The Lexham English Bible. English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament (with Strongs Greek-English Glossary) ( PDFDrive )

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875 1 CORINTHIANS 10:24one body, for * we all share from the one bread. 18 Considerἓν 4 σῶμα 5 γὰρ 10 οἱ 9 } 16 πάντες 11 μετέχομεν 16 ἐκ 12 τοῦ 13 ἑνὸς 14 ἄρτου 15 βλέπετε 1hen sōma gar hoi pantes metechomen ek tou henos artou blepeteJNSN NNSN CAZ DNPM JNPM VPAI1P P DGSM JGSM NGSM VPAM2P1520 4983 1063 3588 3956 3348 1537 3588 1520 740 991Israel according to the flesh: are not the ones who eat the sacrifices‹ τὸν 2 Ἰσραὴλ 3 › κατὰ 4 [ ] σάρκα 5 εἰσίν 14 οὐχ 6 οἱ 7 ] ] ἐσθίοντες 8 τὰς 9 θυσίας 10ton Israēl kata sarka eisin ouch hoi esthiontes tas thysiasDASM NASM P NASF VPAI3P TN DNPM VPAP-PNM DAPF NAPF3588 2474 2596 4561 1526 3756 3588 2068 3588 2378sharers in the altar? 19 Therefore, what am I saying? That foodκοινωνοὶ 11 } 13 τοῦ 12 θυσιαστηρίου 13 οὖν 2 τί 1 ] ] φημι 3 ὅτι 4 εἰδωλόθυτόν 5koinōnoi tou thysiastēriou oun ti phēmi hoti eidōlothytonJNPM DGSN NGSN CLI RI-ASN VPAI1S CSC JNSN2844 3588 2379 3767 5101 5346 3754 1494sacrificed to idols is anything, or that an idol is anything? 20 No, but that[ [ [ ἐστιν 7 τί 6 ἢ 8 ὅτι 9 ] εἴδωλόν 10 ἐστιν 12 τί 11 } 1 ἀλλ’ 1 ὅτι 2estin ti ē hoti eidōlon estin ti all’ hotiVPAI3S RX-NSN CLD CSC NNSN VPAI3S RX-NSN CLC CSC2076 5100 2228 3754 1497 2076 5100 235 3754the things which they sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do] ] ἃ 3 ] θύουσιν 4 ] θύουσιν 9 ] δαιμονίοις 5 καὶ 6 οὐ 7 ] θεῷ 8 δὲ 12 ] } 11ha thyousin thyousin daimoniois kai ou theō deRR-APN VPAI3P VPAI3P NDPN CLN BN NDSM CLN3739 2380 2380 1140 2532 3756 2316 1161not want you to become sharers with demons. 21 You are not ableοὐ 10 θέλω 11 ὑμᾶς 13 ] γίνεσθαι 17 κοινωνοὺς 14 ] ‹ τῶν 15 δαιμονίων 16 › ] } 2 οὐ 1 δύνασθε 2ou thelō hymas ginesthai koinōnous tōn daimoniōn ou dynastheBN VPAI1S RP2AP VPUN JAPM DGPN NGPN BN VPUI2P3756 2309 5209 1096 2844 3588 1140 3756 1410to drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You are not] πίνειν 5 ] ποτήριον 3 ] ] κυρίου 4 καὶ 6 ] ποτήριον 7 ] δαιμονίων 8 ] } 10 οὐ 9pinein potērion kyriou kai potērion daimoniōn ouVPAN NASN NGSM CLN NASN NGPN BN4095 4221 2962 2532 4221 1140 3756able to share the table of the Lord and the table of demons.δύνασθε 10 ] μετέχειν 13 ] τραπέζης 11 ] ] κυρίου 12 καὶ 14 ] τραπέζης 15 ] δαιμονίων 16dynasthe metechein trapezēs kyriou kai trapezēs daimoniōnVPUI2P VPAN NGSF NGSM CLN NGSF NGPN1410 3348 5132 2962 2532 5132 114022 Or are we attempting to provoke the Lord to jealousy? We are notἢ 1 ] ] ] ] παραζηλοῦμεν 2 τὸν 3 κύριον 4 { 2 [ ] ἐσμεν 8 μὴ 5ē parazēloumen ton kyrion esmen mēCLD VPAI1P DASM NASM VPAI1P TN2228 3863 3588 2962 2070 3361stronger than he is, are we?ἰσχυρότεροι 6 ] αὐτοῦ 7 * * *ischyroteroi autouJNPMCRP3GSM2478 846Freedom in Christ10:23 All things are permitted, but not all things are profitable. All things areΠάντα 1 [ ] ἔξεστιν 2 ἀλλ’ 3 οὐ 4 πάντα 5 [ ] συμφέρει 6 πάντα 7 [ ]Panta exestin all’ ou panta sympherei pantaJNPN VPAI3S CLC BN JNPN VPAI3S JNPN3956 1832 235 3756 3956 4851 3956permitted, but not all things build up. 24 Let no one seekἔξεστιν 8 ἀλλ’ 9 οὐ 10 πάντα 11 [ οἰκοδομεῖ 12 [ } 4 μηδεὶς 1 [ ζητείτω 4exestin all’ ou panta oikodomei mēdeis zēteitōVPAI3S CLC BN JNPN VPAI3S JNSM VPAM3S1832 235 3756 3956 3618 3367 2212V Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

1 CORINTHIANS 10:25876his own good but the good of the other. 25 Eat everything that is sold‹ τὸ 2 ἑαυτοῦ 3 › ἀλλὰ 5 τὸ 6 [ } 8 τοῦ 7 ἑτέρου 8 ἐσθίετε 6 πᾶν 1 τὸ 2 ] πωλούμενον 5to heautou alla to tou heterou esthiete pan to pōloumenonDASN RF3GSM CLC DASN DGSM JGSM VPAM2P JASN DASN VPPP-SAN3588 1438 235 3588 3588 2087 2068 3956 3588 4453in the meat market, asking no questions 2 for the sake of the conscience,ἐν 3 ] μακέλλῳ 4 [ } 8 μηδὲν 7 ἀνακρίνοντες 8 ] ] διὰ 9 } 11 τὴν 10 συνείδησιν 11en makellō mēden anakrinontes dia tēn syneidēsinP NDSN JASN VPAP-PNM P DASF NASF1722 3111 3367 350 1223 3588 489326 for “the earth is the Lord’s, and its fullness.” 3 27 If any of theγὰρ 3 ἡ 4 γῆ 5 } 2 τοῦ 1 κυρίου 2 καὶ 6 αὐτῆς 9 ‹ τὸ 7 πλήρωμα 8 › εἴ 1 τις 2 } 6 τῶν 5gar hē gē tou kyriou kai autēs to plērōma ei tis tōnCAZ DNSF NNSF DGSM NGSM CLN RP3GSF DNSN NNSN CAC RX-NSM DGPM1063 3588 1093 3588 2962 2532 846 3588 4138 1487 5100 3588unbelievers invites you, and you want to go, eat everything that isἀπίστων 6 καλεῖ 3 ὑμᾶς 4 καὶ 7 ] θέλετε 8 ] πορεύεσθαι 9 ἐσθίετε 14 πᾶν 10 τὸ 11 ]apistōn kalei hymas kai thelete poreuesthai esthiete pan toJGPM VPAI3S RP2AP CLN VPAI2P VPUN VPAM2P JASN DASN571 2564 5209 2532 2309 4198 2068 3956 3588set before you, asking no questions 4 for the sake of the conscience.παρατιθέμενον 12 [ ὑμῖν 13 ‹ μηδὲν 15 ἀνακρίνοντες 16 › ] ] διὰ 17 } 19 τὴν 18 συνείδησιν 19paratithemenon hymin mēden anakrinontes dia tēn syneidēsinVPPP-SAN RP2DP JASN VPAP-PNM P DASF NASF3908 5213 3367 350 1223 3588 489328 But if someone says to you, “This is offered to idols,” do not eat it,δέ 2 ἐὰν 1 τις 3 εἴπῃ 5 ] ὑμῖν 4 Τοῦτο 6 ἐστιν 8 ἱερόθυτόν 7 [ [ } 10 μὴ 9 ἐσθίετε 10 [de ean tis eipē hymin Touto estin hierothyton mē esthieteCLC CAC RX-NSM VAAS3S RP2DP RD-NSN VPAI3S JNSN BN VPAM2P1161 1437 5100 2036 5213 5124 2076 1494 3361 2068for the sake of that one who informed you and the conscience. 29 Now I am] ] δι’ 11 [ ἐκεῖνον 12 [ τὸν 13 μηνύσαντα 14 [ καὶ 15 τὴν 16 συνείδησιν 17 δὲ 2 ] } 3di’ ekeinon ton mēnysanta kai tēn syneidēsin deP RD-ASM DASM VAAP-SAM CLN DASF NASF CLC1223 1565 3588 3377 2532 3588 4893 1161not speaking about * your own conscience, but the conscience of the otherοὐχὶ 4 λέγω 3 [ τὴν 5 ἑαυτοῦ 6 [ συνείδησιν 1 ἀλλὰ 7 τὴν 8 * } 10 τοῦ 9 ἑτέρου 10ouchi legō tēn heautou syneidēsin alla tēn tou heterouBN VPAI1S DASF RF3GSM NASF CLC DASF DGSM JGSM3780 3004 3588 1438 4893 235 3588 3588 2087person. For why is my freedom judged by another’s conscience?[ γὰρ 12 ἱνατί 11 } 16 μου 15 ‹ ἡ 13 ἐλευθερία 14 › κρίνεται 16 ὑπὸ 17 ἄλλης 18 συνειδήσεως 19gar hinati mou hē eleutheria krinetai hypo allēs syneidēseōsCAZ BI RP1GS DNSF NNSF VPPI3S P JGSF NGSF1063 2444 3450 3588 1657 2919 5259 243 489330 If I partake with thankfulness, why am I slandered concerning that forεἰ 1 ἐγὼ 2 μετέχω 4 ] χάριτι 3 τί 5 ] ] βλασφημοῦμαι 6 ὑπὲρ 7 ] ]ei egō metechō chariti ti blasphēmoumai hyperCAC RP1NS VPAI1S NDSF RI-ASN VPPI1S P1487 1473 3348 5485 5101 987 5228which I give thanks? 31 Therefore, whether you eat or you drink orοὗ 8 ἐγὼ 9 εὐχαριστῶ 10 [ οὖν 2 Εἴτε 1 ] ἐσθίετε 3 εἴτε 4 ] πίνετε 5 εἴτε 6hou egō eucharistō oun Eite esthiete eite pinete eiteRR-GSN RP1NS VPAI1S CLI CLK VPAI2P CLK VPAI2P CLK3739 1473 2168 3767 1535 2068 1535 4095 1535whatever you do, do all things for the glory of God.τι 7 ] ποιεῖτε 8 ποιεῖτε 13 πάντα 9 [ εἰς 10 ] δόξαν 11 ] θεοῦ 12ti poieite poieite panta eis doxan theouRX-ASN VPAI2P VPAM2P JAPN P NASF NGSM5100 4160 4160 3956 1519 1391 23162Lit. “questioning nothing”3A quotation from Ps 24:1, and an allusion to Ps 50:12; 89:114Lit. “questioning nothing”N Noun J Adj D Def Art R Pron B Advb C Conj T Prtcl P Prep X Indcl • N Nom G Gen D Dat A Acc V Voc • S Sing P Plur • M Masc F Fem N Neut

875 1 CORINTHIANS 10:24

one body, for * we all share from the one bread. 18 Consider

ἓν 4 σῶμα 5 γὰρ 10 οἱ 9 } 16 πάντες 11 μετέχομεν 16 ἐκ 12 τοῦ 13 ἑνὸς 14 ἄρτου 15 βλέπετε 1

hen sōma gar hoi pantes metechomen ek tou henos artou blepete


1520 4983 1063 3588 3956 3348 1537 3588 1520 740 991

Israel according to the flesh: are not the ones who eat the sacrifices

‹ τὸν 2 Ἰσραὴλ 3 › κατὰ 4 [ ] σάρκα 5 εἰσίν 14 οὐχ 6 οἱ 7 ] ] ἐσθίοντες 8 τὰς 9 θυσίας 10

ton Israēl kata sarka eisin ouch hoi esthiontes tas thysias


3588 2474 2596 4561 1526 3756 3588 2068 3588 2378

sharers in the altar? 19 Therefore, what am I saying? That food

κοινωνοὶ 11 } 13 τοῦ 12 θυσιαστηρίου 13 οὖν 2 τί 1 ] ] φημι 3 ὅτι 4 εἰδωλόθυτόν 5

koinōnoi tou thysiastēriou oun ti phēmi hoti eidōlothyton


2844 3588 2379 3767 5101 5346 3754 1494

sacrificed to idols is anything, or that an idol is anything? 20 No, but that

[ [ [ ἐστιν 7 τί 6 ἢ 8 ὅτι 9 ] εἴδωλόν 10 ἐστιν 12 τί 11 } 1 ἀλλ’ 1 ὅτι 2

estin ti ē hoti eidōlon estin ti all’ hoti


2076 5100 2228 3754 1497 2076 5100 235 3754

the things which they sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do

] ] ἃ 3 ] θύουσιν 4 ] θύουσιν 9 ] δαιμονίοις 5 καὶ 6 οὐ 7 ] θεῷ 8 δὲ 12 ] } 11

ha thyousin thyousin daimoniois kai ou theō de


3739 2380 2380 1140 2532 3756 2316 1161

not want you to become sharers with demons. 21 You are not able

οὐ 10 θέλω 11 ὑμᾶς 13 ] γίνεσθαι 17 κοινωνοὺς 14 ] ‹ τῶν 15 δαιμονίων 16 › ] } 2 οὐ 1 δύνασθε 2

ou thelō hymas ginesthai koinōnous tōn daimoniōn ou dynasthe


3756 2309 5209 1096 2844 3588 1140 3756 1410

to drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You are not

] πίνειν 5 ] ποτήριον 3 ] ] κυρίου 4 καὶ 6 ] ποτήριον 7 ] δαιμονίων 8 ] } 10 οὐ 9

pinein potērion kyriou kai potērion daimoniōn ou


4095 4221 2962 2532 4221 1140 3756

able to share the table of the Lord and the table of demons.

δύνασθε 10 ] μετέχειν 13 ] τραπέζης 11 ] ] κυρίου 12 καὶ 14 ] τραπέζης 15 ] δαιμονίων 16

dynasthe metechein trapezēs kyriou kai trapezēs daimoniōn


1410 3348 5132 2962 2532 5132 1140

22 Or are we attempting to provoke the Lord to jealousy? We are not

ἢ 1 ] ] ] ] παραζηλοῦμεν 2 τὸν 3 κύριον 4 { 2 [ ] ἐσμεν 8 μὴ 5

ē parazēloumen ton kyrion esmen mē


2228 3863 3588 2962 2070 3361

stronger than he is, are we?

ἰσχυρότεροι 6 ] αὐτοῦ 7 * * *

ischyroteroi autou



2478 846

Freedom in Christ

10:23 All things are permitted, but not all things are profitable. All things are

Πάντα 1 [ ] ἔξεστιν 2 ἀλλ’ 3 οὐ 4 πάντα 5 [ ] συμφέρει 6 πάντα 7 [ ]

Panta exestin all’ ou panta sympherei panta


3956 1832 235 3756 3956 4851 3956

permitted, but not all things build up. 24 Let no one seek

ἔξεστιν 8 ἀλλ’ 9 οὐ 10 πάντα 11 [ οἰκοδομεῖ 12 [ } 4 μηδεὶς 1 [ ζητείτω 4

exestin all’ ou panta oikodomei mēdeis zēteitō


1832 235 3756 3956 3618 3367 2212

V Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

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