final

Investment Decision (FID) was taken

successfully with the help of NCDMB and the

project is now under construction, making good

and safe progress. We are looking at potentially

5000 to 10,000 persons being employed on

different phases of the project. We already have

thousands working on the ground. It is

employing various contractors across different

areas. This is a true example of how local

content should be.”

The Executive Secretary in his remarks

commended Nigeria LNG for its impressive

compliance with the provisions of the Nigerian

Content Act, adding that the Board has

continually fulfilled its obligations on the

Service Level Agreement. He expressed delight

with the progress being made with the

execution of the LNG Train 7 project, noting that

it had reached about 30 percent completion.




Regulatory Framework Key to Expanding Fortunes in

Nigerian Energy Sector - Chevron MD

The Chairman and Managing Director of

Chevron Nigeria Limited , Mr. Rick

Kennedy has affirmed that a good

regulatory framework is key to expanding the

fortunes of Nigeria’s oil and gas industry while

enabling the transition to energy solutions of

the future.

Rick Kennedy stated this while delivering a

special industry goodwill message at the

Association of Energy Correspondents of

Nigeria (NAEC) Strategic International

Conference in Lagos with the theme “Energy

Transition, PIA, Petroleum Pricing and the

Way Forward for the Downstream Sector”

The Managing director who was represented

by the Mr. Victor Anyaegbudike, Manager,

C o m m u n i c a t i o n s , C h e v ro n N i g e r i a

maintained that for Nigeria to sustain

economic growth which has raised the quality

of life for millions of people around the world,

what is needed is a competitive environment

to produce energy that is affordable, reliable

and ever cleaner to enable human progress.

He noted that the global energy landscape has

experienced substantial changes over the

years, with expectations of more changes in

the future, but nonetheless ,Nigeria is

endowed with the necessary requirements

for a growing and sustainable energy

Mr. Rick Kennedy, Chairman and Managing

Director of Chevron Nigeria Limited

industry which includes large hydrocarbon

reserves (including abundant gas resources),

a growing demand for energy, and a large

population of young, talented human


According to him, "The passage and signing

into law of the Petroleum Industry Act (“PIA”)

is a major milestone in the reform of Nigeria’s

oil and gas industry geared towards attracting

investment and growth."

“Chevron recognizes the opportunity which

Wunti, GGM NAPIMS, Says Shell’s Bonga

Best in Class

The National Petroleum Investment

Management Services (NAPIMS) has

described the deep-water operations of

Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production

Company Limited (SNEPCo) as best in class.

The Group General Manager of NAPIMS, the

investment arm of the Nigerian National

Petroleum Corporation Limited (NNPC), Mr.

Bala Wunti, gave this commendation when he

led his leadership team on an inspection of the

SNEPCo-operated Bonga Floating, Production,

Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel last


“One of the best companies on planet earth is

called Shell,” Wunti said, adding that NAPIMS

would support the enhancement of

accommodation provision for SNEPCo’s

offshore personnel to reduce the time for the

planned Turn Around Maintenance of the

225,000 barrels per day capacity vessel. This, he

said, would reduce the production shutdown


Wunti observed that “across the industry in

Nigeria, there is a challenge of persons on board

on FPSOs which impacts speed of execution.”

According to Wunti, there was a commendable

alignment between Bonga operations and

NNPC’s key values of safety, speed of execution,

compliance and excellence. “Since there is

alignment on these values, it should be easy at

the leadership level to align quickly on the

‘What’ and ‘Why’ even if there may be

differences of opinion on the ‘How’.”

He encouraged SNEPCo to remain open to

technical suggestions from NNPC for greater

collaboration and improved performance.

“When these suggestions come, SNEPCo should

take it, test it and if it doesn’t work, thrash it


Wunti also advised further improvement in

operations to achieve zero flare, noting that

NNPC placed top priority on ISO certification,

equipment inspections, disciplined execution

and cost excellence.

the PIA represents, and we fully support the

necessary collaboration between the

regulators, the Nigerian National Petroleum

Company Limited and stakeholders in the

industry that will enable the success of the

Nigerian oil and gas industry. As we advance in

the PIA implementation, we believe that

natural gas is an important fuel, which will

play a critical role as the world seeks to lower

its overall carbon footprint. Recently, Nigeria

launched its ‘Decade of Gas’ initiative, under

the theme ‘Towards a gas-powered economy

by 2030,’ that will work with the National Gas

Expansion Program in increasing gas

production.” He noted

He said that CNL supports this key step

towards helping utilize Nigeria’s vast natural

gas resources for the benefit of the nation. We

have reduced routine gas flaring by 95% in the

past 10 years and we remain the highest

supplier of high-quality gas to the domestic

market among the international oil

companies (IOCs).

He assured that CNL will continue to enhance

gas utilization in Nigeria with focus on critical

areas such as: Power generation to stimulate

the growth of the manufacturing sector of the

economy – signing of Gas Sale and

Aggregation Agreements (“GSAAs”) with

Egbin Power Plc and Olorunsogo Generation

Company Limited, Fertilizers for local

consumption to support large scale

agriculture for export and local consumption

– signing of a GSAA with Dangote Fertilizer


He said that Chevron remains committed to

supporting programmes by professional

bodies such as NAEC and the wider sphere of

the journalism profession in Nigeria. ‘’We

pioneered the Advanced Writing and

Reporting Skills (AWARES) programme

implemented in partnership with the Pan

Atlantic University, Lagos. This programme

has benefitted about 120 journalists since its

inception in 2014. I encourage NAEC

members to continue to demonstrate the

ethos of your profession and ensure

objectivity in reporting on the oil and gas

industry in Nigeria. ‘’

Also, “Chevron has been making significant

investments in Nigeria for over 60 years. We

believe that the future of energy is lower

carbon and that with the right policies and

regulatory framework, the enormous

potential of Nigeria’s oil and gas industry can

yield even greater benefits while enabling the

transition to affordable, reliable, secure and

ever-cleaner sources of energy.”




NUPRC Outlines Cardinal Areas for Sustainable Gas,

Sets Up Teams for Gas Flare Commercialization

The Nigerian Upstream Petroleum

Regulatory Commission (NUPRC)

says it has placed focus on four

cardinal areas for sustainable gas

development and utilisation in the country.

The commission said that the four cardinal

areas were gas reserves growth, optimised

gas production, domestic gas utilisation and

gas flare elimination.

Mr Gbenga Komolafe, Commission’s Chief

Executive, NUPRC, made this known at the

2022 Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)

Nigeria Annual International Conference

and Exhibition (NAICE) on Monday in Lagos.

The conference had as its theme: “Global

Transition to Renewable and Sustainable

Energy and the Future of Oil and Gas in


Komolafe, represented by Mr Abel Nsa,

Head, National Oil and Gas Excellence

Centre (NOGEC), urged other African

countries to adopt suitable anchor points

and roadmaps similar to what had been

outlined by the commission.

According to him, this will enable them to

achieve the right energy mix while

d e c a r b o n i s i n g t h e i r o i l a n d ga s


He noted that Nigeria had huge abundant

gas resources which had been adopted by

the country as its energy transition fuel.

Komolafe said the passage of the Petroleum

Industry Act (PIA) 2021 was aimed at

eliminating bottlenecks in the oil and gas

sector to attract more investments.

He said: “We are positioning gas as our

transition fuel while adopting phased down

approach in our energy transition quest

geared toward paying greater attention to

the development of untapped gas


“This energy source with low carbon

footprint would serve as the transition fuel

in meeting our energy security as a nation.

“Fortunately, several African countries

including Nigeria, Algeria, Mozambique,

Egypt and Libya, among others are blessed

with huge gas reserves.

“With a total of over 620 trillion cubic feet of

natural gas reserves and 125.3 billion

barrels of crude oil, the future of upstream

oil and gas in Africa is promising.”

Komolafe, however, noted that it required

the right legislative framework and a change

in policy direction for maximum economic

recovery and energy sustenance.

He added that the PIA had generous fiscal

provisions aimed toward attracting

investment not just for oil development but

for harnessing of the rich gas potential of

the nation which was among the highest in

the world.

In a recent news published by Nigerian

Tribune, the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum

Regulatory Commission (NUPRC), has

inaugurated a 12-member committee to

drive and coordinate the Flare Gas

Commercialisation Programme. The

programme is an initiative of FG to end gas

flaring by 2025.

Gas flaring in the oil and gas industry has

continued to be a menace which needs to

be eradicated because of its adverse effect

on the environment and the people.

The wasteful disposal of natural gas is not

o n l y f r a u g h t w i t h s e r i o u s

health/environmental consequences but is

also a major resource waste and value

erosion to the country.

Chief Timipre Sylva

Gbenga Komolafe, Commission’s Chief Executive, NUPRC

This is contained in a statement issued and

signed by Engr Gbenga Komolafe, the

Commission’s Chief Executive at the

weekend in Abuja.

According to him, monetising gas resources

is a positive step towards guaranteeing

energy security, especially in the global

energy transition period.

He stressed the need for Nigeria to ensure

that it harnesses all available gas resources

for value creation.

He also announced that NUPRC is

recommencing the process of issuing flare

sites to technically competent companies,

following a competitive bid process.

“This process has become crucial in view of

the policy direction of the Federal

Government to ensure all gas resources are

developed for National development,” he


He further added that the Commission was

currently carrying out a study in conjunction

with external technical resources to identify

suitable flare sites for the auction process.

The steering committee members are K.O.

Ofoegbu and O.I. Anyanechi; while A.T.

Adeyiga, J.O. Ogunsola, J.C. Anyanwu, A.O.

Okwah, O.E. Oje, N.E. Odega, K. R. Abisoye,

J. C. Echendu, C. I. Chukwukaelo and G. L.

Umoru form the programme team.




Totalenergies Commences Production from Ikike Field

TotalEnergies in Nigeria has

commence production from

Ikike Field. The oil field is

OML99. Totalenergies is the operator

having 40 percent stake in partnership

with the Nigerian National Petroleum

Company Limited NNPCL, 60 percent.

The company has announced that

production has started from the Ikike

field, in Nigeria.

Located 20 kilometers off the coast, at a

depth of about 20 meters, the Ikike

platform is tied back to the existing

Amenam offshore facilities through a

14 km multiphase pipeline. It will

deliver peak production of 50,000

barrels of oil equivalent per day by the

end of 2022.

The Ikike project leverages existing

facilities to keep costs low, and is

designed to minimize greenhouse gas

emissions: estimated at less than 4kg

CO2e/boe, they will contribute to reducing

t h e avera ge carbon i ntensity o f

TotalEnergies’ upstream portfolio. In

addition, 95% of hours were worked locally:

the jacket as well as the topside modules

were entirely built and integrated by local


“ TotalEnergies is pleased to start

production at Ikike, which was launched a

few months before the Covid pandemic, and

whose success owes a lot to the full

mobilization of the teams. By tapping

discoveries close to existing facilities, this

project fits the Company’s strategy of focusing

on low-cost and low-emission oil projects,” said

Henri-Max Ndong-Nzue, Senior Vice President

Africa, Exploration and Production at


In Nigeria, the company also operates an

extensive distribution network which includes

about 540 service stations in the country. In all

its operations, TotalEnergies is particularly

attentive to the socio-economic development

of the country and is committed to working with

local communities.

TotalEnergies in Nigeria has been present in

Nigeria for more than 60 years and employs

today more than 1,800 people across different

business segments. Nigeria is one of the main

contributing countries to TotalEnergies’

hydrocarbon production where the Company

produced 240 000 boe/d in 2021.

NLNG Launches GMOU, Signs Agreement With Six

Communities in River State

Nigeria LNG Limited (NLNG) has

launched the second phase of Global

Memoranda of Understanding

(GMoU) involving six new cluster

communities in Rivers State to actively

support community-driven sustainable


The new agreements are with Okrika,

Kalabari, Egi, Ogba, Abua and Ekpeye

clusters. The implementation of the first

phase of the GMoU comprising Ogbum-nu-

Abali, Ubeta and Rumuji clusters is

underway with the commencement of

several projects in areas of road

construction, scholarships (64 scholarships

awarded), renovation and equipping of

markets, construction of police stations or

corpers’ lodge among others. The first phase

agreements were signed in 2021.

Under the GMoU framework, clusters will

ultimately be created to drive communityinitiated

projects through a Foundation that

will have a Board of Trustees, Steering

Committees, and Community Trusts. NLNG

will provide funds for these clusters and will

encourage them to seek additional funds

from other donors to finance development

initiatives in the respective communities.

In his remarks during the launching ceremony,

Andy Odeh, NLNG’s General Manager, External

Relations and Sustainable Development, said

the GMoU was targeted at promoting a

harmonious relationship between NLNG and

the clusters of communities. He added that the

GMoU was framed to ensure that the

Company’s host communities are carried along

in terms of corporate social responsibility

projects and that the communities are

empowered to take the lead in driving their

development with support from NLNG and

other key development stakeholders.

“The GMoU builds the capacity of community

stakeholders in managing projects and selfsustaining

outcomes as well as promoting a safe

and secure environment within and between

communities, in which they can collectively

work to fulfil their development potential.

“This GMoU will give communities leverage

over developmental projects unique to their

needs and will contribute to improving the

socio-economic life of the citizens. Let me

assure you that we, at NLNG, are enthusiasts of

participatory sustainable development where

the community takes on a leadership role to

drive its growth with our support. The

communities will generate their development

needs and they will work out implementation

plans through partnerships and physical

oversight of the projects.

“We intend to mentor the communities by

encouraging non-governmental organizations

and international development agencies to

build the community stakeholders’ capacity in

managing projects and sustaining outcomes.

This development of the communities by the

communities and for the communities is a winwin

situation for everyone,” he stated.

He commended the Rivers State Government

for its support in setting up the GMoUs, adding

that the government’s provision of a congenial

atmosphere for NLNG and its enthusiasm for

the development of the rural communities

were enablers for the programme.

NLNG is owned by four Shareholders, namely,

the Nigerian National Petroleum Company

Limited (49%), Shell Gas B.V. (25.6%),

TotalEnergies Gaz & Electricite Holdings (15%),

and Eni International N.A. N. V. S.àr.l (10.4%).




NCDMB Partners Siemens Energy, Commence Training

of 60 Bayelsa Teachers on STEM

Th e N i g e r i a n C o n t e n t

Development and Monitoring

Board (NCDMB) in partnership

with Siemens Energy has commenced

the training of 60 primary school

teachers in Bayelsa state. The training is

targeted at introducing innovative

teaching of Sciences, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

education to the young generation and is

being held at the NCDMB headquarters,

Swali, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State.

The programme comes under the

umbrella of Experimento Initiative,

which is an international education

programme offered by Siemens Stiftung

and Empowering Africans Through

Education Initiative (EATEI). The initiative

is geared toward applying modern

approaches to STEM education and

providing educators with practical

training and continuing education

opportunities as well as high-quality

teaching and learning experience.

Speaking at the kick-off ceremony held

on Monday, the General Manager,

Capacity Building Division, NCDMB, Dr.

Ama Ikuru stated that the Board’s

commitment towards STEM education is

driven by the objectives and aspirations

of the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry

Content Development (NOGICD) Act of

2010 and the Nigerian Content 10-Year

Strategic Roadmap.

Ikuru who was represented by the

Deputy Manager, Capacity Building

Division, Mr.

Augustine Timbiri explained that STEM

education is critical to the attainment of the

Board’s mandate with regards to local

manufacturing and development of Nigerian

materials, products, technologies, and

solutions required for the growth of Nigerian

Content in the Oil and Gas Industry and its

sectorial linkages.

He added that “global technology and smart

innovation are driven by STEM education and

the desire to meet the ever-expanding human

needs globally. The global science and

t e c h n o l o g y s p a c e h a s w i t n e s s e d

unprecedented competition and disruptive


Ikuru highlighted that the programme is

aimed at addressing the gaps in STEM

education in the Nigerian educational system

and equip the trainees with the Experimento

STEM training modules and delivery models.

It will also advance the capacities and

capabilities of teachers in the teaching and

delivery of STEM subjects, promote and drive

STEM education in the Nigerian educational

system and enhance Nigeria’s global


He hinted that the teachers were nominated

by the Bayelsa State Universal Basic Education

Board (SUBEB) from primary schools across

the state and the training would be largely

practical and hands-on intensive in line with

the globally established standards by Siemens

Nigeria and Empowering Africans Through

Education Initiative.

In his remarks, the Local Content Manager,

Siemens Energy, Engr. Samuel Abolade

explained that Siemens Energy’s objective is

to become a hub for human capital

development in the world.

He added that the training will improve

learning, research, and development by

exposing Nigerian kids to develop a keen

interest in STEM education to compete with

best practices across the globe.




NCDMB Commends TotalEnergies on Infrastructural

Upgrade of GTC PH

The Nigerian Content Development

and Monitoring Board (NCDMB)

has commended TotalEnergies

Exploration and Production Nigeria

Limited for embarking on infrastructural

upgrade of the Government Technical

College (GTC), Rivers State.

The projects include the construction of

technical workshop, 200-bed hostel, and

25-blocks classroom and are in fulfillment

of TotalEnergies’ commitment to the

NCDMB’s human capital development


Speaking at the ground-breaking

ceremony in Port Harcourt, Rivers State,

the Executive Secretary of the NCDMB,

Engr. Simbi Kesiye Wabote confirmed that

the Board had developed a guideline that

allocates 60 percent of the Human

Capacity Development budget on major oil

and gas projects to the strengthening of

training institutions. Under the guideline, a

large chunk of the HCD commitments on

projects will be channeled towards the

upgrade and provision of facilities in

institutions that train relevant workforce

for the oil and gas industry.

The remaining percentages of the HCD

budget will be applied to other human

capacity programmes, he said.

The Executive Secretary who was

represented by the Director, Planning,

Research and Statistics (PRS), Mr. Patrick

Daziba Obah, stressed that the Board has

placed emphasis on human capital

development. He underscored the key

roles that technical, vocational education

and training (TVET) play in the

development of skilled craftsmen who are

required for the delivery of projects in the

oil and gas industry and the growth of

Nigerian Content in the industry.

“The availability of skilled and qualified

N i g e r i a n c ra f t s m e n w i l l re d u c e

dependence on foreign artisans and

reduce capital flight,” he said.

He enjoined TotalEnergies to ensure that

all the projects at GTC Port Harcourt are

completed in record time and to insist that

world class industrial equipment are

installed in the school, so the students can

acquire the requisite skills that will make

them ready for field operations. He also

charged the company to ensure that there

is a sustainability and maintenance plan in

place to support the workshop, including

the provision of vital spare parts for the

machines to guarantee that the teachers

and instructors are trained to use any

equipment that will be installed in the school.

He urged the management, staff, and students

of the school to extend their maximum support

to the contractors handling the upgrade projects

and to provide security for the workers on site.

“The success of these projects depends on you”,

he maintained.

The Executive Secretary also lauded the

management of TotalEnergies for achieving first

oil from the Ikike project, noting that the

company has demonstrated true leadership of

Nigerian Content development by continuing to

invest in Nigeria and achieving great strides in

Nigerian Content when other operators are

divesting from fields in Nigeria.

In his remarks, the Managing Director,

TotalEnergies, Mike Sangster explained that

“the projects are designed to upgrade standard

of infrastructure in the school, create good

learning atmosphere, improve standard of living

for the students and equip vocational students

with life skills.”

Sangster who was represented by TotalEnergies’

Deputy Managing Director, JV Asset,

NCDMB, SPE to deepen partnership

on Local Content

The Nigerian Content Development

and Monitoring Board (NCDMB)

has promised to deepen its

collaboration with the Society of

Petroleum Engineers (SPE) towards

domesticating the technologies that are

currently deployed to operate the energy


The Executive Secretary of NCDMB, Engr.

Simbi Kesiye Wabote gave the assurance

on Monday in a goodwill message he

delivered at the 2022 Nigerian Annual

International Conference and Exhibition

in Lagos.

He added that such collaboration “will

create an enabling environment for new

technological challenges to be


The NCDMB boss who was represented

by the Director Planning Research and

Statistics, Mr. Patrick Daziba Obah said

“ N C D M B h a s i m p l e m e nted t h e

provisions of the Nigerian Oil and Gas

I n d u st r y C o ntent D evelopment

(NOGICD) Act in the past

Mr Guillaume Dulout, went on to note that

“the project represents our full alignment

with the initiatives of the NCDMB Board to

d e v e l o p t e c h n i c a l e x p e r t i s e a n d

professionalism in the Nigerian oil & gas


He disclosed that TotalEnergies’ Ikike project

which had its investment decision in 2019

had achieved first oil recently and this was

recorded without any lost time injury or

incident and with significant local content


“As expected, the success recorded by Ikike

demonstrates teamwork at its best. This is

what TotalEnergies and our partners want to

replicate as we deepen our collaboration

with NCDMB in the area of technical

education, with the ground breaking today.”

The NCDMB team to the ground-breaking

event included the General Manager,

Capacity Building Division, NCDMB, Dr Ama

Ikuru and they visited the ongoing revamp of

the Principal and Teachers quarters at the

College, which is being sponsored by the


12 years for the benefit of Nigerian

companies by promoting partnerships

w i t h o r i g i n a l e q u i p m e n t

manufacturers (OEMs) and other

technical partners, to bring along

technology transfer, job creation and

reduction of capital flight.”

He added that compliance with the

NOGICD Act is the catalyst for the

steady growth of indigenous

participation in the Nigerian oil and gas


He admitted that the prospect of

energy transition create fear in many

oil and gas countries. He however

advised industry stakeholders to take

urgent steps to prepare their

organizations for the changing energy


The theme of this year’s conference is

“Global transition to renewable and

sustainab le energy and the future of

oil and gas in Africa” and it features

presentations from experts in the

global and Nigerian industry and

exhibitions by local and international





H.E Timipre Sylva, Minister of State for Petroleum Resources of Nigeria

NOG Conference & Exhibition Transitions To

After over 21 years hosting NOG

Conference & Exhibition, which

came to a close on 7 July 2022,

dmg Nigeria events announces it will

reposition the event to NOG Energy

Week Conference & Exhibition.

The conference is a critical facilitator of

dialogue around energy agendas on a

local level, particularly as diesel and

petrol prices continue to escalate across

Nigeria. Operating expenses are also

rising despite the continuing unreliability

of power from the national grid and

businesses are passing increased costs

down to consumers. In addition, the

Energy Progress Report 2022, published

by the International Energy Agency (IEA),

along with the United Nations Statistics

Division, the International Renewable

Energy Agency (IRENA), the World Bank

and the World Health Organization

(WHO), estimates that nearly 92 million

Nigerians lack access to electricity from

the national grid.

In addition to its crude oil reserves,

Nigeria also has plentiful energy source

options in the form of natural gas, solar,

hydro, wind, biomass and geothermal. To

further explore opportunities for Nigeria

and its role in the global energy

landscape, NOG Energy Week will bring

together policy makers, financers,

investors and business leaders to discuss

strategies, practical solutions and the

resources required to address supply

challenges while also progressing toward

net zero ambitions.

NOG Energy Week

At a time of such momentous transformation

for Nigeria as it navigates its energy evolution

pathway underpinned by ‘The Decade of Gas’

and looks toward a more just, affordable, and

sustainable energy system, it is critical that

NOG also adapts not only its narrative but

what it stands for.

Minister of Petroleum Resource Timipre

Sylva, who attended the recent NOG in Abuja,

stated that “The President will continue to

strengthen the gas value chain as it is vital in

transforming the economy of our great

nation. This initiative will create over 2 million

jobs per annum, promote skills acquisition,

and enhance technology transfer in addition

to growing the nation’s gross domestic


“The repositioning to NOG Energy Week will

foster a more robust and integrated

conversation around Nigeria’s key role across

the broad, global energy agenda,” said Odiri

Umusu, Sales Director, dmg Nigeria events.

“With the effects of geopolitics, energy

supply disruption and rising demand pushing

up against ambitious net zero agendas, we

must recognize and engage the full existing

and emerging Nigerian energy ecosystem. By

expanding our scope across oil, gas, liquified

natural gas (LNG), renewables and power, we

have an opportunity to bring together

decision makers across the energy industry as

well as financiers and investors for the

conversations that will drive us toward

sustainable and just energy solutions.”

This announcement comes on the heels of the

four-day NOG Conference & Exhibition in

Abuja, Nigeria, which focused on funding the

Nigerian energy mix for sustainable economic

growth. The event kicked off with an unveiling

of the Seven Ministerial Regulations by Engr.

Simbi Wabote, Executive Secretary of the

Nigerian Content Development & Monitoring

Board (NCDMB). The regulations are aimed at

boosting local content and driving investment

in the sector, including opportunities for

indigenous companies.

“With majority of Nigerians lacking access to

energy, NOG was a huge opportunity for both

local and foreigner investors to come into the

sector,” said Mele Kolo Kyari, Group Managing

Director – NNPC. “Our investments in the

Nigerian gas market are premised on the

belief that the market will grow given the

domestic need.”

NOG Energy Week will take place on 2 – 6 July

2023 and expects to host over 5000

attendees, 600 delegates, 350+ exhibiting

companies, 85 industry expert speakers and

35 sessions across two conference streams.

2022 sponsors included NNPC, ExxonMobil,

Nigeria LNG, Shell, Chevron, Total Energies,

Oando, IPPG, NUPRC, NCDMB, Prime Atlantic,

DCPL Coleman Wires and Cables, UTM

Offshore Limited, First E & P, ND Western,

Samsung Heavy Industries Nigeria, Montego,

Nivafer, Russell Smith, Vurin Group, MG

Vowgas, West African Ventures, MicCom,

Niger Delta E&P, Eleva Group, Heritage

Energy, Seplat Energy, Banwo & Ighodalo and






Anders Opedal, Chief Execu ve Officer

(CEO) and President of Equinor

Photo/FACEBOOK/TheAsoVilla H.E Vice President of Nigeria Professor Yemi Osinbajo

Nigeria Launches Energy Transition Plan, Unbundles

Investment Opportunities For Gas, Solar, Hydrogen, EVs

The Nigeria Energy Transition Plan (ETP) is a worldclass strategy developed for

the achievement of net-zero emissions by 2060 and creating investment

opportunities to deepen gas development, as well as the establishment and

expansion of industries related to solar energy, hydrogen, and electric vehicles.

On 24th August 2022, H.E Professor Yemi Osibanjo, Vice President of

Nigeria, officially launched the Nigeria Energy Transition Plan (ETP), a

roadmap that set in motion the country's pathway toward a just and

equitable energy transition with the objectives of achieving net-zero

emissions by 2060.

Nigeria seeks to take the leadership role in enabling a just and equitable

climate future for Africa, with the ultimate objective of mobilizing the

finance required to jumpstart implementation of the Plan.

Speaking at the global virtual launch, Osinbajo revealed that Nigeria would

need to spend $410 billion above to deliver its Transition Plan by 2060, which

translates to about $10 billion investment per year.

According to him, the Federal Government has established an interministerial

Energy Transition Implementation Working Group, which is been

chaired by the Vice President, comprising several key ministers, and

supported by an Energy Transition Office (ETO).

He said, "We are currently engaging with partners to secure an initial $10

billion support package ahead of COP27 along the lines of the South African

Just Energy Transition Partnership announced at COP26 in Glasgow.

"Africa’s increasing energy gaps require collaboration to take ownership of

the continent’s transition pathways.”

Specifically, the Nigeria Energy Transition Plan aims to achieve the

following objectives:

3Significant job opportunities with up to 340k jobs created by 2030 and up



By Tobi Owoyimika

Some Facts about Nigeria ETP:

Ø Lifting 100 million Nigerians out of poverty and

driving economic growth.

Ø Bringing modern energy services to the full


Ø Managing the expected long-term job loss in

the oil sector due to the reduced global fossil-fuel


Ø Playing a leadership role for Africa by

promoting a fair, inclusive and equitable energy

transition in Africa that will include Gas as a

“transitionary fuel”

Ø Streamlining existing and new government

related energy transition initiatives.



L-R: World Bank Group President, David Malpass and H.E Prof. Yemi Osibanjo,

Vice President of Nigeria

840k jobs created by 2060 driven mainly

by the Power, Cooking, and Transport


3Gas will play a critical role as a

transition fuel in Nigeria’s net-zero

pathway, particularly in the Power and

Cooking sectors.

3Significant investment opportunities

such as the establishment and expansion

of industries related to solar energy,

hydrogen, and electric vehicles.

Furthermore, Nigeria's energy transition

requires significant emission reductions

in 5 key sectors which include; Power,

Transport, Oil and Gas, Cooking, and


To kickstart the implementation of this

bold plan, Nigeria is seeking to raise

funds ahead of COP27.

The Government is now working to

achieve the following objectives ahead

of COP27 in Egypt:

3Secure at least a $10 billion financing

commitment to kickstarting the

implementation of Nigeria’s Energy

Transition Plan by COP27.

3Original Equipment Manufacturers

( O E M s ) t o c o m m e n c e l o c a l

manufacturing /assembly of key

technologies such as solar panels,

inverters, solar standalone systems, and

electric vehicles by 2025.

3Implement technical assistance for

skill development and knowledge

transfer for the deployment of Electric

Vehicles (Evs), the establishment of a

carbon market,

and the development of a just transition

pathway beyond oil and gas.

3Play a leadership role by promoting a just,

inclusive, and equitable energy transition in


3Support a conducive business and

investment environment for the energy


Providing more information on energy

poverty in Africa, Osibanjo explained: “The

current lack of power hurts livelihoods and

destroys the dreams of hundreds of millions

of young people.

“And Africa’s current unmet energy needs are

huge, future demand will be even greater due

to expanding populations, urbanization, and

movement into the middle class.

“It is clear that the continent must address its

energy constraints and would require

external support and policy flexibility to

deliver this. Unfortunately, in the wider

responses to the climate crisis, we are not

s e e i n g c a r e f u l c o n s i d e ra t i o n a n d

acknowledgment of Africa’s aspirations.

"We developed our Energy Transition Plan to

engage with the rest of the world in a serious,

thorough and data-backed manner.”

The launch also featured remarks from

Nigerian ministers and officials, including,

Ministers of Environment, Mr. Mohammed

Abdullahi; Power, Abubakar Aliyu; Works and

Housing, Babatunde Fashola; Finance,

Budget, and National Planning, Zainab

Ahmed; and Managing Director, Rural

Electrification Agency, Ahmad Salihijo.

Other speakers included the Minister of

Petroleum and Energies from Senegal, Dr.

Aissatou Sophie Gladima; Minister of

Electricity and Renewable Energy from Egypt,

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Shaker El-Markabi as well

as representatives of the United Nations,

Sustainable Energy for All, World Bank,

African Development Bank, IRENA,

Rockefeller Foundation, and Global Energy

Alliance for People and Planet.

At COP26, H.E. President Muhammadu Buhari

announced Nigeria’s commitment to carbon

neutrality by 2060. Since the announcement,

the Climate Change Act 2021 has been

passed, the Energy Transition Plan has been

fully approved and launched by the Federal

Government of Nigeria.

As part of the government efforts to seek

global partnerships and support for Nigeria’s

recently launched Energy Transition Plan, Vice

President Yemi Osinbajo led a Nigerian

delegation to the United States of America to

meet with US Vice President, Kamala Harris;

US Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm;

Secretary of Treasury, Janet Yellen, and

President of World Bank Group, David

Malpass, among others.

Osinbajo is leading Nigeria’s Energy Transition

Implementation Working Group (ETWG), to

promote the plan and secure global support

from the US government, the private sector,

and other development partners.

Nigeria needs $410 billion to deliver the

Transition Plan by 2060. Among other

highlights, the plan needs at least $10 billion

per year above business-as-usual spending

for effective implementation.

The World Bank and a renewable energy

organization, Sun Africa, pledged $1.5 billion

each, totaling an initial $3 billion investment

to support the implementation of the Nigeria

Energy Transition Plan.




SNEPCO MD Says Investing in R&D, Upskilling Nigerian

Youths Will Build Resilence in Oil, Gas, Renewable Energies

By Ndubuisi Micheal Obineme

The Managing Director of Shell Nigeria

E x p l o ra t i o n a n d P ro d u c t i o n

Company (SNEPCO), Mrs. Elohor

Aiboni has said that investing in research

and development (R&D) as well as upskilling

Nigerian youths will build resilence in the

country's oil and gas, renewable energy


Elohor made this known while speaking in a

panel session at the Nigeria Oil & Gas

Conference and Exhibition (NOG Energy

Week) that took place from July 4-7, 2022 in


In her words, Elohor expressed serious

concern about the need to accelerate more

investment in the Nigerian education

system to empower the younger

generations that will come up with

innovative ideas in driving the country's

energy industry forward.

According to a report, Nigeria has the largest

population of youth in the world, with a

median age of 18.1 years. About 70% of the

population are under 30, and 42% are under

the age of 15. The size and youthfulness of

the population offer great potential to

expand Nigeria's capacity as the regional

economic hub of Africa and globally.

"As a country, we have a relatively young

population. What are we doing to invest in

the young ones today? Our generation here

is pushing for the energy transition. But for

us to be able to develop and make

renewable energy flourish in Nigeria, we

must be ready to invest in them," Elohor


"We need to develop our education system

in a way that will help the young people

think outside the box to help us. We need to

start investing in the young ones now.

Recently, Nigerian National Petroleum

Corporation (NNPC) and Shell Nigeria

Exploration and Production Company

Limited (SNEPCo), inaugurated a state-ofthe-art

Information and Communication

Technology (ICT) Centre at the Federal

University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun,

in Delta State. The 100-seater one-story

building was built and equipped by the

Managing Director of Shell Nigeria Explora on and Produc on Company (SNEPCO), Mrs

Elohor Aiboni speaking in a panel session at NOG Conference 2022 in Abuja

NNPC and SNEPCo partnership to promote

research, teaching, and learning in a

conducive environment.

"Research and development plays a key role

in our energy industry. We need to ask

ourselves this question, how are we

investing in R&D as a company and nation?

When you talk about upskilling the Nigerian

youths, we need to invest in that direction

so we can deploy the technology that will

enable us to build resilience in our oil, gas,

and renewable energy sector," Elohor


The NNPC-SNEPCo partnership with the

support of the co-venture partners has

delivered 33 ICT centers in secondary

schools and universities across the country

while two science blocks and laboratories

have also been built and equipped to

promote learning of Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics among

secondary school students.

Oil and Gas

Nigeria remains an important part of Shell’s

business operations. For its oil and gas

business, Shell Companies in Nigeria are in

collaboration with two Nigerian Universities

researching the production of synthetic

base fluids for drilling operations from local

raw materials, thereby substituting

imported fluids and stimulating industrial

production for the Nigerian oil and gas

industry with cross-sectoral linkages.

Shell have Centres of Excellence for

postgraduate studies at the University of

Benin, for Geoscience and Petroleum

Engineering, and at the Rivers State

University, for Marine and Offshore

Engineering. There are also Shell-endowed

professorial chairs at the University of Port

Harcourt (Petroleum Engineering); the

U n i v e r s i t y o f N i g e r i a , N s u k k a

(Environmental Management and Control);

the Obafemi Awolowo University

(Geophysics); and the Ahmadu Bello

University, Zaria (Mechanical Engineering).

Renewable Energy

Building on the success of its operations in

Nigeria, the company established Shell

Energy Nigeria to deliver competitive and

reliable energy for power generation and

industrial users and to develop gas

distribution to serve people in new regions.

Shell Energy Nigeria is designed to partner

with other sources of energy – including

renewables – to provide competitively

priced and flexible energy, while helping the

country to transition to a lower carbon

energy system.




ND Western Teams at NOG Conference & Exhibition 2022 (NOG Energy Week) in Abuja

Decade of Gas: Nigeria Needs To Expand Gas

Pipelines To All Industrial Hubs - Eberechukwu Oji

...says Government needs to develop policy that enables private capital to invest in

pipeline building to make gas available to all state’s

capital ci es in Nigeria.

By Ndubuisi Micheal Obineme

To industrialize Nigeria under the '

Decade of Gas', ND Western CEO

Eberechukwu Oji has said Nigeria

n e e d s to ex p a n d ga s p i p e l i n e

infrastructures to all industrial hubs in

the country, adding that domestic gas

should be made available to all the

state's capital cities.

Oji made this known in an exclusive

interview with our correspondent at the

sideline of the 21st Nigeria Oil & Gas

(NOG) Conference & Exhibition (NOG

Energy Week) that took place from July 4-

7, 2022 in Abuja.

According to Oji, A country is considered

industrialized if its industrial output

stands at around 20% of its gross

domestic product (GDP).

"Nigeria is far below that as the industrial

capacity isn't there.

"For Nigeria to industrialize, we need to

utilize the gas resources we have. Gas is a

major catalyst for industrialization and

pipeline gas is the cheapest gas that you can

use to spur industrialization".

Speaking further, he said Nigeria has an

opportunity to boost manufacturing and

industrial production by monetizing its

natural gas reserves.

"Government needs to make a singular

objective - may be to start with

manufacturing and other industry-related

sectors to contribute 20% output to our GDP.

"Nigeria can achieve it with gas because gas

has a lot of opportunities which will solve

some of the problems.

"Government should develop policy that

enables private capital to come into pipeline

building to make gas available to all the 33

states capital cities in Nigeria.

"The AKK pipeline is an excellent gas project

to take gas to the North but there are also

demand centers in the East which the

government needs to support in building gas

pipelines towards the East.

"We need to make gas available in Benue,

Ebonyi, and Anambra states as there is

originally conceived eastern gas network.

"If we set this as a national objective, gas

producers like ND Western will be

incentivized to produce more gas because the

supply chains will open up everywhere," he


Furthermore, Oji was also speaking to our

correspondent during that period when the

European Union declared gas and nuclear

power plant as "green energy" to lure in more

private investors.

ND Western owns 45% of OML 34 in the

onshore Niger Delta where it produces oil and

natural gas. It notably operates three gas

processing plants there with a combined

capacity of 600 MMscf/d and supplies gas to

power plants and industries. However,

illiquidity in the power sector value-chain has

made investments into gas production

uneconomically, and demand for gas-based

industrialization is seen as much more

attractive for operators in Nigeria.







The Energy Transition agenda is building momentum in every part

of the world, especially in the oil and gas industry. The global

challenge posed by the energy transition is to reach Net-Zero

emissions by 2050. It will require collective action from the energy

industry, businesses, and government institutions. It will also require the

development of new technologies, new value chains, and new ways of

working, as well as strong leadership from policymakers. Companies,

customers, governments, and society at large will all have to collaborate,

innovate and adapt in new ways as the journey towards a net-zero

energy system will create dilemmas and trade-offs.

Industry experts have said that the Energy Transition outlook may look

differently in developing countries like Africa compared to other

developed countries in Europe and the Americas. What this means is that

there has to be a mixture of energy solutions to achieve this Net-Zero

Emissions target by 2050. To reach Net-Zero emissions by 2050, annual

clean energy investment worldwide will need more than triple by 2030 to

around $4 trillion, according to the IEA report. The pathway to Net-Zero is

narrow but brings huge benefits, including unlocking new opportunities

in the energy value chain such as increasing investment in other energy

sources like Natural Gas, Hydrogen, Ammonia, Solar Energy, Wind

Energy, Hydro Energy, Geothermal Energy, Biofuels and Biomass Energy,

as well developing new technologies and infrastructures for these

renewable energies.

This magazine was produced as a Special Edition for the Global Energy

Transition Agenda, with a spotlight on Equinor's Energy Transition

Pathway and new investment focus on renewable energies, which are

also aligned with the global pursuit for Net-Zero Emissions by 2050 - in

line with the Paris Agreement 2015. This feature also provides more

insight into the untapped opportunities and business outlook for

renewable energy development.


Anders Opedal, Chief Execu ve Officer

(CEO) and President of Equinor

Equinor Fueling Energy Transition With

$23 Billion CAPEX, Project Opportunities

By Ndubuisi Micheal Obineme

Some Facts about Equinor Operations

Ø Equinor’s portfolio of projects encompasses oil

and gas, renewables and low-carbon solutions,

with an ambition of becoming a net-zero energy

company by 2050.

Ø Equinor produces gas equivalent to the gas

consumption of more than 50 million European


Ø Equinor is the largest gas producer on the

Norwegian continental shelf, and the secondlargest

gas supplier in Europe.

Ø In the USA, Equinor has shares and production

in three premium shale oil and gas plays:

Marcellus, Eagle Ford and Bakken..

Ø In Algeria, Equinor operates the In Salah gas

field and the gas and condensate field In Amenas

together with BP and Sonatrach.







Anders Opedal, Chief Execu ve Officer

(CEO) and President of Equinor

"The current energy supply crunch calls for more investment in

energy production, infrastructure to re-establish a better balance

between cost, security of supply and decarbonising the sector.”

“With the ongoing energy crisis in Europe, Equinor’s main priority remains securing safe

and reliable deliveries. In Q2, we delivered a strong operational performance and

achieved good regularity resulting in high production levels, including volumes from

Hammerfest LNG, now safely back in production. Whilst we would normally reduce gas

production in 2Q, we deliberately maintained high production over the three months;

indeed, we delivered 18% more gas from Norway in 2Q compared to the same quarter

last year. This contributed to help fill European storages,” Anders Opedal.

Equinor's Net-Zero Target

Given the current global energy mix,

there are several energy companies from

all parts of the world, including

International Oil Companies (IOCs)

announcing pledges to achieve net-zero

emissions over the coming decades, and

it continues to grow. One important

initiative is The Oil and Gas Climate

Initiative (OGCI), a CEO-led consortium

that aims to accelerate the industry

response to climate change. OGCI

Climate Investments was formed by 12

oil & gas majors which Equinor, Saudi

Aramco, BP, Chevron, CNPC, Eni,

ExxonMobil, OXY, Petrobras, Repsol,

Shell, and TotalEnergies are all member


Interestingly, the OGCI is a Climate

Investments of over $1 billion

decarbonization package. All OGCI

member companies have announced

their ambition to achieve net-zero operations

within the timeframe set by the Paris

Agreement. All the OGCI member companies

have implemented their company's energy

transition roadmaps, while OGCI is working to

translate its strategic framework into a set of

ambitious collective actions. These oil majors

account for around 30% of global operated

production and lead the oil and gas industry’s

response to climate change through action

and independently managed investments.

The Chair of, the OGCI Steering Committee,

Bob Dudley said.“OGCI ambition shows the

power of collaboration, bringing together

companies from China, the Middle East,

Europe, Latin America, and the United States

to speed up decarbonization”.

For Equinor, the company has set an

ambitious target, moving from oil and gas into

renewable energies with a new investment

focus on Offshore Wind, Solar Energy,

Hydrogen, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS),

as well as Batteries storage. Equinor has

integrated these energy resources as part of

its energy transition plan and is committed to

unlocking new opportunities in renewable

energies as it moves to become a Net-Zero

Company by 2050.

Anders Opedal, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

and President of Equinor stated, "Equinor’s

purpose is turning natural resources into

energy for people and progress for society.

We aim to be a leading company in the energy

transition and have set a clear ambition to

reach net-zero by 2050. The journey has

started. We have already pivoted to

transform our upstream portfolio into one of

the most resilient and carbon efficient in the

industry. We have built a robust offshore wind

portfolio and have the potential to be a world

leader in floating wind. We are shaping the

low carbon industry, leveraging our

advantaged industrial starting point on the

Norwegian continental shelf and proximity to

the European market.






• Production: 2,079 mboe/day

• S1+2 emissions: 12.1 million tonnes

• Upstream CO₂ intensity:

7.0 kg CO₂/boe

• Methane intensity: 0.02%

• Emission reduction measures:

0.3 million tonnes

• ~2% production growth 2021-2022


• Installed capacity: 0.7 GW¹

• Energy production: 1,562 GWh

• 10% farmdown in Dogger Bank C

• Acquired Polish renewable

company Wento



• CO₂ storage: 0.3 million tonnes

• 4 potential Northern Lights

customers selected for pre-funding

• The East Coast Cluster in the UK

chosen by UK government as track

1 cluster

• Barents Blue project received

government funding



Sanctioned project start-ups


• Johan Sverdrup Ph2, Njord Future,

Johan Castberg, Breidablikk,

Ormen Lange Ph3

Decarbonisation measures:

• Sleipner, Gina Krog, Oseberg GCU,

Troll West: power from shore

• Njord, Kårstø: electrification

• Snøhvit: CO₂ reduction

• Hywind Tampen: floating wind


Sanctioned project start-ups


• Peregrino Ph2, Vito, Azeri Central

East, Bacalhau Ph1

Decarbonisation measures:

• Peregrino: gas import project; vent

gas project; electrical submersible

pumps digitalisation

• Mariner: modifications to flare system

• Bacalhau, BMC-33, Bay du Nord:

CCGT installation, closed flare design


~1.6 GW

• Hywind Tampen, Norway

• Dogger Bank A, B, C, UK

• Braniewo and Zagorzyca, Poland


~2.6 GW

• Empire Wind 1 & 2 , US

• Beacon Wind 1 , US

• MFW Bałtyk II & III, Poland

• Various solar projects


~5.5 GW

• Beacon Wind 2 , US

• MFW Bałtyk I , Poland

• Sheringham Shoal and Dudgeon

Extension, UK

• Firefly and Donghae 1, South Korea

• Onshore renewables, Brazil &



• Northern Lights Ph1 & Ph2

• Barents Blue: Blue ammonia


• Net Zero Teesside

• Northern Endurance Partnership

• H2H Saltend


• H2BE, Belgium

• H2M Eemshaven, the Netherlands


• Decarbonised regional energy

cluster, Ohio, Pennsylvania and

West Virginia


• Increased production from

optimised, CO₂-efficient portfolio

towards 2026

• New project portfolio: ~2.5 years

pay-back time and IRR of ~30%


• >40bn USD in free cash flow 2022-


• Net 50% group-wide scope 1&2

GHG emissions reduction by 2030²

• Upstream CO₂ intensity: <8kg CO₂/

boe by 2025 and ~6kg CO₂/boe by


• 4-8% real base project returns

• 23bn USD gross capex 2021-2026

• 12-16 GW installed capacity by


2030 5-10 mtpa CO₂ transport and

storage capacity by 2030

• 15-30 mtpa CO₂ transport and

storage capacity equal to around

25% market share in Europe by 2035

• Reduce maritime emissions by 50%

in Norway by 2030

• Supply hydrogen to 3-5 major

industrial clusters by 2035, aiming at

10% of the European market share

• >30% annual gross capex, >40% R&D expenditure (incl. energy efficiency),

>50% venture capex towards renewables and low carbon solutions by 2025

• >50% annual gross capex to renewables and low carbon solutions

by 2030

Net carbon intensity (Scope 1,2,3)

20% REDUCTION BY 2030 - 40% REDUCTION BY 2035


1. Installed capacity, including capacity from financial investments.

2. 90% of these reductions to be met by absolute reductions.



Anders Opedal, Chief Execu ve Officer (CEO) and President of Equinor

"Our new, strengthened ambition to

reduce net group-wide operated

emissions by 50% by 2030, shows that we

are focused on medium-term actions

consistent with the goals of the Paris

Agreement and a 1.5-degree pathway.

Rapidly reducing our emissions is

necessary but not sufficient. To be an

effective agent of change in the energy

transition, we must help society

decarbonize by providing our customers

and end-users with energy that has lower

– and eventually net-zero – emissions. To

achieve this, we have a clear plan to apply

our experience and competence in oil

and gas to new sectors of the energy


"We will generate strong cashflow from a

highly focused, carbon-efficient oil and

gas business to fund our transformation.

We will continue to scale up our

investments in renewables to create

value from our existing portfolio and a

high-quality project pipeline.

We are developing and

deploying the industrial

value chains of the

future in hydrogen and

carbon capture and

storage (CCS) to enable

other industries to

decarbonize their


In parallel, we will continue to work with

our suppliers and customers, host

governments, and civil society to develop

the business models, policies, and

frameworks to enable the world to achieve

net zero by 2050".

Commenting on Equinor's financial results for

the second quarter in 2022, Anders said that

Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine calls for more

investment in energy production and

infrastructure to re-establish a better balance

between cost, security of supply, and

decarbonizing the sector.

According to him, "Equinor continues to

ensure safe and stable energy production as

a reliable supplier, but we know that the

climate crisis demands action, and we

continue to invest in the energy transition.

"With the ongoing energy crisis in Europe,

Equinor’s main priority remains to secure safe

and reliable deliveries. In second quarter, we

delivered a strong operational performance

and achieved good regularity resulting in high

production levels, including volumes from

Hammerfest LNG, now safely back in

production. Whilst we would normally reduce

gas production in 2Q, we deliberately

maintained high production over the three

months; indeed, we delivered 18% more gas

from Norway in 2Q compared to the same

quarter last year. This contributed to help fill

European storages".

Offshore Renewables

Offshore renewables are a rising force in the

global energy sector. Renewables such as

offshore wind energy are now widely

recognized as a proven and reliable source of

energy and it is forecasted to grow in the

coming years.

Several countries have identified offshore

renewables such as wind energy as a key

component of their renewable energy

policies, and a growing number of

jurisdictions have announced capacity targets

and supportive policies.

For instance, electricity generation in global

economies and societies is growing rapidly. In

a report published by International Energy

Agency (IEA), global electricity demand

doubled between 1990 and 2016, outpacing

growth in consumption of fuels. For the

moment, the vast majority of this electricity is

generated onshore and the overwhelming

share of offshore energy activities relates to

hydrocarbons supply (more than one-quarter

of global oil and gas production comes from

offshore fields). But the offshore generation

of electricity from renewable sources has

been gaining momentum, mainly from

offshore wind and, to a lesser extent, from

other marine technologies.

IEA report revealed that installed offshore

wind capacity has risen from 3.2 GW in 2010

to 18.7 GW in 2017, by which time it

contributed some 56 terawatt-hours (TWh) or

0.3% of global electricity generation. The key

factor behind the rise of offshore wind has

been a concerted series of public-private

initiatives undertaken by countries bordering

the North Sea in Europe. More than 80% of

global offshore wind capacity is located in

Europe, led by the United Kingdom with an

installed capacity of 6.8 GW and Germany

with 5.4 GW. Beyond Europe, only the

People’s Republic of China has a large-scale

offshore wind capacity, at 2.7 GW, while

smaller offshore wind facilities are located in

the United States, Korea, and Japan.

Among the G7 economies (and indeed among

all countries worldwide), the most ambitious

capacity targets for offshore wind are in the

United Kingdom and Germany. The United

Kingdom announced in July 2018 its intention

to hold auctions every two years from 2019;

depending on the auction prices, this could

see 1-2 GW of new offshore wind installed

every year. Germany is targeting 15 GW of

offshore wind installation by 2030. France




has a target of 3 GW by 2023 and an

additional 6 GW by 2030. Italy has a

strong overall goal for wind generation in

its national energy strategy. Other

countries with specific commitments to

offshore wind in the European Union

include the Netherlands, Denmark, and


Furthermore, Global Offshore Wind

Report 2022 published by the Global

Wind Energy Council (GWEC) recently,

disclosed that a total capacity of 21.1GW

was connected to the grid in 2021, a new

industry record and three times more

than in 2020.

This brought the cumulative global

offshore capacity to 56GW by year’s end,

equivalent to 7 percent of the total

installed wind capacity.

GWEC Market Intelligence expects over

315GW of new offshore capacity to be

added by 2031. The cumulative global

will then be 370GW. 29per cent of the

new volume is expected to be

operational by 2026. As for floating

project development activities, the

GWEC report now believes an installed

capacity of 18.9GW will likely be

operating by 2030, with 11GW in

European waters, 5.5GW in Asia, and the

remainder in North America.

However, GWEC’s 10-year overall

forecast might well need revising upward

significantly in the near future after

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has kick

started comprehensive energy system

reform packages in Europe and beyond.

T h e E U p l a n s t o a c h i e v e f u l l

independence from Russian oil and gas

imports, with a major part of the

resulting energy gap to be filled by

accelerating the build-up of new offshore


wind capacity. Wind energy would then

generate a much higher portion of clean

electricity, which would be partially fed into

the grid and partially used to produce

hydrogen via Power-to-X. In an additional

process, green hydrogen could then be

converted to e-ammonia and e-methanol as

ship fuels.

Tackling these challenges quickly and

decisively requires governments and the

industry to make a massive effort. Doing so

will open up many opportunities for a wide

variety of energy companies to showcase

suitable products and services in the years to


Equinor’s Investments in Renewables

Based on our findings, the offshore energy

sector, encompassing oil and gas production

as well as electricity generation from wind

energy and other marine technologies,

requires a major investment of about $5.9

trillion in capital spending (CAPEX) to further

unlock the potentials. The question is how

can offshore renewables transform the oil

and gas industry?

In Equinor's Energy Transition Plan, the

company's strategy is centralized on three

pillars, which are carbon-efficient oil and gas

production with accelerated, value-driven

expansion in renewables and leadership in

building out new low-carbon technologies

and becoming a leader in carbon

management and hydrogen. Each of these

pillars will contribute individually and

collectively as Equinor transitions into a broad

energy company and achieve its net-zero

target by 2050. The Energy transition plan

integrates key elements of Equinor’s

decarbonization strategy with existing actions

and ambitions. It also includes information on

capital allocation, policy engagement, risk

and performance frameworks, and other

enablers to deliver on the company’s


Equinor’s energy transition plan involves the

company's commitment to allocate more

than half of its annual gross capital

expenditure to renewables or low carbon

solutions by 2030. Despite the shift toward

renewables, Equinor has confirmed that it will

continue to produce oil and gas for the

foreseeable future to excel in operational

emissions management, maximize the

efficiency of infrastructure in Norway, and

optimize its international business portfolio.

The energy transition requires significant

investments at all levels both in the shortterm,

medium-term, and long-term

scenarios. In another report published by IEA

titled "World Energy Investment 2021", global

energy investment is set to rise to USD 1.9

trillion, while global power sector investment

only is set to increase by around 5% from 2021

to more than USD$820 billion going forward.

However, renewables dominate investment

in new power generation and are expected to

account for 70% of 2021's total of USD 530

billion spent on all new generation capacity.

Furthermore, the Net-Zero pledges and

sustainable financial instruments are building

momentum to support stimulus spending on

clean energy technologies and projects. Many

developed countries have rallied around

sustainable finance, launching funds and

initiatives to channel the growing appetite

from capital markets and to comply with Paris


IEA revealed that about USD$750 billion was

expected to be spent on clean energy

technologies and efficiency worldwide in

2021 which is below what is required in

climate-driven scenarios. "Clean energy

investment would need to double to maintain

temperatures well below a 2°C rise and more

than triple to keep the door open for a 1.5°C

stabilization," IEA said.



Anders Opedal, Chief Execu ve Officer (CEO) and President of Equinor

To accelerate to a climate-aligned energy

pathway requires a broad range of

government actions, including attention

to the financial architecture that can

accelerate direct investments in marketready

solutions and promote innovation

in early-stage technologies.

Oil and gas companies are adopting new

investment focus on renewables to meet

the needs of the global energy transition

agenda. Although, it will take different

forms, including commitments to reduce

emissions resulting from oil and gas

supply or to invest in new areas such as

offshore renewables.

In a statement made known to The

Energy Republic,

This investment has automatically

increased Equinor's share of gross CAPEX

for renewables and low carbon solutions

from around 4% in 2020 to more than

50% by 2030. As part of the company's

strategy to become a leading global

energy player, Equinor has also set a

target to install a total of 12-16 GW of

renewable energy capacity by 2030 -

which is more than twice the total global

offshore wind capacity installed in 2020.

Equinor’s net carbon intensity and netzero

ambitions organic capital

expenditures of 10 billion USD for 2022-2023

and 12 billion USD for 2023-2024 will result

from an increasing share of renewable

investments, which are expected to total 23

billion USD in the period 2021-2026. Our

capital allocation to renewables and low

carbon solutions will accelerate towards

2030. From the company's share of 4% of

annual gross CAPEX in 2020, renewables and

low carbon investments are expected to

grow to above 30% of annual gross CAPEX by

2025 and over 50% of annual gross CAPEX by

2030 - which is aligned with the goals of the

Paris Agreement and the Norwegian state’s

ambition for emission reductions from the

oil and gas industry.

The company disclosed that in 2021, it

developed a separate reporting segment for

its renewables unit to recognize its strategic

importance and materiality. In 2021, capital

gains from renewables were 1.4 billion USD, a

more than seven-fold increase from 2020,

resulting primarily from profitable asset farmdowns.

“ “

Equinor is investing

about $23 billion in

capital expenditure

(CAPEX) for offshore

wind projects over the

next five years (2021 -


Speaking on this development, Equinor's

CEO, Anders Opedal explained: "We are

accelerating the transition and setting an

ambition to reach a 40% reduction in net

carbon intensity by 2035, on the way towards

net zero by 2050.

“We are stepping up investments in

renewables and low carbon solutions to more

than 50% of gross annual investments by

2030; Growing cash flow and returns,

expecting a free cash flow of around USD 35

billion(3) before capital distribution in 2021 –

2026 and around 12% return on average

capital employed(2) in 2021 – 2030;

Increasing the quarterly cash dividend to 18

cents per share and introducing new share

buy-back programme.

“Our strategy is backed up by clear actions to

accelerate our transition while growing cash

flow and returns.

We are optimizing our

oil and gas portfolio to

deliver even stronger

cash flow and returns

with reduced emissions

from production, and

we expect significant

profitable growth within

renewables and low

carbon solutions. This is

a strategy to create

value as a leader in the

energy transition.

“This is a business strategy to ensure longterm

competitiveness during a period with

profound changes in the energy systems, as

society moves towards net zero. We are

building on our position as a global leader in

carbon-efficient production of oil and gas. We

will continue to cut emissions, and in the

longer term, Equinor expects to produce less

oil and gas than today recognizing reducing

demand. Significant growth within

renewables and low carbon solutions will

increase the pace of change towards 2030

and 2035.”

Equinor has divested

assets worth USD$2.3

billion, booked a capital

gain of USD 1.7 billion,

and expects to deliver

nominal equity returns

in the range of 12% –

16% from the offshore

wind projects with

offtake contracts in the

UK and US.

Project Opportunities

The project opportunities listed in Equinor’s

energy transition plan include Empire Wind

and Beacon Wind in the United States,

Doggerbank in the UK, and its projects

offshore Poland, which contribute two-thirds

to the company's goal of 12 to 16 GW by 2030,

with real returns of 4% to 8%.




Equinor's Low carbon solu ons project funnel

Since Equinor announced its updated strategy and updated short and medium-term ambi ons in

June 2021, the company have made significant progress accelera ng its energy transi on plan.

1. Installed capacity, including capacity from financial investments.

2. 90% of these reductions to be met by absolute reductions.




20% in the first period and then towards also

reducing 40% later in 2035.

“The point is really to have a measurable

roadmap. Our roadmap also includes carbon

storage capacity up to 30,000,000 million by

2035 and in 2040 70% reductions in emissions

in Norway where we have the biggest

operations in our portfolio.

Nina Birgi e Koch, Managing Director, Equinor Angola

"Equinor wants to be part of the solution. We

want to be a leading company in energy

transition and there are three areas we are

focusing on, which include having very high

growth in renewables. This is a new market

with new opportunities and this is an area in

that we want to have a strong footprint.

Optimized oil and gas portfolio

Despite investing in renewable energies,

Equinor has stated clearly that it will

continue to produce oil and gas for the

foreseeable future and will continuously

improve its infrastructure on the

Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) and

international business portfolio.

Equinor projected that its capital

expenditure in oil and gas in 2022-2023

will reach around USD$8 billion and is

expected to remain at the same level

towards the middle of the decade. This

investment will result in the production

of oil and gas for both traditional end-use

applications and as inputs into

decarbonized energy sources via

hydrogen and ammonia and power

generation and industrial processes with


"Since 2015, we have reduced our

upstream carbon intensity by around

30%, bringing it below half of the current

industry average. We have set a target to

keep our upstream carbon intensity

under 8 kg CO₂/boe by 2025 and around

6 kg CO₂/boe by 2030.

"In 2021, Equinor’s corporate methane

emissions intensity was 0.02% which is

around one-tenth the average of Oil and

Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) member

companies. We will continue to develop

and implement technologies and

procedures to detect and reduce

methane emissions, support industry

efforts to reduce methane emissions

across the oil and gas value chain,

increase the quality and transparency of

reported data, and support the

development of sound methane policies

and regulations," the company said in a



Currently, Equinor's oil and gas business

portfolio delivers a free cash flow after tax

and investments of USD$45 billion between

2021 to 2026. New projects coming on stream

by 2030 have an average break-even below 35

USD/bbl and a short payback time of less than

2.5 years.

On the Norwegian continental shelf, Equinor

is optimizing its operations to deliver strong

value creation and an average annual free

cash flow of around USD$4.5 billion in 2021 –

2030. Further improvements at the worldclass

Johan Sverdrup field reduce the breakeven

price for the full field by 25% to 15


Today, Equinor is

producing 2 million

barrels of oil equivalent

per day and in the third

quarter of 2021, we had

USD$10 billion in net

operating income.

I'm saying this because it's like an industrial

adventure. So, what about the next 50 years?

What about the transition and what can we

do to stay in business? Energy Transition is

going on as we speak, and we have passed the

stage of discussions about it. It's just about

when and how we can work together.

"Our Net-zero roadmap has identified our

goals along the way towards net-zero and

already in a few years by 2025, we will have

30% of investments within renewables and

we will increase to 50% by 2030. We also have

carbon intensity goals going down to reducing

"We have done carbon capture and storage

(CCS) for 20 years offshore Norway. So we

have the experience but we want to do much

more. We also have carbon-efficient oil and

gas production that's like the third one and we

want to focus on specific parts of the world,

the best scenarios, and the most competitive

to reduce emissions within oil and gas

production. So those are the three things and

also find ways of contributing as a company

with reduced emissions from our production.

We will also work on

developing new

technology within the

CO2 solutions. We want

to invest in nature-based

solutions like for instance,

carbon sinks.

"We produce oil and gas in Angola. Our CEO

has made it clear that we will continue to

produce oil and gas for a long time. But, we

need to do it competitively with the lowest

carbon footprint.

"We will stay in oil and gas for quite a while

because it's necessary and part of the energy

mix. And Angola is very much on our agenda

being a core area with oil and gas and there's

also a potential for renewables. So again,

Equinor wants to be part of the solution

turning all the challenges into opportunities,"

says Nina Birgitte Koch, Managing Director,

Equinor Angola during a panel session at the

Angola Oil and Gas Technology Conference

(AOTC) 2021.



“As an energy company, Equinor wants to be

at the forefront of taking on these challenges.

We launched our ambition of becoming a netzero

company by 2050. This includes both

emissions from production and energy use.

“We have developed three pillars to become a

net-zero company by 2050. We will achieve it

by upgrading our portfolios and focusing on

abasement measures.

“In our new climate roadmap, we have also

introduced the ambition to have a carbonneutral

global operation by 2030.

Christel Kvalvik, Managing Director at Equinor Nigeria Energy Company Ltd

“This means by that time, the remaining

emissions from our oil and gas operations will

be compensated by nature-based solutions.

In 2019, Equionor renewed its licenses

for two of its major partner-operated

assets, blocks 15 and 17, until 2032 and

2045 in the Angolan oil and gas industry.

In an exclusive interview with The

Business Year, Nina Koch commented, "In

Block 17, the Dalia hub has reached 1

billion barrels of production last year

w i t h o u t l o st-time i n j u r i e s , a n

outstanding achievement.

" A d d i t i o n a l l y, f i v e h i g h - v a l u e

development projects have been

executed in Block 17 since 2018, and

we've had the first oil from three of those

projects in 2021. All have been safely

executed by the operator TotalEnergies

and will also have a positive impact in

reducing the accumulated carbon

intensity from the fields, which is

extremely important to Equinor.

"We also entered two exploration

licenses, Block 1/14 and Block 29. Block

29 is operated by TotalEnergies, and 1/14

is operated by ENI. One of the

advantages of the oil and gas industry in

Angola is that it is very professional with

long experience, and it is also a very good

collaboration within the industry. I am

proud of what we've been able to

achieve in Angola over the last couple of


"Going forward, we will continue to

maximize the value of our assets and find

ways to lower CO2 emissions from our


Speaking at the virtual Africa Energy

Series 2021 (online event) which was

covered by The Energy Republic, and


organized by Global Event Partners, Christel

Kvalvik, Managing Director, Equinor Nigeria

Limited said that Africa’s energy transition

journey may look different compared to

Europe and the United States.

Christel said,

Equinor believes that

gas will play a

significant role in

Energy Transition in


But, there are two concerns.

“Gas is more complicated than oil and it

depends on the strong collaboration between

the industry and the government.

“Gas is used in different parts of the world and

not everyone sees gas as clean energy. There

is a job to do in creating the understanding

that the Energy Transition journey may look

differently in Africa”.

Equinor is currently building

its business folio around

renewable energy, adding

that the company has

launched a new structure for

its international portfolio

that includes an African cluster

which will allow Equinor to

build a more holistic and

innovative strategy for the

African region.

“We are working very closely with the

Norwegian government, suppliers, and with

various industry stakeholders. There are a lot

of things going on to reduce our carbon

footprint in our operations,” she added.

In addition, Equinor is leveraging new

technologies and building new capacities to

support its energy transition plan. The energy

transition plan integrates key elements of

Equinor’s decarbonization strategy with

existing actions and ambitions. It includes

information on capital allocation, policy

engagement, risk and performance

frameworks, and other enablers to deliver on

the company’s ambitions.

Equinor's international portfolio is set to

deliver strong cash flow, become more robust

towards lower prices, and show a significant

upside at higher prices.

At the PETAN's Sub-Saharan Africa

International Petroleum Exhibition and

Conference (SAIPEC) 2021, Christel Kvalvik,

Managing Director, Equinor Nigeria Energy

Company Ltd, provided more insight on the

company's business model during her

presentation in a panel session titled “IOCs

perspective on Dynamics’s of Sub- Saharan

Africa’s Energy, Oil and Gas as we Strive to a

Low Carbon Future.”

She said Equinor has added hydrogen,

ammonia, and biofuels in its energy transition

plan, noting that the company has set a clear

ambitious target to use ammonia on its

offshore vessels by 2024 as part of the

company’s strategy to explore opportunities

in offshore renewable energy resources.

“We have developed a new international

business portfolio that includes onshore and

offshore renewables which make the



Equinor have partners have signed an agreement to make the world’s first pilot project for

ac ve, nature-based #carboncapture at sea a reality! Sugar kelp carbon capture

company take a more holistic approach

to work closely with government and

industry stakeholders to share

experience, technology, and resources.

“We have assets and partner-operated

assets in more than 20 countries.

Equinor’s objectives are to turn natural

resources into energy for people and

progress for society.

We are looking at

electrifying some of

our offshore assets

with power cables

from land, and

offshore wind


“We are also doing integrated onshore

base ports which guide the totality of our

portfolio on the Norwegian Continental

Shelf on both production and emissions.

“In our new climate roadmap, we have

introduced the ambition to have a

carbon-neutral global operation by 2030.

We are also looking at various range of

digital tools to reduce emissions from our

current operations. This means by that

time, the remaining emissions from our

oil and gas operations will be

compensated by nature-based solutions.

We are adopting

hydrogen, ammonia, and

biofuels. By 2024, we will

have some of our vessels

running 300 hours with



“We have a very close collaboration with the

maritime industry on green shipping. We are

working together to improve selling patterns,

reduce consumption, and develop new fuels.

We are also working very closely with the

Norwegian government, suppliers, and with

various industries,” she added.

According to Christel, "Equinor has powered

more than one million homes with

renewables, including offshore wind from UK

and Germany.

“Our pillar in our strategy also includes

decarbonization. We will look at this from

different angles. There is also a very

important building block for our net-zero

ambition which is Capturing & Storing C02


“Equinor has a long history of storing C02 in

the North Sea. We will build on this

experience when we are part of developing a

full-scale value chain for carbon-capturing

storage,” she concluded.

By 2035, Equinor’s ambition is to develop the

capacity to store 15 -30 million tonnes of CO2

per year and to provide clean hydrogen in 3-5

industrial clusters.

Unlocking new opportunities in low

carbon solutions

The energy transition represents an

opportunity for energy companies to leverage

their innovations to develop and grow new

energy resources. However, an enabling

environment with policy development will

facilitate a just energy transition for the oil

and gas industry.

Equinor supports a transition that is just and

inclusive, enabling long-term social,

economic, and human rights benefits for

workforces and communities.

"Our just transition approach will build on our

heritage, purpose, and values and include

clear priorities and measurable actions

towards the three stakeholder groups mostly

affected by our transition: our workforce, our

suppliers and their workforce, and our host

communities. It will consider how we use local

content in our projects; how we can help host

communities build resilience to climate

change impacts; and how Equinor can be a

driver for regional decarbonization


In addition to increased national climate

ambitions and meaningful carbon pricing,

Equinor supports

policies that target the most significant

greenhouse gas sources; Transparent and

internationally aligned, to trigger investments

and innovation; Phasing out subsidies on

fossil fuels that exacerbate climate change

and undermine the effects of climate-related

policy measures' Promote research and

development through public measures that

stimulate investments in low carbon


"To ensure we continue to retain a

competitive advantage in low carbon

technologies and business models, 40% of our

Research and Development (R&D) budget will

be allocated to these areas by 2025.

"To fund the transition of the company

toward net zero and to ensure strong capital

distribution through the journey, the

optimized oil and gas portfolio will continue to

be invested in to deliver cash-flow and value.

"Oil and gas projects coming on stream by

2030 will have a volume-weighted average

breakeven under 35 USD per barrel".



Christel Kvalvik, Managing Director at Equinor Nigeria Energy Company Ltd

“Equinor Will Become A Leading Global

Player in Renewables to Support the

Energy Transition” - Christel Kvalvik

The Energy Republic talks to Christel Kvalvik, Managing

Director of Equinor Nigeria Energy Company Limited, about

the company’s action plans to unlocking new opportunities

around the energy transition. Christel also provided an update

on Equinor’s involvement in Tanzania's $30 billion LNG deal.

Interview by Ndubuisi Micheal Obineme

TER: Welcome back to the post-COVID-

19 era. Please could you shed more light

on Equinor's main building blocks in

navigating the pandemic?

Christel: In 2021, the Covid-19 pandemic

showed signs of being less severe.

However, there continues to be

uncertainty around the duration and

extent of the impact of the Covid-19

pandemic. Equinor’s operations and

workforce, including projects under

development, have and continue to be

impacted by the global Covid-19 pandemic.

Quarantine rules, travel restrictions,

workforce shortage, supply chain disruptions,

and Covid-19 prevention and mitigation

controls, such as social distancing

requirements and reduced utilization of

offshore beds, have resulted in lower activity

levels on certain sites, causing delays, cost

increases, and disruption of further work.

As a consequence, the start-up of projects

(Njord future, Johan Castberg, and Peregrino

phase 2) have been postponed.


In addition, certain of our suppliers and

customers have and continue to be impacted

by the spread of the pandemic, and the

efforts to contain it, and may as a result

explore invoking contractual clauses such as

those involving force majeure. There can be

no assurance that the ongoing Covid-19

pandemic, new variants, and efforts to

contain the virus will not materially impact

our operations or financial condition.

TER: Equinor has set a target to become a

net-zero company by 2050, with a new

investment focus on onshore and offshore

renewables as part of its energy transition

plan. What are the growth and project

opportunities in Equinor's Energy Transition


Christel: Equinor is applying its competitive

advantage to create value in new areas of the

energy system. A central element in this

effort is our goal to become a leading global

player in offshore wind. We will accelerate

growth in renewables to strengthen our

competitive position and achieve the

economies of scale necessary to improve

returns. To build a competitive wind

portfolio, we are applying our experience in

technology, innovation, and project delivery

and building new competence and capacity

to support the transition. We have the

ambition to have a total of 12-16 GW of

installed net renewable capacity¹ by 2030 –

five years earlier than previously announced.

To put that in perspective, this would equal

more than twice the total global offshore

wind capacity installed in 2020. We have

already accessed around two-thirds of our

growth ambition through a competitive and

high-quality pipeline anchored by our

Dogger Bank and Empire and Beacon Wind

projects in the UK and US. As we execute on

these world-class projects, we are well

positioned to grow our presence in markets

where we look to continue to create value

and optionality.

As we expand our global wind portfolio, we

are also moving into regions, such as Eastern

Europe and East Asia, where there is

potential for our renewable projects to




displace coal from the electricity mix. Throughout our expansion into

renewables, we will continue to be guided by a focus on capital

discipline, value creation, and delivery.

Based on our outlook, we plan to allocate around 23 billion USD gross

CAPEX to renewables between 2021 and 2026 and expect a real base

project return of 4-8%. In addition to our investments in offshore wind,

we are expanding into other areas of renewable energy. Our significant

equity ownership stakes in Scatec, a leading renewable power producer,

and Noriker Power, a UK-based battery storage developer focused on

utility-scale storage, are some examples.

Equinor Ventures, our corporate venture arm dedicated to investing in

ambitious early phase and growth companies, has a mandate of 750

million USD, with more than 50% of the fund’s capital being deployed

towards renewables and low carbon activities by 2025. The current

portfolio comprises more than 40 investments, with an almost even split

between oil and gas, renewables, and low carbon solutions.

TER: What role will offshore renewables and carbon capture (CCUS)

play in Equinor's global operations more especially in the Northsea?

Christel: We are applying our decades of CCS experience to reach our

ambition of developing a CO₂ transport and storage capacity of 5-10

million tonnes by 2030 and 15-30 million tonnes1 by 2035. Since 1996,

we have safely stored nearly 20 million tonnes of CO₂ at our Sleipner

field. In addition to our technical experience, we are capitalizing on the

competitive advantage of our established geographic footprint. Our

North Sea infrastructure lies close to potential carbon and hydrogen

markets. The Northern Lights project, which we are developing with our

partners Shell and TotalEnergies, is an essential step. Northern Lights is

part of the full-scale Norwegian Longship CCS project, the first ever

cross-border, open-source CO₂ transport and storage infrastructure

network. It will offer companies across Europe the opportunity to

capture and store their CO₂ safely and permanently underground.

Beyond the NCS, we are pursuing CCS projects in other regions that have

the necessary framework conditions for low carbon solutions. In the UK,

we are part of the Northern Endurance Partnership, which aims to put in

place the offshore infrastructure to transport and store CO₂ from

projects in the UK’s pioneering East Coast Cluster (ECC). The ECC, which

was selected in 2021 by the UK government as one of its first two carbon

capture and storage projects, has the potential to transport and securely

store nearly 50% of all UK industrial cluster CO₂ emissions, equaling up to

27 million tonnes of CO₂ emissions a year by 2030.

TER: Talking about the global energy transition agenda, please could

you provide more insight on Equinor's action plans toward

Decarbonization, Digitalization, and Decentralisation?


Equinor's Operations in Nigeria

Ø Equinor has been in Nigeria since 1992..

Ø Equinor has played a significant role in

developing Nigeria’s biggest deep-water field,

Agbami, utilising one of the world’s largest

floating production, storage and offloading vessels.

Ø Daily equity production of 26,000 (2021).

Ø Equinor has a 20.21% stake in the Agbami oil

field, while Chevron is the operator with 67.30%

interest and Prime 127 holds the remaining 12.49%.

Ø We have drilled 10 wells with 40% discovery rate

and invested more than US$3.5 billion.

Ø Equinor is a supplier of refined products in


Ø Equinor also operates two exploration licences—

OMLs 128 and 129—with a 53.85% share in both.

Six wells have been drilled in both, with two

discoveries made..

Ø Equinor has paid over US$3 billion in taxes to

the Federal Government of Nigeria.

Christel: Hydrogen offers a low and zero-carbon solution to

sectors that are technically difficult to decarbonize, such as

heavy industries including steel and cement; and transport

sectors such as heavy duty trucking, shipping, and aviation.

Because of its versatility, most credible low carbon scenarios

include significant deployment of hydrogen. Pursuing a

technology-neutral approach to hydrogen development will

enable the fastest and most cost-efficient decarbonization

across sectors and regions.

To this end, we aim to supply hydrogen to 3-5 major industrial

clusters by 2035, aiming at a 10% market share of clean

hydrogen in Europe. We plan to realize these ambitions

through a portfolio of hydrogen projects, centered in

industrial clusters in Norway, Northwest continental Europe,

the UK, and the US.

We have made considerable progress on some of our key

projects and added several new ones, including the H2BE

project for low carbon hydrogen production in Belgium and



an initiative to develop a low carbon and

hydrogen industrial region in the tri-state

area in the US.

As we execute our strategy of providing

hydrogen and CO₂ management services to

large industrial clusters, we retain

s i g n i f i c a n t o p t i o n a l i t y a c r o s s

d e c a r b o n i z a t i o n s e g m e n t s a n d


TER: With the recent announcement

about the signing of the contract for

Tanzania's $30 billion LNG deal between

the Government, Equinor, and partners.

What is the significance of this project on

your company's investment in East Africa

and the opportunities it will create in the


Christel: Equinor, together with Shell and

partners, initialed a Framework Agreement

with the government of Tanzania on June

11, 2022, aligning on some of the key

fundamentals needed for the development

of an LNG project in the country.

The development is an encouraging step as

in early 2021 Equinor decided to make an

impairment of the full investment in

Tanzania. At the time, the overall LNG

project economics had not improved

sufficiently to make it globally competitive

and justify keeping it on the balance sheet.

However, under the leadership of the new

Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu, the

negotiations have resumed, leading to the

positive milestone on June 11th.

The framework agreement sets the stage

for negotiations to continue towards a fully

termed Host Government Agreement

(HGA), with a completion target date of

December 2022.

While there is positive momentum for the

project, there is still a lot of hard work

needed to achieve the next milestones and

our negotiating team will be working

tirelessly in the coming months.

TER: Some experts have said that the

pathway for energy transition may be

different in developing countries such as

the African continent based on their

energy potential. How is Equinor working

to support a Just Energy Transition in


Christel: Most of our assets in Africa are at

the moment non-operated. Through

collaboration with partners and several

national oil companies (the latter through

Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs)),

we work to ensure that the majority of nonoperated

assets now have a GHG emissions

reduction plan.

For example, through the MoUs signed with

Sonatrach and YPF, we will share

experiences and explore potential

opportunities to reduce flaring and

methane emissions, energy efficiency, and

reporting of GHG emissions.

We have also agreed to evaluate potential

cooperation for the use of renewables,

carbon capture, utilization, and storage

(CCUS), and low-carbon hydrogen solutions.

We also actively participate in the Oil and

Gas Climate Initiative and thereby

encourage others to move towards net-zero

operations and, most urgently, to near zero

methane emissions.

TER: Furthermore, Equinor has a strong

footprint in Nigeria, and is involved in

major oil and gas projects. With the signing

of the Petroleum Industry Act (PIA) and the

'Decade of Gas' initiative led by the Federal

Government of Nigeria. What are Equinor's

pivotal projects and main focus areas in the


Christel: The development of gas resources

takes time and requires adequate incentives

to encourage investment. Equinor wants to

be the catalyst and force for engaging with

all stakeholders interested in really moving

forward on deep water gas development.

We want to make gas, whether it is LNG or

LPG, a viable investment proposition for


We want to end up in a situation where

there are numerous gas projects which are

to benefit of Nigeria’s industrialization and

economic development.





President Zelensky Invites Investors to

Explore Opportunities in Ukraine's Energy,

Oil, Gas Industry

Norway Commits EUR 205 Million to Fund


Natural Gas Supply to Ukraine


Equinor, Shell, TotalEnergies Signs

Commercial Agreement on Carbon

Capture and Storage Deal


For Growth Opportunities in Offshore Energy Industry

By Ndubuisi Micheal Obineme

Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) Conference

and Exhibition 2022 comes at a time when

the world is facing challenges in shortage of

energy supply following the Russia-Ukraine

war coupled with the global energy

transition agenda and net zero ambitions.

ONS Conference 2022 taking place from

29th August to 1st September 2022 with

the theme "TRUST' provides an insight into

the crucial issues in the offshore energy

industry, including the energy security crisis

in Europe.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Edward

Daniels, Chair ONS Conference Committee

said many countries are facing challenges

ranging from the impact of COVID-19, the

war in Ukraine, anxiety about the security

of supply, the challenge of the energy

transition, and even the highest inflation in

decades hitting many countries.

Lack of trust plays an

important role in all

of these challenges.

What matters is we need to address this,"

said Daniels.

"Whether it's trust in scientists and experts,

trust in governments, and energy

companies. We know that people have a

hard time trusting energy companies. We

need to restore the trust in the energy


“We need to continue to invest and

collaborate because it's the only way that

we can achieve our goal, as we all want to

see a fair and clean energy system that has

zero emissions in tackling climate change”

He added, "I believe there's only one real

way to restore trust. The energy business

needs to do the right thing. And we need to

be fully transparent with the targets and the

actions that we're taking.

"We need to be very open about the fact

that the world can't immediately dismantle

the fossil fuel industry.

The world is going to

continue to invest in the

supply of oil and gas for

years to come..

And at the same time, the world has got to

tackle climate change to achieve a net zero

emissions energy system.

"This is a balance we need to get right. And if

it were easy, we'd have done it by now. This

is a difficult thing to do.

"To move the world's energy supply away

from fossil fuels, we need to work on

demand and supply, moving demand from

hydrocarbon-based energies to low

emissions forms of energy..

"Countries, companies, and communities

have all set ambitious targets. But these

targets have to be conjoined with practical

action. The whole of the energy sector,

including oil and gas companies need to act

responsibly and drive the energy transition

forward. But the energy sector can't do it





His Royal Highness Crown Prince of Norway Haakon

“We need to work together and

collaborate w i t h governments,

customers, and the rest of civil society in

trusting relationships.

“It's going to take bright minds, brave

politicians, bold entrepreneurs to crack

this particular challenge”

As energy industry stakeholders, players,

and political leaders scramble for

resolutions to Europe’s current energy

challenges at ONS 2022, His Royal

Highness Crown Prince Haakon stated

that ONS is a meeting place for the

energy industry to further discussions

and adopt new solutions to addressing

issues around the offshore oil and gas


He said,

Since the 70s, ONS has

been a vibrant

meeting place for the

energy industry and

government institutions.

I have had the pleasure of following the

ONS through decades from the aid solely

of fossil fuels to its more recent focus on

renewable energy sources. And today,

the energy debate is at the heart of our

most complex challenges.

"The discovery of oil and gas in Norway

and the way we as a nation handled our

newfound resources have over the last

50 years provided us with welfare,

prosperity, and security. Several

institutions have helped build the

industry that we are so proud of.

"Trust is this year's theme at ONS. How can we

continue building trust in these unstable


"But trust is what connects us and society. It is

a prerequisite for collaboration. And trust is

the essence of sustainable business.

"The urgent green energy shift is not only

about limiting the effects of climate change, it

is also becoming a core issue of global

security. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has

underlined this fact.

"Energy scarcity is a global reality. We need to

meet this challenge without putting an

additional burden on the coming generations.

"Generations before us didn't have the

knowledge, technology, or opportunity that

we have today. As we unite, we now know

well, what is at stake.

"Leaders of the world gathered in Glasgow at

COP 26 last year, set goals to find the pathway

forward and to raise the ambitions. Climate

goals are important in our way toward a

greener future.

"To deliver on the targets, we are all

dependent on you - the energy industry,

bright minds, and bold decision makers to

make the changes possible.

"As we all know the energy industry is one of

the largest emitters of greenhouse gases, but

the people in this industry hold the solutions

for the future and they have all the

knowledge, skills, and experience.

"It is not possible to achieve our climate goals

without innovation, investment, and new

technologies providing the world with

affordable, secure, and clean energy.

Green Innovation is

the key to unlocking

the solutions needed

for sustainable

development for all.

"We are the ones with the means to make the

change because as Abraham Lincoln once

said, The best way to predict the future is to

create it. With these words, I declare the ONS

conference 2022 open”

When oil and gas was discovered in the North

Sea, the need for a meeting place for the

companies in this new industry emerged. ONS

was launched as Offshore Northerns Seas, as

the event was targeted at companies with

business in the North Sea basin. Today, the

event attracts visitors from all over the world,

and is known as just ONS.

During the ONS event, more than 65, 000

visitors from around 100 countries gather in

Stavanger, Norway. ONS assembles highprofile

decision-makers as well as global

influencers who are engaged in the world’s

energy discussion.

For decades the ONS has developed an

international network with representatives

from industry, authorities, academia and

research institutions. The event has several

working committees represented by more

than 250 leaders from industry and politics.

The committees advise and shape the

programme and direction of our work.

The ONS partners with prominent

organisations to facilitate global events and

network meeting. The Goal is to exchange

ideas, learn and build relationships between

industry, government and society.




Volodymyr Zelenskyy

President Zelensky Invites Investors to Explore

Opportunities in Ukraine's Energy, Oil, Gas


President Volodymyr Zelensky

said that Ukraine could become

one of the energy security

guarantors of the European continent

and called for investment in the

Ukrainian gas industry.

“Ukraine can become - I believe it will

become - one of the guarantors of the

energy security of the European

continent. Together with Ukraine, you

will be able to prevent such price

crises ever again. We have a unique

system of gas storage facilities near

the border of the European Union,

with a volume of more than 30 billion

cubic meters. We are asked about

help. That's how practical it is - use our

gas storages already this season,”

Zelensky said in his speech at the

Offshore Northern Seas Conference


According to him, the Europeans can

store fuel in the Ukrainian gas storage

facilities for the winter, and " this will

be your help both to us and to


The President also emphasized that

Ukraine had significant natural gas

deposits, calling on investors to

participate in the development of fields and


“The leadership of Russia dreamed of stealing

this part of our national wealth from us as

well. But we will not allow it. We invite all

investors, contractors and service companies

to join gas production in Ukraine. If you want

to help us pragmatically, please use this tool.

Obtain licenses, enter into agreements on the

distribution of products, carry out exploration

and drilling. We would appreciate it. Our gas

fields can play the same stabilizing role for

Europe as the fields of Norway in particular,”

the President of Ukraine underscored.

In addition, he said that Ukraine was

preparing to increase the electricity export to

the EU countries.

“We ensure this export during the war, and

our electricity is much cheaper than what is

currently available in the market,” the Head of

State said.

Zelensky also invited entrepreneurs to invest

in the production of green energy and green

hydrogen in Ukraine. As noted, Ukraine is one

of the best locations for providing all of

Europe with green energy and green

hydrogen as it has everything for that:

“enough land, good wind, good sun, as well as

ready-made energy logistics – powerful

power transmission lines, gas pipelines that

can be used for hydrogen – of course, after

appropriate modernization.”

According to IEA report, Ukraine has a

century-long history of oil and gas production

and possesses substantial conventional and

unconventional hydrocarbon reserves,

estimated at 9 billion tonnes of oil equivalent

(Btoe). Natural gas reserves are estimated at

5.4 trillion cubic metres (tcm), with proven

reserves of 1.1 tcm of natural gas, more than

400 million tonnes (Mt) of gas condensate

and 850 Mt of oil reserves. The loss of

jurisdiction over Crimea, whose significant

offshore gas resources are no longer

accessible to Ukraine, means natural gas

reserve estimates must be revised


Hydrocarbon resources in Ukraine are

concentrated in three regions: the Carpathian

region in the west; the Dnieper-Donetsk

region in the east; and the Black Sea-Sea of

Azov region in the south. The Dnieper-

Donetsk region accounts for 80% of proven

reserves and approximately 90% of gas

production, and the Carpathian region has

13% of proven reserves and 6% of production.

The remaining 6% of proven reserves are in

the southern region, where production is

conducted both onshore and offshore on the

shallow shelves of the Black and Azov seas.

The aggregate production in this region is 5%

of Ukraine’s total oil and gas production.

Ukraine has considerable unconventional gas

potential in the form of coalbed methane in

the main coal mining areas of eastern Ukraine

and in two shale gas basins: a portion of the

Lublin Basin, which extends into Poland, and

the Dnieper-Donetsk Basin in the east.




Russia’s war on Ukraine is having a

dramatic impact on energy

security and the economic

situation in Ukraine. The Norwegian

Government is committing NOK 2 billion

approximately EUR 205 million to help

ensure that Ukrainians have access to

natural gas in the coming winter.

‘Ukraine is in urgent need of external

support as a result of the war. Ukraine

has asked Norway to take a leading role in

Jonas Gahr Støre Prime Minister of Norway

Norway Commits EUR 205 Million to

Fund Natural Gas Supply to Ukraine

helping to ensure that it has access to energy.

We are now following this up, and plan to provide

NOK 2 billion to enable Ukrainians to purchase

natural gas this autumn and winter,’ said Prime

Minister Jonas Gahr Støre.

When Prime Minister Støre was in Kyiv in July, he

announced that Norway would increase its

support to Ukraine by NOK 10 billion in 2022 and


Today, Mr Støre was in Stavanger for the

Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) 2022

conference, where Ukrainian President

Volodymyr Zelensky participated digitally.

Mr Støre announced there that NOK 2

billion of Norway’s commitment would go

towards purchasing natural gas for

Ukraine in 2022.

‘Norway’s support for the procurement of

natural gas will help in many ways, for

example to keep Ukraine’s hospitals and

schools warm this winter, and to make it

possible to cook warm meals,’ said Mr


It is now a matter of urgency to help

Ukraine increase its store of natural gas

before winter arrives. The gas will help to

a l l e v i a t e t h e c o u n t r y ’s g r a v e

humanitarian situation.

Norway will channel its support for

Ukraine’s gas procurement through the

European Bank for Reconstruction and

Development (EBRD). Norway has also

called on other countries to provide

support for gas procurement through the


‘Back in March, Ukraine asked the bank

for support to purchase gas to

compensate for the loss of its own natural

and imported gas in the wake of Russia’s

invasion. Norway and other donors will

help Ukraine to purchase and store gas,’

said Minister of Foreign Affairs Anniken


ELON MUSK says world needs more

oil and gas now


esla Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk

has said that the world needs more oil

and gas now to deal with the energy

crisis while pushing to transition to renewable


Musk, made this known during the opening

ceremony at the Offshore Northern Seas

conference in Stavanger, saying that “At this

time, we actually need more oil and gas, not


According to report, Europe’s politicians have

already earmarked about 280 billion euros

($278 billion) to ease the pain of surging prices

for businesses and consumers, but the aid risks

being dwarfed by the scale of the crisis.

In his words, "Oil and gas will continue to be

crucial to society in the near term. The focus on

hydrocarbon investment should be carried out

simultaneously with moving "as fast as we can

to a sustainable energy economy.”

He also stated that the global energy transition

currently relies on three pillars, which are

sustainable energy generation, battery storage

and electric vehicles, with ocean wind a central


“Ocean wind is a massive untapped potential.

[Build] a 100 x 100 array of 10MW [wind]

turbines and you get 100GW – which you will

need to marry to [industrial scale] stationary

[energy] storage,” he said.

“We must have a clear path for a sustainable

energy future [based] on hydro[power],

geothermal, wind, solar.”

“I don’t tend to demonise oil and gas. These are

necessary right now if civilisation is going to

function. At this point in time, I actually think we

need more oil and gas, not less, but

simultaneously moving as fast as we can to a

sustainable energy economy.”

According to the World Bank, Ukraine’s

GDP is expected to fall by 30–50 % in 2022,

with tax revenues declining by 50–80 %.

This has created an enormous need for

financial support. Norway has been a

major donor since the start of the war.

57 09 22 70



Equinor, Shell, TotalEnergies Signs

Commercial Agreement on Carbon

Capture and Storage Deal

Northern Lights, a JV owned by

Equinor, Shell and TotalEnergies,

signs the world’s first commercial

agreement on cross border CO2

transportation and storage with Yara.

This is an important step for the

d e v e l o p m e n t o f l a r g e - s c a l e

decarbonisation of heavy industries to

help meet climate ambitions.

Yara and Northern Lights have agreed on

the main commercial terms to transport

CO2 captured from Yara Sluiskil, an

ammonia and fertiliser plant in the

Netherlands, and permanently store it

under the seabed off the coast of


"This is a major milestone for the

development of carbon capture,

transport and storage. With the first

c o m m e r c i a l a g r e e m e n t f o r

transportation and storage of CO2, we

open a value chain that is critical for the

world to reach net zero by 2050.

Together with our partners, we are

building infrastructure to decarbonise

industry and energy, securing industrial

activity and jobs in a low carbon future,"

says Anders Opedal, CEO and president

of Equinor.

From early 2025, 800,000 tonnes of CO2

will be captured, compressed and

liquefied in the Netherlands, and then

transported by ship to the terminal for

storages at 2,600 metres under the

seabed on the Norwegian continental


Equinor and partners have decades of

experience from CO2 capture and storage at

the Sleipner and Snøhvit fields. Large-scale

CO2 capture from industries and storage of

CO2 safely under the seabed, will enable the

decarbonisation of hard to abate existing

industries, that emits CO2 as part of their


"With this commercial agreement, we are

passing a major milestone in the

development of a value chain for carbon

capture, transport and storage. We

experience an increased demand for this

service, particularly from large industrial

clusters on the European continent. Capture,

transport and storage of CO2 is also a

prerequisite to produce blue hydrogen and

ammonia. These products can eliminate

emissions in several energy sectors and act as

low carbon feedstock in many industries, says

Irene Rummelhoff, executive vice president

for Marketing, midstream and processing in


With the volumes from Yara, phase 1 has

reached full capacity and Northern Light JV is

now working to mature phase 2 for final

investment decision increasing the total

capacity to 5-6 million tonnes CO2 per year.

Equinor will continue to work together with

the Government and partners to develop the

Norwegian continental shelf further as an

important energy hub for the future, building

on the advantages and experience from

decades of hydrocarbon exploration and

production on the Norwegian continental


About Northern Lights

Northern Lights is developing the world’s first

open-source CO2 transport and storage

infrastructure. It delivers carbon storage as a

service. It also aim to help industrial emitters

stop emissions that cannot be avoided in

other ways from reaching the atmosphere

and to provide a safe and permanent storage

option for CO2 that is removed from the air.

Northern Lights are part of a growing

movement to actively manage the carbon

cycle and get it back in balance. The Northern

Lights PCI partners have developed a joint

memorandum detailing the value of a

European CO2 management ecosystem as

part of the green recovery from the Covid-19

crisis. The memorandum refers to specific

projects being developed by the partners in

the PCI and highlights the benefits of

accelerating these projects by detailing the

value in terms of job creation and CO2

emissions reduction potential.

Northern Lights will contribute a key first step

to realising a European network for CO2

transport and storage, working with CCS hubs

in the UK and the Netherlands as they come

into operation. They are also working with

developers of direct air capture technology, to

provide a safe and permanent storage option

in its offshore saline aquifer in the North Sea –

helping to get the carbon cycle back in


In 2024, Northern Lights will take delivery of

the first CO2 shipment from the Norcem

cement factory in Brevik. Plans are also in

place for storage of CO2 from the Fortum Oslo

Varme waste-to-energy plant in Oslo.

There is significant storage capacity on

the Norwegian continental shelf, where




Anders Opedal (left) and Mario Mehren at the contract signing. (Photo: Thor Oliversen / Wintershall Dea)

Equinor, Wintershall Dea Partner to Develop

Large-Scale CCS Value Chain in North Sea

Equinor and Wintershall Dea have

a g r e e d t o p u r s u e t h e

development of an extensive

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) value

chain connecting continental European

CO2 emitters to offshore storage sites on

the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

The Norwegian-German (NOR-GE) CCS

project has the ambition to make a vital

contribution to reducing greenhouse gas

emissions in Europe aiming to establish

the value chain and infrastructure for the

safe transportation, injection, and

storage of CO2 in suitable reservoirs on

the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

“This is a strong energy partnership

supporting European industrial clusters’

need to decarbonise their operations.

Wintershall Dea and Equinor are

committed to the energy transition and

will utilise the competence and

experience in both companies to work

with governments and partners to help

reach the net-zero target,” said Anders

Opedal, CEO and President of Equinor.

Through the partnership, both

companies are responding to the

European demand for large-scale

decarbonisation of carbon-intensive

industries that need safe and large-scale

underground CO2 storage to abate

unavoidable emissions from their processes.

The partnership intends to connect Germany,

the largest CO2 emitter in Europe, and

Norway, holding Europe’s largest CO2 storage


“Wintershall Dea and Equinor will work

together to establish technical and

commercial solutions for the development of

cross-border CCS value chains in Europe and

work with governments to shape a regulatory

framework that can enable it. We will build on

our close cooperation and open the next

chapter of German-Norwegian partnership,”

said Mario Mehren, CEO of Wintershall Dea.

An approximately 900-kilometre-long open

access pipeline is planned to connect the CO2

collection hub in Northern Germany and the

storage sites in Norwayprior to 2032. It is

expected to have a capacity of 20 to 40 million

tonnes of CO2 per year – equivalent to around

twenty per cent of all German industrial

emissions per year [1]. The project will also

consider an early deployment solution where

CO2 is planned to be transported by ship from

the CO2 export hub to the storage sites.

Wintershall Dea and Equinor also plan to

jointly apply for offshore CO2 storage

licences, aiming to store between 15 to 20

million tonnes per year on the Norwegian

Continental Shelf.

About The Partnership:

Comprehensive CCS project that connects

Germany and Norway

CO2 transportation from continental Europe

and storage on the Norwegian Continental


Estimated pipeline capacity of 20 to 40 million

tonnes per year by 2037

Reconfirming the companies’ commitment to

meeting EU climate targets

Wintershall Dea is among the most active CCS

players in Norway and other North Sea

countries. The company has a clear ambition

to become net zero across upstream activities

by 2030 (scope 1 and 2 on an equity share

basis), to further develop its gas-weighted

portfolio in Norway, and to build up a CCS and

hydrogen business. Wintershall Dea has

gained valuable expertise in the Greensand

Project in the Danish North Sea and in

addition is a partner in Equinor’s Snøhvit CCS


Equinor is an international energy company

with 21,000 employees worldwide

committed to long-term value creation in a

low-carbon future. Equinor’s purpose is to

turn natural resources into energy for people

and progress for society. Equinor’s portfolio of

projects encompasses oil and gas, renewables

and low-carbon solutions, with an ambition of

becoming a net-zero energy company by





Hydrogen Will Contribute

20% Solution for Energy

Transition – Daryl Wilson

With the current global trends on

c l i m a t e c h a n g e a n d

discussions for a low-carbon

future under the energy transition

agenda, coupled with the Net-Zero

Emissions target by 2050, Hydrogen will

contribute 20% solution in decarbonizing

the energy systems, the Executive

Director of Hydrogen Council, Daryl

Wilson said.

Hydrogen will play a key role in the global

energy transition by helping to diversify

energy sources worldwide, and foster

business and technological innovation as

drivers for long-term economic growth,

with enormous benefits for both the

energy system and other end-use

applications in the energy value chain.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with

Ndubuisi Micheal Obineme, Managing

Editor of The Energy Republic, Daryl

Wilson said that Hydrogen will become

part of the future energy systems, and it’s

a versatile energy carrier that can be

used in a wide variety of applications,

such as refining gasoline, making

ammonia fertilizer, refining liquid fuels

f o r s u s t a i n a b l e a v i a t i o n f u e l ,

transportation, and several other


Over the years, Daryl explained that the

main impediment was the perception

that Hydrogen is very expensive and it

will remain an expensive energy option.

According to him, Hydrogen Council in

partnership with McKinsey and Company

developed a report which shows that the cost

of hydrogen production for transportation,

major industries, and energy generation will

reduce just like the scenario for wind and

solar energy.

“Hydrogen is critical for transportation and

there’s been a lot of discussion about electric

vehicles and they play an important role. The

Hydrogen Council released a report in

October last year, showing that our future

transportation sector will be served by both

hydrogen and batteries. Hydrogen and

batteries are not in competition; they are

complementary solutions to decarbonize the

energy sector.

“There is a special role that hydrogen will play,

especially around long distance and heavy

transport – whether that’s long-distance

passenger cars or long-distance trucks.

Hydrogen has a very special role to play there

as hydrogen brings more capacity to a vehicle

than you will be able to realize from a battery.

“There are also places in the world like Japan,

Korea and in eastern China, whether or not

substantial renewable energy resources and

hydrogen will be a way of bringing clean

energy to those geographies so that they can

decarbonize their transportation systems

directly on hydrogen.

“And, in our report, we communicated our

assessment that hydrogen will be 22% of final

energy use by 2050. That’s fully 20% of the

solution for climate change. It’s not a small

contribution that hydrogen will make in the

coming decades.

“We’ve been very successful with our mission

to convince energy policymakers that

hydrogen is a viable part of the future energy


“There are many more hydrogen projects on

the pipeline to decarbonize the global energy

systems. More than 30 countries around the

world have announced strategies supporting

hydrogen as the main part of their future

energy plan. Many of those countries have

put in place very significant amounts of

funding: exceeding $10 billion in the case of

France and Germany, exceeding $20 million in

the case of China, and $10 billion in the United

States. There have been very large funding

commitments as well as policy commitments.

“Now, we’re in the phase of implementation.

There have been many announcements and

commitments of funding. These now need to

b e f o l l o w e d u p w i t h t h e a c t u a l

implementation of these projects so that they

have an impact on the energy systems,” Daryl





SoCalGas Commences Hydrogen

Production for SunLine's Fuel Cell

Electric Buses

Southern California Gas Co.

(SoCalGas) has commenced

construction of a first-of-its-kind

advanced hydrogen generation system at

SunLine Transit Agency in Thousand

Palms, California. The project, called H2

SilverSTARS, will produce hydrogen from

renewable natural gas (RNG) and help

fuel SunLine's fleet of 17 hydrogen fuel

cell electric buses. At scale, this

demonstration project has the potential

to provide clean hydrogen at any location

adjacent to a natural gas pipeline, which

will help reduce greenhouse gas

emissions and accelerate California's

climate and clean air goals.

The demonstration will test STARS'

technology, which was developed at the

Pacific Northwest National Lab. The

technology uses a combustion free

process, so that it produces fewer

greenhouse gas emissions compared to a

conventional steam methane reforming

process. Since the compact system is

based on low-cost 12x1-inch, 3D-printed

reactor disks and heat exchangers, it can

be easily installed at fueling stations to

help meet the demand while advancing

climate and clean air goals. After its

installation, the first STARS system will

produce up to 80 kilograms of clean

hydrogen a day, that's enough to fuel

three of SunLine's zero-emission buses

per day.

“We've been anticipating for this day to

arrive and I'm excited construction has

begun. Californians will need access to

hydrogen and this demonstration project

will provide insight during this energy

transition," said Glenn Miller City of Indio

Councilmember and SunLine Chair.

"Once widely adopted, this project will

help meet our state's climate goals."

"SunLine has been pioneering hydrogen

technologies for nearly three decades and

partnering with SoCalGas on this project

continues the momentum necessary to make

hydrogen fueling accessible to the public,"

said Lauren Skiver, CEO/General Manager of

SunLine Transit Agency. "Producing clean

hydrogen is the future of fuel, and this system

will play a pivotal role in reducing greenhouse

gas emissions."

"For several years now, the high cost of

transporting hydrogen has been the big

problem with rolling out fuel cell vehicles in

California," said Robert Wegeng, President of

STARS Technology Corporation. "This

demonstration elegantly solves the problem

with a compact, mass-produced hydrogen

generator that can be placed on the gas grid in

close proximity to filling stations and other

places where cheap hydrogen is useful. Better

yet, the hydrogen can meet the new Federal

"Clean Hydrogen Standard" for regional

hydrogen hubs since it can be produced from

renewable natural gas."

"This is the kind of demonstration project we

love to see in California and we're excited

construction has started. SoCalGas will use

the knowledge gained from this project to

help accelerate the adoption of clean

hydrogen," said Neil Navin, SoCalGas vice

president of clean energy innovations.

"Adopting clean technologies and working

with SunLine and STARS will help SoCalGas

and California reach our shared air quality and

climate goals much faster.”

Earlier this year, SoCalGas announced a

proposal to develop Angeles Link, a dedicated

green hydrogen energy infrastructure system

that could deliver clean, reliable energy to the

Los Angeles basin to provide a path to

decarbonize hard-to electrify sectors such as

electric generation, industries that require

clean fuels and cannot currently be

electrified, and heavy-duty transportation.

Clean fuel vehicles are expected to play an

important role in meeting the state's climate

and clean air goals. In California, Governor

Newsom's executive order requires that all

new cars sold in the state be zero-emissions

by 2035. Californians having access to clean

hydrogen generation systems, like H2

SilverSTARS, could be part of the clean energy


SunLine Transit Agency has been at the

forefront of providing environmentally

conscious public transportation since 1993,

when the Agency pursued an aggressive

strategy for incorporating clean technologies

into its operations.

The SunLine Transit Agency is on track to be

fully transitioned to zero emissions by 2035 –

five years ahead of the deadline set in the

state's ICT Regulation (2040). In addition to

SunLine's PEM Hydrogen Electrolyzer – the

largest clean hydrogen-producing station in

the country for transportation – its Liquid

Hydrogen Station project has been funded by

the California Energy Commission (CEC) and

will expand the Agency's hydrogen fueling

c a p a c i t y f o r t h e e x i s t i n g f u e l i n g


SunLine Transit Agency recently received a

California Energy Commission award for the

construction of a 15,000 – 18,000-gallon

liquid hydrogen fueling station. This station

will create fueling resiliency for the agency

and is the first liquid hydrogen project in

SunLine's thirty-year history. This liquid

station is yet another element in the creation

of a zero-emission blueprint for transit and

fleet operators across the nation.




QatarEnergy Renewable Solutions & QAFCO

launch the world’s largest Blue Ammonia facility

Qa t a r E n e r g y ’ s a f f i l i a t e s ,

Q a t a r E n e r g y R e n e w a b l e

Solutions and Qatar Fertiliser

Company (QAFCO) signed agreements

today for the construction of the

Ammonia-7 Project, the industry’s first

world-scale and largest Blue Ammonia


QatarEnergy Renewable Solutions

(owned 100% by QatarEnergy) and

QAFCO (owned 100% by QatarEnergy’s

subsidiary, Industries Qatar which is

listed on the Qatar Stock Exchange), have

joined hands to establish the Ammonia-7

Project, which will have a capacity of 1.2

million tons per annum (MTPA) of Blue

Ammonia, making it the world’s largest

such facility. With a targeted start-up

date of Q1 2026, the new plant will be

located in Mesaieed Industrial City (MIC)

and will be operated by QAFCO as part of

its integrated facilities.

The announcement was made during a

ceremony held today at QatarEnergy’s

headquarters in Doha to sign the project

agreements, including the engineering,

procurement, and construction (EPC)

contract. Valued at approximately 1

billion USD, the EPC contract was

a w a r d e d t o a c o n s o r t i u m o f

ThyssenKrupp and Consolidated

Contractors Company (CCC).

The ceremony was attended by His

Excellency Mr. Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, the

Minister of State for Energy Affairs, President

& CEO of QatarEnergy, Mr. Abdulrahman Al-

Suwaidi, the CEO of QAFCO, Ms. Martina

Merz, CEO Thyssenkrupp AG, Dr. Cord

Landsmann, CEO Thyssenkrupp Uhde, and

Mr. Oussama El-Jerbi, CCC Area Managing

Director (Qatar), as well as senior executives

of QatarEnergy. QAFCO, ThyssenKrupp and


Commenting on the occasion, His Excellency

Mr. Al-Kaabi said: “Ammonia-7 is a landmark

project for Qatar and for the industry as a

whole. It builds on our expertise in installing,

operating, and maintaining conventional

ammonia plants to produce fertilizers. We are

also building on our unique position in the

renewables and carbon capture and

sequestration space, as well as on our ideal

logistical capabilities and advantages to

supply differentiated, low carbon products

and fuels to the world.”

“Our investment in this project speaks to the

concrete steps we are taking to lower the

carbon intensity of our energy products, and

is a key pillar of QatarEnergy’s sustainability

and energy transition strategy,” His Excellency


His Excellency Minister Al-Kaabi concluded

his remarks by saying: “I would like to take this

opportunity to thank Mr. Abdulrahman Al-

Suwaidi, the CEO of QAFCO, and QAFCO’s

executive leadership team and employees for

their hard work and dedication.

Thanks are also extended to the executive

leadership team and all employees of

QatarEnergy for their great contributions to

the development of Qatar’s energy sector. To

conclude, I would like to express our deep

gratitude to His Highness the Amir Sheikh

Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani for his wise

leadership and for his unwavering support

and guidance to the energy sector.”

Blue Ammonia is produced when the CO2

generated during conventional Ammonia

production is captured and stored. Blue

Ammonia, which can be transported using

conventional ships, can then be used in power

stations to produce low-carbon electricity.

Pursuant to the agreements signed today,

QatarEnergy Renewable Solutions will: (i)

develop and manage integrated CCS facilities

capable of capturing and sequestering about

1.5 million tons of CO2 per annum, to cater for

the new Ammonia-7 plant; (ii) supply more

than 35 MW of renewable electricity to the

Ammonia-7 facility from its PV Solar Power

Plant in MIC, which is currently under

construction; (iii) develop and lead the

process for certifying the product produced

by the Ammonia-7 facility as Blue Ammonia,

with the involvement of leading industry

experts and relevant independent bodies;

and (iv) be the sole off-taker and marketer of

all Blue Ammonia produced by Ammonia-7.




Nigeria to Join ‘League of Hydrogen Producers’ as NLNG

Announces Its Decarbonization Strategy

Nigeria will soon join the ‘League of

Hydrogen Producers‘ as NLNG Limited

has announced its decarbonization

plans which are aimed at reshaping the

company’s business models for hydrogen

production and setting up a carbon capture,

utilization, and storage (CCUS) facility to

decarbonize its operations.

Speaking about the company's decarbonization

agenda, the Managing Director and CEO of

NLNG, Philip Mshelbila said his company is

exploring various opportunities in energy

transition and Hydrogen will play a key role in

decarbonizing the company’s operations.

Mshelbila made this known in a panel session at

the Nigeria Oil and Gas Conference and

Exhibition 2022, focused on harnessing

opportunities in the Nigerian Gas Sector, as well

as the investments in the pipeline

infrastructures in Nigeria.

According to him, “NLNG is looking at five

hydrogen opportunities, which is using

hydrogen either purely or blend in our fuel to

help decarbonize. Ultimately, we will be looking

at hydrogen as a product that goes into the


“We’re also setting up some work on carbon

capture utilization, and sequestration (CCUS).

That’s something that we’re working on very

actively at the moment.

“Aside from all of that, we’re looking at our

plant and what we need to do differently.

There’s ongoing work that is happening and we

are ramping that up.

“We’re looking at our non-plant activities as

well. What do we do with our houses, buildings,

including our vehicles?

“The key one is our shipping. So we have 23 LNG

vessels and we are working on how we can

decarbonize our operations. So a lot is

happening and by NOG Energy Week next year,

we will begin to speak about some of these


Nigeria LNG Limited (NLNG) is a major player in

the global LNG business and is ranked as one of

the world’s top 10 suppliers of LNG in the world.

Today, NLNG has 23 LNG vessels with a total

production capacity of 22 Million Tons Per

Annum (mtpa) of LNG and 5mtpa of Natural Gas

Liquids (NGLs) from its six-train plant complex.

bp Invests £50 million in New Global

Battery R&D Centre in Britain

bp has unveiled plans to invest up to

£50 million (around $60 million) in a

new, state-of-the-art electric vehicle

(EV) battery testing centre and analytical

laboratory in the UK. bp has previously

announced its intention to invest up to £18

billion in the UK’s energy system by the end

of 2030; this additional new investment is a

further example of bp’s commitment to the


Planned to open by the end of 2024, the new

facilities will be located at bp’s existing

global headquarters for its Castrol business

in Pangbourne, Berkshire, and will support

the technology, engineering and science

roles housed there today. The site already

undertakes research and development of

fuels, lubricants and EV fluids and aims to

become a leading hub for fluid technologies

and engineering in the UK.

“We’re backing Britain. We’re fully

committed to the UK’s energy transition.

This additional investment will help

accelerate the transition to EVs by

developing solutions to help decarbonise

the transport sector. This is another

example of our ambitious plans to do more,

and go faster,” said Louise Kingham, bp’s UK

head of country.

The new facilities will help advance the

development of leading fluid technologies

and engineering for hybrid and fully battery

electric vehicles, aiming to bring the

industry closer to achieving the key tipping

points for mainstream EV adoption. Castrol

O N a d v a n c e d E V f l u i d s m a n a g e

temperatures within the battery which

enables ultra-fast charging and improves

efficiency, which help EVs to go further on a

single charge and extend the life of the

drivetrain system.

In addition, the advanced e-fluid

technologies and engineering can be

applied to other industries such as thermal

management fluids for data centres where

demand is rising exponentially. Most of the

world’s internet protocol (IP) traffic goes

through data centres and since 2010 the

number of internet users worldwide has

doubled, while global internet traffic has

increased 15-fold a trend expected to

continue over the next decade.

“We’re backing Britain. We’re fully

committed to the UK’s energy transition.

This additional investment will help

accelerate the transition to EVs by

developing solutions to help decarbonise

the transport sector,” said Louise Kingham,

bp’s UK head of country.

Michelle Jou, CEO Castrol, said: “We are

committed to supporting the electrification

of transport and the take-up of electric

vehicles. The growth of EV fluids is a huge

opportunity, and we aim to be the market

leader in this sector. Two thirds of the

world’s major car manufacturers use Castrol

ON EV fluids as a part of their factory fill and we

also supply Castrol ON EV fluids to the Jaguar

TCS Racing Formula E team.

“This significant new investment will now allow

us to build additional strategic technologies and

capabilities to further advance EV fluids for the

future. The facilities will also be an amazing

showcase to demonstrate our integrated

technology expertise to customers as we help

drive the transition to Evs.”

Richard Bartlett, senior vice president, bp pulse,

added: “At bp pulse, we aim to provide the

fastest and most reliable charging experience to

our EV customers and continue to invest in our

rapid and ultra-fast network globally for

passenger cars and trucks. This investment will

help us co-develop battery and charger

technology and digital solutions with our OEM

partners to help EVs go further, charge faster

and last longer.”

Castrol intends to use the new facilities to

continue to work with car manufacturers and

suppliers to co-engineer future battery

technology a n d a s s o c i ated t h e r m a l

management fluids. It will also look to develop

future technologies required to help to enable

the ultra-fast charging which underpins bp

pulse’s growth strategy.

77 06 09 22



TES partners with E.ON and ENGIE

to manage the 5th Floating Storage

Regasification Unit of Germany

Tree Energy Solutions (“TES”),

E.ON and ENGIE are delighted to

announce that they have been

selected by the German Federal Ministry

of Economics and Climate Protection

(“BMWK”) to jointly develop and

implement the fifth Floating Storage

Regasification Unit (“FSRU”) in Germany.

The fifth FSRU in Germany, which is

planning to start in the beginning of the

heating period 2023, will have an annual

importing capacity of about 5bcm (which

covers about 5 % of the annual

consumption in Germany) and will

contribute to enhancing Europe’s and

Germany’s energy security, accelerating

its energy independence, and achieving

full net zero by mid of the century.

Together, TES, a green hydrogen

company building next-generation

infrastructure to produce and import

affordable green energy, E.ON, one of

Europe’s largest operators of energy

networks and provider of innovative

customer solutions for more than 51

million customers, and Engie, a global

leader in low-carbon energy, natural gas

and LNG services with a strong footprint

in Germany, have formed a partnership

that will run the project showcasing

strong European cooperation.

In Wilhelmshaven, TES is building the

largest Green Energy Hub in Europe

offering a unique model to convert large

amounts of renewable

electrons from sunny and windy locations into

green hydrogen and affordable, renewable gas.

For this aim, TES and E.ON already signed an MoU

on a strategic partnership end of March. The green

hydrogen terminal in Wilhelmshaven will serve as

the primary entry point for clean, safe, affordable

and abundant sustainable energy in Europe, as well

as a catalyst for a circular carbon economy.

TES will import green hydrogen from its upstream

projects in the form of renewable LNG using green

hydrogen and circular CO2. TES’s Wilhelmshaven

hydrogen terminal, the development of which will

be accelerated by the FSRU project, is flexible,

modular and future-proof.

TES aims to seamlessly integrate the import of

green molecules within the first 12 months that the

FSRU is in operation in order to allow a fast and

efficient green transition.

ENGIE is responsible for chartering of the FSRU on

behalf of the BMWK, for part of its LNG supply, and

with TES for the development and the operation of

the FSRU. The five-year-chartered FSRU will be

provided by Excelerate Energy, following

negotiations led by Engie, and will be stationed in

Wilhelmshaven, where TES already owns 145

hectares of land and has been developing the

hydrogen terminal since 2019 to start large-scale

imports by 2025.

Excelerate Energy is a U.S.-based LNG company and

offers a full range of flexible regasification services

from FSRU to infrastructure development to LNG

supply. The FSRU will allow a seamless transition to

green imports over the first period as the green

terminal starts operation.

The TES terminal’s structure will ultimately

include 6 ship berths, 2,000,000 cubic

meters of onshore storage using 10 on-site

tanks, and direct access to the natural gas,

hydrogen, and CO2 pipeline networks

required for decarbonization and true net

zero energy supply.

TES is developing a diversified upstream

green energy portfolio and accessing the

best renewable locations to produce green

hydrogen for imports beginning in 2025, for

example, USA, Canada, South America,

North and Southwest Africa, North Sea

Region, Middle East and Australia. This will

ensure an early and quick ramping green

molecules supply on a large scale.

Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and

Climate Protection, Robert Habeck said: “By

importing liquefied natural gas, we are

making ourselves less dependent on

imports of Russian pipeline gas. And all

steps that free us from the uncertainty of

Russian imports as quickly as possible are

more necessary than ever in these times. At

the same time, we are accelerating the

import of green hydrogen in parallel,

making Wilhelmshaven an important

landing point for safe and sustainable

energy in Europe.”

Marco Alvera’, CEO of TES, said: “We’re

looking forward to working closely with the

Federal Government, European and local

institutions as we take this great step to

fast-track the development of a climate

neutral, secure, and affordable hydrogen

economy. Germany’s new FSRU will

accelerate TES’s hydrogen strategy.

“Our new project will accelerate the

development of Europe’s largest Green

Energy Hub. Our unique model converts

wind and sunshine into renewable,

affordable, and secure natural gas using

existing infrastructure to deliver green

energy in Europe.”

Patrick Lammers, COO of E.ON, said: “We

are pleased to contribute our extensive

experience as a European energy supplier

and operator of energy infrastructure.

Through the project, we have the

opportunity to help ensure energy security

in the short term and to secure future

access to green gases for our customers.

Our goal is to support our customers in

Germany and Europe in their green

transformation and to meet the increased

demand for green gases.

Manfred Schmitz, CEO Engie Deutschland

AG, said: “We are pleased to be part of this

partnership and to contribute our expertise

in energy infrastructure and LNG. Together

with our partners, we will contribute to

securing gas supplies for Europe and

Germany from the end of 2023”.


57 09 22



TotalEnergies Announces Significant Gas Discovery

Offshore Cyprus

TotalEnergies and Eni (operator) have

made a significant gas discovery at

the Cronos-1 well, in Block 6,

offshore Cyprus. This discovery follows the

Calypso-1 discovery made on the same

Block in 2018.

Located at approximately 160 km southwest

of the Cyprus coast, Cronos-1 encountered

several good quality carbonate reservoir

intervals and confirmed overall net gas pay

of more than 260 meters.

“This successful exploration well at Cronos-

1 is another illustration of the impact of our

Exploration strategy which is focused on

discovering resources with low technical

cost and low carbon emissions, to

contribute to energy security including to

provide an additional sources of gas supply

to Europe” said Kevin McLachlan, Senior

Vice President, Exploration at TotalEnergies.

The drilling of another exploration well on

Block 6 is planned, in order to investigate

significant additional resource upside and

to evaluate the best development options.

TotalEnergies holds a 50% interest in Block

6, where Eni is the operator (50%).

In Cyprus, TotalEnergies is also present in

offshore Block 11 (50%, operator), 7 (50%,

operator), 2 (20%), 3 (30%), 8 (40%) and 9


Schlumberger, Aker Solutions and

Subsea 7 Create Joint Venture

Schlumberger, Aker Solutions and Subsea

7 today announced an agreement to

form a joint venture to drive innovation

and efficiency in subsea production by helping

customers unlock reserves and reduce cycle

time. The agreement will bring together a

portfolio of innovative technologies such as

subsea gas compression, all-electric subsea

production systems and other electrification

capabilities that help customers meet their

decarbonization goals.

The proposed joint venture will combine

Schlumberger’s and Aker Solutions’ subsea

businesses, which include deep reservoir

domain and engineering design expertise, an

extensive field-proven subsea production and

processing technology portfolio, world-class

manufacturing scale and capabilities, and a

comprehensive suite of life-of-field solutions

for customers all over the world. Subsea 7 will

be an equity partner in the new joint venture.

“A s i n v e s t m e n t i n t h e o f f s h o r e

market—particularly in deepwater—continues

to increase, our customers will benefit from

enhanced services that leverage digital and

technological innovation to drive improved

subsea asset performance while increasing

energy efficiency and reducing Co2 emissions,”

said Schlumberger Chief Executive Officer

Olivier Le Peuch. “We look forward to

collaborating with both Aker Solutions and our

subsea integration partner Subsea 7 on this new


“Aker Solutions, Schlumberger and Subsea 7 are

complementary businesses, both in terms of

products and services, as well as customers and

geographical presence. Furthermore,

Schlumberger shares our commitment to

innovation, such as deploying digital solutions

and decarbonization technologies,” said Øyvind

Eriksen, President and Chief Executive Officer of

Aker ASA.

“We are excited to build on our highly successful

alliance with Schlumberger and partnership

with Aker Solutions. This new joint venture is a

critical step as we collaborate on integrated

subsea projects that drive maximum value for

our customers,” said Subsea 7 Chief Executive

Officer John Evans.

Hornsea 2, the World’s Largest Windfarm Enters

tremendous milestone for the offshore wind

Full Operation industry, not just in the UK but globally.

Ørsted is proud to announce that the

world’s largest installed windfarm,

Hornsea 2, is now fully operational. The

1.3GW offshore wind farm comprises 165 wind

turbines, located 89km off the Yorkshire Coast,

which will help power over 1.4 million UK

homes with low-cost, clean and secure

renewable energy.

The wind farm is situated alongside its sibling

Hornsea 1, which together can power 2.5

million homes and make a significant

contribution to the UK Government’s ambition

of having 50 GW offshore wind in operation by


Duncan Clark, Head of Region UK at Ørsted,

said: "The UK is truly a world leader in offshore

wind and the completion of Hornsea 2 is a

Current global events highlight more than ever

the importance of landmark renewable energy

projects like Hornsea 2, helping the UK increase

the security and resilience of its energy supply

and drive down costs for consumers by reducing

dependence on expensive fossil fuels.”

He continued: “Not only will Hornsea 2 provide

low cost, clean energy for millions of homes in

the UK, it has also delivered thousands of highquality

jobs and billions of pounds of

investment in the UK’s offshore wind supply

chain. We look forward to working with

government and industry colleagues to

continue to accelerate the deployment of

offshore wind for the benefit of homes and

businesses across the country.”

In the past five years alone, Ørsted has placed

major contracts with nearly 200 UK suppliers.

Ørsted has invested GBP 4.5 billion in the UK

supply chain to date and expects to make

another GBP 8.6 billion of UK supply chain

investments over the next decade.

Ørsted now has 13 operational offshore wind

farms in the UK, providing 6.2GW of renewable

electricity for the UK – enough to power more

than 7 million homes. Hornsea 2 makes a

significant contribution to Ørsted’s global

ambition of installing 30 GW offshore wind by


The Hornsea zone, an area of the North Sea

covering more than 2,000 km2, is also set to

include Hornsea 3. Hornsea 2 has played a key

role in the ongoing development of a larger and

sustainably competitive UK supply chain to

support the next phase of the UK’s offshore

wind success story.

79 06 09 22



Deugro Appoints Diana Kaufmann as President

Hanau, Germany, September 1, 2022 –

Effective today, Diana Kaufmann has been

appointed President Central Europe, Global

Risk Management and HR Development for

deugro. Throughout her career, Diana

Kaufmann has acquired a wide range of skills

and experience that makes her an excellent

candidate for the position of President.

In addition to being responsible for deugro in

Germany and France, dib Deutsche Insurance

Broker GmbH(dib), the Contract Management

division and deugro’s Global Human Resource

development as a distinct subsection of

Global Human Resources, she will be

managing Sales and Business Development in

Austria and Switzerland.

To build a successful career, or to develop a

successful human resources strategy, it is

imperative that professionals have access to

opportunities for continuous professional

development, succession planning, and

knowledge transfer.

Due to the diversity of the industry, it can be

difficult to define a career path in the global

project logistics sector, particularly at a time

when new graduates are seeking definition,

commitment and certainty.

A successful project logistics operation

requires professionals with a positive

attitude, values and work ethic.

It is possible and of great value to hire and

develop resources based on mindset, instead

Diana Kaufmann,President Central Europe, Global

Risk Management and HR Development for deugro

of just on skills or experience. Retaining

strong employees is the next challenge after

attracting and developing them.

“To support this journey, deugro stresses the

importance of gaining a broad knowledge

base of project management methodologies,

tools and practices. The company places a

strong emphasis on digitalization and

automation in order to handle supply chains

and deliver project

logistics in a way that is compatible with the

new and old ways of doing things,” said Simon

Wasum, COO, deugro.

He goes on to add: “We strongly believe that

Diana is the best candidate to fulfill her new

role as President Central Europe, Global Risk

Management and HR Development, and to

help deugro develop further—both in terms

of our clients as well as our most important

asset: our employees.”

“I am very excited to take over the new role,

and I will give it my all to achieve deugro’s

company objectives and goals and bring the

company to the next level in a fast-changing

and challenging environment, while being

committed to continuous improvement and

development,” added Diana Kaufmann,

President Central Europe, Global Risk

Management and HR Development for


Diana adds: “Having been part of the project

logistics industry for almost 30 years and

having first- hand experience in a variety of

positions along the supply chain enables me

to support our clients best in Germany,

France, Austria and Switzerland, as well as our


By promoting Diana Kaufmann, deugro is

reinforcing its President structure even


Dteq Installs New Management to Strengthen its

Global Business Portfolio

Bremen, Germany, September 1, 2022

– With immediate effect, Hagen

Hennig is taking over the role of

Technical Director, Transport Engineering

Solutions (dteq) and Boris Dykiert remains

Commercial Director, dteq.

Hagen Hennig and Boris Dykiert have both

been with dteq for many years, so a smooth

transition will be assured. The global

structure will be further supported by our

existing teams lead by Felix Kok as Regional

Director Transport Engineering EMEA, dteq;

Franklin Alvarez as Regional Director

Transport Engineering Americas, dteq; Arlan

Baylon as Regional Director Transport

Engineering APAC, dteq; and Sebastian Krey

as Lead Transport Engineer, dteq.

“I am excited to take over the role as

Technical Director for dteq. My experience

Boris Dykiert

and passion for transport-engineering will

enable me to help the team grow further

and develop cutting-edge transport

solutions,” said Hagen Hennig, Technical

Director, dteq.

“We have excellent experience in

supporting clients in all transport

engineering challenges, from the early

stages all the way until the close out of a

project. I am very much looking forward to

continuing this path of client-focused

engineering services.”

“I am proud to continue leading dteq’s

strategic and commercial development and

being part of this ambitious and winning

team. I look forward to developing further

opportunities for our global clients from

various industries,” said Boris Dykiert,

Commercial Director, dteq.

Niels Meldau, who was dteq’s President

until now, will take over the role of Head of

Global Operational Excellence, deugro with

immediate effect. He led dteq since 2018,

building up a truly global, effective and

highly skilled team in the past four years. As

a result, dteq continues to gain trust based

upon its expertise and specialized services

and solutions.




The Search For The Tank Storage

Industry’s ‘forty Under 40’ 2023 Is


StocExpo, the world’s leading

bulk liquid storage event, which

will be held 14-16 March 2023

at the Rotterdam Ahoy, is searching

for the industry’s most dynamic

professionals who are under the age

of 40.

The initiative, now in its second year,

showcases the rising stars of the

industry – in tank storage, bulk liquid

and the linked supply chain


Trelleborg Supplies Next-generation

Navigation And Piloting Solutions To

Peel Ports Group

Trelleborg Marine and Infrastructure

supplies its advanced, highly

accurate navigation and piloting

solutions for pilotage applications, to

facilitate the safe and efficient berthing of

vessels and to increase safety of larger

vessels at Peel Ports Group’s Port of

Liverpool, located in the North West of

England, Clydeport on the West Coast of

Scotland, and the Port of Sheerness in the

South East of England.

The contract award follows the successful

trial of Trelleborg’s SafePilot Portable Pilot

system at Peel Ports Group’s Port of

Sheerness in 2021. Combining professional

piloting software with portable pilot units

(PPUs) to deliver situational awareness of a

vessel to within 1 centimeter accuracy,

SafePilot Portable Pilot system has enabled

The StocExpo 2023 Forty Under 40 will

recognise both those with the greatest

potential to become industry leaders in the

future and those who have achieved

greatness already.

Professionals working in the industry are

encouraged to self-nominate if they are under

40. Or, there is also the option to nominate

eligible colleagues that are making a

significant contribution to the sector. All

nominations need to be in by midnight 20

November 2022.

the port to successfully, safely and

efficiently accommodate larger vessels,

including liquified natural gas (LNG) vessels,

to enhance operational safety in support of

the strategic drive to strengthen the UK’s

stock of gas.

Trelleborg’s supply of navigation and

piloting solutions to the Port of Liverpool

and Clydeport includes its SafePilot CAT

ROT, SafePilot CAT 1, SafePilot CAT MAX and

SafePilot Shore Viewer. Trelleborg’s

SafePilot CAT ROT is a small and compact

pilot unit primarily designed to connect to a

ship’s AIS pilot plug to transmit data via Wi-

Fi to the pilot’s tablet. Trelleborg’s SafePilot

CAT 1 is additional add-on option to

SafePilot CAT ROT that provides more

accurate positioning than can be provided

by the ship’s own positioning through the

AIS pilot plug.

Rikki Bhachu, StocExpo’s Head of

Marketing, says, “Bringing in the next

generation of talent in this industry is

vital. If we want to attract and retain

exceptional people, we need to

recognise talent and make sure new

people in the industry have role

models to look up to. That’s what the

Forty under 40 initiative is all about.

“We want to celebrate and support the

next generation of talent within the

i n d u st r y a n d s h o wcase t h e i r

contribution so far. So, if you know

someone who merits being recognised

– or you are that person – we want to

hear from you.”

Entrants will be judged by a panel of

industry experts looking for individuals

who, thanks to their excellence and

commitment, are making a real

difference to their organisation and the

wider industry.

Previous winners include Caitlin

Geisinger (Burns & McDonnell

Engineering), Jelle Swanenberg

(Smartflow), Stuart Kenny (Eddfyi

Technologies) and many more.

The successful 40 will be celebrated

with a drinks’ reception held in their

honour at StocExpo 2023. All will be

provided with special VIP passes,

providing free access to the event’s

conference programme and other

exclusive zones, such as the VIP lounge.

On top of this, the 40 will be invited to

participate in all of StocExpo’s “Next

Gen” related content and activities.

The 40 will also be offered discounted

tickets to the 2023 Global Tank Storage

Awards and will be eligible to apply for

the awards Rising Star category.

StocExpo is a three-day exhibition and

conference for the bulk liquid storage

industry. Industry leaders will meet to

stay ahead of the competition,

network and gain new business at the

Rotterdam Ahoy in Rotterdam.

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New gas chromatographs for on-line natural gas

analysis are released: DynamiQ-X NG2210 and Ng2220

The new gas analyzer DynamiQ-X NG2210

provides fast and accurate on-line

monitoring of natural gas and delivers

calorific values for composition control and

custody transfer purposes. Meanwhile, the

DynamiQ-X NG2220 performs the same

analysis for natural gas containing hydrogen at

concentrations as high as 20 % using only one

carrier gas. The DynamiQ-X NG2210 and

DynamiQ-X NG2220 can be integrated into

many locations of the natural gas infrastructure,

including natural gas city gate stations, blending

stations, natural gas conditioning stations,

offshore systems and power-to-gas systems.

With a volume of only 10 L and weighing less

than 15 kg, the instruments are easy to

transport and can be deployed anywhere for

analyses, if local power and gas bottles are


Fast and accurate gas analyzers

The instruments can accommodate two or

three gas chromatograph (GC) units working in

parallel, each performing a different GC analysis

under individually optimized conditions. Each

GC unit contains a state-of-the-art microchipbased

injector and a thermal conductivity

detector (TCD) combined with a proven

microbore GC column and is set with optimal

chromatography conditions. This configuration

enables an accurate instrument as well as a very

short analysis time of less than a minute.

Stand-alone but easy to maintain

DynamiQ-X is designed as a stand-alone

working instrument that uses an integrated

processor on a future-proof platform, so that it

can carry out continuous monitoring. The

instrument contains an easily exchangeable GC

cartridge that allows fast local maintenance. In

addition, a PC can be connected to the analyzer

at any location via a network connection.

Sustainable future for the gas industry

Sustainability and the facilitation of the energy

transition are of global importance today.

Qmicro by Sensirion has therefore developed

the DynamiQ-X NG2210 and NG2220: as

solutions to increase gas analysis capabilities

and cover green gases, minimizing the total cost

of ownership to gas distributors. The analyzers’

ability to store data for at least two years, also

facilitates compliance with legislation and

enables observation of long-term trends.

U. S. Steel, Equinor and Shell Collaborate

to Explore Regional Clean Energy


United States Steel Corporation

Equinor US Holdings Inc, and

Shell US Gas & Power LLC have

entered into a non-exclusive

Cooperation Agreement to advance a

collaborative clean energy hub in the

Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania


T h e h u b w o u l d f o c u s o n

decarbonization opportunities that

feature carbon capture utilization and

storage (CCUS), as well as hydrogen

production and utilization. The

development of this hub, and its

associated infrastructure, would

generate new, sustainable jobs,

stimulate economic growth, and help

achieve significant reductions in

carbon emissions.

The regional CCUS and hydrogen hub

aligns with both the United States’

and project partners’ ambitions to

realize net-zero carbon emissions by

2050. To support its development,

Equinor and Shell will jointly apply for

US Department of Energy funding

designated for the creation of regional

clean energy hubs. U. S. Steel is

evaluating the role it may play in the

hub, including as a potential funding

participant, customer, supplier, or


“Establishing a low carbon hub in this

region could have a profound impact on

both the climate and the economy,

creating sustainable jobs that will support

families for many years to come,” says

Grete Tveit, SVP Equinor Low Carbon

Solutions. “For 14 years we have been

engaged and investing in this region, and

our significant equity gas production in

the Appalachia region has proved to be an

important low carbon asset in our

portfolio. In collaboration with partners

and the local community, we’re proud to

advance this initiative and America’s net

zero future.”

With an abundance of low carbon gas, a

robust industrial sector, and a skilled

workforce, the tri-state region boasts the

optimal location for a potential

hub..Equinor and Shell are uniquely

positioned to help develop a clean energy

hub in the region with each having several

operational projects around the world. U.

S. Steel is a historic innovator and leader

in the energy efficient production of

steel.And, it has a strategy focused on

creating a more sustainable future for all

its stakeholders.

Equinor, Shell, and U. S. Steel will be

engaging the local industry, labor,

e d u c a t i o n a l i n s t i t u t i o n s , a n d

communities, and others.



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