Asian Tribune August 26, 2022

Asian Tribune August 26, 2022 Asian Tribune August 26, 2022


¬∂Ù∆¡È «‡z«Ï¿±ÈEditor-in-Chief/Publisher: Yash SharmaVol. 12 No. 314 Tel: 780-2000-246, August 26, 2022Significant surplus, Royalties expected at $100 Billion by 2030Edmonton(ATB): Asoil and gas pricesskyrocketed betweenApril and June,Canadian petroleumproducers paid out acollective $8.4 billion inroyalties and $4.3billion in cash taxes togovernments,according to newresearch by ATBCapital Markets.That represents acombined $12.4 billionin royalties and taxesheaded to bothprovincial and federalgovernments during thesecond quarter. It’salso up a staggering788 per cent from theaverage level of suchrevenues collected from2018 to 2019, beforethe pandemic hit.The data is based uponsecond-quarter reportsfrom 22 publicly tradedoil and gas producersin Canada.“For private and nonreportingcompanies,we don’t know howmuch cash taxes androyalties they paid,”analyst PatrickO’Rourke of ATBCapital Markets saidTuesday.“You are seeing (theimpact) in the actualfinancial performanceof governments. TheAlberta governmenthas gone from deficit toa surplus.”Several factors arefuelling the dramaticescalation of energyrelatedrevenues andgrowing expectationsthat the trend willcontinue into 2023.The industry’sprofitability soared aftercommodity pricesjumped in the wake ofRussia’s invasion ofUkraine.A growing number oflarge oilsandsdevelopments havenow hit the post-payoutphase, elevating theminto paying a higherroyalty rate once theircapital costs arerecovered.Five oilsands projectsshifted into the higherroyalty tier in 2021 andanother is expected toreach it this year.During this year’sbudget, provincialofficials said 71 percent of total oilsandsproduction will reachpost-payout mode thisyear, up from just undertwo-thirds in 2021.Finally, tax poolsaccumulated over theyears by petroleumproducers have beenexhausted as thesector has returned toprofitability, O’Rourkesaid.The province’supcoming financialresults for the April-to-June period won’t bereleased until nextweek, but year-endfigures for the 2021-22budget year provide aglimpse of what’scoming: another waveof resource revenue.After initially projectinga large deficit last year,the province reported asurprising $3.9 billionsurplus for the fiscalyear ending in March,as resource revenueshattered previousrecords and hit $16.2billion.In an interviewTuesday, FinanceMinister Jason Nixonsaid royalty revenuesreported for the quarterthat ended June 30 willbe among “the highestnumbers that we haveseen” as a province.He also stressed thatthe situation remainsfluid.“I watch that price of oilevery morning. Itmoves quite a bit,”Nixon said. ”It’s goingto be a significantsurplus that I will betalking about.”Prices for West TexasIntermediate (WTI)crude topped US$120a barrel in early Juneand averaged $102 forthe first half of the year.However, oil fell below$90 a barrel last weekamid fears of a globaleconomic slowdownand weaker demand,before closing Tuesdayat $92.74.Nixon said somepotential budgetestimates from earlierthis summer were“upwards of doublewhere I think we’regoing to come out witha surplus, which showsyou how much oil andgas prices havechanged, even over thelast six or sevenweeks.Diazy is Adviser (Community)Calgary(ATB): AsianTribune is pleased toannounce that Ms.Daizy Dhillon hasaccepted the honoraryposition ofAdviser(Community) atCalgary.Daizy immigrated toCanada more than fourdecades ago.Besides managingvarious businesses,“So we are talkingshifts in tens ofbillions, which isastronomical.”While the situation isin flux, analysts aren’tanticipating oil priceswill suddenly plungeand send provincialrevenues into a tailspin.In fact, a report lastmonth from BMOCapital Markets saidhigher royalties are tohere “to stay” becausestronger commodityprices are expected(with WTI crude toaverage $85 a barrel in2025 and $75 longerterm) and oilsandsprojects are nowpaying higher royalties.Published in early July,the study said Albertaresource royaltiescould exceed $30billion in 2022 and $20billion a year through2030 — totalling $225billion by the end of this(Continued...Page 6)Daizy owned &operated SubwayFranchisee for eightyears and also servedAir Canada asLibrarian.Daizy’s inputs willdefinitely benefit ourcommunity asconcerns will find wayto media and in turnknock the doors ofconcerned authorities.

¬∂Ù∆¡È «‡z«Ï¿±È

Editor-in-Chief/Publisher: Yash Sharma

Vol. 12 No. 314 Tel: 780-2000-246, August 26, 2022

Significant surplus, Royalties expected at $100 Billion by 2030

Edmonton(ATB): As

oil and gas prices

skyrocketed between

April and June,

Canadian petroleum

producers paid out a

collective $8.4 billion in

royalties and $4.3

billion in cash taxes to


according to new

research by ATB

Capital Markets.

That represents a

combined $12.4 billion

in royalties and taxes

headed to both

provincial and federal

governments during the

second quarter. It’s

also up a staggering

788 per cent from the

average level of such

revenues collected from

2018 to 2019, before

the pandemic hit.

The data is based upon

second-quarter reports

from 22 publicly traded

oil and gas producers

in Canada.

“For private and nonreporting


we don’t know how

much cash taxes and

royalties they paid,”

analyst Patrick

O’Rourke of ATB

Capital Markets said


“You are seeing (the

impact) in the actual

financial performance

of governments. The

Alberta government

has gone from deficit to

a surplus.”

Several factors are

fuelling the dramatic

escalation of energyrelated

revenues and

growing expectations

that the trend will

continue into 2023.

The industry’s

profitability soared after

commodity prices

jumped in the wake of

Russia’s invasion of


A growing number of

large oilsands

developments have

now hit the post-payout

phase, elevating them

into paying a higher

royalty rate once their

capital costs are


Five oilsands projects

shifted into the higher

royalty tier in 2021 and

another is expected to

reach it this year.

During this year’s

budget, provincial

officials said 71 per

cent of total oilsands

production will reach

post-payout mode this

year, up from just under

two-thirds in 2021.

Finally, tax pools

accumulated over the

years by petroleum

producers have been

exhausted as the

sector has returned to

profitability, O’Rourke


The province’s

upcoming financial

results for the April-to-

June period won’t be

released until next

week, but year-end

figures for the 2021-22

budget year provide a

glimpse of what’s

coming: another wave

of resource revenue.

After initially projecting

a large deficit last year,

the province reported a

surprising $3.9 billion

surplus for the fiscal

year ending in March,

as resource revenue

shattered previous

records and hit $16.2


In an interview

Tuesday, Finance

Minister Jason Nixon

said royalty revenues

reported for the quarter

that ended June 30 will

be among “the highest

numbers that we have

seen” as a province.

He also stressed that

the situation remains


“I watch that price of oil

every morning. It

moves quite a bit,”

Nixon said. ”It’s going

to be a significant

surplus that I will be

talking about.”

Prices for West Texas

Intermediate (WTI)

crude topped US$120

a barrel in early June

and averaged $102 for

the first half of the year.

However, oil fell below

$90 a barrel last week

amid fears of a global

economic slowdown

and weaker demand,

before closing Tuesday

at $92.74.

Nixon said some

potential budget

estimates from earlier

this summer were

“upwards of double

where I think we’re

going to come out with

a surplus, which shows

you how much oil and

gas prices have

changed, even over the

last six or seven


Diazy is Adviser (Community)

Calgary(ATB): Asian

Tribune is pleased to

announce that Ms.

Daizy Dhillon has

accepted the honorary

position of

Adviser(Community) at


Daizy immigrated to

Canada more than four

decades ago.

Besides managing

various businesses,

“So we are talking

shifts in tens of

billions, which is


While the situation is

in flux, analysts aren’t

anticipating oil prices

will suddenly plunge

and send provincial

revenues into a tailspin.

In fact, a report last

month from BMO

Capital Markets said

higher royalties are to

here “to stay” because

stronger commodity

prices are expected

(with WTI crude to

average $85 a barrel in

2025 and $75 longer

term) and oilsands

projects are now

paying higher royalties.

Published in early July,

the study said Alberta

resource royalties

could exceed $30

billion in 2022 and $20

billion a year through

2030 — totalling $225

billion by the end of this

(Continued...Page 6)

Daizy owned &

operated Subway

Franchisee for eight

years and also served

Air Canada as


Daizy’s inputs will

definitely benefit our

community as

concerns will find way

to media and in turn

knock the doors of

concerned authorities.

English Page

Issue 314 (2) Asian Tribune August 26, 2022

Continuing Suspension of E-Visa to India for Canadian Nationals

Rajesh Sehgal

India currently has an

E-Visa facility being

offered and restored to

the nationals of eligible

156 countries out of the

195 counties in the

world. However, it may

be a frustrating and

rude awakening for

many Canadians who

plan to visit India by

availing of an E-Visa to

meet their friends and

relatives, sightseeing

and recreation, for

purpose of a business

meeting, medical

treatment, or attending

a conference or

seminar not

exceedingly more than

6 months, etc. as this

facility is still under

suspension for them

until further notice.

Even the earlier E-Visa

issued to Canadian

nationals before 2020

continues to remain

under suspension

although all regular

Tourist visa (except 10

years Tourist Visa)

issued before 2020 is

restored. Incidentally,

the remaining 39

nationals of the world

including Africa, China,

Iraq, Korea, Libya,

Pakistan, Somalia,

Sudan, Syria, and

Yemen are also found

ineligible to avail E-

Visa to India. In this

context, the nationals

of Ukraine, Russia, and

Taiwan who are

currently experiencing

war and conflict are

eligible for availing the

E-Visa to India despite

the fact that not many

people of Indian origin

are living in these

countries as compared

to those numbers in

Canada and United

Kingdom. Surprisingly,

the United Kingdom

also finds itself on the

list of countries

whose nationals are

not eligible for E-Visa

for India. Unarguably,

and comparatively,

both Canada and the

United Kingdom are

considered and widely

acknowledged as

safe and democratic

countries, Both

Canada and the

United Kingdom also

have a very high

vaccination dose as

compared to many

other 156 countries.

Hence, in not

removing the

suspension of the

facility of E-Visa for

Canadian nationals is

unfair and unfavorable.

Moreover, there are

tens of thousands of


Canadians, who visit

their home country and

they should not feel

discriminated against

for currently not being

able to avail of the

option of E-Visa at par

with the other 156

nations of the world.

The E-visa process

saves time, money,

and hassles as one can

apply from the comforts

of one’s home or office.

An online application

has to be filled in by the

applicant which

involves uploading

photos and passport

pages and required

documents, paying E-

Visa fees, and

submitting it. After

scrutiny of the online

application, an

Electronic Travel

Authorization (ETA) is

usually processed

which may take up to

72 hours or more, and

sent to the applicant by

email. The applicant

has to print that ETA

and present it to the

immigration check

post, where E-Visa is

stamped on the

passport. In case a

document or image is

not appropriate the

applicant is usually

contacted by e-mail

within 24 hours to reupload

that for

processing of E-Visa.

In contrast, a paper

application has

hassles of sending the

application and the

requisite documents,

visiting a bank and

paying service charges

to get a money order

or bank draft for the

Visa fees, then

arranging the (optional)

paid pickup and dropoff

services of courier

services to the BLS

Center in the

Consulate’s Consular

jurisdiction in Canada.

Alternatively, apart

from filling and

submitting an online

application, applicants

have to print the

application and

schedule an

appointment to

personally visit the

center of BLS

International Services

Canada Inc.

in the region to

submit applications

and documents for

Visas. Indeed, the

process of applying for

an E-Visa is more

convenient and saves

money, time, and

effort. Justifiably, the

E-Visa suspension for

Canadian nationals

should be withdrawn


Issue 314 (3) Asian Tribune August 26, 2022

English Page

Issue 314 (4) Asian Tribune August 26, 2022

English Page

Issue 314 (5) Asian Tribune August 26, 2022

Parhar Sharma &


Dental Group


Dr. Jatinder Parhar

Dr. Gaurav Sharma

Dr. Pawan Nyachhyon

Dr. Ahmed Zafar

Dr. Amrit Gill

Dr. Pragti Bimra

[780] 450-6200

Millwoods Office

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Edmonton, AB

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Edmonton, AB

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Edmonton, AB

T5H 3B5

Hindu Heritage month glorified

Edmonton(ATB): “It a matter of great

pride that we are celebrating Hindu Heritage

Month at Edmonton “expressed Arvind Aery,

President, Bhartiya Cultural Society of Alberta,


Three organizations, Hindu Society of

Alberta, Shirdi Sai Baba Temple, Edmonton

and Bhartiya Cultural Society jointly organized

the event and it will be an annual festival every

year moving to different locations of


Last year, Government of Alberta has declared

August as the Hindu Heritage month and

according to an order issued by the Alberta

Lieutenant General, August is a significant

month for Hindu communities as it coincides

with Raksha Bandhan, the commemoration of

Lord Krishna’s birthdate, and India’s

Independence Day.

The order further states that “celebrating Hindu

heritage provides an excellent opportunity for

Albertans to learn more about Hindu traditions

and develop a greater appreciation of the

beliefs and practices of their Hindu


“Asian Tribune” extend hearty good wishes

to the Hindu community during this month of


English Page

Issue 314 (6) Asian Tribune August 26, 2022



Native Village/Country parent’s


I hail from New Delhi, India. My Father

hasretired as a Gazetted Officer, Government

of India and mother was a stay home mum.

When & Why You came to Canada

Insecurity, the threat of harm experienced at

hands of powerful in nexus with some erring

police officers made me to leave my home

country. Also, safety of my family convinced

me to immigrate.

Your career advancement initiatives,

volunteer work and present occupation

My zeal and passion for social justice

changed my career path from a Civil

Engineering to entrepreneur background. I

went to Centennial College, Toronto in a

Graduate Certificate program with a major in

paralegal studies. Thereafter writing an exam,

I became a licensed paralegal member, Law

Society of Ontario. I am sole practitioner

providing legal services to the community in

small claim courts, immigration and refugee

matters and summary conviction matters that

carry a penalty up to two years less a day in

imprisonment under the Criminal Code of

Canada. I am a Commissioner for attesting

Affidavits and have also been appointed as a

Notary Public by the Provincial Government

of Ontario.

Your Regret in Life

Be careful and get to know the kind of person

you help, are they trustworthy and can hang

on and hold to the reason or cause they are

seeking help otherwise do not get involved

even remotely as they may infact entangle


Pick Any One of Your Best Achievements

Getting recognition as an avid author for

writing on the public issues that not only

impact the communities but the country as a

whole. Being the President of a registered Civil

Society Organization and a Federal Not for

Profit Corporation having objective to provide

‘PRO BONO’ legal services to the community

in near future. I am an officer of every court of

record in Ontario in which a paralegal is

authorized by law to provide legal services.

Were You Ever Discriminated?

Absolutely most of us do!

Are You Happy in Canada?

Hmmm. I have mixed experiences.

Any Comments on Canada’s Culture

World has become Global village. We should

Rajesh Sehgal

adapt the positivity and refrain from treading

the path which lead to self destruction as well

as harm to society.

Any Comments on Canada’s Weather

We live in a cold country and should be always

be prepared to face the vagaries of harsh

weather. I agree Canadian weather affect our

health, pose driving challenges and contribute

to our various challenges. However, the system

is there to lessen our hardships to a great


What Brought You Success in Canada?

Hard work, sincerity, integrity, focussed

approach and the great support of my family

besides unflinching support of my significant

half Rita Sehgal.

Are You Willing to Help New Immigrants

and How?

You bet. My exposure in legal profession can

definitely help the newcomers as regards their

rights. However, I will like to state that the rights

and responsibilities go hand in hand.

Your Message for Canadians of Asian


All of we have come crossing seven seas for

the betterment of our kids. Be involved with

them to provide valuable inputs regarding their

personal and professional goals. Always give

back to Society. Be united. Never feel pie is

small. Think out of box and grab the

humongous opportunities this country provides.

Significant surplus, Royalties

expected at $100 Billion by 2030

(Continued...Page 1)


“We estimate that

royalties would

exceed $100 billion by

2030 even at much

lower oil prices of $50,”

it noted.

February’s provincial

budget forecast a

small $511-million

surplus for this year

with oil prices

averaging $70 per

barrel in 2022-23, but

oil prices have been far

higher to date.

University of Calgary

economist Trevor

Tombe said if

benchmark prices

hover around $90 a

barrel, he expects this

year’s surplus will be

between $8 billion and

$10 billion.

However, much will

depend on fickle oil

markets, which have

dipped almost 15 per

cent since Canada


“It is still a massive

surplus for the province

and the tricky thing for

the minister is having

an update that is

credible in light of the

huge uncertainty that

we’re seeing,” said


“We shouldn’t forget

that while prices are

lower now…they are

still significantly above

the $70 that is needed

to balance the budget.”

With any surplus, the

provincial government

has committed to

paying down debt,

putting more money

into the Alberta

Heritage Savings Trust

Fund and using some

additional revenue to

pay for unbudgeted

measures, such as

removing the provincial

gasoline tax and

funding electricity

rebates. Nixon isn’t

concerned about the

recent oil price decline,

noting markets went

into negative territory

briefly in the spring of

2020 and languished

during the early months

of the pandemic, but

have since rebounded

strongly. “If you told us

two years ago we would

have been budgeting at

$80 a barrel, we would

have been quite happy,”

he said.

“It’s a proof point that

you’re dealing with fluid

oil and gas prices and

that you should not be

budgeting permanently

at high oil and gas


Orchards Seniors

celebrated “Teeyan”

Edmonton(ATB): “We

are delighted to

celebrate Teeyan with

our families” expressed

Shamiderjit Singh Gill,

the driving force behind


Orchards Seniors have

formed a group and in

the process of

registering the NGO.

Brookfield Residential,

the developer and flag

bearer of Orchards

Residents Association

and owner of Club

activities facility has

allowed Seniors to

avail their facility for

getting together on a

regular basis.

Dr Judi

Malone, NDP

nomination candidate

from Edmonton-

Ellerslie also joined

the festivities and

exchanged her

greetings and her

platform with the


Mahesh Inder

of Sun Blinds Group,

Edmonton distributed

gifts on behalf of their

organization in

appreciation of

c o m m u n i t y

inclusiveness and care

for each other.

The organisers

and prominent

personalities who are

actively supporting to

establish the

association are Sat Pal

Chand, Ashwani

Sharma, Harbans

Singh Sidhu, Gurjit

Singh, Jagtar Singh

Sidhu &Baldev

Dr Malone Endorsed by Local Leaders

(Ellerslie, Edmonton) Psychologist Dr Judi Malone’s support

as a health leader was reaffirmed by local health leaders.

Edmonton(ATB): “Judi

is not only a candidate

with passion and

interest, but she is

also a neighbor who

has focused her

professional life and

volunteer service on

advocacy for families,

individuals, and

children”, said Janet

Ryan-Newall, local

business owner and

mental health

advocate. “Judi has

fought tirelessly to

raise the bar when it

came to accrediting

psychologists,” said

Glynnis Lieb, social

activist and university

instructor. “Dr. Malone

is a proven leader and

community activist

whose collaborative

spirit and commitment

to the greater good are

built on a foundation of

integrity, empathy, and

selflessness”, said

Carmen Bellows, local


is a diverse and

growing constituency

where healthcare and

education have been

leading issues for


during this



“I am

honoured by,

and thankful

for, the

confidence of

s u c h



and health


said Malone.

“I am working hard to

serve psychologists

and Albertans at the

PAA, and I am working

just a hard to run this

campaign”. Dr. Malone

has a proven track

record of influencing

positive decisions that

matter to Albertans.

The date for the

nomination vote has

been set for 10

September 2022.

Although originally

contested by 5 Alberta

NDP member, only

three remain for the

final vote.

Dr Judi Malone

has been a successful

clinical psychologist

for over two decades

and has been the

recipient of 14 awards.

She is a

tireless volunteer

having served on over

15 community boards

and served the

community as an

academic, researcher,

and health leader with

over 30 publications.

Judi and her husband

Roberto, have one

child, Kira.


3211-97 St. NW Edmonton. AB T6N 1B7


P: 780-249-0031

F: 780-249-0041

E: www.

English Page

Issue 314 (7) Asian Tribune August 26, 2022

English Page

Issue 314 (8) Asian Tribune August 26, 2022

English Page

Issue 314 (9) Asian Tribune August 26, 2022


More mud-slinging

The Central Bureau of Investigation’s

(CBI’s) raids on multiple locations, including

the residence of Delhi Deputy Chief

Minister Manish Sisodia, regarding the

alleged wrongdoings in the Delhi Excise

Policy will further fuel the controversy over

the role of Central agencies. Sisodia,

under whose charge the policy was formulated,

has said that the CBI is “welcome”

to probe. Typically, the Central

government and the Bharatiya Janata

Party will justify the action as part of the

fight against corruption, whereas the Aam

Aadmi Party and rest of the Opposition

will decry this as ‘political vendetta.’ Be

that as it may, the role of the agencies

has to be streamlined in such a way that

no questions are raised about their functioning.

There was a time, not long ago,

when the CBI was regarded as an agency

whose officers were not just efficient but

also incorruptible. This impression got

reflected in several Hindi movies that were

made till a few years ago. Some of the

virtues attributed to the CBI officers may

have been mythical but still it was largely

seen as an organisation run by upright

officers; that, sadly, doesn’t appear to be

the case now. And then there is the Enforcement

Directorate, which rarely had

any image in folklore but now has become

a byword for political targeting. The CBI,

the ED, and other Central agencies ought

to become not just bodies committed to

the duties as laid down in their charters

but also should have the reputation as

such.While the Opposition is quick to accuse

the Narendra Modi government of

using these agencies to achieve political

ends, they have not come up with a positive,

constructive mechanism to cure the

malady. Everyone can see a problem—

and keep bemoaning it along with the

troubles that it brings in—but that doesn’t

serve any purpose; the point is to solve

it. Opposition leaders must come up with

a solution, if they want it. But do they really

want it in the first place? Or are they

biding for their time, waiting for their turn

in power so that they would use the same

agencies to settle the scores with BJP

leaders? After all, some of them did use

the agencies in the past to victimise the

people they didn’t like. But, if that is the

case, that would be revenge, not justice.

And, by the way, whatever happened to

the institution called Lokpal? Remember

the Anna Hazare movement, circa 2011?

It was the time when the entire nation was

told that Lokpal would be the panacea

for corruption. From apolitical citizens to

professional revolutionaries and all manner

of activists—everyone was enthusiastic

about the imminent Eden or

Ramrajya. To be sure, Lokpal did come

into being, but nobody knows what it is

doing; its name hasn’t appeared in newspapers

for a long time. As Ghalib wrote,

“Hota hai shab-o-roz tamasha mire aage.”

Get ready to witness another bout of political


Yash Sharma

Skilled people needed for sustainable growth

POSCO enforcement must for kids’ safety

Editorial Team

Prof . Harjinder Walia,

Ph.D (Journalism)

Former Head of Journalism

Punjabi Universty Patiala. (Punjab) India


Yash Sharma,

M.Sc (Hons), DMM

Publisher & Editor in Chief


Sat Paul Kaushal

Associate Editor, Calgary

403 903 8500

Raghbir Bilaspuri

Bureau Chief ( Punjabi)

Sunny Sharma

Bureau Chief (English)

Atul Seth, CPA,CGA

Financial & Management Consultant


Advisor (Community0

Tejinder Singh Bhateja


587 889 2340

Anita Sharma


Bureau Chief (Hindi)

English Page

Issue 314 (10) Asian Tribune August 26, 2022

English Page

Issue 314 (11) Asian Tribune August 26, 2022

(March 21-April 19)

(April 21-May 20) (May 21-June 20)

(June 22-July 22) (July 23-August 22)

(August 23-

September 22)

(September 23-October 20) (October 23 - November 21)

(November 22-

December 21)

(December 22-January 19) (January 20-February 19) (February 19- March 19)




English Page

Issue 314 (12) Asian Tribune August 26, 2022

Punjabi Page

Issue 314 (13) Asian Tribune August 26, 2022

Punjabi Page

Issue 314 (14) Asian Tribune August 26, 2022

Punjabi Page

Issue 314 (15) Asian Tribune August 26, 2022


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