The Lexham English Bible. English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament (with Strongs Greek-English Glossary) ( PDFDrive )

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is true.ἐστιν 21 ἀληθής 20estin alēthēsVPAI3S JNSF2076 2271209 3 JOHN 15Conclusion and Final Greeting1:13 I have many things to write to you, but I do not want to write to you] εἶχον 2 Πολλὰ 1 [ ] γράψαι 3 ] σοι 4 ἀλλ’ 5 ] } 7 οὐ 6 θέλω 7 ] γράφειν 13 ] σοι 12eichon Polla grapsai soi all’ ou thelō graphein soiVIAI1S JAPN VAAN RP2DS CLC BN VPAI1S VPAN RP2DS2192 4183 1125 4671 235 3756 2309 1125 4671by means of ink and pen. 14 But I hope to see you right away, andδιὰ 8 [ [ μέλανος 9 καὶ 10 καλάμου 11 δὲ 2 ] ἐλπίζω 1 ] ἰδεῖν 5 σε 4 εὐθέως 3 [ καὶ 6dia melanos kai kalamou de elpizō idein se eutheōs kaiP JGSN CLN NGSM CLC VPAI1S VAAN RP2AS B CLN1223 3188 2532 2563 1161 1679 1492 4571 2112 2532to speak face to face. 6 15 Peace be to you. The friends greet you.] λαλήσομεν 10 ‹ στόμα 7 πρὸς 8 στόμα 9 › Εἰρήνη 1 ] ] σοι 2 οἱ 5 φίλοι 6 ἀσπάζονταί 3 σε 4lalēsomen stoma pros stoma Eirēnē soi hoi philoi aspazontai seVFAI1P NASN P NASN NNSF RP2DS DNPM JNPM VPUI3P RP2AS2980 4750 4314 4750 1515 4671 3588 5384 782 4571Greet the friends by name.ἀσπάζου 7 τοὺς 8 φίλους 9 κατ’ 10 ὄνομα 11aspazou tous philous kat’ onomaVPUM2S DAPM JAPM P NASN782 3588 5384 2596 36866Lit. “mouth to mouth”V Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

THE LETTER OFJUDEGreeting1Jude, 1 a slave of Jesus Christ and brother of James, to those who areἸούδας 1 ] δοῦλος 4 ] Ἰησοῦ 2 Χριστοῦ 3 δὲ 6 ἀδελφὸς 5 ] Ἰακώβου 7 τοῖς 8 ] ] ]Ioudas doulos Iēsou Christou de adelphos Iakōbou toisNNSM NNSM NGSM NGSM CLN NNSM NGSM DDPM2455 1401 2424 5547 1161 80 2385 3588called, loved in God the Father and kept for 2 Jesus Christ. 2 Mayκλητοῖς 17 ἠγαπημένοις 12 ἐν 9 θεῷ 10 ] πατρὶ 11 καὶ 13 τετηρημένοις 16 ] Ἰησοῦ 14 Χριστῷ 15 ]klētois ēgapēmenois en theō patri kai tetērēmenois Iēsou ChristōJDPM VRPP-PDM P NDSM NDSM CLN VRPP-PDM NDSM NDSM2822 25 1722 2316 3962 2532 5083 2424 5547mercy and peace and love be multiplied to you.ἔλεος 1 καὶ 3 εἰρήνη 4 καὶ 5 ἀγάπη 6 ] πληθυνθείη 7 ] ὑμῖν 2eleos kai eirēnē kai agapē plēthyntheiē hyminNNSN CLN NNSF CLN NNSF VAPO3S RP2DP1656 2532 1515 2532 26 4129 5213Contend for the Faith1:3 Dear friends, although I was making every effort to write to youἈγαπητοί 1 [ ] ] ] ποιούμενος 4 πᾶσαν 2 σπουδὴν 3 ] γράφειν 5 ] ὑμῖν 6Agapētoi poioumenos pasan spoudēn graphein hyminJVPM VPMP-SNM JASF NASF VPAN RP2DP27 4160 3956 4710 1125 5213concerning our common salvation, I considered it a necessity to write toπερὶ 7 ἡμῶν 10 κοινῆς 9 ‹ τῆς 8 σωτηρίας 11 › ] ἔσχον 13 [ ] ἀνάγκην 12 ] γράψαι 14 ]peri hēmōn koinēs tēs sōtērias eschon anankēn grapsaiP RP1GP JGSF DGSF NGSF VAAI1S NASF VAAN4012 2257 2839 3588 4991 2192 318 1125you to encourage you to contend for the faith delivered once and forὑμῖν 15 ] παρακαλῶν 16 * ] ἐπαγωνίζεσθαι 17 } 23 τῇ 18 πίστει 23 παραδοθείσῃ 20 ἅπαξ 19 [ [hymin parakalōn epagōnizesthai tē pistei paradotheisē hapaxRP2DP VPAP-SNM VPUN DDSF NDSF VAPP-SDF B5213 3870 1864 3588 4102 3860 530all to the saints. 4 For certain men 3 have slipped in stealthily, who were[ } 22 τοῖς 21 ἁγίοις 22 γάρ 2 τινες 3 ἄνθρωποι 4 ] παρεισέδυσαν 1 [ [ οἱ 5 ]tois hagiois gar tines anthrōpoi pareisedysan hoiDDPM JDPM CAZ JNPM NNPM VAAI3P DNPM3588 40 1063 5100 444 3921 3588designated long ago for this condemnation, ungodly ones, who change theπρογεγραμμένοι 7 πάλαι 6 [ εἰς 8 τοῦτο 9 ‹ τὸ 10 κρίμα 11 › ἀσεβεῖς 12 [ ] μετατιθέντες 18 τὴν 13progegrammenoi palai eis touto to krima asebeis metatithentes tēnVRPP-PNM B P RD-ASN DASN NASN JNPM VPAP-PNM DASF4270 3819 1519 5124 3588 2917 765 3346 3588grace of our God into licentiousness and who deny ourχάριτα 17 } 15 ἡμῶν 16 ‹ τοῦ 14 θεοῦ 15 › εἰς 19 ἀσέλγειαν 20 καὶ 21 ] ἀρνούμενοι 30 ἡμῶν 27charita hēmōn tou theou eis aselgeian kai arnoumenoi hēmōnNASF RP1GP DGSM NGSM P NASF CLN VPUP-PNM RP1GP5485 2257 3588 2316 1519 766 2532 720 2257only Master and Lord Jesus Christ.‹ τὸν 22 μόνον 23 › δεσπότην 24 καὶ 25 κύριον 26 Ἰησοῦν 28 Χριστὸν 29ton monon despotēn kai kyrion Iēsoun ChristonDASM J NASM CLN NASM NASM NASM3588 3441 1203 2532 2962 2424 55471“Jude” is the traditional form of the name introducing the letter, but the Greek form is the same as “Judas”2Or perhaps“by”3Or “people,” since the Greek term can be used in a generic sense, but if this statement is related to 2 Peter 2:12, it ismore likely men are in viewN Noun J Adj D Def Art R Pron B Advb C Conj T Prtcl P Prep X Indcl • N Nom G Gen D Dat A Acc V Voc • S Sing P Plur • M Masc F Fem N Neut

is true.

ἐστιν 21 ἀληθής 20

estin alēthēs


2076 227

1209 3 JOHN 15

Conclusion and Final Greeting

1:13 I have many things to write to you, but I do not want to write to you

] εἶχον 2 Πολλὰ 1 [ ] γράψαι 3 ] σοι 4 ἀλλ’ 5 ] } 7 οὐ 6 θέλω 7 ] γράφειν 13 ] σοι 12

eichon Polla grapsai soi all’ ou thelō graphein soi


2192 4183 1125 4671 235 3756 2309 1125 4671

by means of ink and pen. 14 But I hope to see you right away, and

διὰ 8 [ [ μέλανος 9 καὶ 10 καλάμου 11 δὲ 2 ] ἐλπίζω 1 ] ἰδεῖν 5 σε 4 εὐθέως 3 [ καὶ 6

dia melanos kai kalamou de elpizō idein se eutheōs kai


1223 3188 2532 2563 1161 1679 1492 4571 2112 2532

to speak face to face. 6 15 Peace be to you. The friends greet you.

] λαλήσομεν 10 ‹ στόμα 7 πρὸς 8 στόμα 9 › Εἰρήνη 1 ] ] σοι 2 οἱ 5 φίλοι 6 ἀσπάζονταί 3 σε 4

lalēsomen stoma pros stoma Eirēnē soi hoi philoi aspazontai se


2980 4750 4314 4750 1515 4671 3588 5384 782 4571

Greet the friends by name.

ἀσπάζου 7 τοὺς 8 φίλους 9 κατ’ 10 ὄνομα 11

aspazou tous philous kat’ onoma


782 3588 5384 2596 3686


Lit. “mouth to mouth”

V Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

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