The Lexham English Bible. English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament (with Strongs Greek-English Glossary) ( PDFDrive )

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HEBREWS 2:151093 HEBREWS 3:2shared in these same things, in order that through death heμετέσχεν 12 [ ‹ τῶν 13 αὐτῶν 14 › [ [ ] ] ἵνα 15 διὰ 16 ‹ τοῦ 17 θανάτου 18 › ]meteschen tōn autōn hina dia tou thanatouVAAI3S DGPN RP3GPN CAP P DGSM NGSM3348 3588 846 2443 1223 3588 2288could destroy the one who has the power of death, that is,] καταργήσῃ 19 τὸν 20 ] ] ἔχοντα 23 τὸ 21 κράτος 22 ] ‹ τοῦ 24 θανάτου 25 › τοῦτ’ 26 ἔστι 27katargēsē ton echonta to kratos tou thanatou tout’ estiVAAS3S DASM VPAP-SAM DASN NASN DGSM NGSM RD-NSN VPAI3S2673 3588 2192 3588 2904 3588 2288 5124 2076the devil, 15 and could set free these who through fear of deathτὸν 28 διάβολον 29 καὶ 1 ] ἀπαλλάξῃ 2 [ τούτους 3 ὅσοι 4 ] φόβῳ 5 ] θανάτου 6ton diabolon kai apallaxē toutous hosoi phobō thanatouDASM JASM CLN VAAS3S RD-APM RK-NPM NDSM NGSM3588 1228 2532 525 5128 3745 5401 2288were subject to slavery throughout all their lives. 16 For surely he is notἦσαν 12 ἔνοχοι 11 [ δουλείας 13 διὰ 7 παντὸς 8 τοῦ 9 ζῆν 10 γὰρ 2 δήπου 3 ] } 5 οὐ 1ēsan enochoi douleias dia pantos tou zēn gar dēpou ouVIAI3P JNPM NGSF P JGSM DGSN VPAN CLX B CLK2258 1777 1397 1223 3956 3588 2198 1063 1222 3756concerned with angels, but he is concerned with the descendants of Abraham.ἐπιλαμβάνεται 5 [ ἀγγέλων 4 ἀλλὰ 6 ] ] ἐπιλαμβάνεται 9 ] ] σπέρματος 7 ] Ἀβραὰμ 8epilambanetai angelōn alla epilambanetai spermatos AbraamVPUI3S NGPM CLK VPUI3S NGSN NGSM1949 32 235 1949 4690 1117 Therefore he was obligated to be made like his brothers in all respects,ὅθεν 1 ] ] ὤφειλεν 2 ] ] ὁμοιωθῆναι 7 [ τοῖς 5 ἀδελφοῖς 6 κατὰ 3 πάντα 4 [hothen ōpheilen homoiōthēnai tois adelphois kata pantaCLI VIAI3S VAPN DDPM NDPM P JAPN3606 3784 3666 3588 80 2596 3956in order that he could become a merciful and faithful high priest in the] ] ἵνα 8 ] ] γένηται 10 } 13 ἐλεήμων 9 καὶ 11 πιστὸς 12 ἀρχιερεὺς 13 [ ] ]hina genētai eleēmōn kai pistos archiereusCAP VAMS3S JNSM CLN JNSM NNSM2443 1096 1655 2532 4103 749things relating to God, in order to make atonement for theτὰ 14 πρὸς 15 [ ‹ τὸν 16 θεόν 17 › εἰς 18 [ ] ‹ τὸ 19 ἱλάσκεσθαι 20 › [ [ τὰς 21ta pros ton theon eis to hilaskesthai tasDAPN P DASM NASM P DASN VPPN DAPF3588 4314 3588 2316 1519 3588 2433 3588sins of the people. 18 For in that which he himself suffered when he wasἁμαρτίας 22 } 24 τοῦ 23 λαοῦ 24 γὰρ 3 ἐν 1 ] ᾧ 2 } 4 αὐτὸς 5 πέπονθεν 4 ] ] ]hamartias tou laou gar en hō autos peponthenNAPF DGSM NGSM CLX P RR-DSN RP3NSMP VRAI3S266 3588 2992 1063 1722 3739 846 3958tempted, he is able to help those who are tempted.πειρασθείς 6 ] ] δύναται 7 ] βοηθῆσαι 10 τοῖς 8 ] ] πειραζομένοις 9peirastheis dynatai boēthēsai tois peirazomenoisVAPP-SNM VPUI3S VAAN DDPM VPPP-PDM3985 1410 997 3588 3985The3Superiority of Jesus to MosesTherefore, holy brothers, sharers in a heavenly calling, consider Jesus,Ὅθεν 1 ἅγιοι 3 ἀδελφοὶ 2 μέτοχοι 6 [ } 4 ἐπουρανίου 5 κλήσεως 4 κατανοήσατε 7 Ἰησοῦν 15Hothen hagioi adelphoi metochoi epouraniou klēseōs katanoēsate IēsounCLI JVPM NVPM JNPM JGSF NGSF VAAM2P NASM3606 40 80 3353 2032 2821 2657 2424the apostle and high priest of our confession, 2 who wasτὸν 8 ἀπόστολον 9 καὶ 10 ἀρχιερέα 11 [ } 13 ἡμῶν 14 ‹ τῆς 12 ὁμολογίας 13 › ] ὄντα 2ton apostolon kai archierea hēmōn tēs homologias ontaDASM NASM CLN NASM RP1GP DGSF NGSF VPAP-SAM3588 652 2532 749 2257 3588 3671 5607V Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

HEBREWS 3:31094faithful to the one who appointed him, as Moses also was in his household. 1πιστὸν 1 } 4 τῷ 3 ] ] ποιήσαντι 4 αὐτὸν 5 ὡς 6 Μωϋσῆς 8 καὶ 7 * ἐν 9 αὐτοῦ 12 ‹ τῷ 10 οἴκῳ 11 ›piston tō poiēsanti auton hōs Mōusēs kai en autou tō oikōJASM DDSM VAAP-SDM RP3ASM CAM NNSM BE P RP3GSM DDSM NDSM4103 3588 4160 846 5613 3475 2532 1722 846 3588 36243 For this one is considered worthy of greater glory than Moses, inasmuch asγὰρ 2 οὗτος 3 [ ] ἠξίωται 7 [ } 4 πλείονος 1 δόξης 4 παρὰ 5 Μωϋσῆν 6 ‹ καθ’ 8 ὅσον 9 › [gar houtos ēxiōtai pleionos doxēs para Mōusēn kath’ hosonCAZ RD-NSM VRPI3S JGSFC NGSF P NASM P RK-ASM1063 3778 515 4119 1391 3844 3475 2596 3745the one who builds it has greater honor than the house. 4 For everyὁ 15 ] ] κατασκευάσας 16 αὐτόν 17 ἔχει 12 πλείονα 10 τιμὴν 11 { 10 τοῦ 13 οἴκου 14 γὰρ 2 πᾶς 1ho kataskeuasas auton echei pleiona timēn tou oikou gar pasDNSM VAAP-SNM RP3ASM VPAI3S JASFC NASF DGSM NGSM CLX JNSM3588 2680 846 2192 4119 5092 3588 3624 1063 3956house is built by someone, but the one who built all things isοἶκος 3 ] κατασκευάζεται 4 ὑπό 5 τινος 6 δὲ 8 ὁ 7 ] ] κατασκευάσας 10 πάντα 9 [ ]oikos kataskeuazetai hypo tinos de ho kataskeuasas pantaNNSM VPPI3S P RX-GSM CLC DNSM VAAP-SNM JAPN3624 2680 5259 5100 1161 3588 2680 3956God. 5 And * Moses was faithful in all his house as a servant, forθεός 11 καὶ 1 μὲν 3 Μωϋσῆς 2 ] πιστὸς 4 ἐν 5 ὅλῳ 6 αὐτοῦ 9 ‹ τῷ 7 οἴκῳ 8 › ὡς 10 ] θεράπων 11 εἰς 12theos kai men Mōusēs pistos en holō autou tō oikō hōs therapōn eisNNSM CLN TK NNSM JNSM P JDSM RP3GSM DDSM NDSM P NNSM P2316 2532 3303 3475 4103 1722 3650 846 3588 3624 5613 2324 1519a testimony to the things that would be spoken, 6 but Christ was faithful] μαρτύριον 13 } 15 τῶν 14 ] ] ] ] λαληθησομένων 15 δὲ 2 Χριστὸς 1 * *martyrion tōn lalēthēsomenōn de ChristosNASN DGPN VFPP-PGN CLK NNSM3142 3588 2980 1161 5547as a son over his house, whose house we are, if 2 we holdὡς 3 ] υἱὸς 4 ἐπὶ 5 αὐτοῦ 8 ‹ τὸν 6 οἶκον 7 › ὅς 9 οἶκός 10 ἡμεῖς 12 ἐσμεν 11 ἐὰν 13 ] κατάσχωμεν 21hōs huios epi autou ton oikon hos oikos hēmeis esmen ean kataschōmenP NNSM P RP3GSM DASM NASM RR-NSM NNSM RP1NP VPAI1P CAC VAAS1P5613 5207 1909 846 3588 3624 3739 3624 2249 2070 1437 2722fast to our confidence and the hope we can be proud of.[ [ τὴν 14 παρρησίαν 15 καὶ 16 τῆς 19 ἐλπίδος 20 ] ] ] ‹ τὸ 17 καύχημα 18 › [tēn parrēsian kai tēs elpidos to kauchēmaDASF NASF CLN DGSF NGSF DASN NASN3588 3954 2532 3588 1680 3588 2745A Serious Warning Against Unbelief3:7 Therefore, just as the Holy Spirit says, “Today, if you hearΔιό 1 καθὼς 2 [ τὸ 4 ‹ τὸ 6 ἅγιον 7 › πνεῦμα 5 λέγει 3 Σήμερον 8 ἐὰν 9 ] ἀκούσητε 13Dio kathōs to to hagion pneuma legei Sēmeron ean akousēteCLI CAM DNSN DNSN JNSN NNSN VPAI3S B CAC VAAS2P1352 2531 3588 3588 40 4151 3004 4594 1437 191his voice, 8 do not harden your hearts as in theαὐτοῦ 12 ‹ τῆς 10 φωνῆς 11 › } 2 μὴ 1 σκληρύνητε 2 ὑμῶν 5 ‹ τὰς 3 καρδίας 4 › ὡς 6 ἐν 7 τῷ 8autou tēs phōnēs mē sklērynēte hymōn tas kardias hōs en tōRP3GSM DGSF NGSF BN VPAS2P RP2GP DAPF NAPF CAM P DDSM846 3588 5456 3361 4645 5216 3588 2588 5613 1722 3588rebellion, in the day of testing in the wilderness, 9 whereπαραπικρασμῷ 9 κατὰ 10 τὴν 11 ἡμέραν 12 ] ‹ τοῦ 13 πειρασμοῦ 14 › ἐν 15 τῇ 16 ἐρήμῳ 17 οὗ 1parapikrasmō kata tēn hēmeran tou peirasmou en tē erēmō houNDSM P DASF NASF DGSM NGSM P DDSF JDSF B3894 2596 3588 2250 3588 3986 1722 3588 2048 3757your fathers tested me by trial and saw my works 10 forὑμῶν 5 ‹ οἱ 3 πατέρες 4 › ἐπείρασαν 2 [ ἐν 6 δοκιμασίᾳ 7 καὶ 8 εἶδον 9 μου 12 ‹ τὰ 10 ἔργα 11 › } 2hymōn hoi pateres epeirasan en dokimasia kai eidon mou ta ergaRP2GP DNPM NNPM VAAI3P P NDSF CLN VAAI3P RP1GS DAPN NAPN5216 3588 3962 3985 1722 1381 2532 1492 3450 3588 20411Some manuscripts have “in all his household”2Some manuscripts have “if indeed”N Noun J Adj D Def Art R Pron B Advb C Conj T Prtcl P Prep X Indcl • N Nom G Gen D Dat A Acc V Voc • S Sing P Plur • M Masc F Fem N Neut


1093 HEBREWS 3:2

shared in these same things, in order that through death he

μετέσχεν 12 [ ‹ τῶν 13 αὐτῶν 14 › [ [ ] ] ἵνα 15 διὰ 16 ‹ τοῦ 17 θανάτου 18 › ]

meteschen tōn autōn hina dia tou thanatou


3348 3588 846 2443 1223 3588 2288

could destroy the one who has the power of death, that is,

] καταργήσῃ 19 τὸν 20 ] ] ἔχοντα 23 τὸ 21 κράτος 22 ] ‹ τοῦ 24 θανάτου 25 › τοῦτ’ 26 ἔστι 27

katargēsē ton echonta to kratos tou thanatou tout’ esti


2673 3588 2192 3588 2904 3588 2288 5124 2076

the devil, 15 and could set free these who through fear of death

τὸν 28 διάβολον 29 καὶ 1 ] ἀπαλλάξῃ 2 [ τούτους 3 ὅσοι 4 ] φόβῳ 5 ] θανάτου 6

ton diabolon kai apallaxē toutous hosoi phobō thanatou


3588 1228 2532 525 5128 3745 5401 2288

were subject to slavery throughout all their lives. 16 For surely he is not

ἦσαν 12 ἔνοχοι 11 [ δουλείας 13 διὰ 7 παντὸς 8 τοῦ 9 ζῆν 10 γὰρ 2 δήπου 3 ] } 5 οὐ 1

ēsan enochoi douleias dia pantos tou zēn gar dēpou ou


2258 1777 1397 1223 3956 3588 2198 1063 1222 3756

concerned with angels, but he is concerned with the descendants of Abraham.

ἐπιλαμβάνεται 5 [ ἀγγέλων 4 ἀλλὰ 6 ] ] ἐπιλαμβάνεται 9 ] ] σπέρματος 7 ] Ἀβραὰμ 8

epilambanetai angelōn alla epilambanetai spermatos Abraam


1949 32 235 1949 4690 11

17 Therefore he was obligated to be made like his brothers in all respects,

ὅθεν 1 ] ] ὤφειλεν 2 ] ] ὁμοιωθῆναι 7 [ τοῖς 5 ἀδελφοῖς 6 κατὰ 3 πάντα 4 [

hothen ōpheilen homoiōthēnai tois adelphois kata panta


3606 3784 3666 3588 80 2596 3956

in order that he could become a merciful and faithful high priest in the

] ] ἵνα 8 ] ] γένηται 10 } 13 ἐλεήμων 9 καὶ 11 πιστὸς 12 ἀρχιερεὺς 13 [ ] ]

hina genētai eleēmōn kai pistos archiereus


2443 1096 1655 2532 4103 749

things relating to God, in order to make atonement for the

τὰ 14 πρὸς 15 [ ‹ τὸν 16 θεόν 17 › εἰς 18 [ ] ‹ τὸ 19 ἱλάσκεσθαι 20 › [ [ τὰς 21

ta pros ton theon eis to hilaskesthai tas


3588 4314 3588 2316 1519 3588 2433 3588

sins of the people. 18 For in that which he himself suffered when he was

ἁμαρτίας 22 } 24 τοῦ 23 λαοῦ 24 γὰρ 3 ἐν 1 ] ᾧ 2 } 4 αὐτὸς 5 πέπονθεν 4 ] ] ]

hamartias tou laou gar en hō autos peponthen


266 3588 2992 1063 1722 3739 846 3958

tempted, he is able to help those who are tempted.

πειρασθείς 6 ] ] δύναται 7 ] βοηθῆσαι 10 τοῖς 8 ] ] πειραζομένοις 9

peirastheis dynatai boēthēsai tois peirazomenois


3985 1410 997 3588 3985



Superiority of Jesus to Moses

Therefore, holy brothers, sharers in a heavenly calling, consider Jesus,

Ὅθεν 1 ἅγιοι 3 ἀδελφοὶ 2 μέτοχοι 6 [ } 4 ἐπουρανίου 5 κλήσεως 4 κατανοήσατε 7 Ἰησοῦν 15

Hothen hagioi adelphoi metochoi epouraniou klēseōs katanoēsate Iēsoun


3606 40 80 3353 2032 2821 2657 2424

the apostle and high priest of our confession, 2 who was

τὸν 8 ἀπόστολον 9 καὶ 10 ἀρχιερέα 11 [ } 13 ἡμῶν 14 ‹ τῆς 12 ὁμολογίας 13 › ] ὄντα 2

ton apostolon kai archierea hēmōn tēs homologias onta


3588 652 2532 749 2257 3588 3671 5607

V Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

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