The Lexham English Bible. English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament (with Strongs Greek-English Glossary) ( PDFDrive )

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631 ACTS 7:23as the time of the promise that God had made toΚαθὼς 1 ὁ 4 χρόνος 5 } 7 τῆς 6 ἐπαγγελίας 7 ἧς 8 ‹ ὁ 10 θεὸς 11 › ] ὡμολόγησεν 9 ]Kathōs ho chronos tēs epangelias hēs ho theos hōmologēsenCAT DNSM NNSM DGSF NGSF RR-GSF DNSM NNSM VAAI3S2531 3588 5550 3588 1860 3739 3588 2316 3670Abraham was drawing near, the people increased and multiplied in Egypt‹ τῷ 12 Ἀβραάμ 13 › ] ἤγγιζεν 3 [ ὁ 15 λαὸς 16 ηὔξησεν 14 καὶ 17 ἐπληθύνθη 18 ἐν 19 Αἰγύπτῳ 20tō Abraam ēngizen ho laos ēuxēsen kai eplēthynthē en AigyptōDDSM NDSM VIAI3S DNSM NNSM VAAI3S CLN VAPI3S P NDSF3588 11 1448 3588 2992 837 2532 4129 1722 12518 until another king arose over Egypt who did not know‹ ἄχρι 1 οὗ 2 › ἕτερος 5 βασιλεὺς 4 ἀνέστη 3 ἐπ’ 6 Αἴγυπτον 7 ὃς 8 } 10 οὐκ 9 ᾔδει 10achri hou heteros basileus anestē ep’ Aigypton hos ouk ēdeiP RR-GSM JNSM NNSM VAAI3S P NASF RR-NSM BN VLAI3S891 3739 2087 935 450 1909 125 3739 3756 1492Joseph. 19 This man deceitfully took advantage of our people‹ τὸν 11 Ἰωσήφ 12 › οὗτος 1 [ κατασοφισάμενος 2 [ [ [ ἡμῶν 5 ‹ τὸ 3 γένος 4 ›ton Iōsēph houtos katasophisamenos hēmōn to genosDASM NASM RD-NSM VAMP-SNM RP1GP DASN NASN3588 2501 3778 2686 2257 3588 1085and mistreated our ancestors, causing them to abandon their infants 6{ 2 ἐκάκωσεν 6 τοὺς 7 πατέρας 8 ‹ τοῦ 9 ποιεῖν 10 › * ] ἔκθετα 13 αὐτῶν 14 ‹ τὰ 11 βρέφη 12 ›ekakōsen tous pateras tou poiein ektheta autōn ta brephēVAAI3S DAPM NAPM DGSN VPAN JAPN RP3GPM DAPN NAPN2559 3588 3962 3588 4160 1570 846 3588 1025so that they would not be kept alive. 20 At this time Moses wasεἰς 15 [ ] } 18 μὴ 17 ] ‹ τὸ 16 ζῳογονεῖσθαι 18 › [ ἐν 1 ᾧ 2 καιρῷ 3 Μωϋσῆς 5 ]eis mē to zōogoneisthai en hō kairō MōusēsP BN DASN VPPN P RR-DSM NDSM NNSM1519 3361 3588 2225 1722 3739 2540 3475born, and he was beautiful to God. He 7 was brought up for threeἐγεννήθη 4 καὶ 6 ] ἦν 7 ἀστεῖος 8 ] ‹ τῷ 9 θεῷ 10 › ὃς 11 ] ἀνετράφη 12 [ } 13 τρεῖς 14egennēthē kai ēn asteios tō theō hos anetraphē treisVAPI3S CLN VIAI3S JNSM DDSM NDSM RR-NSM VAPI3S JAPM1080 2532 2258 791 3588 2316 3739 397 5140months in his father’s house, 21 and when he was abandoned, theμῆνας 13 ἐν 15 τοῦ 18 πατρός 19 ‹ τῷ 16 οἴκῳ 17 › δὲ 2 } 1 αὐτοῦ 3 ] ἐκτεθέντος 1 ἡ 6mēnas en tou patros tō oikō de autou ektethentos hēNAPM P DGSM NGSM DDSM NDSM CLN RP3GSM VAPP-SGM DNSF3376 1722 3588 3962 3588 3624 1161 846 1620 3588daughter of Pharaoh took him up and brought him up as her ownθυγάτηρ 7 ] Φαραὼ 8 ἀνείλατο 4 αὐτὸν 5 { 4 καὶ 9 ἀνεθρέψατο 10 αὐτὸν 11 { 10 εἰς 13 ἑαυτῇ 12 [thygatēr Pharaō aneilato auton kai anethrepsato auton eis heautēNNSF NGSM VAMI3S RP3ASM CLN VAMI3S RP3ASM P RF3DSF2364 5328 337 846 2532 397 846 1519 1438son. 8 22 And Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and wasυἱόν 14 καὶ 1 Μωϋσῆς 3 ] ἐπαιδεύθη 2 ] πάσῃ 4 ] σοφίᾳ 5 ] ] Αἰγυπτίων 6 δὲ 8 ἦν 7huion kai Mōusēs epaideuthē pasē sophia Aigyptiōn de ēnNASM CLN NNSM VAPI3S JDSF NDSF JGPM CLN VIAI3S5207 2532 3475 3811 3956 4678 124 1161 2258powerful in his words and deeds. 23 “But when he was fortyδυνατὸς 9 ἐν 10 αὐτοῦ 14 λόγοις 11 καὶ 12 ἔργοις 13 δὲ 2 Ὡς 1 αὐτῷ 4 ἐπληροῦτο 3 τεσσερακονταετὴς 5dynatos en autou logois kai ergois de Hōs autō eplērouto tesserakontaetēsJNSM P RP3GSM NDPM CLN NDPN CLN CAT RP3DSM VIPI3S JNSM1415 1722 846 3056 2532 2041 1161 5613 846 4137 5063years old, 9 it entered in his heart to visit his[ χρόνος 6 ] ἀνέβη 7 ἐπὶ 8 αὐτοῦ 11 ‹ τὴν 9 καρδίαν 10 › ] ἐπισκέψασθαι 12 αὐτοῦ 15chronos anebē epi autou tēn kardian episkepsasthai autouNNSM VAAI3S P RP3GSM DASF NASF VAMN RP3GSM5550 305 1909 846 3588 2588 1980 8466Lit. “making their infants be abandoned”7Lit. “who”8Lit. “for a son to herself”9Lit. “a period of time of forty yearswas fulfilled for him”V Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

ACTS 7:24632brothers, the sons of Israel. 24 And when he saw one of them‹ τοὺς 13 ἀδελφοὺς 14 › τοὺς 16 υἱοὺς 17 ] Ἰσραήλ 18 καὶ 1 ] ] ἰδών 2 τινα 3 [ [tous adelphous tous huious Israēl kai idōn tinaDAPM NAPM DAPM NAPM NGSM CLN VAAP-SNM RX-ASM3588 80 3588 5207 2474 2532 1492 5100being unjustly harmed, he defended him and avenged 10 the one whoἀδικούμενον 4 [ [ ] ἠμύνατο 5 * καὶ 6 ‹ ἐποίησεν 7 ἐκδίκησιν 8 › τῷ 9 ] ]adikoumenon ēmynato kai epoiēsen ekdikēsin tōVPPP-SAM VAMI3S CLN VAAI3S NASF DDSM91 292 2532 4160 1557 3588had been oppressed by striking down the Egyptian. 25 And he thought his] ] καταπονουμένῳ 10 ] πατάξας 11 [ τὸν 12 Αἰγύπτιον 13 δὲ 2 ] ἐνόμιζεν 1 τοὺς 4kataponoumenō pataxas ton Aigyption de enomizen tousVPPP-SDM VAAP-SNM DASM JASM CLN VIAI3S DAPM2669 3960 3588 124 1161 3543 3588brothers would understand that God was granting deliverance to them byἀδελφοὺς 5 ] συνιέναι 3 ὅτι 6 ‹ ὁ 7 θεὸς 8 › ] δίδωσιν 12 σωτηρίαν 13 ] αὐτοῖς 14 διὰ 9adelphous synienai hoti ho theos didōsin sōtērian autois diaNAPM VPAN CSC DNSM NNSM VPAI3S NASF RP3DPM P80 4920 3754 3588 2316 1325 4991 846 1223his hand, but they did not understand. 26 And on the following day, he madeαὐτοῦ 11 χειρὸς 10 δὲ 16 οἱ 15 } 18 οὐ 17 συνῆκαν 18 τε 2 } 4 τῇ 1 ἐπιούσῃ 3 ἡμέρᾳ 4 ] ]autou cheiros de hoi ou synēkan te tē epiousē hēmeraRP3GSM NGSF CLC DNPM BN VAAI3P CLN DDSF VPAP-SDF NDSF846 5495 1161 3588 3756 4920 5037 3588 1966 2250an appearance to them while they were fighting and was attempting to reconcile] ὤφθη 5 ] αὐτοῖς 6 } 7 * ] μαχομένοις 7 καὶ 8 ] συνήλλασσεν 9 [ [ōphthē autois machomenois kai synēllassenVAPI3S RP3DPM VPUP-PDM CLN VIAI3S3708 846 3164 2532 4900them in peace, saying, ‘Men and brothers, why are you doing wrong toαὐτοὺς 10 εἰς 11 εἰρήνην 12 εἰπών 13 Ἄνδρες 14 * ἀδελφοί 15 ἱνατί 17 ἐστε 16 [ ] ἀδικεῖτε 18 [autous eis eirēnēn eipōn Andres adelphoi hinati este adikeiteRP3APM P NASF VAAP-SNM NVPM NNPM BI VPAI2P VPAI2P846 1519 1515 3004 435 80 2444 2075 91one another?’ 27 But the one who was doing wrong to his neighbor pushed him] ἀλλήλους 19 δὲ 2 ὁ 1 ] ] ] ἀδικῶν 3 [ } 5 τὸν 4 πλησίον 5 ἀπώσατο 6 αὐτὸν 7allēlous de ho adikōn ton plēsion apōsato autonRC-APM CLC DNSM VPAP-SNM DASM B VAMI3S RP3ASM240 1161 3588 91 3588 4139 683 846aside, saying, ‘Who appointed you a ruler and a judge over us? 28 You do{ 6 εἰπών 8 Τίς 9 κατέστησεν 11 σε 10 ] ἄρχοντα 12 καὶ 13 ] δικαστὴν 14 ἐφ’ 15 ἡμῶν 16 σὺ 4 } 5eipōn Tis katestēsen se archonta kai dikastēn eph’ hēmōn syVAAP-SNM RI-NSM VAAI3S RP2AS NASM CLN NASM P RP1GP RP2NS2036 5101 2525 4571 758 2532 1348 1909 2257 4771not want to do away with me the same way 11 you did away with theμὴ 1 θέλεις 5 ] ἀνελεῖν 2 [ [ με 3 ‹ ὃν 6 τρόπον 7 › ] ἀνεῖλες 8 [ [ τὸν 10mē theleis anelein me hon tropon aneiles tonTN VPAI2S VAAN RP1AS RR-ASM NASM VAAI2S DASM3361 2309 337 3165 3739 5158 337 3588Egyptian yesterday, do you?’ 12 29 And at this statement, Moses fled andΑἰγύπτιον 11 ἐχθὲς 9 * * δὲ 2 ἐν 4 τούτῳ 7 ‹ τῷ 5 λόγῳ 6 › Μωϋσῆς 3 ἔφυγεν 1 καὶ 8Aigyption echthes de en toutō tō logō Mōusēs ephygen kaiJASM B CLN P RD-DSM DDSM NDSM NNSM VAAI3S CLN124 5504 1161 1722 5129 3588 3056 3475 5343 2532became a foreigner in the land of Midian, where he became the father of twoἐγένετο 9 ] πάροικος 10 ἐν 11 ] γῇ 12 ] Μαδιάμ 13 οὗ 14 ] ἐγέννησεν 15 [ [ [ δύο 17egeneto paroikos en gē Madiam hou egennēsen dyoVAMI3S JNSM P NDSF NGSM B VAAI3S XN1096 3941 1722 1093 3099 3757 1080 141710Lit. “produced vengeance for”11Lit. “in the manner in which”12A quotation from Exod 2:14; the negative construction inGreek anticipates a negative answer here, indicated by “do you”N Noun J Adj D Def Art R Pron B Advb C Conj T Prtcl P Prep X Indcl • N Nom G Gen D Dat A Acc V Voc • S Sing P Plur • M Masc F Fem N Neut

ACTS 7:24


brothers, the sons of Israel. 24 And when he saw one of them

‹ τοὺς 13 ἀδελφοὺς 14 › τοὺς 16 υἱοὺς 17 ] Ἰσραήλ 18 καὶ 1 ] ] ἰδών 2 τινα 3 [ [

tous adelphous tous huious Israēl kai idōn tina


3588 80 3588 5207 2474 2532 1492 5100

being unjustly harmed, he defended him and avenged 10 the one who

ἀδικούμενον 4 [ [ ] ἠμύνατο 5 * καὶ 6 ‹ ἐποίησεν 7 ἐκδίκησιν 8 › τῷ 9 ] ]

adikoumenon ēmynato kai epoiēsen ekdikēsin tō


91 292 2532 4160 1557 3588

had been oppressed by striking down the Egyptian. 25 And he thought his

] ] καταπονουμένῳ 10 ] πατάξας 11 [ τὸν 12 Αἰγύπτιον 13 δὲ 2 ] ἐνόμιζεν 1 τοὺς 4

kataponoumenō pataxas ton Aigyption de enomizen tous


2669 3960 3588 124 1161 3543 3588

brothers would understand that God was granting deliverance to them by

ἀδελφοὺς 5 ] συνιέναι 3 ὅτι 6 ‹ ὁ 7 θεὸς 8 › ] δίδωσιν 12 σωτηρίαν 13 ] αὐτοῖς 14 διὰ 9

adelphous synienai hoti ho theos didōsin sōtērian autois dia


80 4920 3754 3588 2316 1325 4991 846 1223

his hand, but they did not understand. 26 And on the following day, he made

αὐτοῦ 11 χειρὸς 10 δὲ 16 οἱ 15 } 18 οὐ 17 συνῆκαν 18 τε 2 } 4 τῇ 1 ἐπιούσῃ 3 ἡμέρᾳ 4 ] ]

autou cheiros de hoi ou synēkan te tē epiousē hēmera


846 5495 1161 3588 3756 4920 5037 3588 1966 2250

an appearance to them while they were fighting and was attempting to reconcile

] ὤφθη 5 ] αὐτοῖς 6 } 7 * ] μαχομένοις 7 καὶ 8 ] συνήλλασσεν 9 [ [

ōphthē autois machomenois kai synēllassen


3708 846 3164 2532 4900

them in peace, saying, ‘Men and brothers, why are you doing wrong to

αὐτοὺς 10 εἰς 11 εἰρήνην 12 εἰπών 13 Ἄνδρες 14 * ἀδελφοί 15 ἱνατί 17 ἐστε 16 [ ] ἀδικεῖτε 18 [

autous eis eirēnēn eipōn Andres adelphoi hinati este adikeite


846 1519 1515 3004 435 80 2444 2075 91

one another?’ 27 But the one who was doing wrong to his neighbor pushed him

] ἀλλήλους 19 δὲ 2 ὁ 1 ] ] ] ἀδικῶν 3 [ } 5 τὸν 4 πλησίον 5 ἀπώσατο 6 αὐτὸν 7

allēlous de ho adikōn ton plēsion apōsato auton


240 1161 3588 91 3588 4139 683 846

aside, saying, ‘Who appointed you a ruler and a judge over us? 28 You do

{ 6 εἰπών 8 Τίς 9 κατέστησεν 11 σε 10 ] ἄρχοντα 12 καὶ 13 ] δικαστὴν 14 ἐφ’ 15 ἡμῶν 16 σὺ 4 } 5

eipōn Tis katestēsen se archonta kai dikastēn eph’ hēmōn sy


2036 5101 2525 4571 758 2532 1348 1909 2257 4771

not want to do away with me the same way 11 you did away with the

μὴ 1 θέλεις 5 ] ἀνελεῖν 2 [ [ με 3 ‹ ὃν 6 τρόπον 7 › ] ἀνεῖλες 8 [ [ τὸν 10

mē theleis anelein me hon tropon aneiles ton


3361 2309 337 3165 3739 5158 337 3588

Egyptian yesterday, do you?’ 12 29 And at this statement, Moses fled and

Αἰγύπτιον 11 ἐχθὲς 9 * * δὲ 2 ἐν 4 τούτῳ 7 ‹ τῷ 5 λόγῳ 6 › Μωϋσῆς 3 ἔφυγεν 1 καὶ 8

Aigyption echthes de en toutō tō logō Mōusēs ephygen kai


124 5504 1161 1722 5129 3588 3056 3475 5343 2532

became a foreigner in the land of Midian, where he became the father of two

ἐγένετο 9 ] πάροικος 10 ἐν 11 ] γῇ 12 ] Μαδιάμ 13 οὗ 14 ] ἐγέννησεν 15 [ [ [ δύο 17

egeneto paroikos en gē Madiam hou egennēsen dyo


1096 3941 1722 1093 3099 3757 1080 1417


Lit. “produced vengeance for”


Lit. “in the manner in which”


A quotation from Exod 2:14; the negative construction in

Greek anticipates a negative answer here, indicated by “do you”

N Noun J Adj D Def Art R Pron B Advb C Conj T Prtcl P Prep X Indcl • N Nom G Gen D Dat A Acc V Voc • S Sing P Plur • M Masc F Fem N Neut

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