The Lexham English Bible. English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament (with Strongs Greek-English Glossary) ( PDFDrive )

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things are the beginning of birth pains.[ * ] ἀρχὴ 4 ] ] ὠδίνων 5archēōdinōnNNSFNGPF746 5604133 MATTHEW 24:15Persecution of Disciples Predicted24:9 “Then they will hand you over to persecution and will killΤότε 1 ] ] παραδώσουσιν 2 ὑμᾶς 3 { 2 εἰς 4 θλῖψιν 5 καὶ 6 ] ἀποκτενοῦσιν 7Tote paradōsousin hymas eis thlipsin kai apoktenousinB VFAI3P RP2AP P NASF CLN VFAI3P5119 3860 5209 1519 2347 2532 615you, and you will be hated by all the nations 2 because of myὑμᾶς 8 καὶ 9 ] ] ἔσεσθε 10 μισούμενοι 11 ὑπὸ 12 πάντων 13 τῶν 14 ἐθνῶν 15 διὰ 16 [ μου 19hymas kai esesthe misoumenoi hypo pantōn tōn ethnōn dia mouRP2AP CLN VFMI2P VPPP-PNM P JGPN DGPN NGPN P RP1GS5209 2532 2071 3404 5259 3956 3588 1484 1223 3450name. 10 And then many will be led into sin and will‹ τὸ 17 ὄνομά 18 › καὶ 1 τότε 2 πολλοὶ 4 ] ] σκανδαλισθήσονται 3 [ [ καὶ 5 ]to onoma kai tote polloi skandalisthēsontai kaiDASN NASN CLN B JNPM VFPI3P CLN3588 3686 2532 5119 4183 4624 2532betray one another and will hate one another, 11 and manyπαραδώσουσιν 7 ἀλλήλους 6 [ καὶ 8 ] μισήσουσιν 9 ἀλλήλους 10 [ καὶ 1 πολλοὶ 2paradōsousin allēlous kai misēsousin allēlous kai polloiVFAI3P RC-APM CLN VFAI3P RC-APM CLN JNPM3860 240 2532 3404 240 2532 4183false prophets will appear and will deceive many, 12 and becauseψευδοπροφῆται 3 [ ] ἐγερθήσονται 4 καὶ 5 ] πλανήσουσιν 6 πολλούς 7 καὶ 1 διὰ 2pseudoprophētai egerthēsontai kai planēsousin pollous kai diaNNPM VFPI3P CLN VFAI3P JAPM CLN P5578 1453 2532 4105 4183 2532 1223lawlessness will increase, the love of many will grow‹ τὴν 5 ἀνομίαν 6 › ] ‹ τὸ 3 πληθυνθῆναι 4 › ἡ 8 ἀγάπη 9 ] ‹ τῶν 10 πολλῶν 11 › ] ψυγήσεται 7tēn anomian to plēthynthēnai hē agapē tōn pollōn psygēsetaiDASF NASF DASN VAPN DNSF NNSF DGPM JGPM VFPI3S3588 458 3588 4129 3588 26 3588 4183 5594cold. 13 But the one who endures to the end— this person will be saved.[ δὲ 2 ὁ 1 ] ] ὑπομείνας 3 εἰς 4 ] τέλος 5 οὗτος 6 [ ] ] σωθήσεται 7de ho hypomeinas eis telos houtos sōthēsetaiCLC DNSM VAAP-SNM P NASN RD-NSM VFPI3S1161 3588 5278 1519 5056 3778 498214 And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed in the wholeκαὶ 1 τοῦτο 3 ‹ τὸ 4 εὐαγγέλιον 5 › } 7 τῆς 6 βασιλείας 7 ] ] κηρυχθήσεται 2 ἐν 8 τῇ 10 ὅλῃ 9kai touto to euangelion tēs basileias kērychthēsetai en tē holēCLN RD-NSN DNSN NNSN DGSF NGSF VFPI3S P DDSF JDSF2532 5124 3588 2098 3588 932 2784 1722 3588 3650inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations, 2 and then the end willοἰκουμένῃ 11 [ εἰς 12 ] μαρτύριον 13 ] πᾶσιν 14 τοῖς 15 ἔθνεσιν 16 καὶ 17 τότε 18 τὸ 20 τέλος 21 ]oikoumenē eis martyrion pasin tois ethnesin kai tote to telosNDSF P NASN JDPN DDPN NDPN CLN B DNSN NNSN3625 1519 3142 3956 3588 1484 2532 5119 3588 5056come.ἥξει 19hēxeiVFAI3S2240The Abomination of Desolation24:15 “So when you see the abomination of desolation 3 spoken aboutοὖν 2 Ὅταν 1 ] ἴδητε 3 τὸ 4 βδέλυγμα 5 ] ‹ τῆς 6 ἐρημώσεως 7 › ‹ τὸ 8 ῥηθὲν 9 › [oun Hotan idēte to bdelygma tēs erēmōseōs to rhēthenCLI CAT VAAS2P DASN NASN DGSF NGSF DASN VAPP-SAN3767 3752 1492 3588 946 3588 2050 3588 44832Or “Gentiles”; the same Greek word can be translated “nations” or “Gentiles” depending on the context3An allusion toDan 9:27V Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

MATTHEW 24:16134by the prophet Daniel standing in the holy place” (let the one whoδιὰ 10 τοῦ 12 προφήτου 13 Δανιὴλ 11 ἑστὸς 14 ἐν 15 } 16 ἁγίῳ 17 τόπῳ 16 } 20 ὁ 18 ] ]dia tou prophētou Daniēl hestos en hagiō topō hoP DGSM NGSM NGSM VRAP-SAN P JDSM NDSM DNSM1223 3588 4396 1158 2476 1722 40 5117 3588reads understand), 16 “then those in Judea must flee to theἀναγινώσκων 19 νοείτω 20 τότε 1 οἱ 2 ἐν 3 ‹ τῇ 4 Ἰουδαίᾳ 5 › ] φευγέτωσαν 6 ἐπὶ 7 τὰ 8anaginōskōn noeitō tote hoi en tē Ioudaia pheugetōsan epi taVPAP-SNM VPAM3S B DNPM P DDSF NDSF VPAM3P P DAPN314 3539 5119 3588 1722 3588 2449 5343 1909 3588mountains! 17 The one who is on his housetop must not come down to takeὄρη 9 ] ὁ 1 [ [ ἐπὶ 2 τοῦ 3 δώματος 4 } 6 μὴ 5 καταβάτω 6 [ ] ἆραι 7orē ho epi tou dōmatos mē katabatō araiNAPN DNSM P DGSN NGSN BN VAAM3S VAAN3735 3588 1909 3588 1430 3361 2597 142things out of his house, 18 and the one who is in the field must notτὰ 8 ἐκ 9 } 11 αὐτοῦ 12 ‹ τῆς 10 οἰκίας 11 › καὶ 1 ] ὁ 2 [ [ ἐν 3 τῷ 4 ἀγρῷ 5 } 7 μὴ 6ta ek autou tēs oikias kai ho en tō agrō mēDAPN P RP3GSM DGSF NGSF CLN DNSM P DDSM NDSM BN3588 1537 846 3588 3614 2532 3588 1722 3588 68 3361turn back to pick up his cloak. 19 And woe to thoseἐπιστρεψάτω 7 ὀπίσω 8 ] ἆραι 9 [ αὐτοῦ 12 ‹ τὸ 10 ἱμάτιον 11 › δὲ 2 οὐαὶ 1 ] ταῖς 3epistrepsatō opisō arai autou to himation de ouai taisVAAM3S B VAAN RP3GSM DASN NASN CLN I DDPF1994 3694 142 846 3588 2440 1161 3759 3588who are pregnant 4 and to those who are nursing their babies in those‹ ἐν 4 γαστρὶ 5 ἐχούσαις 6 › καὶ 7 ] ταῖς 8 ] ] θηλαζούσαις 9 * * ἐν 10 ἐκείναις 11en gastri echousais kai tais thēlazousais en ekeinaisP NDSF VPAP-PDF CLN DDPF VPAP-PDF P RD-DPF1722 1064 2192 2532 3588 2337 1722 1565days! 20 But pray that your flight may not happen in‹ ταῖς 12 ἡμέραις 13 › δὲ 2 προσεύχεσθε 1 ἵνα 3 ὑμῶν 8 ‹ ἡ 6 φυγὴ 7 › } 5 μὴ 4 γένηται 5 ]tais hēmerais de proseuchesthe hina hymōn hē phygē mē genētaiDDPF NDPF CLN VPUM2P CSC RP2GP DNSF NNSF BN VAMS3S3588 2250 1161 4336 2443 5216 3588 5437 3361 1096winter or on a Sabbath. 21 For at that time there will be great tribulation,χειμῶνος 9 μηδὲ 10 ] ] σαββάτῳ 11 γὰρ 2 ] τότε 3 [ ] ] ἔσται 1 μεγάλη 5 θλῖψις 4cheimōnos mēde sabbatō gar tote estai megalē thlipsisNGSM TN NDSN CAZ B VFMI3S JNSF NNSF5494 3366 4521 1063 5119 2071 3173 2347such as has not happened from the beginning of the world until now, *οἵα 6 [ } 8 οὐ 7 γέγονεν 8 ἀπ’ 9 ] ἀρχῆς 10 ] ] κόσμου 11 ἕως 12 ‹ τοῦ 13 νῦν 14 › οὐδ’ 15hoia ou gegonen ap’ archēs kosmou heōs tou nyn oud’RR-NSF BN VRAI3S P NGSF NGSM P DGSM B TN3634 3756 1096 575 746 2889 2193 3588 3568 3761nor ever will happen. 22 And unless those days had been shortened,μὴ 17 οὐ 16 ] γένηται 18 καὶ 1 ‹ εἰ 2 μὴ 3 › ἐκεῖναι 7 ‹ αἱ 5 ἡμέραι 6 › ] ] ἐκολοβώθησαν 4mē ou genētai kai ei mē ekeinai hai hēmerai ekolobōthēsanBN BN VAMS3S CLN CAC BN RD-NPF DNPF NNPF VAPI3P3361 3756 1096 2532 1487 3361 1565 3588 2250 2856no human being would be saved. 5 But for the sake of the elect,‹ οὐκ 8 πᾶσα 11 › σάρξ 12 [ ἂν 9 ] ἐσώθη 10 δὲ 14 ] ] διὰ 13 } 16 τοὺς 15 ἐκλεκτοὺς 16ouk pasa sarx an esōthē de dia tous eklektousBN JNSF NNSF TC VAPI3S CLC P DAPM JAPM3756 3956 4561 302 4982 1161 1223 3588 1588those days will be shortened. 23 “At that time if anyone should sayἐκεῖναι 20 ‹ αἱ 18 ἡμέραι 19 › ] ] κολοβωθήσονται 17 ] τότε 1 [ ἐάν 2 τις 3 ] εἴπῃ 5ekeinai hai hēmerai kolobōthēsontai tote ean tis eipēRD-NPF DNPF NNPF VFPI3P B CAC RX-NSM VAAS3S1565 3588 2250 2856 5119 1437 5100 20364Lit. “who have in the womb”5Lit. “every flesh would not be saved”N Noun J Adj D Def Art R Pron B Advb C Conj T Prtcl P Prep X Indcl • N Nom G Gen D Dat A Acc V Voc • S Sing P Plur • M Masc F Fem N Neut

things are the beginning of birth pains.

[ * ] ἀρχὴ 4 ] ] ὠδίνων 5





746 5604

133 MATTHEW 24:15

Persecution of Disciples Predicted

24:9 “Then they will hand you over to persecution and will kill

Τότε 1 ] ] παραδώσουσιν 2 ὑμᾶς 3 { 2 εἰς 4 θλῖψιν 5 καὶ 6 ] ἀποκτενοῦσιν 7

Tote paradōsousin hymas eis thlipsin kai apoktenousin


5119 3860 5209 1519 2347 2532 615

you, and you will be hated by all the nations 2 because of my

ὑμᾶς 8 καὶ 9 ] ] ἔσεσθε 10 μισούμενοι 11 ὑπὸ 12 πάντων 13 τῶν 14 ἐθνῶν 15 διὰ 16 [ μου 19

hymas kai esesthe misoumenoi hypo pantōn tōn ethnōn dia mou


5209 2532 2071 3404 5259 3956 3588 1484 1223 3450

name. 10 And then many will be led into sin and will

‹ τὸ 17 ὄνομά 18 › καὶ 1 τότε 2 πολλοὶ 4 ] ] σκανδαλισθήσονται 3 [ [ καὶ 5 ]

to onoma kai tote polloi skandalisthēsontai kai


3588 3686 2532 5119 4183 4624 2532

betray one another and will hate one another, 11 and many

παραδώσουσιν 7 ἀλλήλους 6 [ καὶ 8 ] μισήσουσιν 9 ἀλλήλους 10 [ καὶ 1 πολλοὶ 2

paradōsousin allēlous kai misēsousin allēlous kai polloi


3860 240 2532 3404 240 2532 4183

false prophets will appear and will deceive many, 12 and because

ψευδοπροφῆται 3 [ ] ἐγερθήσονται 4 καὶ 5 ] πλανήσουσιν 6 πολλούς 7 καὶ 1 διὰ 2

pseudoprophētai egerthēsontai kai planēsousin pollous kai dia


5578 1453 2532 4105 4183 2532 1223

lawlessness will increase, the love of many will grow

‹ τὴν 5 ἀνομίαν 6 › ] ‹ τὸ 3 πληθυνθῆναι 4 › ἡ 8 ἀγάπη 9 ] ‹ τῶν 10 πολλῶν 11 › ] ψυγήσεται 7

tēn anomian to plēthynthēnai hē agapē tōn pollōn psygēsetai


3588 458 3588 4129 3588 26 3588 4183 5594

cold. 13 But the one who endures to the end— this person will be saved.

[ δὲ 2 ὁ 1 ] ] ὑπομείνας 3 εἰς 4 ] τέλος 5 οὗτος 6 [ ] ] σωθήσεται 7

de ho hypomeinas eis telos houtos sōthēsetai


1161 3588 5278 1519 5056 3778 4982

14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed in the whole

καὶ 1 τοῦτο 3 ‹ τὸ 4 εὐαγγέλιον 5 › } 7 τῆς 6 βασιλείας 7 ] ] κηρυχθήσεται 2 ἐν 8 τῇ 10 ὅλῃ 9

kai touto to euangelion tēs basileias kērychthēsetai en tē holē


2532 5124 3588 2098 3588 932 2784 1722 3588 3650

inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations, 2 and then the end will

οἰκουμένῃ 11 [ εἰς 12 ] μαρτύριον 13 ] πᾶσιν 14 τοῖς 15 ἔθνεσιν 16 καὶ 17 τότε 18 τὸ 20 τέλος 21 ]

oikoumenē eis martyrion pasin tois ethnesin kai tote to telos


3625 1519 3142 3956 3588 1484 2532 5119 3588 5056


ἥξει 19




The Abomination of Desolation

24:15 “So when you see the abomination of desolation 3 spoken about

οὖν 2 Ὅταν 1 ] ἴδητε 3 τὸ 4 βδέλυγμα 5 ] ‹ τῆς 6 ἐρημώσεως 7 › ‹ τὸ 8 ῥηθὲν 9 › [

oun Hotan idēte to bdelygma tēs erēmōseōs to rhēthen


3767 3752 1492 3588 946 3588 2050 3588 4483


Or “Gentiles”; the same Greek word can be translated “nations” or “Gentiles” depending on the context


An allusion to

Dan 9:27

V Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

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