The Lexham English Bible. English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament (with Strongs Greek-English Glossary) ( PDFDrive )

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255 MARK 13:35summer is near. 29 So also you, when you see these things‹ τὸ 22 θέρος 23 › ἐστίν 24 ἐγγὺς 21 οὕτως 1 καὶ 2 ὑμεῖς 3 ὅταν 4 ] ἴδητε 5 ταῦτα 6 [to theros estin engys houtōs kai hymeis hotan idēte tautaDNSN NNSN VPAI3S B B BE RP2NP CAT VAAS2P RD-APN3588 2330 2076 1451 3779 2532 5210 3752 1492 5023happening, know 7 that he is near, at the door. 30 Truly I say to youγινόμενα 7 γινώσκετε 8 ὅτι 9 ] ἐστιν 11 ἐγγύς 10 ἐπὶ 12 ] θύραις 13 ἀμὴν 1 ] λέγω 2 ] ὑμῖν 3ginomena ginōskete hoti estin engys epi thyrais amēn legō hyminVPUP-PAN VPAM2P CSC VPAI3S B P NDPF XF VPAI1S RP2DP1096 1097 3754 2076 1451 1909 2374 281 3004 5213that this generation will never pass away until * all these thingsὅτι 4 αὕτη 10 ‹ ἡ 8 γενεὰ 9 › } 7 ‹ οὐ 5 μὴ 6 › παρέλθῃ 7 [ μέχρις 11 οὗ 12 πάντα 14 ταῦτα 13 [hoti hautē hē genea ou mē parelthē mechris hou panta tautaCSC RD-NSF DNSF NNSF BN BN VAAS3S P RR-GSM JNPN RD-NPN3754 3778 3588 1074 3756 3361 3928 3360 3739 3956 5023take place! 31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my] γένηται 15 ‹ ὁ 1 οὐρανὸς 2 › καὶ 3 ‹ ἡ 4 γῆ 5 › ] παρελεύσονται 6 [ δὲ 8 μου 10genētai ho ouranos kai hē gē pareleusontai de mouVAMS3S DNSM NNSM CLN DNSF NNSF VFMI3P CLC RP1GS1096 3588 3772 2532 3588 1093 3928 1161 3450words will never pass away.‹ οἱ 7 λόγοι 9 › } 13 ‹ οὐ 11 μὴ 12 › παρελεύσονται 13 [hoi logoi ou mē pareleusontaiDNPM NNPM BN BN VFMI3P3588 3056 3756 3361 3928The Unknown Day and Hour13:32 “But concerning that day or hour no one knows— notδὲ 2 Περὶ 1 ἐκείνης 5 ‹ τῆς 3 ἡμέρας 4 › ἢ 6 ‹ τῆς 7 ὥρας 8 › οὐδεὶς 9 [ οἶδεν 10 οὐδὲ 11de Peri ekeinēs tēs hēmeras ē tēs hōras oudeis oiden oudeCLN P RD-GSF DGSF NGSF CLD DGSF NGSF JNSM VRAI3S BN1161 4012 1565 3588 2250 2228 3588 5610 3762 1492 3761even the angels in heaven nor the Son— except the Father. 33 Watch out![ οἱ 12 ἄγγελοι 13 ἐν 14 οὐρανῷ 15 οὐδὲ 16 ὁ 17 υἱός 18 ‹ εἰ 19 μὴ 20 › ὁ 21 πατήρ 22 βλέπετε 1 [hoi angeloi en ouranō oude ho huios ei mē ho patēr blepeteDNPM NNPM P NDSM TN DNSM NNSM CAC BN DNSM NNSM VPAM2P3588 32 1722 3772 3761 3588 5207 1487 3361 3588 3962 991Be alert, because you do not know when the time is! 34 It is like a] ἀγρυπνεῖτε 2 γὰρ 5 ] } 4 οὐκ 3 οἴδατε 4 πότε 6 ὁ 7 καιρός 8 ἐστιν 9 ] ] ὡς 1 ]agrypneite gar ouk oidate pote ho kairos estin hōsVPAM2P CAZ BN VRAI2P B DNSM NNSM VPAI3S CAM69 1063 3756 1492 4219 3588 2540 2076 5613man away on a journey, who left his house and gave hisἄνθρωπος 2 ἀπόδημος 3 [ [ [ ] ἀφεὶς 4 αὐτοῦ 7 ‹ τὴν 5 οἰκίαν 6 › καὶ 8 δοὺς 9 αὐτοῦ 12anthrōpos apodēmos apheis autou tēn oikian kai dous autouNNSM JNSM VAAP-SNM RP3GSM DASF NASF CLN VAAP-SNM RP3GSM444 590 863 846 3588 3614 2532 1325 846slaves authority— to each one his work— and to the‹ τοῖς 10 δούλοις 11 › ‹ τὴν 13 ἐξουσίαν 14 › ] ἑκάστῳ 15 [ αὐτοῦ 18 ‹ τὸ 16 ἔργον 17 › καὶ 19 } 21 τῷ 20tois doulois tēn exousian hekastō autou to ergon kai tōDDPM NDPM DASF NASF JDSM RP3GSM DASN NASN CLN DDSM3588 1401 3588 1849 1538 846 3588 2041 2532 3588doorkeeper he gave orders that he should be on the alert. 35 Thereforeθυρωρῷ 21 ] ] ἐνετείλατο 22 ἵνα 23 ] ] γρηγορῇ 24 [ [ [ οὖν 2thyrōrō eneteilato hina grēgorē ounNDSM VAMI3S CSC VPAS3S CLI2377 1781 2443 1127 3767be on the alert, for you do not know when the master of the house isγρηγορεῖτε 1 [ [ [ γὰρ 5 ] } 4 οὐκ 3 οἴδατε 4 πότε 6 ὁ 7 κύριος 8 } 10 τῆς 9 οἰκίας 10 ]grēgoreite gar ouk oidate pote ho kyrios tēs oikiasVPAM2P CAZ BN VRAI2P B DNSM NNSM DGSF NGSF1127 1063 3756 1492 4219 3588 2962 3588 36147Or “you know”V Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

MARK 13:36256coming— whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the roosterἔρχεται 11 ἢ 12 ] ] ὀψὲ 13 ἢ 14 ] μεσονύκτιον 15 ἢ 16 ] ] ἀλεκτοροφωνίας 17erchetai ē opse ē mesonyktion ē alektorophōniasVPUI3S CLK B CLK NASN CLK NGSF2064 2228 3796 2228 3317 2228 219crows, or early in the morning— 36 lest he arrive suddenly and find you[ ἢ 18 πρωΐ 19 [ [ [ μὴ 1 } 4 ἐλθὼν 2 ἐξαίφνης 3 { 2 εὕρῃ 4 ὑμᾶς 5ē prōi mē elthōn exaiphnēs heurē hymasCLK B CAP VAAP-SNM B VAAS3S RP2AP2228 4404 3361 2064 1810 2147 5209sleeping. 37 And what I say to you, I say to everyone: Be on the alert!”καθεύδοντας 6 δὲ 2 ὃ 1 ] λέγω 4 ] ὑμῖν 3 ] λέγω 6 ] πᾶσιν 5 γρηγορεῖτε 7 [ [ [katheudontas de ho legō hymin legō pasin grēgoreiteVPAP-PAM CLN RR-ASN VPAI1S RP2DP VPAI1S JDPM VPAM2P2518 1161 3739 3004 5213 3004 3956 1127The Chief Priests and Scribes Plot to Kill JesusNow after two days it was the Passover and the feast of Unleavened14 δὲ 2 μετὰ 8 δύο 9 ἡμέρας 10 ] Ἦν 1 τὸ 3 πάσχα 4 καὶ 5 τὰ 6 ἄζυμα 7 [ [de meta dyo hēmeras Ēn to pascha kai ta azymaCLT P XN NAPF VIAI3S DNSN NNSN CLN DNPN JNPN1161 3326 1417 2250 2258 3588 3957 2532 3588 106Bread, and the chief priests and the scribes were seeking how, after[ καὶ 11 οἱ 13 ἀρχιερεῖς 14 [ καὶ 15 οἱ 16 γραμματεῖς 17 ] ἐζήτουν 12 πῶς 18 ]kai hoi archiereis kai hoi grammateis ezētoun pōsCLN DNPM NNPM CLN DNPM NNPM VIAI3P B2532 3588 749 2532 3588 1122 2212 4459arresting him by stealth, they could kill him. 2 For they said, “Notκρατήσαντες 22 αὐτὸν 19 ἐν 20 δόλῳ 21 ] ] ἀποκτείνωσιν 23 [ γάρ 2 ] ἔλεγον 1 Μὴ 3kratēsantes auton en dolō apokteinōsin gar elegon MēVAAP-PNM RP3ASM P NDSM VPAS3P CAZ VIAI3P BN2902 846 1722 1388 615 1063 3004 3361at the feast, lest there be an uproar by the people.”ἐν 4 τῇ 5 ἑορτῇ 6 μήποτε 7 ] ἔσται 8 ] θόρυβος 9 } 11 τοῦ 10 λαοῦ 11en tē heortē mēpote estai thorybos tou laouP DDSF NDSF CAP VFMI3S NNSM DGSM NGSM1722 3588 1859 3379 2071 2351 3588 2992Jesus’ Anointing at Bethany14:3 And while he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, asΚαὶ 1 } 2 αὐτοῦ 3 ὄντος 2 ἐν 4 Βηθανίᾳ 5 ἐν 6 τῇ 7 οἰκίᾳ 8 ] Σίμωνος 9 τοῦ 10 λεπροῦ 11 } 12Kai autou ontos en Bēthania en tē oikia Simōnos tou leprouCLN RP3GSM VPAP-SGM P NDSF P DDSF NDSF NGSM DGSM JGSM2532 846 5607 1722 963 1722 3588 3614 4613 3588 3015he was reclining for a meal, a woman came holding an alabaster flask ofαὐτοῦ 13 ] κατακειμένου 12 [ [ [ ] γυνὴ 15 ἦλθεν 14 ἔχουσα 16 ] ἀλάβαστρον 17 [ ]autou katakeimenou gynē ēlthen echousa alabastronRP3GSM VPUP-SGM NNSF VAAI3S VPAP-SNF NASF846 2621 1135 2064 2192 211very costly perfumed oil of genuine nard. After breaking the alabasterπολυτελοῦς 21 [ μύρου 18 [ } 19 πιστικῆς 20 νάρδου 19 ] συντρίψασα 22 τὴν 23 ἀλάβαστρον 24polytelous myrou pistikēs nardou syntripsasa tēn alabastronJGSF NGSN JGSF NGSF VAAP-SNF DASF NASF4185 3464 4101 3487 4937 3588 211flask, she poured it out on his head. 4 But some were expressing[ ] κατέχεεν 25 [ [ } 28 αὐτοῦ 26 ‹ τῆς 27 κεφαλῆς 28 › δέ 2 τινες 3 ἦσαν 1 ἀγανακτοῦντες 4katecheen autou tēs kephalēs de tines ēsan aganaktountesVAAI3S RP3GSM DGSF NGSF CLC RX-NPM VIAI3P VPAP-PNM2708 846 3588 2776 1161 5100 2258 23indignation to one another: 1 * “Why has there been this waste of[ πρὸς 5 ἑαυτούς 6 [ Εἰς 7 τί 8 ] ] γέγονεν 14 αὕτη 11 ‹ ἡ 9 ἀπώλεια 10 › ]pros heautous Eis ti gegonen hautē hē apōleiaP RF3APM P RI-ASN VRAI3S RD-NSF DNSF NNSF4314 1438 1519 5101 1096 3778 3588 6841Or perhaps “within themselves”N Noun J Adj D Def Art R Pron B Advb C Conj T Prtcl P Prep X Indcl • N Nom G Gen D Dat A Acc V Voc • S Sing P Plur • M Masc F Fem N Neut

MARK 13:36


coming— whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster

ἔρχεται 11 ἢ 12 ] ] ὀψὲ 13 ἢ 14 ] μεσονύκτιον 15 ἢ 16 ] ] ἀλεκτοροφωνίας 17

erchetai ē opse ē mesonyktion ē alektorophōnias


2064 2228 3796 2228 3317 2228 219

crows, or early in the morning— 36 lest he arrive suddenly and find you

[ ἢ 18 πρωΐ 19 [ [ [ μὴ 1 } 4 ἐλθὼν 2 ἐξαίφνης 3 { 2 εὕρῃ 4 ὑμᾶς 5

ē prōi mē elthōn exaiphnēs heurē hymas


2228 4404 3361 2064 1810 2147 5209

sleeping. 37 And what I say to you, I say to everyone: Be on the alert!”

καθεύδοντας 6 δὲ 2 ὃ 1 ] λέγω 4 ] ὑμῖν 3 ] λέγω 6 ] πᾶσιν 5 γρηγορεῖτε 7 [ [ [

katheudontas de ho legō hymin legō pasin grēgoreite


2518 1161 3739 3004 5213 3004 3956 1127

The Chief Priests and Scribes Plot to Kill Jesus

Now after two days it was the Passover and the feast of Unleavened

14 δὲ 2 μετὰ 8 δύο 9 ἡμέρας 10 ] Ἦν 1 τὸ 3 πάσχα 4 καὶ 5 τὰ 6 ἄζυμα 7 [ [

de meta dyo hēmeras Ēn to pascha kai ta azyma


1161 3326 1417 2250 2258 3588 3957 2532 3588 106

Bread, and the chief priests and the scribes were seeking how, after

[ καὶ 11 οἱ 13 ἀρχιερεῖς 14 [ καὶ 15 οἱ 16 γραμματεῖς 17 ] ἐζήτουν 12 πῶς 18 ]

kai hoi archiereis kai hoi grammateis ezētoun pōs


2532 3588 749 2532 3588 1122 2212 4459

arresting him by stealth, they could kill him. 2 For they said, “Not

κρατήσαντες 22 αὐτὸν 19 ἐν 20 δόλῳ 21 ] ] ἀποκτείνωσιν 23 [ γάρ 2 ] ἔλεγον 1 Μὴ 3

kratēsantes auton en dolō apokteinōsin gar elegon Mē


2902 846 1722 1388 615 1063 3004 3361

at the feast, lest there be an uproar by the people.”

ἐν 4 τῇ 5 ἑορτῇ 6 μήποτε 7 ] ἔσται 8 ] θόρυβος 9 } 11 τοῦ 10 λαοῦ 11

en tē heortē mēpote estai thorybos tou laou


1722 3588 1859 3379 2071 2351 3588 2992

Jesus’ Anointing at Bethany

14:3 And while he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as

Καὶ 1 } 2 αὐτοῦ 3 ὄντος 2 ἐν 4 Βηθανίᾳ 5 ἐν 6 τῇ 7 οἰκίᾳ 8 ] Σίμωνος 9 τοῦ 10 λεπροῦ 11 } 12

Kai autou ontos en Bēthania en tē oikia Simōnos tou leprou


2532 846 5607 1722 963 1722 3588 3614 4613 3588 3015

he was reclining for a meal, a woman came holding an alabaster flask of

αὐτοῦ 13 ] κατακειμένου 12 [ [ [ ] γυνὴ 15 ἦλθεν 14 ἔχουσα 16 ] ἀλάβαστρον 17 [ ]

autou katakeimenou gynē ēlthen echousa alabastron


846 2621 1135 2064 2192 211

very costly perfumed oil of genuine nard. After breaking the alabaster

πολυτελοῦς 21 [ μύρου 18 [ } 19 πιστικῆς 20 νάρδου 19 ] συντρίψασα 22 τὴν 23 ἀλάβαστρον 24

polytelous myrou pistikēs nardou syntripsasa tēn alabastron


4185 3464 4101 3487 4937 3588 211

flask, she poured it out on his head. 4 But some were expressing

[ ] κατέχεεν 25 [ [ } 28 αὐτοῦ 26 ‹ τῆς 27 κεφαλῆς 28 › δέ 2 τινες 3 ἦσαν 1 ἀγανακτοῦντες 4

katecheen autou tēs kephalēs de tines ēsan aganaktountes


2708 846 3588 2776 1161 5100 2258 23

indignation to one another: 1 * “Why has there been this waste of

[ πρὸς 5 ἑαυτούς 6 [ Εἰς 7 τί 8 ] ] γέγονεν 14 αὕτη 11 ‹ ἡ 9 ἀπώλεια 10 › ]

pros heautous Eis ti gegonen hautē hē apōleia


4314 1438 1519 5101 1096 3778 3588 684


Or perhaps “within themselves”

N Noun J Adj D Def Art R Pron B Advb C Conj T Prtcl P Prep X Indcl • N Nom G Gen D Dat A Acc V Voc • S Sing P Plur • M Masc F Fem N Neut

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