The Lexham English Bible. English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament (with Strongs Greek-English Glossary) ( PDFDrive )

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159 MATTHEW 27:149 Then what was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled, who said, “Andτότε 1 τὸ 3 ] ῥηθὲν 4 διὰ 5 τοῦ 7 προφήτου 8 Ἰερεμίου 6 ] ἐπληρώθη 2 ] λέγοντος 9 Καὶ 10tote to rhēthen dia tou prophētou Ieremiou eplērōthē legontos KaiB DNSN VAPP-SNN P DGSM NGSM NGSM VAPI3S VPAP-SGM CLN5119 3588 4483 1223 3588 4396 2408 4137 3004 2532they took the thirty silver coins, the price of the one who had been] ἔλαβον 11 τὰ 12 τριάκοντα 13 ἀργύρια 14 [ τὴν 15 τιμὴν 16 } 18 τοῦ 17 ] ] ] ]elabon ta triakonta argyria tēn timēn touVAAI3P DAPN XN NAPN DASF NASF DGSM2983 3588 5144 694 3588 5092 3588priced, on whom a price had been set by the sons of Israel, 10 andτετιμημένου 18 ] ὃν 19 ] ἐτιμήσαντο 20 [ [ [ ἀπὸ 21 ] υἱῶν 22 ] Ἰσραήλ 23 καὶ 1tetimēmenou hon etimēsanto apo huiōn Israēl kaiVRPP-SGM RR-ASM VAMI3P P NGPM NGSM CLN5091 3739 5091 575 5207 2474 2532they gave them for the potter’s field, just as the Lord directed] ἔδωκαν 2 αὐτὰ 3 εἰς 4 τὸν 5 ‹ τοῦ 7 κεραμέως 8 › ἀγρὸν 6 καθὰ 9 [ ] κύριος 12 συνέταξέν 10edōkan auta eis ton tou kerameōs agron katha kyrios synetaxenVAAI3P RP3APN P DASM DGSM NGSM NASM CAM NNSM VAAI3S1325 846 1519 3588 3588 2763 68 2505 2962 4929me.” 3μοι 11moiRP1DS3427Jesus Before Pilate27:11 So Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor askedδὲ 2 ‹ Ὁ 1 Ἰησοῦς 3 › ἐστάθη 4 ἔμπροσθεν 5 τοῦ 6 ἡγεμόνος 7 καὶ 8 ὁ 11 ἡγεμὼν 12 ἐπηρώτησεν 9de HO Iēsous estathē emprosthen tou hēgemonos kai ho hēgemōn epērōtēsenCLT DNSM NNSM VAPI3S P DGSM NGSM CLN DNSM NNSM VAAI3S1161 3588 2424 2476 1715 3588 2232 2532 3588 2232 1905him, saying, “Are you the king of the Jews?” And Jesus said,αὐτὸν 10 λέγων 13 εἶ 15 Σὺ 14 ὁ 16 βασιλεὺς 17 } 19 τῶν 18 Ἰουδαίων 19 δὲ 21 ‹ ὁ 20 Ἰησοῦς 22 › ἔφη 23auton legōn ei Sy ho basileus tōn Ioudaiōn de ho Iēsous ephēRP3ASM VPAP-SNM VPAI2S RP2NS DNSM NNSM DGPM JGPM CLN DNSM NNSM VIAI3S846 3004 1488 4771 3588 935 3588 2453 1161 3588 2424 5346“You say so.” 12 And when he was being accused 4 by theΣὺ 24 λέγεις 25 [ καὶ 1 ἐν 2 αὐτὸν 5 ] ] ‹ τῷ 3 κατηγορεῖσθαι 4 › ὑπὸ 6 τῶν 7Sy legeis kai en auton tō katēgoreisthai hypo tōnRP2NS VPAI2S CLN P RP3ASM DDSN VPPN P DGPM4771 3004 2532 1722 846 3588 2723 5259 3588chief priests and elders he answered nothing. 13 Then Pilate saidἀρχιερέων 8 [ καὶ 9 πρεσβυτέρων 10 ] ἀπεκρίνατο 12 οὐδὲν 11 τότε 1 ‹ ὁ 4 Πιλᾶτος 5 › λέγει 2archiereōn kai presbyterōn apekrinato ouden tote ho Pilatos legeiNGPM CLN JGPM VAMI3S JASN B DNSM NNSM VPAI3S749 2532 4245 611 3762 5119 3588 4091 3004to him, “Do you not hear how many things they are testifying against you?”] αὐτῷ 3 ] } 7 Οὐκ 6 ἀκούεις 7 ] πόσα 8 [ ] ] καταμαρτυροῦσιν 10 [ σου 9autō Ouk akoueis posa katamartyrousin souRP3DSM BN VPAI2S RI-APN VPAI3P RP2GS846 3756 191 4214 2649 467514 And he did not reply to him, not even with reference to one statement, soκαὶ 1 ] } 3 οὐκ 2 ἀπεκρίθη 3 ] αὐτῷ 4 οὐδὲ 6 [ ] πρὸς 5 [ ἓν 7 ῥῆμα 8 ὥστε 9kai ouk apekrithē autō oude pros hen rhēma hōsteCLC BN VAPI3S RP3DSM BN P JASN NASN CAR2532 3756 611 846 3761 4314 1520 4487 5620that the governor was very astonished.[ τὸν 11 ἡγεμόνα 12 } 10 λίαν 13 θαυμάζειν 10ton hēgemona lian thaumazeinDASM NASM BE VPAN3588 2232 3029 22963A quotation from various passages in Jeremiah including 18:2–6; 19:1–13; 32:6–15; see also Zech 11:12–134Lit. “in the himbeing accused”V Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

MATTHEW 27:15160Pilate Releases Barabbas27:15 Now at each feast, the governor was accustomed to release one prisoner toδὲ 2 ] Κατὰ 1 ἑορτὴν 3 ὁ 5 ἡγεμὼν 6 ] εἰώθει 4 ] ἀπολύειν 7 ἕνα 8 δέσμιον 11 } 10de Kata heortēn ho hēgemōn eiōthei apolyein hena desmionCLT P NASF DNSM NNSM VLAI3S VPAN JASM NASM1161 2596 1859 3588 2232 1486 630 1520 1198the crowd— the one whom they wanted. 16 And at that time they had a notoriousτῷ 9 ὄχλῳ 10 ] ] ὃν 12 ] ἤθελον 13 δὲ 2 ] τότε 3 [ ] εἶχον 1 } 4 ἐπίσημον 5tō ochlō hon ēthelon de tote eichon episēmonDDSM NDSM RR-ASM VIAI3P CLN B VIAI3P JASM3588 3793 3739 2309 1161 5119 2192 1978prisoner named Jesus 5 Barabbas. 6 17 So after they had assembled, Pilateδέσμιον 4 λεγόμενον 6 Ἰησοῦν 7 Βαραββᾶν 8 οὖν 2 } 1 αὐτῶν 3 ] συνηγμένων 1 ‹ ὁ 6 Πιλᾶτος 7›desmion legomenon Iēsoun Barabban oun autōn synēgmenōn ho PilatosNASM VPPP-SAM NASM NASM CLI RP3GPM VRPP-PGM DNSM NNSM1198 3004 2424 912 3767 846 4863 3588 4091said to them, “Whom do you want me to release for you— Jesus 5εἶπεν 4 ] αὐτοῖς 5 Τίνα 8 ] ] θέλετε 9 ] ] ἀπολύσω 10 ] ὑμῖν 11 Ἰησοῦν 12eipen autois Tina thelete apolysō hymin IēsounVAAI3S RP3DPM RI-ASM VPAI2P VAAS1S RP2DP NASM2036 846 5101 2309 630 5213 2424Barabbas or Jesus who is called Christ?” 18 (For he knew that they‹ τὸν 13 Βαραββᾶν 14 › ἢ 15 Ἰησοῦν 16 τὸν 17 ] λεγόμενον 18 χριστόν 19 γὰρ 2 ] ᾔδει 1 ὅτι 3 ]ton Barabban ē Iēsoun ton legomenon christon gar ēdei hotiDASM NASM CLD NASM DASM VPPP-SAM NASM CAZ VLAI3S CSC3588 912 2228 2424 3588 3004 5547 1063 1492 3754had handed him over because of envy. 19 And while he was sitting on] παρέδωκαν 6 αὐτόν 7 { 6 διὰ 4 [ φθόνον 5 δὲ 2 } 1 αὐτοῦ 3 ] Καθημένου 1 ἐπὶ 4paredōkan auton dia phthonon de autou Kathēmenou epiVAAI3P RP3ASM P NASM CLN RP3GSM VPUP-SGM P3860 846 1223 5355 1161 846 2521 1909the judgment seat, his wife sent a message to him, saying,τοῦ 5 βήματος 6 [ αὐτοῦ 12 ‹ ἡ 10 γυνὴ 11 › ἀπέστειλεν 7 [ [ πρὸς 8 αὐτὸν 9 λέγουσα 13tou bēmatos autou hē gynē apesteilen pros auton legousaDGSN NGSN RP3GSM DNSF NNSF VAAI3S P RP3ASM VPAP-SNF3588 968 846 3588 1135 649 4314 846 3004“Have nothing to do with that righteous man, 7 for I have suffered much as a‹ Μηδὲν 14 σοὶ 15 καὶ 16 › } 18 ἐκείνῳ 19 ‹ τῷ 17 δικαίῳ 18 › [ γὰρ 21 ] ] ἔπαθον 22 πολλὰ 20 ] ]Mēden soi kai ekeinō tō dikaiō gar epathon pollaJNSN RP2DS CLN RD-DSM DDSM JDSM CAZ VAAI1S JAPN3367 4671 2532 1565 3588 1342 1063 3958 4183result of a dream today because of him.”) 20 But the chief priests and theκατ’ 24 ] ] ὄναρ 25 σήμερον 23 δι’ 26 [ αὐτόν 27 δὲ 2 Οἱ 1 ἀρχιερεῖς 3 [ καὶ 4 οἱ 5kat’ onar sēmeron di’ auton de Hoi archiereis kai hoiP NASN B P RP3ASM CLC DNPM NNPM CLN DNPM2596 3677 4594 1223 846 1161 3588 749 2532 3588elders persuaded the crowds that they should ask for Barabbasπρεσβύτεροι 6 ἔπεισαν 7 τοὺς 8 ὄχλους 9 ἵνα 10 ] ] αἰτήσωνται 11 [ ‹ τὸν 12 Βαραββᾶν 13 ›presbyteroi epeisan tous ochlous hina aitēsōntai ton BarabbanJNPM VAAI3P DAPM NAPM CSC VAMS3P DASM NASM4245 3982 3588 3793 2443 154 3588 912and put Jesus to death. 21 So the governor answered and said toδὲ 15 ἀπολέσωσιν 17 ‹ τὸν 14 Ἰησοῦν 16 › { 17 [ δὲ 2 ὁ 3 ἡγεμὼν 4 ἀποκριθεὶς 1 ] εἶπεν 5 ]de apolesōsin ton Iēsoun de ho hēgemōn apokritheis eipenCLC VAAS3P DASM NASM CLN DNSM NNSM VAPP-SNM VAAI3S1161 622 3588 2424 1161 3588 2232 611 2036them, “Which of the two do you want me to release for you?” And they said,αὐτοῖς 6 Τίνα 7 ἀπὸ 9 τῶν 10 δύο 11 ] ] θέλετε 8 ] ] ἀπολύσω 12 ] ὑμῖν 13 δὲ 15 οἱ 14 εἶπαν 16autois Tina apo tōn dyo thelete apolysō hymin de hoi eipanRP3DPM RI-ASM P DGPM XN VPAI2P VAAS1S RP2DP CLN DNPM VAAI3P846 5101 575 3588 1417 2309 630 5213 1161 3588 30045Although many manuscripts omit “Jesus” here, it is so hard to explain why a scribe would have added it that the reading isprobably original6“Barabbas” means “son of the father” in Aramaic7Lit. “nothing to you and to that righteous man”N Noun J Adj D Def Art R Pron B Advb C Conj T Prtcl P Prep X Indcl • N Nom G Gen D Dat A Acc V Voc • S Sing P Plur • M Masc F Fem N Neut

159 MATTHEW 27:14

9 Then what was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled, who said, “And

τότε 1 τὸ 3 ] ῥηθὲν 4 διὰ 5 τοῦ 7 προφήτου 8 Ἰερεμίου 6 ] ἐπληρώθη 2 ] λέγοντος 9 Καὶ 10

tote to rhēthen dia tou prophētou Ieremiou eplērōthē legontos Kai


5119 3588 4483 1223 3588 4396 2408 4137 3004 2532

they took the thirty silver coins, the price of the one who had been

] ἔλαβον 11 τὰ 12 τριάκοντα 13 ἀργύρια 14 [ τὴν 15 τιμὴν 16 } 18 τοῦ 17 ] ] ] ]

elabon ta triakonta argyria tēn timēn tou


2983 3588 5144 694 3588 5092 3588

priced, on whom a price had been set by the sons of Israel, 10 and

τετιμημένου 18 ] ὃν 19 ] ἐτιμήσαντο 20 [ [ [ ἀπὸ 21 ] υἱῶν 22 ] Ἰσραήλ 23 καὶ 1

tetimēmenou hon etimēsanto apo huiōn Israēl kai


5091 3739 5091 575 5207 2474 2532

they gave them for the potter’s field, just as the Lord directed

] ἔδωκαν 2 αὐτὰ 3 εἰς 4 τὸν 5 ‹ τοῦ 7 κεραμέως 8 › ἀγρὸν 6 καθὰ 9 [ ] κύριος 12 συνέταξέν 10

edōkan auta eis ton tou kerameōs agron katha kyrios synetaxen


1325 846 1519 3588 3588 2763 68 2505 2962 4929

me.” 3

μοι 11




Jesus Before Pilate

27:11 So Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor asked

δὲ 2 ‹ Ὁ 1 Ἰησοῦς 3 › ἐστάθη 4 ἔμπροσθεν 5 τοῦ 6 ἡγεμόνος 7 καὶ 8 ὁ 11 ἡγεμὼν 12 ἐπηρώτησεν 9

de HO Iēsous estathē emprosthen tou hēgemonos kai ho hēgemōn epērōtēsen


1161 3588 2424 2476 1715 3588 2232 2532 3588 2232 1905

him, saying, “Are you the king of the Jews?” And Jesus said,

αὐτὸν 10 λέγων 13 εἶ 15 Σὺ 14 ὁ 16 βασιλεὺς 17 } 19 τῶν 18 Ἰουδαίων 19 δὲ 21 ‹ ὁ 20 Ἰησοῦς 22 › ἔφη 23

auton legōn ei Sy ho basileus tōn Ioudaiōn de ho Iēsous ephē


846 3004 1488 4771 3588 935 3588 2453 1161 3588 2424 5346

“You say so.” 12 And when he was being accused 4 by the

Σὺ 24 λέγεις 25 [ καὶ 1 ἐν 2 αὐτὸν 5 ] ] ‹ τῷ 3 κατηγορεῖσθαι 4 › ὑπὸ 6 τῶν 7

Sy legeis kai en auton tō katēgoreisthai hypo tōn


4771 3004 2532 1722 846 3588 2723 5259 3588

chief priests and elders he answered nothing. 13 Then Pilate said

ἀρχιερέων 8 [ καὶ 9 πρεσβυτέρων 10 ] ἀπεκρίνατο 12 οὐδὲν 11 τότε 1 ‹ ὁ 4 Πιλᾶτος 5 › λέγει 2

archiereōn kai presbyterōn apekrinato ouden tote ho Pilatos legei


749 2532 4245 611 3762 5119 3588 4091 3004

to him, “Do you not hear how many things they are testifying against you?”

] αὐτῷ 3 ] } 7 Οὐκ 6 ἀκούεις 7 ] πόσα 8 [ ] ] καταμαρτυροῦσιν 10 [ σου 9

autō Ouk akoueis posa katamartyrousin sou


846 3756 191 4214 2649 4675

14 And he did not reply to him, not even with reference to one statement, so

καὶ 1 ] } 3 οὐκ 2 ἀπεκρίθη 3 ] αὐτῷ 4 οὐδὲ 6 [ ] πρὸς 5 [ ἓν 7 ῥῆμα 8 ὥστε 9

kai ouk apekrithē autō oude pros hen rhēma hōste


2532 3756 611 846 3761 4314 1520 4487 5620

that the governor was very astonished.

[ τὸν 11 ἡγεμόνα 12 } 10 λίαν 13 θαυμάζειν 10

ton hēgemona lian thaumazein


3588 2232 3029 2296


A quotation from various passages in Jeremiah including 18:2–6; 19:1–13; 32:6–15; see also Zech 11:12–13


Lit. “in the him

being accused”

V Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

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