The Lexham English Bible. English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament (with Strongs Greek-English Glossary) ( PDFDrive )

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1087 PHILEMON 25for I hope that through your prayers I will be restored to you.γὰρ 8 ] ἐλπίζω 7 ὅτι 9 διὰ 10 ὑμῶν 13 ‹ τῶν 11 προσευχῶν 12 › ] ] ] χαρισθήσομαι 14 ] ὑμῖν 15gar elpizō hoti dia hymōn tōn proseuchōn charisthēsomai hyminCAZ VPAI1S CSC P RP2GP DGPF NGPF VFPI1S RP2DP1063 1679 3754 1223 5216 3588 4335 5483 5213Final Greetings and Benediction1:23 Epaphras, my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus, greets you,Ἐπαφρᾶς 3 μου 6 ‹ ὁ 4 συναιχμάλωτός 5 › [ ἐν 7 Χριστῷ 8 Ἰησοῦ 9 Ἀσπάζεταί 1 σε 2Epaphras mou ho synaichmalōtos en Christō Iēsou Aspazetai seNNSM RP1GS DNSM JNSM P NDSM NDSM VPUI3S RP2AS1889 3450 3588 4869 1722 5547 2424 782 457124 and so do Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke, my fellow workers.* * * Μᾶρκος 1 Ἀρίσταρχος 2 Δημᾶς 3 ] Λουκᾶς 4 μου 7 ‹ οἱ 5 συνεργοί 6 › [Markos Aristarchos Dēmas Loukas mou hoi synergoiNNSM NNSM NNSM NNSM RP1GS DNPM JNPM3138 708 1214 3065 3450 3588 490425 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.Ἡ 1 χάρις 2 } 4 τοῦ 3 κυρίου 4 Ἰησοῦ 5 Χριστοῦ 6 ] μετὰ 7 ὑμῶν 10 ‹ τοῦ 8 πνεύματος 9 ›HĒ charis tou kyriou Iēsou Christou meta hymōn tou pneumatosDNSF NNSF DGSM NGSM NGSM NGSM P RP2GP DGSN NGSN3588 5485 3588 2962 2424 5547 3326 5216 3588 4151V Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

THE LETTER TO THEHEBREWSGod’s1Full and Final Revelation in the SonAlthough God spoke long ago in many parts 1 and in many* ‹ ὁ 5 θεὸς 6 › λαλήσας 7 πάλαι 4 [ ] Πολυμερῶς 1 [ καὶ 2 ] πολυτρόπως 3ho theos lalēsas palai Polymerōs kai polytropōsDNSM NNSM VAAP-SNM B B CLN B3588 2316 2980 3819 4181 2532 4187ways to the fathers by the prophets, 2 in these last days he[ } 9 τοῖς 8 πατράσιν 9 ἐν 10 τοῖς 11 προφήταις 12 ἐπ’ 1 τούτων 5 ἐσχάτου 2 ‹ τῶν 3 ἡμερῶν 4 › ]tois patrasin en tois prophētais ep’ toutōn eschatou tōn hēmerōnDDPM NDPM P DDPM NDPM P RD-GPF JGSN DGPF NGPF3588 3962 1722 3588 4396 1909 5130 2078 3588 2250has spoken to us by a Son, whom he appointed heir of all things,] ἐλάλησεν 6 ] ἡμῖν 7 ἐν 8 ] υἱῷ 9 ὃν 10 ] ἔθηκεν 11 κληρονόμον 12 ] πάντων 13 [elalēsen hēmin en huiō hon ethēken klēronomon pantōnVAAI3S RP1DP P NDSM RR-ASM VAAI3S NASM JGPN2980 2254 1722 5207 3739 5087 2818 3956through whom also he made the world, 2 3 who is the radiance of hisδι’ 14 οὗ 15 καὶ 16 ] ἐποίησεν 17 τοὺς 18 αἰῶνας 19 ὃς 1 ὢν 2 ] ἀπαύγασμα 3 } 5 τῆς 4di’ hou kai epoiēsen tous aiōnas hos ōn apaugasma tēsP RR-GSM BE VAAI3S DAPM NAPM RR-NSM VPAP-SNM NNSN DGSF1223 3739 2532 4160 3588 165 3739 5607 541 3588glory and the representation of his essence, * sustaining allδόξης 5 καὶ 6 ] χαρακτὴρ 7 } 9 αὐτοῦ 10 ‹ τῆς 8 ὑποστάσεως 9 › τε 12 φέρων 11 ‹ τὰ 13 πάντα 14 ›doxēs kai charaktēr autou tēs hypostaseōs te pherōn ta pantaNGSF CLN NNSM RP3GSM DGSF NGSF CLN VPAP-SNM DAPN JAPN1391 2532 5481 846 3588 5287 5037 5342 3588 3956things by the word of power. 3 When he had made purification for[ } 16 τῷ 15 ῥήματι 16 ] ‹ τῆς 17 δυνάμεως 18 › ] ] ] ποιησάμενος 24 καθαρισμὸν 21 ]tō rhēmati tēs dynameōs poiēsamenos katharismonDDSN NDSN DGSF NGSF VAMP-SNM NASM3588 4487 3588 1411 4160 2512sins through him, he sat down at the right hand of the‹ τῶν 22 ἁμαρτιῶν 23 › δι’ 19 αὑτοῦ 20 ] ἐκάθισεν 25 [ ἐν 26 ] δεξιᾷ 27 [ } 29 τῆς 28tōn hamartiōn di hautou ekathisen en dexia tēsDGPF NGPF P RP3GSM VAAI3S P JDSF DGSF3588 266 1223 846 2523 1722 1188 3588Majesty on high, 4 having become by so much better than theμεγαλωσύνης 29 ἐν 30 ὑψηλοῖς 31 ] γενόμενος 3 ] ] τοσούτῳ 1 κρείττων 2 [ τῶν 4megalōsynēs en hypsēlois genomenos tosoutō kreittōn tōnNGSF P JDPM VAMP-SNM RD-DSM JNSM DGPM3172 1722 5308 1096 5118 2909 3588angels, by as much as he has inherited a more excellent name thanἀγγέλων 5 ] ] ὅσῳ 6 [ ] ] κεκληρονόμηκεν 10 ] διαφορώτερον 7 [ ὄνομα 11 παρ’ 8angelōn hosō keklēronomēken diaphorōteron onoma par’NGPM RK-DSN VRAI3S JASNC NASN P32 3745 2816 1313 3686 3844theirs.αὐτοὺς 9autousRP3APM846The Son Superior to the Angels1:5 For to which of the angels did he ever say, “You are my son, todayγὰρ 2 ] Τίνι 1 } 6 τῶν 5 ἀγγέλων 6 ] } 3 ποτε 4 εἶπέν 3 σύ 10 εἶ 9 μου 8 Υἱός 7 σήμερον 12gar Tini tōn angelōn pote eipen sy ei mou Huios sēmeronCAZ RI-DSM DGPM NGPM BK VAAI3S RP2NS VPAI2S RP1GS NNSM B1063 5101 3588 32 4218 2036 4771 1488 3450 5207 45941Or “portions”2Or “the universe”; literally “the ages”3Some manuscripts have “by the word of his power. When he hadmade purification for sins, he sat down”N Noun J Adj D Def Art R Pron B Advb C Conj T Prtcl P Prep X Indcl • N Nom G Gen D Dat A Acc V Voc • S Sing P Plur • M Masc F Fem N Neut

1087 PHILEMON 25

for I hope that through your prayers I will be restored to you.

γὰρ 8 ] ἐλπίζω 7 ὅτι 9 διὰ 10 ὑμῶν 13 ‹ τῶν 11 προσευχῶν 12 › ] ] ] χαρισθήσομαι 14 ] ὑμῖν 15

gar elpizō hoti dia hymōn tōn proseuchōn charisthēsomai hymin


1063 1679 3754 1223 5216 3588 4335 5483 5213

Final Greetings and Benediction

1:23 Epaphras, my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus, greets you,

Ἐπαφρᾶς 3 μου 6 ‹ ὁ 4 συναιχμάλωτός 5 › [ ἐν 7 Χριστῷ 8 Ἰησοῦ 9 Ἀσπάζεταί 1 σε 2

Epaphras mou ho synaichmalōtos en Christō Iēsou Aspazetai se


1889 3450 3588 4869 1722 5547 2424 782 4571

24 and so do Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke, my fellow workers.

* * * Μᾶρκος 1 Ἀρίσταρχος 2 Δημᾶς 3 ] Λουκᾶς 4 μου 7 ‹ οἱ 5 συνεργοί 6 › [

Markos Aristarchos Dēmas Loukas mou hoi synergoi


3138 708 1214 3065 3450 3588 4904

25 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.

Ἡ 1 χάρις 2 } 4 τοῦ 3 κυρίου 4 Ἰησοῦ 5 Χριστοῦ 6 ] μετὰ 7 ὑμῶν 10 ‹ τοῦ 8 πνεύματος 9 ›

HĒ charis tou kyriou Iēsou Christou meta hymōn tou pneumatos


3588 5485 3588 2962 2424 5547 3326 5216 3588 4151

V Verb • A Aor P Pres F Fut R Perf I Impf L Pluperf • A Act M Mid P Pass U Mid/Pass • I Ind M Imper N Inf P Part S Subjunct O Opt

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