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1987 (Executive Committee—38 th Session)<br />

<strong>CONCLUSIONS</strong> <strong>ADOPTED</strong><br />

<strong>BY</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>EXECUTIVE</strong> COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION OF REFUGEES 1<br />

The Executive Committee,<br />

No. 46 (XXXVIII) GENERAL (1987)<br />

(a) Recognized that the increasing complexity of the present day refugee problems throughout the world<br />

underlines the fundamental importance of the High Commissioner's protection function, his primary task;<br />

(b) Recognized that the changing nature and elements of the contemporary refugee problem required<br />

greater understanding on the part of the international community of the special needs and circumstances of<br />

asylum-seekers and refugees and the full support of all States for the efforts of the High Commissioner on their<br />

behalf;<br />

(c) Noted with particular concern the continued violation of the principle of non-refoulement in various<br />

parts of the world;<br />

(d) Noted with serious concern the deteriorating situation of refugees and asylum-seekers in southern<br />

Africa;<br />

(e) Expressed concern about the lack of adequate international protection for various groups of refugees in<br />

different parts of the world, including a large number of Palestinians, and hoped that efforts would be<br />

undertaken within the United Nations system to address their protection needs;<br />

(f) Reiterated the High Commissioner's leading role in respect of the protection of refugees and called on<br />

him in particular to continue to take, alone or in co-operation with concerned States and agencies, all possible<br />

measures to ensure their physical security, inter alia, with respect to physical violence, piracy, military and<br />

armed attacks, and arbitrary detention;<br />

(g) Took into account that refugee women have special protection and assistance needs as well as special<br />

resources which can be utilized for the benefit of all refugees, reiterated the need to give particular attention to<br />

their situation with a view to improving existing protection and assistance programmes and called on all States<br />

and concerned agencies to support the High Commissioner's efforts in this regard;<br />

(h) Recognized the need to collect reliable information and statistics about refugee women, to increase<br />

awareness about their situation and to incorporate information about their needs in the Office's training<br />

programmes and called upon the High Commissioner to report in detail at the thirty-ninth session of the<br />

Executive Committee on the particular protection and assistance problems and needs of refugee women and on<br />

the concrete measures taken to meet them;<br />

(i) Noted with concern the growing phenomenon of refugees and asylum-seekers who, having found<br />

protection in one country, move in an irregular manner to another country and called upon the High<br />

Commissioner to implement paragraph (j) of Conclusion No. 36 (XXXVI);<br />

(j) Called upon States that have adopted a number of measures aimed at discouraging abusive use of<br />

asylum procedures to ensure that these measures have no detrimental effect on the fundamental principles of<br />

international protection, including on the institution of asylum;<br />

(k) Stressed the close link between durable solutions and root causes and called upon the international<br />

community to do its utmost to address the causes of movements of refugees and asylum-seekers from countries<br />

of origin as well as from countries of first asylum;<br />

(l) Reaffirmed the importance of voluntary repatriation as the most desirable durable solution, particularly<br />

in the context of many of today's mass-influx situations, emphasized the need for States to respect the<br />

fundamental principles that must always guide action in this area and called upon the High Commissioner and<br />

States to continue their efforts in achieving this solution whenever appropriate;<br />

1 Contained in United Nations General Assembly Document No. 12A (A/42/12/Add.1)<br />


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