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A publication by

Animal Liberation Front of Actions (FALA)

Vol. 1. Issue 1

July/August 2022




Vanessa Negrini:

the importance

of politics for the

animal cause



Startups in Brasilia

move the economy


Animal Rights reaching

out to youth in detention



One more voice in favor of animal abolitionism

The difficult times we have been through ask for

a communication more aligned with the values

that we want and for which we fight as ideals

for the world. After 10 years of intense activism,

the Animal Liberation Front of Actions (FALA)

thought it was time to have a report that helped

us in our dialogue with Brazilian society, with possibilities

to extend this community as well to a

broader audience abroad.

An assertive communication aggregates

the efforts in favor of common objectives and

strengthens the principles at the base and essence

of our work. Not by chance, communication is a

fundamental component in our fight since the beginning

of FALA’s foundation, in the year of 2012.

And it’s precisely this tuned communication that

will allow us to spread, far beyond our country’s

borders, our activism in Animal Rights, a concept

that we consider the most complete for our times,

since it’s related to a culture of peace, sustainability,

and social justice. The defense of Animal Rights

encompasses not just the defense of Sensient animals

from other species, but also the defense of

human animals against each and every form of

discrimination and oppression. To achieve this,

we also promote the defense of the environment

where we, human and non-human animals, belong,

that is, the defense of sustainability in all its


In full activity, FALA now counts on over

250,000 followers in social media, as well as volunteers

that act in all regions of Brazil. But this is still

small compared to what we want to achieve. For

that reason, we inaugurate, with this first edition,

the Animal Release, which will help spread even

further our work not just throughout the country,

but also abroad. Our publication is not limited

to its Portuguese version, with its counterpart in

English, as to bring us closer to other similar organizations

and independent activists outside of

national border, in search of strengthening partnerships

and aligning initiatives in sync with the

greater objective that moves us: abolishing animal

exploitation in all of its forms and expressions.

For all of this, we wish you a pleasant reading

of this inaugural edition, which was prepared with

lots of care for all of you.

We hope you enjoy it!

See you next time!



6 Interview

Vanessa Negrini

11 Cover article

Animal Vote

15 Animal Media Agency

18 Abolitionist notes

22 Vegan arabic gastronomy

Animal Release is a non-profit and virtual bimonthly publication

by the Animal Liberation Front of Actions (FALA), conceptualized

by Animal Media Agency (CNPJ: 43.157.961/0001-17). All profits

derived from the advertising sales go to the journal’s maintenance,

its professionals, and support for volunteer work in social,

environmental and animal defense causes.

Executive Director

Bruno Pinheiro

Graphic design and layout

Leandro Fazio

Marketing Director

Tailinny Viana


Júlia Carvalho


Chief-editor and

journalist supervisor

Paulo Castro/RP MTb: 4136/DF


Bernardo Feitosa

Paulo Castro: opção consciente pelo jornalismo positivo

sas histórias, elas se conectam aos sentimentos

mais bonitos que moram na alma: o amor, dades, ao sensacionalismo, à pornografia, à

à economia predatória, às fofocas de celebri-

a empatia, a compaixão, o altruísmo”, conclui venda de bebidas alcoólicas, a tudo isso que


condenamos. Não é o caminho mais fácil,

mas é o que nossos corações escolheram seguir”,

explica ele.

Desafio que vale a pena encarar

Embora grandes revistas por assinatura estejam

fechando as portas por falta de patrocínio, ção consciente por uma linha editorial que

Paulo Castro diz que a equipe fez “uma op-

a Revista Por um Mundo Melhor (RPMM) chega

à sua 11ª edição com distribuição gratuita imprensa tradicional nos mostra. A filosofia

mostra que a vida é muito mais do que a

e impressão em material de alta qualidade. da revista se destina a um segmento sedento

Isso só foi possível devido a uma rede de solidariedade

e empresas que abraçaram a causa. das breaking news centradas na estética da

por publicações que fujam do imediatismo

O resultado é fruto de três anos de esforços e miséria humana como artifício de vendagem

dedicação da equipe, que entrega trimestralmente

três mil exemplares, além de disponi-

editorial”, argumenta.

bilizar a versão digital da revista na internet. Em seguida, finaliza. “Se a vida nos dá tudo

– e a natureza está aí para comprovar essa

Paulo Castro, publisher e editor-chefe da revista,

resume o trabalho da equipe: “A repercus-

tudo de nós para que a vida seja o ideal que

premissa –, não podemos dar menos do que

são entusiasmada do público nos mostra que buscamos. E isso começa na visibilidade que

estamos no caminho certo. Não é o caminho damos às iniciativas que fazem a diferença

mais fácil, nem o mais compensador financeiramente,

porque teríamos mais recursos com buição de nossa parte por um mundo melhor,

nas vidas de muitos. É uma simples contri-

uma comunicação aliada à política partidária, mas não menos sincera e honesta”.

Free distribution

Cover design: Tailinny Viana


26 27

Instagram: @midiaanimal and @fala_libertacaoanimal

E-mail: comunicacao.midianimal@gmail.com

Contact: +55 (61) 99672-7494

6 Boletim Libertação Animal // Vol. 1. Issue 1


Personal archive

Vanessa Negrini:

“Billions die without knowing

a life of dignity, freedom, and justice”

Professor, M.A. and PhD Politics of Communication

and Culture, instructor for the course of Political

Mobilization and Animal Rights at the Universidade

de Brasília (UnB), Vanessa Negrini is also the executive

coordinator of the Study Group for Animal Rights

and Interseccionality (NEDAI/CEAM/UnB), as well as

national coordinator for the Animal Rights Sector of

the Labor Party (PT) and substitute federal deputy (PT-

DF). She is also the author of the first doctoral thesis in

Brazil, within the Communication field, that focused

specifically on Animal Rights and veganism, entitled:

“On vegans and other animals: strategies for public

communication in animal activism”. In this interview,

Vanessa Negrini tells us about the challenges of activist

communication and how party politics may favor more

inclusive laws for Animal Rights

Paulo Castro

Ms. Negrini, should communication, within activism,

consider the audience’s subjectivity or is

it necessary to focus just on the message that we

want to convey?

Communication is a relationship. Information is

in the message, but communication is in the relationship.

In a world where we increasingly resort

to technological instruments and media to convey

information, communication is the big challenge.

To communicate is to coexist, to establish bonds.

And to share links. It’s communion. Animal activism

needs this communion with its audience, establishing

affective bonds, so that communication

can actually take place.

How should we deal with fake news in the activist


It’s essential that animal activism base itself on

science and on broadcasting reliable sources of


In your research and experience, did you notice

whether a specific writing technique yields more

results and audience engagement?

In our research’s preliminary investigation, we

tried to understand the main motivations indicated

by people for abandoning meat consumption.

In our research, 26% of respondents indicated documentaries

and films as a motivation. Empathy

for an extreme situation, such as tragedy involving

animals, comes in second place. Family and

friends influenced the decision of 11% of respondents.

Models by celebrities was the motivation

for 10% of respondents, as well as the religious

and spiritual aspect. Only 4% of people indicated

that they abandoned meat after reading a book.

In other words, a word has much less impact than

the power of an example.

The capitalist system brings, at its

core, the seeds of its own demise.

And such is the capitalist industry of

animal exploitation as well.

Animal Release // Vol. 1. Issue 1 7

On the sign with the image of a bull, one can read: “Don’t kill”. The banner, behind, reads “Say no, now, to the export of live animals”. The sign on

Ms. Negrini’s hand says “Against the export of live cattle”

Personal archive

In your dissertation, you state that “overcoming

a capitalist society can answer the question of

exploitation of humans by other humans, but

it cannot necessarily answer the question of exploitation

of non-human animals by human animals”.

So I ask you the same question as your

thesis: “how will we build a world, a society that

accommodates all human and non-human animals,

free of exploitation”?

With patience and urgency. With patience, since

changes, though constantly underway, many

times do not take place at the speed we desire.

When I stopped eating meat, when I was 9, I felt

like an alien, since I rarely met people like me. And

look at this: 40 years later, we’re already 30 million

of Brazilian vegetarians. From a historical vantage

point, this is almost nothing. But, for an individual

lifetime, it’s a lot. Especially for the lives of

those who are still exploited, tortured, and killed.

For these individuals, we cannot let go of urgency,

since 88 billion are still being killed every year,

without knowing a life of dignity, justice, and freedom.

This without mentioning the trillions of fish.

For those individuals, we have to keep ourselves in

a state of urgency, doing all and still more within

our reach to accelerate the inevitable process of


At the time of William Wilberforce (1759-1833),

slave trade was extremely lucrative and, since it

constituted the backbone of the world economy,

one would never imagine that it would end. But

Wilberforce managed to approve in the British

Parliament the Act to abolish the slave trade

(1807), after making it unprofitable for British

society at the time. In your understanding, could

agribusiness face the same that happened to human


The capitalist system brings, at its core, the seeds

of its own demise. And such is the capitalist industry

of animal exploitation as well. Simply put, we

will not be able to maintain this exploitation model,

for there will not be enough land for so much

grazing and cattle. Even if we deforest 100% of our

woodland, the bill just doesn’t add up. By 2050, we

will have an extra 2 billion humans on the planet,

since the world population will likely exceed the

current 7.7 billion individuals to 9.7 billion, according

to a recent UN report. It’s not economically

feasible to feed so many people in a carnist model.

The world will have to migrate to alternative proteins,

such as plant-based options.

8 Animal Release // Vol. 1. Issue 1

Would you say that the political party approach

is more effective for activism in the animal cause,

or do other sectors of society have a better public


The political arena can’t be disdained by any organized

social movement. Animal activism already

noticed this. Politics is the space of creation and

dispute for the social organization we want. They

are movements in a feedback cycle. We will have

more politicians tied to the animal cause the moment

this agenda mobilizes society. And, the more

politicians we elect for the animal cause, the more

society will be influenced by the topic.

The political arena can’t be disdained

by any organized social movement.

Animal activism already noticed


In order for a target audience to grasp the antiespeciest

message, what should be unique in

a communications group that defends Animal


I think the focus is to show that the defense of

Animal Rights is, above all, a Human Rights issue.

Not everyone likes dogs, cats, or vegetarianism.

For these people, que animal cause can seem

like something distant and futile. However, when

we show that the violation of Animal Rights ultimately

creates humans victims, it’s easier to raise

awareness that we are also all animals and that

our rights and lives are connected.

Personal archive

Regarding specifically your political stand, what

is your main line of action nowadays and what

are your future strategies?

My life revolves around the animalist agenda in

all of its dimensions. Within my personal environment,

I’m vegan and an animal tutor focused

on neutering and spaying for cats and dogs. In

academia, I’m a professor and researcher on Animal

Rights. I helped establish and I’m the executive

coordinator for the Study Center on Animal

Animal Release // Vol. 1. Issue 1 9

Rights and Interseccionality (NEDAI) at UnB. In

party politics, I’m a substitute federal deputy for

the animal cause. I helped create and I’m the national

coordinator of the Animal Rights Section

of the Labor Party (PT), to raise this debate more

organically within the party. In October of 2021,

we had our first meeting with President Lula and

that was really positive. We’re advancing and gaining

ground for our world vision. The big objective

for 2022 is to achieve a robust chapter on Animal

Rights in the Labor Party’s government proposal,

so that we can then help put these policies into

practice. Everything’s leading to reelect Lula in the

first electoral round. So these directives are essential

and will guarantee four years of hard work in

favor of public policies that can transform the reality

of Animal Rights in Brazil. Beyond that, we will

dedicate ourselves to helping elect the greatest

possible number of Labor Party candidates committed

with the cause. In this sense, my name is

again available for the Labor Party, and I will run

as pre-candidate for federal deputy.

Personal archive

Pão de Beijo

10 Animal Release // Vol. 1. Issue 1

produto vegano,

saboroso e solidário!

A Escola Maria Teixeira é uma escola

sustentável e para todos!

Sua manutenção é com padrinhos,

ações beneficentes, convênio com a

Prefeitura (transporte e parte da merenda),

promove desde 1994, educação inclusiva,

gratuita, humanista, de qualidade,

e com afeto para alunos de 0 a 80 anos

no Ensino Fundamental, Educação

Precoce e EJA. E lança sua

Fábrica Social de Pão de Queijo,

empregando ex-alunos e gerando

renda para sua manutenção.

Pão de beijo é o nome dado a um pãozinho

vegano que lembra o tradicional pão de queijo.

Feito à base de batata doce cozida, leva insumos

de alta qualidade. Livre de glúten e lactose,

tem dois tipos: padrão e com grãos.

Tipos: Padrão e Grãos (Gergelim, Chia e Linhaça Dourada )

Gramatura: 20 g

Tamanho: 1 kg (50 unid) e 500g (25 unid)

Validade: 120 dias

O pão de beijo é produzido pela Fábrica Social da

Escola Maria Teixeira com o objetivo de contribuir

na manutenção da Escola.



Onde comprar? Delivery Solidário da Escola (61) 99800-1545

Apoie esta ideia! Doe a sua preferência!

Animal Release // Vol. 1. Issue 1 11


Animals in the electoral debate

Considered as FALA’s most ambitious political project at the national level, Voto Animal supports

electoral candidates engaged with Animal Rights throughout Brazil

Paulo Castro

There is an African saying that until lions have

their own historians, history will always be

written by hunters. But as long as animals are not

able to tell their own stories, let them at least be

told not only by those who defend them, but also

by those who legislate in their favor. It was with

this bold but very conscious strategy in mind that

FALA decided to create, in 2020, a project that

aims to strengthen the “voice” of animals in parliaments

across Brazil: the Animal Vote.

The idea of the project is to publicize (on the

website: www.votoanimal.com) the candidacies

(municipal, state, federal and even presidential)

from all over Brazil that are truly committed to

agendas in defense of animals.

For this, various means are used, including

FALA’s social networks (which literally reach millions

of people across the country), in addition to

animalistic media and traditional media in each

municipality (through contacts with the main media

of TV, radio and newspapers in the municipalities),

always with the aim of increasing the number

of mandates elected in defense of animals.

In order to have their political candidacies

publicized by Voto Animal, all people who wish

to assume an elective position must commit to a

letter of commitment prepared by FALA, with a

broad agenda in defense of animals. With this, the

objective of Voto Animal is not only to give broad

visibility to the candidacies, but mainly to ensure

that the candidates, after being elected, fulfill all

the commitments assumed.

Through the project’s website and through

direct contact with the candidates and elected

mandates, FALA can monitor compliance with

the letter of commitment, so that the electorate

has the chance and opportunity to vote for those

who defend animals and all the causes involved

by the animalist movement. As part of the project,

the past lives of all candidates who sign the

letter of commitment are researched. In addition,

all candidates who do not have public and private

demeanors compatible with the letter’s commitments

are excluded.


Initiative history

Voto Animal started from the experiences coordinated

by the Institutional Relations area of FALA,

since the first year of the organization’s foundation

(2012). Among these experiences, the one that

most taught the entity the strength of political

12 Animal Release // Vol. 1. Issue 1

advocacy was the official participation of FALA in

a government transition team (see table below).

Based on this and other successful experiences,

FALA was able to stop projects harmful to animals

and make other beneficial projects move forward.

What does the commitment letter consist of?

In 2020, FALA updated its traditional letter of commitment

in defense of Animal Rights, expanding

it to 33 agendas (see table below), and publicized

it nationally, creating a website to publicize the

names of those who signed it. After signing, the

signatories of the letter need to put into practice

very concrete initiatives so that animals can, in

fact, be protected in their future bills and also in

other initiatives, such as those elucidated in the

letter of commitment.

In its first year of launch, Voto Animal exceeded

all expectations: 1) a record number of applications

committed to the defense of animals (more than

500 signatures, with 300 approved); 2) also a record

number of people reached in the dissemination

(more than 4 million people); and 3) an unprecedented

number of 56 elected candidates committed to

the cause.

It is the most complete letter of commitment

from an animalist entity in the country, with the largest

number of candidacies to sign it and the largest

number of people reached by the initiative during

the elections and, consequently, the largest number

of candidacies elected so far.

But the project continues. The 56 elected mandates

will have all their work closely monitored by

FALA cells spread across all states of Brazil, with accountability

made through the website.

If any elected mandates do not comply with the

33 signed and assumed commitments, their names

will be disapproved by Animal vote in the next elections.

With this, the idea is to cleanse the Brazilian

political system of governments that do not honor

their commitments to the animal cause and that do

not respect Animal Rights.

Understand how the Animal Vote project came about

During the 2014 election campaign in the Federal District Government (GDF), FALA presented a letter

of commitment to all candidates for the Palácio do Buriti. With the signing of the letter, the candidates

would commit, if elected, to implement an animalist agenda in their governments. The then

candidate Rodrigo Rollemberg was the only one who signed it.

Then, both he and FALA published the

signature of the letter of commitment on their

social networks, bringing great repercussion to

the fact. All this mobilization helped the candidate

to be elected governor of the Federal


After the election, a FALA representative

was appointed to participate in the government’s

transition team. In this new condition,

FALA managed to stop the project to build a

mega-aquarium at the Brasília Zoo. In February

of that year (2014), FALA had made a public

petition to bar the project, which, along with

other activist actions and participation in the

transition team, was able to ensure this victory

for the animals.

Bruno Pinheiro in the plenary session at the Legislative Chamber

of the Federal District (2014) to deliberate on GDF measures

regarding animal deaths at the Brasília Zoo

Paulo Castro/FALA

Boletim Libertação Animal // Vol. 1. Issue 1 13

Some guidelines of the letter of commitment

● Combat violence against animals, face the speciesism and all other forms of discrimination and oppression

in our society, guaranteeing rights and defending democracy and Brazilian democratic institutions,

encouraging a culture of peace, non-violence, and disarmament, promoting sustainability in

all its dimensions.

● Act for the creation of the Municipal Animal Protection Fund and, if it already exists, for the increase

of its resources, as well as establishing connections with managers from other Brazilian or foreign

cities that implement animal protection policies, to establish the continuous exchange of experiences

of management in benefit of animals.

● Articulate the creation and strengthening of a Parliamentary Front in Defense of Animal Rights.

Paulo Castro/FALA

Peaceful demonstration by FALA volunteers against a well-known worldwide fast-food chain (2015)

14 Animal Release // Vol. 1. Issue 1

On the other hand, FALA will seek to give visibility

to those who legislate in favor of animal abolitionism

in all its aspects, to those who defend sustainability

in all its dimensions and to those who fight all

forms of exploitation and oppression of human and

non-human animals, no exception.

Aligning the debate with political leaders

“It is important to point out that Animal

Vote does not constitute any alignment between

FALA and the supported candidacies or any political

party. After all, we are non-partisan and our

performance is independent in relation to governments

and political parties,” highlighted Bruno

Pinheiro, president of FALA. “Nevertheless, we

know that the political agenda is essential for us

to be able to maximize the number of laws that

respect Animal Rights, in order to provide achievements

for the movement. All our efforts in the Animal

Vote project come from this understanding”,

he adds.

To publicize and expand the reach of the project

to representatives of various political parties,

FALA held meetings with leaders in 2021 and intensifies

this dialogue in the coming months until

October, on the eve of the national elections. In

the middle of last year, FALA was invited to be the

speaker at the Inaugural Seminar of the National

Animal Rights Sector of the Workers’ Party (PT, in

the acronym in Portuguese), to talk about the importance

of the animal agenda in the party’s political

planning and about the movement of emergence

of the said Sector.

Towards the end of 2021, FALA met with the

pre-candidate for the Presidency of the Republic,

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and Gleisi Hoffmann, national

president of the PT, to present to the Workers’

Party the Animal Vote platform and to discuss

with them the PT’s proposals on the subject for

the 2022 elections.

With Voto Animal, FALA seeks to achieve, in

fact, a political and social transformation in Brazil,

beyond utopias. For this, FALA considers the

elections of 2022 as a watershed for the national

animalist movement, with the Animal Vote as a

strategic and political instrument capable of materializing

achievements for all defenders of the

cause on Brazilian soil, based on the commitment

with all human and non-human animals on the


Arquivo FALA

Bruno Pinheiro, flanked by Lula and Gleisi Hoffmann

Animal Release // Vol. 1. Issue 1 15



A communication agency for animal media

FALA creates the first agency for political and entrepreneurial marketing in Brazil, focused on animal

issues: Communication and Digital Marketing Agency for Animal Media

From Newsroom

In the middle of the Information Era, the communications

area is considered the field in our civilization

that most evolved technologically in millennia

of human history. Just about four decades

ago, the news would take days or even weeks to

cross the globe, whereas today information circulates

across the four corners of the planet in real

time. For such reason, the area of communication

is currently one of the most strategic and fundamental

for corporate survival in all segments and

business plans Building upon this daring step,

which already lay latent in FALA’s own genesis as

a possibility for action, the entity decided to create,

in this beginning of 2022, the Communication and

Digital Marketing Agency for Animal Media.

Not by chance, the creation of Animal Media

occurs just in the year when FALA completes

10 years since its foundation, as a natural consequence

of the entity’s maturity, built after a decade

of experiences in advocacy, pacific activism,

social awareness, and dissemination of qualified

information for the defense of the Animal Cause.

Among the services in Animal Media’s business

plan is assisting businesses that align with FALA’s

values, such as companies in the field of vegan

food, third-sector entities for social and animal

cause, as well as national and international organizations

in defense of Animal Rights.

Beyond this, keeping still in mind that

FALA exerts intense political action, Animal media

16 Animal Release // Vol. 1. Issue 1

also focuses on providing communication and

consulting services for political mandates and

electoral campaigns that have Animal Rights in

their political proposals and that align with FALA’s

principles, as to reflect better values to the world,

strengthening the animals’ voices in Brazilian

politics. FALA still plans for 2022 a series of partnerships,

not just commercial, but also social, constantly

broadening the cause’s fundamental values

and the respect for Animal Rights.

Portfolio of services for Animal Media

● Digital marketing and communication strategies

● Press assistance

● Copywriting

● Audiovisual production, among other communication

actions, segmented to the field of Animal

Rights defense


+55 (61) 99672-7494 @midiaanimal

Cerrado Veg: vegan and Brazilian food tech

One of the main commercial partnerships currently celebrated by FALA became a reality

after the celebration of an agreement for shareholding in the company Cerrado

Veg. Led by Bárbara Silva and Rodrigo Lopes, Cerrado Veg offers frozen plant protein

and has a start-up profile,

aligned with modern times,

with a jarring growth plan still

set for 2022. When asked about

the relevance of Cerrado Veg’s partnership

with FALA, Rodrigo Lopes stated that

“it is of unconditional importance, since we can

promote veganism, making it more accessible

to more people and demystifying the stereotype

that vegan food is not tasty and needs to

be expensive. A small percentage of Cerrado

Veg’s earnings will return to help vegan activism,

which FALA provides to all of Brazil”.

Cerrado Veg

Animal Release // Vol. 1. Issue 1 17

18 Animal Release // Vol. 1. Issue 1


Green blood

In the first quarter of the year, a group met at

Hemocentro Foundation of Brasília, the blood

center of the city, to carry out the first collective

blood donation of vegan activism in the city. The

action, entitled “Vegans donate blood, 1st edition”,

involved 15 people, who helped to save up to 60


The initiative inaugurates a periodic calendar

of donations, stimulates the debate on oppression

and on the need to respect all animals (human

and non-human) and gives visibility to veganism

and Animal Rights.

Professor Vanessa Negrini was one of the organizers

of the collective action. The group’s intention

was to show that veganism is not only fundamental

in respecting and caring for animals, but

also in citizenship activities. After all, veganism

goes far beyond food. It is not simply to stop eating

meat and animal products, but also to bring this

same awareness to all sectors of human activity

that exploit animals, not just the food industry. It

is a philosophy of life that involves the awareness

of doing good to human and non-human animals

and the environment. In other words, the entire


The group’s next blood donations are scheduled

for 06/03/2022 (close to World Environment

Day) and 11/1/2022 (World Vegan Day).

Vanessa Negrini: organizer of the action. The inscription on her

t-shirt reads: “Vegan people donate blood and save lives”

Personal archive

Solidarity Buns

Since 2021, FALA has maintained a partnership

with the social factory of Maria Teixeira School

(EMT, in the acronym in Portuguese), an assistance

and teaching entity for children and young people

with special needs, located in Jardim Ingá (in Luziânia/GO)

(link to article about the entity: https://bit.

ly/2W07pUI). As part of the partnership and with

the help of volunteers, several kilos of “kiss breads”

manufactured by EMT (vegan cheese breads, based

on sweet potatoes and grains) are sold in several regions

of the DF * . Part of the income from the sale of

the kiss bread is donated to FALA’s social initiatives.

One of these initiatives was carried out in

support of a vegan solidarity action for 70 registered

families from the Santa Luzia neighborhood,

an extremely needy community in the Structural

City (DF), conducted by the Atlântida Institute, a

partner entity of FALA. In the action, in addition to

a spectacular vegan meal, toys, clothes and vegan

food baskets were donated to families. The next

action is scheduled for May this year, which will

receive special press coverage from the Animal Release


*DF: Federal district, where the capital, Brasília, is located.

Animal Release // Vol. 1. Issue 1 19

EMT: partnership with FALA in support of social actions

Awareness in the partnereducative


In 2022, FALA also completes 10 years of holding

lectures on Animal Rights for young people in socio-educational

measures. The last rounds of lectures

took place in Brasília (DF), at the end of last

year, at the São Sebastião Internment Unit (UISS).

Although the lectures were intended exclusively

for young people, adults (teachers and prison

guards at the unit) also participated, even with the

adherence of some to veganism.

One of the speakers gave us a touching statement

about these meetings.

The lectures that FALA volunteers give in the

socio-educational system are only possible thanks

to the support of people as Professor Liliane Barki,

as well as the other teachers and employees of the

units, who are an important part of all the work

carried out by FALA to raise awareness of young

people on the subject.

Guilherme Leonardi: lecture on Animal Rights in the socio-educational


Personal archive Paulo Castro/FALA

20 Animal Release // Vol. 1. Issue 1

Interview with Bernardo Feitosa

Can the young people in the lectures make any

correlation between the violence they suffer

and the violence also suffered by animals?

Sometimes. It depends on the size of the class,

maturity, experiences and engagement. People

often emphasize the link between animal

abuse and human abuse, saying how speciesism,

racism, homophobia, machismo and misogyny

are connected. Making this link is easier

for some, while not for others. In one way or

another, the connection made by them tends

to be more in the sense of “taking care of the


Are some young people surprised when this

correlation is made?

Yes. Many of them feel offended, but eventually

get the message.

Do you have any feedback from young people

regarding this type of connection made

during the talks?

Yes. We see interest when they apply the teaching.

Most tend to connect and are especially

impressed by animal testing. In some cases,

they have already said that they would become

vegetarians or vegans if there was that option

for them.

Personal archive

Bernardo Feitosa: “it is necessary to do something to reduce all the animal’s suffering.”

Animal Release // Vol. 1. Issue 1 21

Do young people understand that violence

against an animal is no different from violence

against a person or against nature in


Generally, yes. The most difficult thing is to

understand the consequence of the act. Many

see violence against animals as more “acceptable”

than violence against humans. They see

acts of violence against non-human animals as

something more barbaric, but with less criminal

repercussions. Still, most are interested in

intervening if they witness something like this.

In the lectures, which event impressed you

the most?

When part of a class treated me as a moral reference

and asked for directions or advice.

What is the main lesson that young people

learn from the lectures?

That animals suffer a lot and that something

needs to be done to reduce all this suffering.




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22 Animal Release // Vol. 1. Issue 1


Vegan Arabic Cuisine

Rango Árabe appears in Brasília’s scene as an excellent option for Arab food capable of pleasing all

tastes, including non-vegans

From the Newsroom

Gone are the days when the Federal Capital

lacked quality culinary options for a vegan audience.

Today, several businesses fill this bygone

gap identified in the city. One of them is “O Rango

Árabe”, which has a varied and extremely tasty

menu. Flaviano Cardoso da Silva Neto, one of the

partners and also brand manager, explains that,

with this business, his main challenge is “to present

vegan Arab cuisine at a fair price and flavors

worthy of praise not only by vegans, proving that

it is possible to eat well with plenty of flavor and

without harming animals”.

According to Flaviano, who already came

from another successful enterprise, Catioro Food

(vegan hot dog), “O Rango Árabe” was born at a

time when Brasília didn’t have any exclusively vegan

Arab food houses. “And the Arab venues that

have vegan options are, in fact, of mediocre quality

and very high price,” he explained. Therefore, right

there was “a gap to be filled by a service aimed at

this customer base, which will bring an exclusively

vegan menu, tasty and reasonably priced, even attracting

non-vegans”, he added.

Right after the brand’s recent inauguration,

“O Rango Aérea” and FALA established a partnership,

which is already working brilliantly for both.

As part of the partnership, FALA becomes a shareholder

in the company, which greatly increases the

possibilities of expanding the initiative. “FALA is a

very inspiring institution, which has, throughout

its history, played a very important role for the

benefit of animals, against all forms of oppression.

Supporting this is a huge benefit to our company.

In addition, collaborating to the continuity of

FALA is an honor for us”, highlighted Flaviano.

In April of this year, at the traditional Picnik

Bsb, the menu underwent a demanding social

proof with ease and praise: in the vegan area of the

event, the options’ flavor were very well received

by the public. “We could not supply the demand at

the vegan area of the event and, still, the feedback

was excellent regarding taste, menu experience

and price”, he recalls.

For Flaviano, all this satisfactory feedback

from the public in Brasília, added to the newfound

stamina to dive in with great dedication into this

long-term project together with FALA, can bring

many benefits to veganism and to the animals.

Flaviano Cardoso: flavors worthy of praise

Personal archive

Animal Release // Vol. 1. Issue 1 23


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