The Lexham English Bible. English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament (with Strongs Greek-English Glossary) ( PDFDrive )

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479 JOHN 4:25rightly, * ‘I do not have a husband,’ 18 for you have had five husbands, andΚαλῶς 14 ὅτι 16 ] } 19 οὐκ 18 ἔχω 19 ] Ἄνδρα 17 γὰρ 2 ] ] ἔσχες 4 πέντε 1 ἄνδρας 3 καὶ 5Kalōs hoti ouk echō Andra gar esches pente andras kaiB CSC BN VPAI1S NASM CAZ VAAI2S XN NAPM CLN2573 3754 3756 2192 435 1063 2192 4002 435 2532the one whom you have now is not your husband; this you have said] ] ὃν 7 ] ἔχεις 8 νῦν 6 ἔστιν 10 οὐκ 9 σου 11 ἀνήρ 12 τοῦτο 13 ] ] εἴρηκας 15hon echeis nyn estin ouk sou anēr touto eirēkasRR-ASM VPAI2S B VPAI3S BN RP2GS NNSM RD-ASN VRAI2S3739 2192 3568 2076 3756 4675 435 5124 2046truthfully!” 19 The woman said to him, “Sir, I see that you are a prophet.ἀληθὲς 14 ἡ 3 γυνή 4 λέγει 1 ] αὐτῷ 2 Κύριε 5 ] θεωρῶ 6 ὅτι 7 σύ 10 εἶ 9 ] προφήτης 8alēthes hē gynē legei autō Kyrie theōrō hoti sy ei prophētēsJASN DNSF NNSF VPAI3S RP3DSM NVSM VPAI1S CSC RP2NS VPAI2S NNSM227 3588 1135 3004 846 2962 2334 3754 4771 1488 439620 Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, and you people sayἡμῶν 3 ‹ οἱ 1 πατέρες 2 › προσεκύνησαν 8 ἐν 4 τούτῳ 7 ‹ τῷ 5 ὄρει 6 › καὶ 9 ὑμεῖς 10 [ λέγετε 11hēmōn hoi pateres prosekynēsan en toutō tō orei kai hymeis legeteRP1GP DNPM NNPM VAAI3P P RD-DSN DDSN NDSN CLC RP2NP VPAI2P2257 3588 3962 4352 1722 5129 3588 3735 2532 5210 3004that in Jerusalem is the place where it is necessary to worship.”ὅτι 12 ἐν 13 Ἱεροσολύμοις 14 ἐστὶν 15 ὁ 16 τόπος 17 ὅπου 18 ] ] δεῖ 20 ] προσκυνεῖν 19hoti en Hierosolymois estin ho topos hopou dei proskyneinCSC P NDPN VPAI3S DNSM NNSM CAL VPAI3S VPAN3754 1722 2414 2076 3588 5117 3699 1163 435221 Jesus said to her, “Believe me, woman, that an hour is coming when‹ ὁ 3 Ἰησοῦς 4 › λέγει 1 ] αὐτῇ 2 Πίστευέ 5 μοι 6 γύναι 7 ὅτι 8 ] ὥρα 10 ] ἔρχεται 9 ὅτε 11ho Iēsous legei autē Pisteue moi gynai hoti hōra erchetai hoteDNSM NNSM VPAI3S RP3DSF VPAM2S RP1DS NVSF CSC NNSF VPUI3S CAT3588 2424 3004 846 4100 3427 1135 3754 5610 2064 3753neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship theοὔτε 12 ἐν 13 τούτῳ 16 ‹ τῷ 14 ὄρει 15 › οὔτε 17 ἐν 18 Ἱεροσολύμοις 19 ] ] προσκυνήσετε 20 τῷ 21oute en toutō tō orei oute en Hierosolymois proskynēsete tōCLK P RD-DSN DDSN NDSN CLK P NDPN VFAI2P DDSM3777 1722 5129 3588 3735 3777 1722 2414 4352 3588Father. 22 You worship what you do not know. We worship what weπατρί 22 ὑμεῖς 1 προσκυνεῖτε 2 ὃ 3 ] } 5 οὐκ 4 οἴδατε 5 ἡμεῖς 6 προσκυνοῦμεν 7 ὃ 8 ]patri hymeis proskyneite ho ouk oidate hēmeis proskynoumen hoNDSM RP2NP VPAI2P RR-ASN BN VRAI2P RP1NP VPAI1P RR-ASN3962 5210 4352 3739 3756 1492 2249 4352 3739know, because salvation is from the Jews. 23 But an hour isοἴδαμεν 9 ὅτι 10 ‹ ἡ 11 σωτηρία 12 › ἐστίν 16 ἐκ 13 τῶν 14 Ἰουδαίων 15 ἀλλὰ 1 ] ὥρα 3 ]oidamen hoti hē sōtēria estin ek tōn Ioudaiōn alla hōraVRAI1P CAZ DNSF NNSF VPAI3S P DGPM JGPM CLC NNSF1492 3754 3588 4991 2076 1537 3588 2453 235 5610coming— and now is here— when the true worshipers will worshipἔρχεται 2 καὶ 4 νῦν 5 ἐστιν 6 [ ὅτε 7 οἱ 8 ἀληθινοὶ 9 προσκυνηταὶ 10 ] προσκυνήσουσιν 11erchetai kai nyn estin hote hoi alēthinoi proskynētai proskynēsousinVPUI3S CLN B VPAI3S CAT DNPM JNPM NNPM VFAI3P2064 2532 3568 2076 3753 3588 228 4353 4352the Father in spirit and truth, for indeed the Father seeks such peopleτῷ 12 πατρὶ 13 ἐν 14 πνεύματι 15 καὶ 16 ἀληθείᾳ 17 γὰρ 19 καὶ 18 ὁ 20 πατὴρ 21 ζητεῖ 23 τοιούτους 22 [tō patri en pneumati kai alētheia gar kai ho patēr zētei toioutousDDSM NDSM P NDSN CLN NDSF CAZ BE DNSM NNSM VPAI3S RD-APM3588 3962 1722 4151 2532 225 1063 2532 3588 3962 2212 5108to be his worshipers. 24 God is spirit, and the ones who* * αὐτόν 26 ‹ τοὺς 24 προσκυνοῦντας 25 › ‹ ὁ 2 θεός 3 › ] πνεῦμα 1 καὶ 4 τοὺς 5 ] ]auton tous proskynountas ho theos pneuma kai tousRP3ASM DAPM VPAP-PAM DNSM NNSM NNSN CLN DAPM846 3588 4352 3588 2316 4151 2532 3588worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” 25 The woman saidπροσκυνοῦντας 6 αὐτὸν 7 δεῖ 12 προσκυνεῖν 13 ἐν 8 πνεύματι 9 καὶ 10 ἀληθείᾳ 11 ἡ 3 γυνή 4 λέγει 1proskynountas auton dei proskynein en pneumati kai alētheia hē gynē legeiVPAP-PAM RP3ASM VPAI3S VPAN P NDSN CLN NDSF DNSF NNSF VPAI3S4352 846 1163 4352 1722 4151 2532 225 3588 1135 3004V Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

JOHN 4:26480to him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (the one called Christ); “whenever] αὐτῷ 2 ] Οἶδα 5 ὅτι 6 Μεσσίας 7 ] ἔρχεται 8 ὁ 9 ] λεγόμενος 10 χριστός 11 ὅταν 12autō Oida hoti Messias erchetai ho legomenos christos hotanRP3DSM VRAI1S CSC NNSM VPUI3S DNSM VPPP-SNM NNSM CAT846 1492 3754 3323 2064 3588 3004 5547 3752that one comes, he will proclaim all things to us.” 26 Jesus said toἐκεῖνος 14 [ ἔλθῃ 13 ] ] ἀναγγελεῖ 15 ἅπαντα 17 [ ] ἡμῖν 16 ‹ ὁ 3 Ἰησοῦς 4 › λέγει 1 ]ekeinos elthē anangelei hapanta hēmin ho Iēsous legeiRD-NSM VAAS3S VFAI3S JAPN RP1DP DNSM NNSM VPAI3S1565 2064 312 537 2254 3588 2424 3004her, “I, the one speaking to you, am he.αὐτῇ 2 Ἐγώ 5 ὁ 7 ] λαλῶν 8 ] σοι 9 εἰμι 6 *autē Egō ho lalōn soi eimiRP3DSF RP1NS DNSM VPAP-SNM RP2DS VPAI1S846 1473 3588 2980 4671 1510The Disciples and the Harvest4:27 And at this point his disciples came, and they were astonished thatΚαὶ 1 ἐπὶ 2 τούτῳ 3 [ αὐτοῦ 7 ‹ οἱ 5 μαθηταὶ 6 › ἦλθαν 4 καὶ 8 ] ] ἐθαύμαζον 9 ὅτι 10Kai epi toutō autou hoi mathētai ēlthan kai ethaumazon hotiCLN P RD-DSN RP3GSM DNPM NNPM VAAI3P CLN VIAI3P CSC2532 1909 5129 846 3588 3101 2064 2532 2296 3754he was speaking with a woman. However, no one said, “What do you seek?” or] ] ἐλάλει 13 μετὰ 11 ] γυναικὸς 12 μέντοι 15 οὐδεὶς 14 [ εἶπεν 16 Τί 17 ] ] ζητεῖς 18 ἢ 19elalei meta gynaikos mentoi oudeis eipen Ti zēteis ēVIAI3S P NGSF CLC JNSM VAAI3S RI-ASN VPAI2S CLD2980 3326 1135 3305 3762 2036 5101 2212 2228“Why are you speaking with her?” 28 So the woman left her water jarτί 20 ] ] λαλεῖς 21 μετ’ 22 αὐτῆς 23 οὖν 2 ἡ 6 γυνὴ 7 ἀφῆκεν 1 αὐτῆς 5 ‹ τὴν 3 ὑδρίαν 4 › [ti laleis met’ autēs oun hē gynē aphēken autēs tēn hydrianRI-ASN VPAI2S P RP3GSF CLN DNSF NNSF VAAI3S RP3GSF DASF NASF5101 2980 3326 846 3767 3588 1135 863 846 3588 5201and went away into the town and said to the people, 1 29 “Come, see aκαὶ 8 ἀπῆλθεν 9 [ εἰς 10 τὴν 11 πόλιν 12 καὶ 13 λέγει 14 } 16 τοῖς 15 ἀνθρώποις 16 Δεῦτε 1 ἴδετε 2 ]kai apēlthen eis tēn polin kai legei tois anthrōpois Deute ideteCLN VAAI3S P DASF NASF CLN VPAI3S DDPM NDPM B VAAM2P2532 565 1519 3588 4172 2532 3004 3588 444 1205 1492man who told me everything I have ever done! Perhaps this one is theἄνθρωπον 3 ὃς 4 εἶπέ 5 μοι 6 πάντα 7 ] } 9 ὅσα 8 ἐποίησα 9 μήτι 10 οὗτός 11 [ ἐστιν 12 ὁ 13anthrōpon hos eipe moi panta hosa epoiēsa mēti houtos estin hoNASM RR-NSM VAAI3S RP1DS JAPN RK-APN VAAI1S TI RD-NSM VPAI3S DNSM444 3739 2036 3427 3956 3745 4160 3385 3778 2076 3588Christ?” 30 They went out from the town and were coming to him. 31 Inχριστός 14 ] ἐξῆλθον 1 [ ἐκ 2 τῆς 3 πόλεως 4 καὶ 5 ] ἤρχοντο 6 πρὸς 7 αὐτόν 8 Ἐν 1christos exēlthon ek tēs poleōs kai ērchonto pros auton EnNNSM VAAI3P P DGSF NGSF CLN VIUI3P P RP3ASM P5547 1831 1537 3588 4172 2532 2064 4314 846 1722the meanwhile the disciples were asking him, saying, “Rabbi, eat something!”τῷ 2 μεταξὺ 3 οἱ 6 μαθηταὶ 7 ] ἠρώτων 4 αὐτὸν 5 λέγοντες 8 Ῥαββί 9 φάγε 10 *tō metaxy hoi mathētai ērōtōn auton legontes Rhabbi phageDDSN B DNPM NNPM VIAI3P RP3ASM VPAP-PNM NVSM VAAM2S3588 3342 3588 3101 2065 846 3004 4461 531532 But he said to them, “I have food to eat that you do not knowδὲ 2 ὁ 1 εἶπεν 3 ] αὐτοῖς 4 Ἐγὼ 5 ἔχω 7 βρῶσιν 6 ] φαγεῖν 8 ἣν 9 ὑμεῖς 10 } 12 οὐκ 11 οἴδατε 12de ho eipen autois Egō echō brōsin phagein hēn hymeis ouk oidateCLC DNSM VAAI3S RP3DPM RP1NS VPAI1S NASF VAAN RR-ASF RP2NP BN VRAI2P1161 3588 2036 846 1473 2192 1035 5315 3739 5210 3756 1492about.” 33 So the disciples began to say to one another, “No one brought* οὖν 2 οἱ 3 μαθηταὶ 4 ] ] ἔλεγον 1 πρὸς 5 ἀλλήλους 6 [ Μή 7 τις 8 ἤνεγκεν 9oun hoi mathētai elegon pros allēlous Mē tis ēnenkenCLI DNPM NNPM VIAI3P P RC-APM TN RX-NSM VAAI3S3767 3588 3101 3004 4314 240 3361 5100 53421Assuming the term is used here in a generic sense to refer to persons of either gender, it should be translated “people”; ifinstead the term here refers only to the town leaders or elders who met at the town gate, then “men” would be appropriateN Noun J Adj D Def Art R Pron B Advb C Conj T Prtcl P Prep X Indcl • N Nom G Gen D Dat A Acc V Voc • S Sing P Plur • M Masc F Fem N Neut

JOHN 4:26


to him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (the one called Christ); “whenever

] αὐτῷ 2 ] Οἶδα 5 ὅτι 6 Μεσσίας 7 ] ἔρχεται 8 ὁ 9 ] λεγόμενος 10 χριστός 11 ὅταν 12

autō Oida hoti Messias erchetai ho legomenos christos hotan


846 1492 3754 3323 2064 3588 3004 5547 3752

that one comes, he will proclaim all things to us.” 26 Jesus said to

ἐκεῖνος 14 [ ἔλθῃ 13 ] ] ἀναγγελεῖ 15 ἅπαντα 17 [ ] ἡμῖν 16 ‹ ὁ 3 Ἰησοῦς 4 › λέγει 1 ]

ekeinos elthē anangelei hapanta hēmin ho Iēsous legei


1565 2064 312 537 2254 3588 2424 3004

her, “I, the one speaking to you, am he.

αὐτῇ 2 Ἐγώ 5 ὁ 7 ] λαλῶν 8 ] σοι 9 εἰμι 6 *

autē Egō ho lalōn soi eimi


846 1473 3588 2980 4671 1510

The Disciples and the Harvest

4:27 And at this point his disciples came, and they were astonished that

Καὶ 1 ἐπὶ 2 τούτῳ 3 [ αὐτοῦ 7 ‹ οἱ 5 μαθηταὶ 6 › ἦλθαν 4 καὶ 8 ] ] ἐθαύμαζον 9 ὅτι 10

Kai epi toutō autou hoi mathētai ēlthan kai ethaumazon hoti


2532 1909 5129 846 3588 3101 2064 2532 2296 3754

he was speaking with a woman. However, no one said, “What do you seek?” or

] ] ἐλάλει 13 μετὰ 11 ] γυναικὸς 12 μέντοι 15 οὐδεὶς 14 [ εἶπεν 16 Τί 17 ] ] ζητεῖς 18 ἢ 19

elalei meta gynaikos mentoi oudeis eipen Ti zēteis ē


2980 3326 1135 3305 3762 2036 5101 2212 2228

“Why are you speaking with her?” 28 So the woman left her water jar

τί 20 ] ] λαλεῖς 21 μετ’ 22 αὐτῆς 23 οὖν 2 ἡ 6 γυνὴ 7 ἀφῆκεν 1 αὐτῆς 5 ‹ τὴν 3 ὑδρίαν 4 › [

ti laleis met’ autēs oun hē gynē aphēken autēs tēn hydrian


5101 2980 3326 846 3767 3588 1135 863 846 3588 5201

and went away into the town and said to the people, 1 29 “Come, see a

καὶ 8 ἀπῆλθεν 9 [ εἰς 10 τὴν 11 πόλιν 12 καὶ 13 λέγει 14 } 16 τοῖς 15 ἀνθρώποις 16 Δεῦτε 1 ἴδετε 2 ]

kai apēlthen eis tēn polin kai legei tois anthrōpois Deute idete


2532 565 1519 3588 4172 2532 3004 3588 444 1205 1492

man who told me everything I have ever done! Perhaps this one is the

ἄνθρωπον 3 ὃς 4 εἶπέ 5 μοι 6 πάντα 7 ] } 9 ὅσα 8 ἐποίησα 9 μήτι 10 οὗτός 11 [ ἐστιν 12 ὁ 13

anthrōpon hos eipe moi panta hosa epoiēsa mēti houtos estin ho


444 3739 2036 3427 3956 3745 4160 3385 3778 2076 3588

Christ?” 30 They went out from the town and were coming to him. 31 In

χριστός 14 ] ἐξῆλθον 1 [ ἐκ 2 τῆς 3 πόλεως 4 καὶ 5 ] ἤρχοντο 6 πρὸς 7 αὐτόν 8 Ἐν 1

christos exēlthon ek tēs poleōs kai ērchonto pros auton En


5547 1831 1537 3588 4172 2532 2064 4314 846 1722

the meanwhile the disciples were asking him, saying, “Rabbi, eat something!”

τῷ 2 μεταξὺ 3 οἱ 6 μαθηταὶ 7 ] ἠρώτων 4 αὐτὸν 5 λέγοντες 8 Ῥαββί 9 φάγε 10 *

tō metaxy hoi mathētai ērōtōn auton legontes Rhabbi phage


3588 3342 3588 3101 2065 846 3004 4461 5315

32 But he said to them, “I have food to eat that you do not know

δὲ 2 ὁ 1 εἶπεν 3 ] αὐτοῖς 4 Ἐγὼ 5 ἔχω 7 βρῶσιν 6 ] φαγεῖν 8 ἣν 9 ὑμεῖς 10 } 12 οὐκ 11 οἴδατε 12

de ho eipen autois Egō echō brōsin phagein hēn hymeis ouk oidate


1161 3588 2036 846 1473 2192 1035 5315 3739 5210 3756 1492

about.” 33 So the disciples began to say to one another, “No one brought

* οὖν 2 οἱ 3 μαθηταὶ 4 ] ] ἔλεγον 1 πρὸς 5 ἀλλήλους 6 [ Μή 7 τις 8 ἤνεγκεν 9

oun hoi mathētai elegon pros allēlous Mē tis ēnenken


3767 3588 3101 3004 4314 240 3361 5100 5342


Assuming the term is used here in a generic sense to refer to persons of either gender, it should be translated “people”; if

instead the term here refers only to the town leaders or elders who met at the town gate, then “men” would be appropriate

N Noun J Adj D Def Art R Pron B Advb C Conj T Prtcl P Prep X Indcl • N Nom G Gen D Dat A Acc V Voc • S Sing P Plur • M Masc F Fem N Neut

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