The Lexham English Bible. English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament (with Strongs Greek-English Glossary) ( PDFDrive )

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805 ROMANS 8:22to our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, also} 6 ἡμῶν 7 ‹ τῷ 5 πνεύματι 6 › ὅτι 8 ] ἐσμὲν 9 τέκνα 10 ] θεοῦ 11 δὲ 2 εἰ 1 τέκνα 3 καὶ 4hēmōn tō pneumati hoti esmen tekna theou de ei tekna kaiRP1GP DDSN NDSN CSC VPAI1P NNPN NGSM CLN CAC NNPN BE2257 3588 4151 3754 2070 5043 2316 1161 1487 5043 2532heirs— * heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeedκληρονόμοι 5 μὲν 7 κληρονόμοι 6 ] θεοῦ 8 δὲ 10 συγκληρονόμοι 9 [ ] Χριστοῦ 11 εἴπερ 12 [klēronomoi men klēronomoi theou de synklēronomoi Christou eiperNNPM TK NNPM NGSM CLK JNPM NGSM CAC2818 3303 2818 2316 1161 4789 5547 1512we suffer together with him so that we may also be glorified together] συμπάσχομεν 13 [ * * ἵνα 14 [ ] } 16 καὶ 15 ] συνδοξασθῶμεν 16 [sympaschomen hina kai syndoxasthōmenVPAI1P CAP BE VAPS1P4841 2443 2532 4888with him.* *The Glory that is to be Revealed8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of the present time are not worthy to beγὰρ 2 ] Λογίζομαι 1 ὅτι 3 τὰ 6 παθήματα 7 } 10 τοῦ 8 νῦν 9 καιροῦ 10 } 5 οὐκ 4 ἄξια 5 * *gar Logizomai hoti ta pathēmata tou nyn kairou ouk axiaCLX VPUI1S CSC DNPN NNPN DGSM B NGSM BN JNPN1063 3049 3754 3588 3804 3588 3568 2540 3756 514compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us. 19 For* πρὸς 11 τὴν 12 δόξαν 14 ] ] μέλλουσαν 13 ] ] ἀποκαλυφθῆναι 15 εἰς 16 ἡμᾶς 17 γὰρ 2pros tēn doxan mellousan apokalyphthēnai eis hēmas garP DASF NASF VPAP-SAF VAPN P RP1AP CAZ4314 3588 1391 3195 601 1519 2248 1063the eagerly expecting creation awaits eagerly the revelation of theἡ 1 ἀποκαραδοκία 3 [ ‹ τῆς 4 κτίσεως 5 › ἀπεκδέχεται 12 [ τὴν 6 ἀποκάλυψιν 7 } 9 τῶν 8hē apokaradokia tēs ktiseōs apekdechetai tēn apokalypsin tōnDNSF NNSF DGSF NGSF VPUI3S DASF NASF DGPM3588 603 3588 2937 553 3588 602 3588sons of God. 20 For the creation has been subjected to futility, notυἱῶν 9 ] ‹ τοῦ 10 θεοῦ 11 › γὰρ 2 ἡ 4 κτίσις 5 ] ] ὑπετάγη 6 ] ‹ τῇ 1 ματαιότητι 3 › οὐχ 7huiōn tou theou gar hē ktisis hypetagē tē mataiotēti ouchNGPM DGSM NGSM CAZ DNSF NNSF VAPI3S DDSF NDSF CLK5207 3588 2316 1063 3588 2937 5293 3588 3153 3756willingly, but because of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creationἑκοῦσα 8 ἀλλὰ 9 διὰ 10 [ ] τὸν 11 ] ὑποτάξαντα 12 [ ἐφ’ 13 ἑλπίδι 14 ὅτι 1 ἡ 4 κτίσις 5hekousa alla dia ton hypotaxanta eph’ helpidi hoti hē ktisisJNSF CLK P DASM VAAP-SAM P NDSF CSC DNSF NNSF1635 235 1223 3588 5293 1909 1680 3754 3588 2937itself also will be set free from its servility to decay, into theαὐτὴ 3 καὶ 2 ] ] ἐλευθερωθήσεται 6 [ ἀπὸ 7 τῆς 8 δουλείας 9 ] ‹ τῆς 10 φθορᾶς 11 › εἰς 12 τὴν 13autē kai eleutherōthēsetai apo tēs douleias tēs phthoras eis tēnRP3NSFP BE VFPI3S P DGSF NGSF DGSF NGSF P DASF846 2532 1659 575 3588 1397 3588 5356 1519 3588glorious freedom of the children of God. 22 For we know that‹ τῆς 15 δόξης 16 › ἐλευθερίαν 14 } 18 τῶν 17 τέκνων 18 ] ‹ τοῦ 19 θεοῦ 20 › γὰρ 2 ] οἴδαμεν 1 ὅτι 3tēs doxēs eleutherian tōn teknōn tou theou gar oidamen hotiDGSF NGSF NASF DGPN NGPN DGSM NGSM CLX VRAI1P CSC3588 1391 1657 3588 5043 3588 2316 1063 1492 3754the whole creation groans together and suffers agony together until now.ἡ 5 πᾶσα 4 κτίσις 6 συστενάζει 7 [ καὶ 8 συνωδίνει 9 [ [ ἄχρι 10 ‹ τοῦ 11 νῦν 12 ›hē pasa ktisis systenazei kai synōdinei achri tou nynDNSF JNSF NNSF VPAI3S CLN VPAI3S P DGSM B3588 3956 2937 4959 2532 4944 891 3588 3568V Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

ROMANS 8:2380623 * Not only this, but we ourselves also, having the first fruits of theδέ 3 οὐ 1 μόνον 2 * ἀλλὰ 4 ἡμεῖς 12 αὐτοὶ 6 καὶ 5 ἔχοντες 11 τὴν 7 ἀπαρχὴν 8 [ } 10 τοῦ 9de ou monon alla hēmeis autoi kai echontes tēn aparchēn touCLN CLK B CLK RP1NP RP3NPMP BE VPAP-PNM DASF NASF DGSN1161 3756 3440 235 2249 846 2532 2192 3588 536 3588Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves while we awaitπνεύματος 10 καὶ 13 ] αὐτοὶ 14 στενάζομεν 17 ἐν 15 ἑαυτοῖς 16 ] ] ἀπεκδεχόμενοι 19pneumatos kai autoi stenazomen en heautois apekdechomenoiNGSN CLA RP3NPMP VPAI1P P RF1DPM VPUP-PNM4151 2532 846 4727 1722 1438 553eagerly our adoption, the redemption of our body. 24 For in hope[ ] υἱοθεσίαν 18 τὴν 20 ἀπολύτρωσιν 21 } 23 ἡμῶν 24 ‹ τοῦ 22 σώματος 23 › γὰρ 2 τῇ 1 ἐλπίδι 3huiothesian tēn apolytrōsin hēmōn tou sōmatos gar tē elpidiNASF DASF NASF RP1GP DGSN NGSN CAZ DDSF NDSF5206 3588 629 2257 3588 4983 1063 3588 1680we were saved, but hope that is seen is not hope, for who hopes for] ] ἐσώθημεν 4 δὲ 6 ἐλπὶς 5 ] ] βλεπομένη 7 ἔστιν 9 οὐκ 8 ἐλπίς 10 γὰρ 12 τίς 14 ἐλπίζει 15 [esōthēmen de elpis blepomenē estin ouk elpis gar tis elpizeiVAPI1P CLN NNSF VPPP-SNF VPAI3S BN NNSF CAZ RI-NSM VPAI3S4982 1161 1680 991 2076 3756 1680 1063 5100 1679what he sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, weὃ 11 ] βλέπει 13 δὲ 2 εἰ 1 ] ἐλπίζομεν 6 [ ὃ 3 ] } 5 οὐ 4 βλέπομεν 5 ]ho blepei de ei elpizomen ho ou blepomenRR-ASN VPAI3S CLC CAC VPAI1P RR-ASN BN VPAI1P3739 991 1161 1487 1679 3739 3756 991await it eagerly with patient endurance. 26 And likewise also, the Spiritἀπεκδεχόμεθα 9 [ [ δι’ 7 ὑπομονῆς 8 [ δὲ 2 Ὡσαύτως 1 καὶ 3 τὸ 4 πνεῦμα 5apekdechometha di’ hypomonēs de Hōsautōs kai to pneumaVPUI1P P NGSF CLN B BE DNSN NNSN553 1223 5281 1161 5615 2532 3588 4151helps us in our weakness, for * we do not know how toσυναντιλαμβάνεται 6 [ } 8 ἡμῶν 9 ‹ τῇ 7 ἀσθενείᾳ 8 › γὰρ 11 τὸ 10 ] } 17 οὐκ 16 οἴδαμεν 17 τί 12 ]synantilambanetai hēmōn tē astheneia gar to ouk oidamen tiVPUI3S RP1GP DDSF NDSF CAZ DASN BN VRAI1P RI-ASN4878 2257 3588 769 1063 3588 3756 1492 5101pray as one ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us withπροσευξώμεθα 13 καθὸ 14 ] δεῖ 15 ἀλλὰ 18 τὸ 20 πνεῦμα 21 αὐτὸ 19 ὑπερεντυγχάνει 22 * * } 23proseuxōmetha katho dei alla to pneuma auto hyperentynchaneiVAMS1P CAM VPAI3S CLC DNSN NNSN RP3NSNP VPAI3S4336 2526 1163 235 3588 4151 846 5241unexpressed groanings. 27 And the one who searches our hearts knows what theἀλαλήτοις 24 στεναγμοῖς 23 δὲ 2 ὁ 1 ] ] ἐραυνῶν 3 τὰς 4 καρδίας 5 οἶδεν 6 τί 7 τὸ 8alalētois stenagmois de ho eraunōn tas kardias oiden ti toJDPM NDPM CLN DNSM VPAP-SNM DAPF NAPF VRAI3S RI-NSN DNSN215 4726 1161 3588 2045 3588 2588 1492 5101 3588mindset of the Spirit is, because he intercedes on behalf of the saintsφρόνημα 9 } 11 τοῦ 10 πνεύματος 11 * ὅτι 12 ] ἐντυγχάνει 15 ] ὑπὲρ 16 ] ] ἁγίων 17phronēma tou pneumatos hoti entynchanei hyper hagiōnNNSN DGSN NGSN CAZ VPAI3S P JGPM5427 3588 4151 3754 1793 5228 40according to the will of God. 28 And we know that all things work togetherκατὰ 13 [ * * * θεὸν 14 δὲ 2 ] Οἴδαμεν 1 ὅτι 3 πάντα 8 [ συνεργεῖ 9 [kata theon de Oidamen hoti panta synergeiP NASM CLN VRAI1P CSC JAPN VPAI3S2596 2316 1161 1492 3754 3956 4903for good for those who love God, for those who are calledεἰς 10 ἀγαθόν 11 } 5 τοῖς 4 ] ἀγαπῶσι 5 ‹ τὸν 6 θεὸν 7 › } 16 τοῖς 12 ] οὖσιν 16 κλητοῖς 15eis agathon tois agapōsi ton theon tois ousin klētoisP JASN DDPM VPAP-PDM DASM NASM DDPM VPAP-PDM JDPM1519 18 3588 25 3588 2316 3588 5607 2822according to his purpose, 29 because those whom he foreknew, he also predestined toκατὰ 13 [ ] πρόθεσιν 14 ὅτι 1 ] οὓς 2 ] προέγνω 3 } 5 καὶ 4 προώρισεν 5 ]kata prothesin hoti hous proegnō kai proōrisenP NASF CAZ RR-APM VAAI3S BE VAAI3S2596 4286 3754 3739 4267 2532 4309N Noun J Adj D Def Art R Pron B Advb C Conj T Prtcl P Prep X Indcl • N Nom G Gen D Dat A Acc V Voc • S Sing P Plur • M Masc F Fem N Neut

805 ROMANS 8:22

to our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, also

} 6 ἡμῶν 7 ‹ τῷ 5 πνεύματι 6 › ὅτι 8 ] ἐσμὲν 9 τέκνα 10 ] θεοῦ 11 δὲ 2 εἰ 1 τέκνα 3 καὶ 4

hēmōn tō pneumati hoti esmen tekna theou de ei tekna kai


2257 3588 4151 3754 2070 5043 2316 1161 1487 5043 2532

heirs— * heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed

κληρονόμοι 5 μὲν 7 κληρονόμοι 6 ] θεοῦ 8 δὲ 10 συγκληρονόμοι 9 [ ] Χριστοῦ 11 εἴπερ 12 [

klēronomoi men klēronomoi theou de synklēronomoi Christou eiper


2818 3303 2818 2316 1161 4789 5547 1512

we suffer together with him so that we may also be glorified together

] συμπάσχομεν 13 [ * * ἵνα 14 [ ] } 16 καὶ 15 ] συνδοξασθῶμεν 16 [

sympaschomen hina kai syndoxasthōmen


4841 2443 2532 4888

with him.

* *

The Glory that is to be Revealed

8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of the present time are not worthy to be

γὰρ 2 ] Λογίζομαι 1 ὅτι 3 τὰ 6 παθήματα 7 } 10 τοῦ 8 νῦν 9 καιροῦ 10 } 5 οὐκ 4 ἄξια 5 * *

gar Logizomai hoti ta pathēmata tou nyn kairou ouk axia


1063 3049 3754 3588 3804 3588 3568 2540 3756 514

compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us. 19 For

* πρὸς 11 τὴν 12 δόξαν 14 ] ] μέλλουσαν 13 ] ] ἀποκαλυφθῆναι 15 εἰς 16 ἡμᾶς 17 γὰρ 2

pros tēn doxan mellousan apokalyphthēnai eis hēmas gar


4314 3588 1391 3195 601 1519 2248 1063

the eagerly expecting creation awaits eagerly the revelation of the

ἡ 1 ἀποκαραδοκία 3 [ ‹ τῆς 4 κτίσεως 5 › ἀπεκδέχεται 12 [ τὴν 6 ἀποκάλυψιν 7 } 9 τῶν 8

hē apokaradokia tēs ktiseōs apekdechetai tēn apokalypsin tōn


3588 603 3588 2937 553 3588 602 3588

sons of God. 20 For the creation has been subjected to futility, not

υἱῶν 9 ] ‹ τοῦ 10 θεοῦ 11 › γὰρ 2 ἡ 4 κτίσις 5 ] ] ὑπετάγη 6 ] ‹ τῇ 1 ματαιότητι 3 › οὐχ 7

huiōn tou theou gar hē ktisis hypetagē tē mataiotēti ouch


5207 3588 2316 1063 3588 2937 5293 3588 3153 3756

willingly, but because of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation

ἑκοῦσα 8 ἀλλὰ 9 διὰ 10 [ ] τὸν 11 ] ὑποτάξαντα 12 [ ἐφ’ 13 ἑλπίδι 14 ὅτι 1 ἡ 4 κτίσις 5

hekousa alla dia ton hypotaxanta eph’ helpidi hoti hē ktisis


1635 235 1223 3588 5293 1909 1680 3754 3588 2937

itself also will be set free from its servility to decay, into the

αὐτὴ 3 καὶ 2 ] ] ἐλευθερωθήσεται 6 [ ἀπὸ 7 τῆς 8 δουλείας 9 ] ‹ τῆς 10 φθορᾶς 11 › εἰς 12 τὴν 13

autē kai eleutherōthēsetai apo tēs douleias tēs phthoras eis tēn


846 2532 1659 575 3588 1397 3588 5356 1519 3588

glorious freedom of the children of God. 22 For we know that

‹ τῆς 15 δόξης 16 › ἐλευθερίαν 14 } 18 τῶν 17 τέκνων 18 ] ‹ τοῦ 19 θεοῦ 20 › γὰρ 2 ] οἴδαμεν 1 ὅτι 3

tēs doxēs eleutherian tōn teknōn tou theou gar oidamen hoti


3588 1391 1657 3588 5043 3588 2316 1063 1492 3754

the whole creation groans together and suffers agony together until now.

ἡ 5 πᾶσα 4 κτίσις 6 συστενάζει 7 [ καὶ 8 συνωδίνει 9 [ [ ἄχρι 10 ‹ τοῦ 11 νῦν 12 ›

hē pasa ktisis systenazei kai synōdinei achri tou nyn


3588 3956 2937 4959 2532 4944 891 3588 3568

V Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

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