The Lexham English Bible. English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament (with Strongs Greek-English Glossary) ( PDFDrive )

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249 MARK 12:43And the large crowd was listening to him gladly.καὶ 11 ὁ 12 πολὺς 13 ὄχλος 14 ] ἤκουεν 15 [ αὐτοῦ 16 ἡδέως 17kai ho polys ochlos ēkouen autou hēdeōsCLN DNSM JNSM NNSM VIAI3S RP3GSM B2532 3588 4183 3793 191 846 2234Warning to Beware of the Scribes12:38 And in his teaching he said, “Beware of the scribes, whoΚαὶ 1 ἐν 2 αὐτοῦ 5 ‹ τῇ 3 διδαχῇ 4 › ] ἔλεγεν 6 Βλέπετε 7 ἀπὸ 8 τῶν 9 γραμματέων 10 τῶν 11Kai en autou tē didachē elegen Blepete apo tōn grammateōn tōnCLN P RP3GSM DDSF NDSF VIAI3S VPAM2P P DGPM NGPM DGPM2532 1722 846 3588 1322 3004 991 575 3588 1122 3588like walking around in long robes and greetings in the marketplacesθελόντων 12 περιπατεῖν 15 [ ἐν 13 στολαῖς 14 [ καὶ 16 ἀσπασμοὺς 17 ἐν 18 ταῖς 19 ἀγοραῖς 20thelontōn peripatein en stolais kai aspasmous en tais agoraisVPAP-PGM VPAN P NDPF CLN NAPM P DDPF NDPF2309 4043 1722 4749 2532 783 1722 3588 5839 and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor atκαὶ 1 ] πρωτοκαθεδρίας 2 [ ἐν 3 ταῖς 4 συναγωγαῖς 5 καὶ 6 ] πρωτοκλισίας 7 [ [ ἐν 8kai prōtokathedrias en tais synagōgais kai prōtoklisias enCLN NAPF P DDPF NDPF CLN NAPF P2532 4410 1722 3588 4864 2532 4411 1722banquets, 40 who devour the houses of widows and pray‹ τοῖς 9 δείπνοις 10 › οἱ 1 κατεσθίοντες 2 τὰς 3 οἰκίας 4 ] ‹ τῶν 5 χηρῶν 6 › καὶ 7 προσευχόμενοι 10tois deipnois hoi katesthiontes tas oikias tōn chērōn kai proseuchomenoiDDPN NDPN DNPM VPAP-PNM DAPF NAPF DGPF NGPF CLN VPUP-PNM3588 1173 3588 2719 3588 3614 3588 5503 2532 4336lengthy prayers for the sake of appearance. These will receive moreμακρὰ 9 { 10 ] ] προφάσει 8 [ [ οὗτοι 11 ] λήμψονται 12 περισσότερον 13makra prophasei houtoi lēmpsontai perissoteronJAPN NDSF RD-NPM VFMI3P JASNC3117 4392 3778 2983 4053severe condemnation!”[ κρίμα 14krimaNASN2917A Poor Widow’s Offering12:41 And he sat down opposite the contribution box and was observing how theΚαὶ 1 } 6 καθίσας 2 [ κατέναντι 3 τοῦ 4 γαζοφυλακίου 5 [ { 2 ] ἐθεώρει 6 πῶς 7 ὁ 8Kai kathisas katenanti tou gazophylakiou etheōrei pōs hoCLN VAAP-SNM P DGSN NGSN VIAI3S B DNSM2532 2523 2713 3588 1049 2334 4459 3588crowd was putting coins into the contribution box. And many rich peopleὄχλος 9 ] βάλλει 10 χαλκὸν 11 εἰς 12 τὸ 13 γαζοφυλάκιον 14 [ καὶ 15 πολλοὶ 16 πλούσιοι 17 [ochlos ballei chalkon eis to gazophylakion kai polloi plousioiNNSM VPAI3S NASM P DASN NASN CLN JNPM JNPM3793 906 5475 1519 3588 1049 2532 4183 4145were putting in many coins. 13 42 And one poor widow came and put in two] ἔβαλλον 18 [ πολλά 19 [ καὶ 1 μία 3 πτωχὴ 5 χήρα 4 ἐλθοῦσα 2 [ ἔβαλεν 6 [ δύο 8eballon polla kai mia ptōchē chēra elthousa ebalen dyoVIAI3P JAPN CLC JNSF JNSF NNSF VAAP-SNF VAAI3S XN906 4183 2532 1520 4434 5503 2064 906 1417small copper coins 14 (that is, a penny). 15 43 And summoning hisλεπτὰ 7 [ [ ὅ 9 ἐστιν 10 ] κοδράντης 11 καὶ 1 προσκαλεσάμενος 2 αὐτοῦ 5lepta ho estin kodrantēs kai proskalesamenos autouNAPN RR-NSN VPAI3S NNSM CLN VAMP-SNM RP3GSM3016 3739 2076 2835 2532 4341 84613Although often translated “large sums,” the plural here suggests large numbers of individual coins, which would make animpressive noise14This coin was the lepton, worth 1/128 of a denarius15This coin was the quadrans, the smallest Romancoin, worth 2 leptaV Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

MARK 12:44250disciples, he said to them, “Truly I say to you that this poor‹ τοὺς 3 μαθητὰς 4 › ] εἶπεν 6 ] αὐτοῖς 7 Ἀμὴν 8 ] λέγω 9 ] ὑμῖν 10 ὅτι 11 αὕτη 14 ‹ ἡ 15 πτωχὴ 16 ›tous mathētas eipen autois Amēn legō hymin hoti hautē hē ptōchēDAPM NAPM VAAI3S RP3DPM XF VPAI1S RP2DP CSC RD-NSF DNSF JNSF3588 3101 3004 846 281 3004 5213 3754 3778 3588 4434widow put in more than all those who put offerings into the‹ ἡ 12 χήρα 13 › ἔβαλεν 19 [ πλεῖον 17 ] πάντων 18 τῶν 20 ] βαλλόντων 21 * εἰς 22 τὸ 23hē chēra ebalen pleion pantōn tōn ballontōn eis toDNSF NNSF VAAI3S JASNC JGPM DGPM VPAP-PGM P DASN3588 5503 906 4119 3956 3588 906 1519 3588contribution box. 44 For they all contributed 17 out of their abundance,γαζοφυλάκιον 24 [ γὰρ 2 } 7 πάντες 1 ἔβαλον 7 ἐκ 3 } 5 αὐτοῖς 6 ‹ τοῦ 4 περισσεύοντος 5 ›gazophylakion gar pantes ebalon ek autois tou perisseuontosNASN CAZ JNPM VAAI3P P RP3DPM DGSN VPAP-SGN1049 1063 3956 906 1537 846 3588 4052but she out of her poverty put in everything she had,δὲ 9 αὕτη 8 ἐκ 10 } 12 αὐτῆς 13 ‹ τῆς 11 ὑστερήσεως 12 › ἔβαλεν 17 [ ‹ πάντα 14 ὅσα 15 › ] εἶχεν 16de hautē ek autēs tēs hysterēseōs ebalen panta hosa eichenCLC RD-NSF P RP3GSF DGSF NGSF VAAI3S JAPN RK-APN VIAI3S1161 846 1537 846 3588 5304 906 3956 3745 2192her whole means of subsistence.”αὐτῆς 21 ὅλον 18 ‹ τὸν 19 βίον 20 › [ [autēs holon ton bionRP3GSF JASM DASM NASM846 3650 3588 979The Destruction of the Temple PredictedAnd as he was going out of the temple courts, one of his13 Καὶ 1 } 2 αὐτοῦ 3 ] ἐκπορευομένου 2 [ ἐκ 4 τοῦ 5 ἱεροῦ 6 [ εἷς 9 } 11 αὐτοῦ 12Kai autou ekporeuomenou ek tou hierou heis autouCLN RP3GSM VPUP-SGM P DGSN NGSN JNSM RP3GSM2532 846 1607 1537 3588 2411 1520 846disciples said to him, “Teacher, look! What great stones and what‹ τῶν 10 μαθητῶν 11 › λέγει 7 ] αὐτῷ 8 Διδάσκαλε 13 ἴδε 14 ποταποὶ 15 [ λίθοι 16 καὶ 17 ποταπαὶ 18tōn mathētōn legei autō Didaskale ide potapoi lithoi kai potapaiDGPM NGPM VPAI3S RP3DSM NVSM I JNPM NNPM CLN JNPF3588 3101 3004 846 1320 1492 4217 3037 2532 4217wonderful buildings!” 2 And Jesus said to him, “Do you see these[ οἰκοδομαί 19 καὶ 1 ‹ ὁ 2 Ἰησοῦς 3 › εἶπεν 4 ] αὐτῷ 5 ] ] Βλέπεις 6 ταύτας 7oikodomai kai ho Iēsous eipen autō Blepeis tautasNNPF CLN DNSM NNSM VAAI3S RP3DSM VPAI2S RD-APF3619 2532 3588 2424 2036 846 991 3778great buildings? Not one stone will be left here on anotherμεγάλας 9 ‹ τὰς 8 οἰκοδομάς 10 › ‹ οὐ 11 μὴ 12 › * λίθος 15 ] ] ἀφεθῇ 13 ὧδε 14 ἐπὶ 16 *megalas tas oikodomas ou mē lithos aphethē hōde epiJAPF DAPF NAPF BN BN NNSM VAPS3S BP P3173 3588 3619 3756 3361 3037 863 5602 1909stone that will not be thrown down!”λίθον 17 ὃς 18 } 21 ‹ οὐ 19 μὴ 20 › ] καταλυθῇ 21 [lithon hos ou mē katalythēNASM RR-NSM BN BN VAPS3S3037 3739 3756 3361 2647Signs of the End of the Age13:3 And as he was sitting on the Mount of Olives opposite theΚαὶ 1 } 2 αὐτοῦ 3 ] καθημένου 2 εἰς 4 τὸ 5 Ὄρος 6 ] ‹ τῶν 7 Ἐλαιῶν 8 › κατέναντι 9 τοῦ 10Kai autou kathēmenou eis to Oros tōn Elaiōn katenanti touCLN RP3GSM VPUP-SGM P DASN NASN DGPF NGPF P DGSN2532 846 2521 1519 3588 3735 3588 1636 2713 3588temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked himἱεροῦ 11 Πέτρος 16 καὶ 17 Ἰάκωβος 18 καὶ 19 Ἰωάννης 20 καὶ 21 Ἀνδρέας 22 ἐπηρώτα 12 αὐτὸν 13hierou Petros kai Iakōbos kai Iōannēs kai Andreas epērōta autonNGSN NNSM CLN NNSM CLN NNSM CLN NNSM VIAI3S RP3ASM2411 4074 2532 2385 2532 2491 2532 406 1905 84617Lit. “put in”N Noun J Adj D Def Art R Pron B Advb C Conj T Prtcl P Prep X Indcl • N Nom G Gen D Dat A Acc V Voc • S Sing P Plur • M Masc F Fem N Neut

249 MARK 12:43

And the large crowd was listening to him gladly.

καὶ 11 ὁ 12 πολὺς 13 ὄχλος 14 ] ἤκουεν 15 [ αὐτοῦ 16 ἡδέως 17

kai ho polys ochlos ēkouen autou hēdeōs


2532 3588 4183 3793 191 846 2234

Warning to Beware of the Scribes

12:38 And in his teaching he said, “Beware of the scribes, who

Καὶ 1 ἐν 2 αὐτοῦ 5 ‹ τῇ 3 διδαχῇ 4 › ] ἔλεγεν 6 Βλέπετε 7 ἀπὸ 8 τῶν 9 γραμματέων 10 τῶν 11

Kai en autou tē didachē elegen Blepete apo tōn grammateōn tōn


2532 1722 846 3588 1322 3004 991 575 3588 1122 3588

like walking around in long robes and greetings in the marketplaces

θελόντων 12 περιπατεῖν 15 [ ἐν 13 στολαῖς 14 [ καὶ 16 ἀσπασμοὺς 17 ἐν 18 ταῖς 19 ἀγοραῖς 20

thelontōn peripatein en stolais kai aspasmous en tais agorais


2309 4043 1722 4749 2532 783 1722 3588 58

39 and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at

καὶ 1 ] πρωτοκαθεδρίας 2 [ ἐν 3 ταῖς 4 συναγωγαῖς 5 καὶ 6 ] πρωτοκλισίας 7 [ [ ἐν 8

kai prōtokathedrias en tais synagōgais kai prōtoklisias en


2532 4410 1722 3588 4864 2532 4411 1722

banquets, 40 who devour the houses of widows and pray

‹ τοῖς 9 δείπνοις 10 › οἱ 1 κατεσθίοντες 2 τὰς 3 οἰκίας 4 ] ‹ τῶν 5 χηρῶν 6 › καὶ 7 προσευχόμενοι 10

tois deipnois hoi katesthiontes tas oikias tōn chērōn kai proseuchomenoi


3588 1173 3588 2719 3588 3614 3588 5503 2532 4336

lengthy prayers for the sake of appearance. These will receive more

μακρὰ 9 { 10 ] ] προφάσει 8 [ [ οὗτοι 11 ] λήμψονται 12 περισσότερον 13

makra prophasei houtoi lēmpsontai perissoteron


3117 4392 3778 2983 4053

severe condemnation!”

[ κρίμα 14




A Poor Widow’s Offering

12:41 And he sat down opposite the contribution box and was observing how the

Καὶ 1 } 6 καθίσας 2 [ κατέναντι 3 τοῦ 4 γαζοφυλακίου 5 [ { 2 ] ἐθεώρει 6 πῶς 7 ὁ 8

Kai kathisas katenanti tou gazophylakiou etheōrei pōs ho


2532 2523 2713 3588 1049 2334 4459 3588

crowd was putting coins into the contribution box. And many rich people

ὄχλος 9 ] βάλλει 10 χαλκὸν 11 εἰς 12 τὸ 13 γαζοφυλάκιον 14 [ καὶ 15 πολλοὶ 16 πλούσιοι 17 [

ochlos ballei chalkon eis to gazophylakion kai polloi plousioi


3793 906 5475 1519 3588 1049 2532 4183 4145

were putting in many coins. 13 42 And one poor widow came and put in two

] ἔβαλλον 18 [ πολλά 19 [ καὶ 1 μία 3 πτωχὴ 5 χήρα 4 ἐλθοῦσα 2 [ ἔβαλεν 6 [ δύο 8

eballon polla kai mia ptōchē chēra elthousa ebalen dyo


906 4183 2532 1520 4434 5503 2064 906 1417

small copper coins 14 (that is, a penny). 15 43 And summoning his

λεπτὰ 7 [ [ ὅ 9 ἐστιν 10 ] κοδράντης 11 καὶ 1 προσκαλεσάμενος 2 αὐτοῦ 5

lepta ho estin kodrantēs kai proskalesamenos autou


3016 3739 2076 2835 2532 4341 846


Although often translated “large sums,” the plural here suggests large numbers of individual coins, which would make an

impressive noise


This coin was the lepton, worth 1/128 of a denarius


This coin was the quadrans, the smallest Roman

coin, worth 2 lepta

V Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

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