The Lexham English Bible. English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament (with Strongs Greek-English Glossary) ( PDFDrive )

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757 ACTS 26:29people and to the Gentiles.” 24 And as he was saying these things inλαῷ 15 καὶ 16 } 18 τοῖς 17 ἔθνεσιν 18 δὲ 2 } 4 αὐτοῦ 3 ] ἀπολογουμένου 4 Ταῦτα 1 [ { 4laō kai tois ethnesin de autou apologoumenou TautaNDSM CLK DDPN NDPN CLN RP3GSM VPUP-SGM RD-APN2992 2532 3588 1484 1161 846 626 5023his defense, Festus said with a loud voice, “You are out of your mind,[ [ ‹ ὁ 5 Φῆστος 6 › φησιν 10 } 9 τῇ 8 μεγάλῃ 7 φωνῇ 9 ] ] Μαίνῃ 11 [ [ [ho Phēstos phēsin tē megalē phōnē MainēDNSM NNSM VPAI3S DDSF JDSF NDSF VPUI2S3588 5347 5346 3588 3173 5456 3105Paul! Your great learning is driving 6 you insane!” 7 25 But PaulΠαῦλε 12 τὰ 13 πολλά 14 γράμματα 16 ] περιτρέπει 19 σε 15 ‹ εἰς 17 μανίαν 18 › δὲ 2 ‹ ὁ 1 Παῦλος 3 ›Paule ta polla grammata peritrepei se eis manian de ho PaulosNVSM DNPN JNPN NNPN VPAI3S RP2AS P NASF CLC DNSM NNSM3972 3588 4183 1121 4062 4571 1519 3130 1161 3588 3972said, “I am not out of my mind, most excellent Festus, but amφησίν 6 ] } 5 Οὐ 4 μαίνομαι 5 [ [ [ κράτιστε 7 [ Φῆστε 8 ἀλλὰ 9 ]phēsin Ou mainomai kratiste Phēste allaVPAI3S BN VPUI1S JVSM NVSM CLC5346 3756 3105 2903 5347 235speaking words of truth and rationality. 26 For the king knowsἀποφθέγγομαι 14 ῥήματα 13 ] ἀληθείας 10 καὶ 11 σωφροσύνης 12 γὰρ 2 ὁ 5 βασιλεύς 6 ἐπίσταται 1apophthengomai rhēmata alētheias kai sōphrosynēs gar ho basileus epistataiVPUI1S NAPN NGSF CLN NGSF CAZ DNSM NNSM VPUI3S669 4487 225 2532 4997 1063 3588 935 1987about these things, to whom also I am speaking freely, for I am notπερὶ 3 τούτων 4 [ πρὸς 7 ὃν 8 καὶ 9 ] ] λαλῶ 11 παρρησιαζόμενος 10 γὰρ 13 ] } 17 οὐ 16peri toutōn pros hon kai lalō parrēsiazomenos gar ouP RD-GPN P RR-ASM BE VPAI1S VPUP-SNM CAZ BN4012 5130 4314 3739 2532 2980 3955 1063 3756convinced that these things in any way have escaped 8 his notice, becauseπείθομαι 17 * τούτων 15 [ οὐθέν 18 [ [ ] λανθάνειν 12 αὐτὸν 14 { 12 γάρ 20peithomai toutōn outhen lanthanein auton garVPPI1S RD-GPN JASN VPAN RP3ASM CAZ3982 5130 3762 2990 846 1063this was 9 not done 10 in a corner. 27 Do you believe the prophets,τοῦτο 25 ἐστιν 21 οὐ 19 πεπραγμένον 24 ἐν 22 ] γωνίᾳ 23 ] ] πιστεύεις 1 τοῖς 4 προφήταις 5touto estin ou pepragmenon en gōnia pisteueis tois prophētaisRD-NSN VPAI3S BN VRPP-SNN P NDSF VPAI2S DDPM NDPM5124 2076 3756 4238 1722 1137 4100 3588 4396King Agrippa? I know that you believe.” 28 But Agrippa said toβασιλεῦ 2 Ἀγρίππα 3 ] οἶδα 6 ὅτι 7 ] πιστεύεις 8 δὲ 2 ‹ ὁ 1 Ἀγρίππας 3 › * πρὸς 4basileu Agrippa oida hoti pisteueis de ho Agrippas prosNVSM NVSM VRAI1S CSC VPAI2S CLN DNSM NNSM P935 67 1492 3754 4100 1161 3588 67 4314Paul, “In a short time are you persuading me to become a Christian?” 11‹ τὸν 5 Παῦλον 6 › Ἐν 7 ] ὀλίγῳ 8 [ ] ] πείθεις 10 με 9 ] ποιῆσαι 12 ] Χριστιανὸν 11ton Paulon En oligō peitheis me poiēsai ChristianonDASM NASM P JDSN VPAI2S RP1AS VAAN NASM3588 3972 1722 3641 3982 3165 4160 554629 And Paul replied, “I pray * to God, whether in a short timeδὲ 2 ‹ ὁ 1 Παῦλος 3 › * ] Εὐξαίμην 4 ἂν 5 ] ‹ τῷ 6 θεῷ 7 › καὶ 8 ἐν 9 ] ὀλίγῳ 10 [de ho Paulos Euxaimēn an tō theō kai en oligōCLN DNSM NNSM VAMO1S TC DDSM NDSM CLK P JDSN1161 3588 3972 2172 302 3588 2316 2532 1722 3641or in a long time, not only you but also all those who are listeningκαὶ 11 ἐν 12 ] μεγάλῳ 13 [ οὐ 14 μόνον 15 σὲ 16 ἀλλὰ 17 καὶ 18 πάντας 19 τοὺς 20 ] ] ἀκούοντάς 21kai en megalō ou monon se alla kai pantas tous akouontasCLK P JDSM BN B RP2AS CLC BE JAPM DAPM VPAP-PAM2532 1722 3173 3756 3440 4571 235 2532 3956 3588 1916Lit. “is turning”7Lit. “to madness”8Some manuscripts have “that any of these things in any way has escaped”9Lit.“is”10Lit. “having been done”11Or “In a short time you are persuading me to become a Christian”V Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

ACTS 26:30758to me today may become such people as I also am, except for] μου 22 σήμερον 23 ] γενέσθαι 24 τοιούτους 25 [ ὁποῖος 26 ἐγώ 28 καὶ 27 εἰμι 29 παρεκτὸς 30 [mou sēmeron genesthai toioutous hopoios egō kai eimi parektosRP1GS B VAMN RD-APM JNSM RP1NS BE VPAI1S P3450 4594 1096 5108 3697 1473 2532 1510 3924these bonds!” 30 Both the king and the governor got up, andτούτων 33 ‹ τῶν 31 δεσμῶν 32 › τε 2 ὁ 3 βασιλεὺς 4 καὶ 5 ὁ 6 ἡγεμὼν 7 Ἀνέστη 1 [ τε 9toutōn tōn desmōn te ho basileus kai ho hēgemōn Anestē teRD-GPM DGPM NGPM CLN DNSM NNSM CLN DNSM NNSM VAAI3S CLN5130 3588 1199 5037 3588 935 2532 3588 2232 450 5037Bernice and those who were sitting with them. 31 And as they were‹ ἥ 8 Βερνίκη 10 › καὶ 11 οἱ 12 ] ] συγκαθήμενοι 13 ] αὐτοῖς 14 καὶ 1 ] ] ]hē Bernikē kai hoi synkathēmenoi autois kaiDNSF NNSF CLN DNPM VPUP-PNM RP3DPM CLN3588 959 2532 3588 4775 846 2532going out, they were talking to one another, saying, * “Thisἀναχωρήσαντες 2 [ ] ] ἐλάλουν 3 πρὸς 4 ] ἀλλήλους 5 λέγοντες 6 ὅτι 7 οὗτος 17anachōrēsantes elaloun pros allēlous legontes hoti houtosVAAP-PNM VIAI3P P RC-APM VPAP-PNM CSC RD-NSM402 2980 4314 240 3004 3754 3778man is not doing anything deserving death or imprisonment.”‹ ὁ 15 ἄνθρωπος 16 › } 14 Οὐδὲν 8 πράσσει 14 τι 13 ἄξιον 12 θανάτου 9 ἢ 10 δεσμῶν 11ho anthrōpos Ouden prassei ti axion thanatou ē desmōnDNSM NNSM JASN VPAI3S RX-ASN JASN NGSM CLD NGPM3588 444 3762 4238 5100 514 2288 2228 119932 And Agrippa said to Festus, “This man could have beenδὲ 2 Ἀγρίππας 1 ἔφη 5 ] ‹ τῷ 3 Φήστῳ 4 › οὗτος 10 ‹ ὁ 8 ἄνθρωπος 9 › ] ] ἐδύνατο 7de Agrippas ephē tō Phēstō houtos ho anthrōpos edynatoCLN NNSM VIAI3S DDSM NDSM RD-NSM DNSM NNSM VIUI3S1161 67 5346 3588 5347 3778 3588 444 1410released if he had not appealed to Caesar.”Ἀπολελύσθαι 6 εἰ 11 ] } 13 μὴ 12 ἐπεκέκλητο 13 ] Καίσαρα 14Apolelysthai ei mē epekeklēto KaisaraVRPN CAC BN VLMI3S NASM630 1487 3361 1941 2541Paul and His Associates Sail for RomeAnd when it was decided that we would sail away to Italy,27 δὲ 2 Ὡς 1 ] ] ἐκρίθη 3 τοῦ 4 ἡμᾶς 6 ] ἀποπλεῖν 5 [ εἰς 7 ‹ τὴν 8 Ἰταλίαν 9 ›de Hōs ekrithē tou hēmas apoplein eis tēn ItalianCLT CAT VAPI3S DGSN RP1AP VPAN P DASF NASF1161 5613 2919 3588 2248 636 1519 3588 2482they handed over * Paul and some other prisoners to a] παρεδίδουν 10 [ τε 12 ‹ τόν 11 Παῦλον 13 › καί 14 τινας 15 ἑτέρους 16 δεσμώτας 17 ] ]paredidoun te ton Paulon kai tinas heterous desmōtasVIAI3P CLK DASM NASM CLK JAPM JAPM NAPM3860 5037 3588 3972 2532 5100 2087 1202centurion named 1 Julius of the Augustan 2 Cohort. 2 And we went aboard aἑκατοντάρχῃ 18 ὀνόματι 19 Ἰουλίῳ 20 ] } 21 Σεβαστῆς 22 σπείρης 21 δὲ 2 } 13 ] ἐπιβάντες 1 ]hekatontarchē onomati Iouliō Sebastēs speirēs de epibantesNDSM NDSN NDSM JGSF NGSF CLN VAAP-PNM1543 3686 2457 4575 4686 1161 1910ship from Adramyttium that was about to sail to the places along the coastπλοίῳ 3 ] Ἀδραμυττηνῷ 4 ] ] μέλλοντι 5 ] πλεῖν 6 εἰς 7 τοὺς 8 τόπους 12 κατὰ 9 τὴν 10 *ploiō Adramyttēnō mellonti plein eis tous topous kata tēnNDSN JDSN VPAP-SDN VPAN P DAPM NAPM P DASF4143 98 3195 4126 1519 3588 5117 2596 3588of Asia 3 and put out to sea. Aristarchus, a Macedonian from Thessalonica,* Ἀσίαν 11 { 1 ἀνήχθημεν 13 [ [ [ Ἀριστάρχου 17 ] Μακεδόνος 18 ] Θεσσαλονικέως 19Asian anēchthēmen Aristarchou Makedonos ThessalonikeōsNASF VAPI1P NGSM NGSM NGSM773 321 708 3110 23311Lit. “by name”2The meaning and significance of the title “Augustan” is highly debated, as is the precise identification ofthis military unit; it may be an honorary unit designation given to auxiliary or provincial troops3A reference to the Romanprovince of Asia (modern Asia Minor)N Noun J Adj D Def Art R Pron B Advb C Conj T Prtcl P Prep X Indcl • N Nom G Gen D Dat A Acc V Voc • S Sing P Plur • M Masc F Fem N Neut

ACTS 26:30


to me today may become such people as I also am, except for

] μου 22 σήμερον 23 ] γενέσθαι 24 τοιούτους 25 [ ὁποῖος 26 ἐγώ 28 καὶ 27 εἰμι 29 παρεκτὸς 30 [

mou sēmeron genesthai toioutous hopoios egō kai eimi parektos


3450 4594 1096 5108 3697 1473 2532 1510 3924

these bonds!” 30 Both the king and the governor got up, and

τούτων 33 ‹ τῶν 31 δεσμῶν 32 › τε 2 ὁ 3 βασιλεὺς 4 καὶ 5 ὁ 6 ἡγεμὼν 7 Ἀνέστη 1 [ τε 9

toutōn tōn desmōn te ho basileus kai ho hēgemōn Anestē te


5130 3588 1199 5037 3588 935 2532 3588 2232 450 5037

Bernice and those who were sitting with them. 31 And as they were

‹ ἥ 8 Βερνίκη 10 › καὶ 11 οἱ 12 ] ] συγκαθήμενοι 13 ] αὐτοῖς 14 καὶ 1 ] ] ]

hē Bernikē kai hoi synkathēmenoi autois kai


3588 959 2532 3588 4775 846 2532

going out, they were talking to one another, saying, * “This

ἀναχωρήσαντες 2 [ ] ] ἐλάλουν 3 πρὸς 4 ] ἀλλήλους 5 λέγοντες 6 ὅτι 7 οὗτος 17

anachōrēsantes elaloun pros allēlous legontes hoti houtos


402 2980 4314 240 3004 3754 3778

man is not doing anything deserving death or imprisonment.”

‹ ὁ 15 ἄνθρωπος 16 › } 14 Οὐδὲν 8 πράσσει 14 τι 13 ἄξιον 12 θανάτου 9 ἢ 10 δεσμῶν 11

ho anthrōpos Ouden prassei ti axion thanatou ē desmōn


3588 444 3762 4238 5100 514 2288 2228 1199

32 And Agrippa said to Festus, “This man could have been

δὲ 2 Ἀγρίππας 1 ἔφη 5 ] ‹ τῷ 3 Φήστῳ 4 › οὗτος 10 ‹ ὁ 8 ἄνθρωπος 9 › ] ] ἐδύνατο 7

de Agrippas ephē tō Phēstō houtos ho anthrōpos edynato


1161 67 5346 3588 5347 3778 3588 444 1410

released if he had not appealed to Caesar.”

Ἀπολελύσθαι 6 εἰ 11 ] } 13 μὴ 12 ἐπεκέκλητο 13 ] Καίσαρα 14

Apolelysthai ei mē epekeklēto Kaisara


630 1487 3361 1941 2541

Paul and His Associates Sail for Rome

And when it was decided that we would sail away to Italy,

27 δὲ 2 Ὡς 1 ] ] ἐκρίθη 3 τοῦ 4 ἡμᾶς 6 ] ἀποπλεῖν 5 [ εἰς 7 ‹ τὴν 8 Ἰταλίαν 9 ›

de Hōs ekrithē tou hēmas apoplein eis tēn Italian


1161 5613 2919 3588 2248 636 1519 3588 2482

they handed over * Paul and some other prisoners to a

] παρεδίδουν 10 [ τε 12 ‹ τόν 11 Παῦλον 13 › καί 14 τινας 15 ἑτέρους 16 δεσμώτας 17 ] ]

paredidoun te ton Paulon kai tinas heterous desmōtas


3860 5037 3588 3972 2532 5100 2087 1202

centurion named 1 Julius of the Augustan 2 Cohort. 2 And we went aboard a

ἑκατοντάρχῃ 18 ὀνόματι 19 Ἰουλίῳ 20 ] } 21 Σεβαστῆς 22 σπείρης 21 δὲ 2 } 13 ] ἐπιβάντες 1 ]

hekatontarchē onomati Iouliō Sebastēs speirēs de epibantes


1543 3686 2457 4575 4686 1161 1910

ship from Adramyttium that was about to sail to the places along the coast

πλοίῳ 3 ] Ἀδραμυττηνῷ 4 ] ] μέλλοντι 5 ] πλεῖν 6 εἰς 7 τοὺς 8 τόπους 12 κατὰ 9 τὴν 10 *

ploiō Adramyttēnō mellonti plein eis tous topous kata tēn


4143 98 3195 4126 1519 3588 5117 2596 3588

of Asia 3 and put out to sea. Aristarchus, a Macedonian from Thessalonica,

* Ἀσίαν 11 { 1 ἀνήχθημεν 13 [ [ [ Ἀριστάρχου 17 ] Μακεδόνος 18 ] Θεσσαλονικέως 19

Asian anēchthēmen Aristarchou Makedonos Thessalonikeōs


773 321 708 3110 2331


Lit. “by name”


The meaning and significance of the title “Augustan” is highly debated, as is the precise identification of

this military unit; it may be an honorary unit designation given to auxiliary or provincial troops


A reference to the Roman

province of Asia (modern Asia Minor)

N Noun J Adj D Def Art R Pron B Advb C Conj T Prtcl P Prep X Indcl • N Nom G Gen D Dat A Acc V Voc • S Sing P Plur • M Masc F Fem N Neut

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