The Lexham English Bible. English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament (with Strongs Greek-English Glossary) ( PDFDrive )

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459 LUKE 24:53The Ascension24:50 And he led them out as far as * Bethany, and lifting up hisδὲ 2 ] Ἐξήγαγεν 1 αὐτοὺς 3 { 1 ] ἕως 4 [ πρὸς 5 Βηθανίαν 6 καὶ 7 ἐπάρας 8 [ αὐτοῦ 11de Exēgagen autous heōs pros Bēthanian kai eparas autouCLT VAAI3S RP3APM P P NASF CLN VAAP-SNM RP3GSM1161 1806 846 2193 4314 963 2532 1869 846hands, he blessed them. 51 And it happened that while he was‹ τὰς 9 χεῖρας 10 › ] εὐλόγησεν 12 αὐτούς 13 καὶ 1 ] ἐγένετο 2 [ ἐν 3 αὐτὸν 6 ]tas cheiras eulogēsen autous kai egeneto en autonDAPF NAPF VAAI3S RP3APM CLN VAMI3S P RP3ASM3588 5495 2127 846 2532 1096 1722 846blessing them, he parted from them and was taken up into‹ τῷ 4 εὐλογεῖν 5› αὐτοὺς 7 ] διέστη 8 ἀπ’ 9 αὐτῶν 10 καὶ 11 ] ἀνεφέρετο 12 [ εἰς 13tō eulogein autous diestē ap’ autōn kai anephereto eisDDSN VPAN RP3APM VAAI3S P RP3GPM CLN VIPI3S P3588 2127 846 1339 575 846 2532 399 1519heaven. 52 And they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem‹ τὸν 14 οὐρανόν 15 › καὶ 1 αὐτοὶ 2 προσκυνήσαντες 3 αὐτὸν 4 { 3 ὑπέστρεψαν 5 εἰς 6 Ἰερουσαλὴμ 7ton ouranon kai autoi proskynēsantes auton hypestrepsan eis IerousalēmDASM NASM CLN RP3NPM VAAP-PNM RP3ASM VAAI3P P NASF3588 3772 2532 846 4352 846 5290 1519 2419with great joy. 53 And they were continually 13 in the temple courtsμετὰ 8 μεγάλης 10 χαρᾶς 9 καὶ 1 ] ἦσαν 2 ‹ διὰ 3 παντὸς 4 › ἐν 5 τῷ 6 ἱερῷ 7 [meta megalēs charas kai ēsan dia pantos en tō hierōP JGSF NGSF CLN VIAI3P P JGSM P DDSN NDSN3326 3173 5479 2532 2258 1223 3956 1722 3588 2411praising God.εὐλογοῦντες 8 ‹ τὸν 9 θεόν 10 ›eulogountes ton theonVPAP-PNM DASM NASM2127 3588 231613Lit. “through everything”V Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TOJOHNThe1Prologue to John’s GospelIn the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and theἘν 1 ] ἀρχῇ 2 ἦν 3 ὁ 4 λόγος 5 καὶ 6 ὁ 7 λόγος 8 ἦν 9 πρὸς 10 ‹ τὸν 11 θεόν 12 › καὶ 13 ὁ 16En archē ēn ho logos kai ho logos ēn pros ton theon kai hoP NDSF VIAI3S DNSM NNSM CLN DNSM NNSM VIAI3S P DASM NASM CLN DNSM1722 746 2258 3588 3056 2532 3588 3056 2258 4314 3588 2316 2532 3588Word was God. 2 This one was in the beginning with God. 3 All thingsλόγος 17 ἦν 15 θεὸς 14 οὗτος 1 [ ἦν 2 ἐν 3 ] ἀρχῇ 4 πρὸς 5 ‹ τὸν 6 θεόν 7 › πάντα 1 [logos ēn theos houtos ēn en archē pros ton theon pantaNNSM VIAI3S NNSM RD-NSM VIAI3S P NDSF P DASM NASM JNPN3056 2258 2316 3778 2258 1722 746 4314 3588 2316 3956came into being through him, and apart from him not one thing came intoἐγένετο 4 [ [ δι’ 2 αὐτοῦ 3 καὶ 5 χωρὶς 6 [ αὐτοῦ 7 οὐδὲ 9 ἕν 10 [ ἐγένετο 8 [egeneto di’ autou kai chōris autou oude hen egenetoVAMI3S P RP3GSM CLN P RP3GSM BN JNSN VAMI3S1096 1223 846 2532 5565 846 3761 1520 1096being that 1 has come into being. 4 In him was life, and the life was the light of[ ὃ 11 ] γέγονεν 12 [ [ ἐν 1 αὐτῷ 2 ἦν 4 ζωὴ 3 καὶ 5 ἡ 6 ζωὴ 7 ἦν 8 τὸ 9 φῶς 10 ]ho gegonen en autō ēn zōē kai hē zōē ēn to phōsRR-NSN VRAI3S P RP3DSM VIAI3S NNSF CLN DNSF NNSF VIAI3S DNSN NNSN3739 1096 1722 846 2258 2222 2532 3588 2222 2258 3588 5457humanity. 2 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not‹ τῶν 11 ἀνθρώπων 12 › καὶ 1 τὸ 2 φῶς 3 φαίνει 7 ἐν 4 τῇ 5 σκοτίᾳ 6 καὶ 8 ἡ 9 σκοτία 10 } 13 οὐ 12tōn anthrōpōn kai to phōs phainei en tē skotia kai hē skotia ouDGPM NGPM CLN DNSN NNSN VPAI3S P DDSF NDSF CLN DNSF NNSF BN3588 444 2532 3588 5457 5316 1722 3588 4653 2532 3588 4653 3756overcome 3 it. 6 A man came, sent from God, whose name was 4κατέλαβεν 13 αὐτὸ 11 ] ἄνθρωπος 2 Ἐγένετο 1 ἀπεσταλμένος 3 παρὰ 4 θεοῦ 5 αὐτῷ 7 ὄνομα 6 *katelaben auto anthrōpos Egeneto apestalmenos para theou autō onomaVAAI3S RP3ASN NNSM VAMI3S VRPP-SNM P NGSM RP3DSM NNSN2638 846 444 1096 649 3844 2316 846 3686John. 7 This one came for a witness, in order that he could testify aboutἸωάννης 8 οὗτος 1 [ ἦλθεν 2 εἰς 3 ] μαρτυρίαν 4 ] ] ἵνα 5 ] ] μαρτυρήσῃ 6 περὶ 7Iōannēs houtos ēlthen eis martyrian hina martyrēsē periNNSM RD-NSM VAAI3S P NASF CAP VAAS3S P2491 3778 2064 1519 3141 2443 3140 4012the light, so that all would believe through him. 8 That one was notτοῦ 8 φωτός 9 ἵνα 10 [ πάντες 11 ] πιστεύσωσιν 12 δι’ 13 αὐτοῦ 14 ἐκεῖνος 3 [ ἦν 2 οὐκ 1tou phōtos hina pantes pisteusōsin di’ autou ekeinos ēn oukDGSN NGSN CAP JNPM VAAS3P P RP3GSM RD-NSM VIAI3S BN3588 5457 2443 3956 4100 1223 846 1565 2258 3756the light, but came in order that he could testify about the light. 9 The trueτὸ 4 φῶς 5 ἀλλ’ 6 * ] ] ἵνα 7 ] ] μαρτυρήσῃ 8 περὶ 9 τοῦ 10 φωτός 11 τὸ 2 φῶς 3to phōs all’ hina martyrēsē peri tou phōtos to phōsDNSN NNSN CLC CAP VAAS3S P DGSN NGSN DNSN NNSN3588 5457 235 2443 3140 4012 3588 5457 3588 5457light, who gives light to every person, was coming into the world.‹ τὸ 4 ἀληθινὸν 5 › ὃ 6 ] φωτίζει 7 } 9 πάντα 8 ἄνθρωπον 9 ἦν 1 ἐρχόμενον 10 εἰς 11 τὸν 12 κόσμον 13to alēthinon ho phōtizei panta anthrōpon ēn erchomenon eis ton kosmonDNSN JNSN RR-NSN VPAI3S JASM NASM VIAI3S VPUP-SAM P DASM NASM3588 228 3739 5461 3956 444 2258 2064 1519 3588 28891Or “came into being. What...,” beginning a new sentence connected with the following verse. A major punctuation problem isinvolved, since the earliest manuscripts have no punctuation, but some important later ones place the punctuation before thisphrase, effectively connecting it to v. 4: “What has come into being was life in him”2Or “humankind”3Or “comprehend” (ifprimarily referring to people in the world)4Lit. “the name to him”N Noun J Adj D Def Art R Pron B Advb C Conj T Prtcl P Prep X Indcl • N Nom G Gen D Dat A Acc V Voc • S Sing P Plur • M Masc F Fem N Neut

459 LUKE 24:53

The Ascension

24:50 And he led them out as far as * Bethany, and lifting up his

δὲ 2 ] Ἐξήγαγεν 1 αὐτοὺς 3 { 1 ] ἕως 4 [ πρὸς 5 Βηθανίαν 6 καὶ 7 ἐπάρας 8 [ αὐτοῦ 11

de Exēgagen autous heōs pros Bēthanian kai eparas autou


1161 1806 846 2193 4314 963 2532 1869 846

hands, he blessed them. 51 And it happened that while he was

‹ τὰς 9 χεῖρας 10 › ] εὐλόγησεν 12 αὐτούς 13 καὶ 1 ] ἐγένετο 2 [ ἐν 3 αὐτὸν 6 ]

tas cheiras eulogēsen autous kai egeneto en auton


3588 5495 2127 846 2532 1096 1722 846

blessing them, he parted from them and was taken up into

‹ τῷ 4 εὐλογεῖν 5› αὐτοὺς 7 ] διέστη 8 ἀπ’ 9 αὐτῶν 10 καὶ 11 ] ἀνεφέρετο 12 [ εἰς 13

tō eulogein autous diestē ap’ autōn kai anephereto eis


3588 2127 846 1339 575 846 2532 399 1519

heaven. 52 And they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem

‹ τὸν 14 οὐρανόν 15 › καὶ 1 αὐτοὶ 2 προσκυνήσαντες 3 αὐτὸν 4 { 3 ὑπέστρεψαν 5 εἰς 6 Ἰερουσαλὴμ 7

ton ouranon kai autoi proskynēsantes auton hypestrepsan eis Ierousalēm


3588 3772 2532 846 4352 846 5290 1519 2419

with great joy. 53 And they were continually 13 in the temple courts

μετὰ 8 μεγάλης 10 χαρᾶς 9 καὶ 1 ] ἦσαν 2 ‹ διὰ 3 παντὸς 4 › ἐν 5 τῷ 6 ἱερῷ 7 [

meta megalēs charas kai ēsan dia pantos en tō hierō


3326 3173 5479 2532 2258 1223 3956 1722 3588 2411

praising God.

εὐλογοῦντες 8 ‹ τὸν 9 θεόν 10 ›

eulogountes ton theon


2127 3588 2316


Lit. “through everything”

V Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

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