The Lexham English Bible. English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament (with Strongs Greek-English Glossary) ( PDFDrive )

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5177 τυγχάνω tynchanō to attain

5178 τυμπανίζω tympanizō to torment

5179 τύπος typos type

5180 τύπτω typtō to strike

5181 Τύραννος Tyrannos Tyrannus

5182 θορυβάζω thorybazō to be troubled

5183 Τύριος Tyrios Tyrian

5184 Τύρος Tyros Tyre

5185 τυφλός typhlos blind

5186 τυφλόω typhloō to blind

5187 τυφόω typhoō to be puffed up

5188 τύφω typhō to smoke

5189 τυφωνικός typhōnikos like a whirlwind

5190 Τυχικός Tychikos Tychicus

5191 ὑακίνθινος hyakinthinos hyacinth-colored

5192 ὑάκινθος hyakinthos jacinth

5193 ὑάλινος hyalinos of glass

5194 ὕαλος hyalos crystal

5195 ὑβρίζω hybrizō to mistreat

5196 ὕβρις hybris disaster; insult

5197 ὑβριστής hybristēs violent

5198 ὑγιαίνω hygiainō to be sound

5199 ὑγιής hygiēs sound

5200 ὑγρός hygros wet

5201 ὑδρία hydria water jar

5202 ὑδροποτέω hydropoteō to drink (only) water

5203 ὑδρωπικός hydrōpikos suffering from edema

5204 ὕδωρ hydōr water

5205 ὑετός hyetos rain

5206 υἱοθεσία huiothesia adoption

5207 υἱός huios son

5208 ὕλη hylē wood

5209 σύ sy you (plural)

5210 σύ sy you (plural)

5211 Ὑμέναιος Hymenaios Hymenaeus

5212 ὑμέτερος hymeteros your

5213 σύ sy you (plural)

5214 ὑμνέω hymneō to sing (a hymn)

5215 ὕμνος hymnos hymn

5216 σύ sy you (plural)

5217 ὑπάγω hypagō to go away

5218 ὑπακοή hypakoē obedience

5219 ὑπακούω hypakouō to obey

5220 ὕπανδρος hypandros married

5221 ὑπαντάω hypantaō to go to meet

5222 ὑπάντησις hypantēsis coming to meet

5223 ὕπαρξις hyparxis property

5224 ὑπάρχω hyparchō to be present; property

5225 ὑπάρχω hyparchō to be

5226 ὑπείκω hypeikō to submit

5227 ὑπεναντίος hypenantios hostile

5228 ὑπέρ hyper for

5229 ὑπεραίρω hyperairō to exalt oneself

5230 ὑπέρακμος hyperakmos past one’s prime

5231 ὑπεράνω hyperanō above

5232 ὑπεραυξάνω hyperauxanō to flourish

5233 ὑπερβαίνω hyperbainō to transgress

5234 ὑπερβαλλόντως hyperballontōs to a much greater degree

5235 ὑπερβάλλω hyperballō to surpass

5236 ὑπερβολή hyperbolē extraordinary degree

5237 ὑπεροράω hyperoraō to overlook

5238 ὑπερέκεινα hyperekeina beyond


5239 ὑπερεκτείνω hyperekteinō to stretch beyond

5240 ὑπερεκχύννω hyperekchynnō to pour out over

5241 ὑπερεντυγχάνω hyperentynchanō to plead

5242 ὑπερέχω hyperechō to have power over; to be better


5243 ὑπερηφανία hyperēphania arrogance

5244 ὑπερήφανος hyperēphanos arrogant

5245 ὑπερνικάω hypernikaō to prevail completely

5246 ὑπέρογκος hyperonkos haughty

5247 ὑπεροχή hyperochē superiority; authority

5248 ὑπερπερισσεύω hyperperisseuō to be in great excess; to

supply lavishly

5249 ὑπερπερισσῶς hyperperissōs beyond all measure

5250 ὑπερπλεονάζω hyperpleonazō to abound

5251 ὑπερυψόω hyperypsoō to exalt

5252 ὑπερφρονέω hyperphroneō to think too highly of


5253 ὑπερῷον hyperōon upper story

5254 ὑπέχω hypechō to undergo (punishment)

5255 ὑπήκοος hypēkoos obedient

5256 ὑπηρετέω hypēreteō to serve

5257 ὑπηρέτης hypēretēs servant

5258 ὕπνος hypnos sleep

5259 ὑπό hypo by

5260 ὑποβάλλω hypoballō to instigate secretly

5261 ὑπογραμμός hypogrammos example

5262 ὑπόδειγμα hypodeigma example; outline

5263 ὑποδείκνυμι hypodeiknymi to warn; to show

5264 ὑποδέχομαι hypodechomai to receive

5265 ὑποδέω hypodeō to tie underneath; to bind under

5266 ὑπόδημα hypodēma sandal

5267 ὑπόδικος hypodikos answerable

5268 ὑποζύγιον hypozygion draught animal; pack animal

5269 ὑποζώννυμι hypozōnnymi to undergird

5270 ὑποκάτω hypokatō below

5271 ὑποκρίνομαι hypokrinomai to pretend

5272 ὑπόκρισις hypokrisis hypocrisy

5273 ὑποκριτής hypokritēs hypocrite

5274 ὑπολαμβάνω hypolambanō to assume

5275 ὑπολείπω hypoleipō to leave remaining

5276 ὑπολήνιον hypolēnion trough for a winepress

5277 ὑπολιμπάνω hypolimpanō to leave

5278 ὑπομένω hypomenō to endure

5279 ὑπομιμνῄσκω hypomimnēskō to remind

5280 ὑπόμνησις hypomnēsis remembrance; a reminding

5281 ὑπομονή hypomonē patient endurance

5282 ὑπονοέω hyponoeō to suspect

5283 ὑπόνοια hyponoia suspicion

5284 ὑποπλέω hypopleō to sail under the lee of (an island)

5285 ὑποπνέω hypopneō to blow gently

5286 ὑποπόδιον hypopodion footstool

5287 ὑπόστασις hypostasis project

5288 ὑποστέλλω hypostellō to shrink from

5289 ὑποστολή hypostolē hesitancy

5290 ὑποστρέφω hypostrephō to turn back

5291 ὑποστρωννύω hypostrōnnyō to spread out underneath

5292 ὑποταγή hypotagē submission

5293 ὑποτάσσω hypotassō to subject

5294 ὑποτίθημι hypotithēmi to lay down; to make known

5295 ὑποτρέχω hypotrechō to run (or sail) under the lee of

5296 ὑποτύπωσις hypotypōsis prototype; pattern

5297 ὑποφέρω hypopherō to endure

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