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Vol.31 No. 112 Tuesday, June 14, 2022


Eviction Hangs Over INCHR For Rental Debts, If…

eport reaching this paper says the Debt Court

Rpresided over by Judge James Jones has issued a

Writ of Summons for Cllr. Dempster Brown and

Madam Mary Broh.

The Writ which was written

on June 8 cautioned the

defendants that if they fail to

appear, the court will be left

with no other alternative but

“Stay Out of Bomi Politics!”

-Snowe Warns College President

Bomi County Senator

Edwin Snowe has warned

t h e n e w l y i n d u c t e d

president of the Bomi

Community College (BCC)

to stay out of the county’s

politics if he wants to

succeed at the college.

He cautioned the president

o f t h e c o u n t y ’ s o n l y

institution of higher learning

to remain focused on his

d u t i e s a s a s c h o o l

Edwin Snowe

to render judgment of

default as provided by law.

They are to appear before

t h e D e b t C o u r t o f

Montserrado County sitting

in its July term regarding

some US$ 125,000 in rental

debts incurred by the

Independent Commission

on Human Right (INCHR).

The rental fee is owed by

the INCHR for using the

current premises in Sinkor

which was secured by the

Director General of the

General Services Agency,

Mary Broh through a lease

administrator and stay out

Cont’d on page 10

Lawmakers Call For Gov't's Compliance

…As House Leadership Signs MOU With NICOL Insurance

agreement with Mamud

Jallah and Adboui Barry,

owners of the said property.

Jallah and Barry’s six-count

actions of debt to the court

accused the two public

o ff i c i a l s o f a l l e g e d l y

r e f u s i n g t o s e t t l e

obligations with them from

July 1, 2021 to present.

They said the defendants

entered into an agreement

and had been in their

property mentioned but

have refused to comply

with the rental contract.

“Plaintiffs submit and say

that while it is true that nonpayment

of rent is not the

ground to evict or eject a

r e n t e r i n a n y r e n t e d

property, however, given an

u n a b a t e d n o n -

p e r f o r m a n c e p o s t u r e

exhibited over the years by

the defendants, plaintiff

request court to order the

defendants to pay all of the

outstanding rental owed

t h e m f r o m J u l y 1 t o

December 30, 2021 and up

t o n o w t o a v o i d t h e

inconvenience imposed on

t h e m f o r y e a r s , ” t h e

plaintiffs are pleading with

the court.

Apparently, the legal suit

has gotten the Commission

off balance to enforce its

m a n d a t e a s i t m i g h t

gradually be rendered a

toothless bulldog if it

reneges in going farther to

address some of the issues

that the human rights body

lifted in its annual human

rights situation report for

2021 and the first quarterly

human rights situation on

Liberia for 2022.

In the 1960s, a number of

pan-African heads of states

and scholars such as

K w a m e N k r u m a h o f

Ghana, Julius Nyerere of

Kenya, Sékou Touré of

G u i n e a a n d K e n n e t h

Cont’d on page 10




Over OIC Post

The Management of The

N a t i o n a l I n s u r a n c e

C o r p o r a t i o n o f L i b e r i a

(NICOL) and the leadership of

the House of Representatives

have signed a Memorandum

of Understanding (MOU).

The MoU is in keeping with

law, for the provision of group

Cont’d on page 10

US Ambassador To Liberia

Tours APM Terminals

Ambassador of the United

States of America to Liberia

Michael A. McCarthy and a

high-level delegation from

the US Embassy and

U S A I D v i s i t e d A P M

Terminals Liberia on June

9, 2022.

T h e v i s i t g a v e t h e

A m b a s s a d o r t h e

opportunity to see the

workings of Liberia’s largest

seaport, as well as to

receive first hand updates

o n m a c r o - e c o n o m i c

business development, ong

o i n g i m p r o v e m e n t

initiatives, and the Port

Cont’d on page 9

Cllr. Dempster Brown

MONDAY, JUNE 13, 2022 L$151.4294 /US$1 L$152.9794/US$1

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Frontpage | Page 5





“This is to inform all sectional heads of the Ministry of Mines

and Energy that Mr. Arma George Fully, Jr. has been appointed

as Acting Assistant Minister for Mines, Ministry of Mines and

Energy.” – Excerpt, Memo from Arthur C. Gotolo

By Lennart Dodoo, ldodoo@frontpageafricaonline.com

MONROVIA – FrontPageAfrica has in its possession

a memorandum circulated by the Director of Mines

at the Ministry of Mines and Energy announcing the

appointment of Mr. Arma Fully as the Acting Assistant

Minister of Mines, an appointment that did not come

from the Executive Mansion.

The Memo which was written by the Director of

Mines, Mr. Arthur Gotolo reads:

“This is to inform all sectional heads of the Ministry

of Mines and Energy that Mr. Arma George Fully, Jr.

has been appointed as Acting Assistant Minister for

Mines, Ministry of Mines and Energy.

In view of the above, you are asked to please accord

him all necessary cooperation for smooth operation of

the Ministry.”

When contacted for comments, the Public Relations

Officer at the Ministry said the appointment of Mr.

Fully met all the requirements of the Ministry to fill the

void created by Mr. Emmanuel T. T. Swen who was in

the United Kingdom pursuing a master’s program.

When questioned whether the appointment of such

a position was authorized and announced by Executive

Mansion, he said, not all appointments are announced

by the Office of the President.

He, however, said, Mr. Fully has returned to his

previous position due to the return of Mr. Swen.

Also speaking to FrontPageAfrica, Mr. Fully who

originally serves as the Director for Hydrocarbon at

the Ministry said his appointment was made through

a written recommendation from the Minister of State

for Presidential Affairs to the Minister of Mines and

Energy, Mr. Gesler Murray. He said, based on the

recommendation from Min. McGill, the Minister and

Energy Minister served him a letter of appointment to

the position of Acting Assistant Minister for Mines.

A copy of the letter from Min. McGill to Min. McGill


Mr. Minister:

I extend warmest greetings and write to kindly

request that you consider Mr. G. Armah Fully to act as

Assistant Minister for Mines. When considered, he will

act in the stead of Hon. Emmanuel T. T. Swen who has

been granted study leave in pursuance of his academic


As you are aware, Mr. Fully is currently the Director

of Hydrocarbon at your Ministry and has the requisite

technical and professional skills to administer the

Bureau of Mines accordingly.

Kind regards.

Sincerely yours,

Nathaniel McGill

Minister and Chief of Staff to the President

It can be recalled that President in April suspended

the Director-General of the National Bureau of

Concession (NBC) for dismissing his deputy, Nathaniel


President Weah described the action by the NBC boss

to terminate the services of Mr. Bracewell as arbitrary

and without due regard to the Office of the President.

At the same time, President Weah warned all public

officials to immediately refrain from exercising any

power, function, and duties assigned to the President

of Liberia, and to act within the confines of their






of the United

States of


to Liberia Michael A.

McCarthy and a highlevel

delegation from the

US Embassy and USAID

visited APM Terminals

Liberia on June 9, 2022.

The visit gave the

Ambassador the

opportunity to see the

workings of Liberia’s

largest seaport, as well

as to receive firsthand

updates on macroeconomic


development, ongoing

improvement initiatives,

and the Port Digitization

partnership between

APM Terminals Liberia

and the Liberia Revenue

Authority. Likewise,

the Ambassador learned

about the critical concern

of the port channel and

dredging requirement.

The delegation then

boarded tugboats and

participated in the

docking of a large clinker

vessel to the berth to see

in-person the marine

services provided by APM

Terminals Liberia in the

Freeport of Monrovia.

The challenges associated

to the lack of dredging

were made visible by

the need for specialized

maneuvering of the

Marine Pilots and the Tug

Masters to bring in vessels

safely and efficiently.

Commenting on the

operations of APM

Terminals Liberia and

its importance to trade

facilitation for the Liberian

economy, Ambassador

McCarthy stressed the

need for continuous

collaboration between

Liberian government

agencies and private

concession holders to

provide the most efficient

operations for Liberian

businesses and ultimately


“The Freeport of

Monrovia is critical

to Liberia's future.

The United States

and Liberia's other

trading partners believe

efficient and transparent

operation of the port is

vital to Liberia's future

growth and prosperity.

We support the efforts by

APM Terminals Liberia

to fully digitize customs

and port processes to

help achieve that goal.

We are pleased with the

progress we have seen

with digitization so far,

and we expect to see it

completed without delay,”

Ambassador McCarthy


As a multinational

port operator with 75

ports globally, and

specifically operations

in the United States

ports of Los Angeles,

Newark, Miami and

Mobile, APM Terminals

global has a long-lasting

relationship with the

United States of America

dating back decades. That

relationship includes the

use of a US Guard Coast

ISPS program active in

nearly all global seaports,

including the Freeport of

Monrovia, which better

facilitates global trade.

The Managing Director

of APM Terminals

Liberia highlighted

the importance of

such collaborations,

especially regarding

the Port Digitization


“The journey we have

embarked on to partner

with the Liberia Ministry

of Finance, Liberia

Revenue Authority,

Liberia Custom

Brokers Association,

Liberia Shipping Line

Association, and Liberian

Commercial Banks to

implement digitization

at the Freeport required

strong partnerships with

a clear vision of benefiting

Liberia consumers. The

US government has

been a strong partner

in this direction and

is fully on board in

supporting the process.

We are very pleased to

have such an important

partner providing such

great support to this

improvement initiative.

And most importantly

support to an initiative

that will bring such a great

benefit to the Liberian

business community

and to the Liberian

population.” Mr. Graham


During the visit, the

Ambassador and his team

interacted with various

management and staff

members and received

hand on instructions on

how tugboats function

and the extreme level

of teamwork needed

for complex marine


APM Terminals Liberia

marine coordinator

Sam Jabbah, who led

the visit on the tugboat

operations, commented

“It is great to see the

appreciation for the skills

and teamwork of the

APM Terminals Liberia

marine team. The Marine

Pilots and crews of the

tugboats and pilot boats

perform on a daily basis,

and it was a real pleasure

to show a delegation like

this the great work that

goes on the Freeport of


The visit is part of a

broader effort by the

Ambassador to strengthen

the relationship between

the United States of

America and Liberia,

especially in the areas of

trade facilitation.




French Version Inside


VOL. 12 NO. 101 TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2022

PRICE LD$40.00

US Ambassador tours APM Terminals Liberia

n i t e d S t a t e s

UA m b a s s a d o r t o

Liberia Mr. Michael

A. McCarthy and a high-level

delegation from the US

Embassy and USAID visited

APM Terminals Liberia on

June 9, 2022.

The visit gave the

Ambassador the opportunity

to see the workings of

Liberia’s largest seaport, as

well as to receive firsthand

updates on macro-economic

business development,

o n g o i n g i m p r o v e m e n t

initiatives, and the Port

Digitization partnership

between APM Terminals

Liberia and the Liberia

Revenue Authority.

He also learned about the

critical concern of the port

channel and dredging


The delegation then boarded

tugboats and participated in the

docking of a large clinker vessel

to the berth to see in-person the

marine services provided by APM

Terminals Liberia in the Freeport

of Monrovia.

The challenges associated

with the lack of dredging were







Newspapers Magazines Flyers Posters


Brochures Letterhead

Receipts Invoices Souvenirs etc...






OFFSET Printing



Email: info@thenewdawnliberia.com

Website: www.thenewdawnliberia.com

P.O. Box 1266 UN Drive & Center Street

Opposite NIC, Monrovia, Liberia

Published by the Searchlight Communications Inc., UN Drive, P.O. Box 1266 Opposite National Investment Commission. Monrovia-Liberia. Tel: +231-06484201, +231-77007529,

+231-886978282 / +231-775407211 Managing Editor: Othello B. Garblah; Editor-In-Chief: Jonathan K. Browne www.thenewdawnliberia.com; Email: info@thenewdawnliberia.com







more headline news

Koijee wants garbage

clubs in MCSS schools

By Lewis S. Teh

Monrovia City Mayor

Jefferson T. Koijee

is suggesting the

need to establish sanitation

clubs in schools operated by

the Monrovia Consolidated

School System (MCSS) across

Montserrado County to

enhance effective waste


"Let's begin to create

sanitation clubs in our

various high schools; it's my

c o n v i c t i o n t h a t t h i s

initiative will help everyone

By Kruah Thompson

h e M i n i s t e r o f

TGender, Children

a n d S o c i a l

Protection, Williametta E.

Saydee-Tarr has joined

hundreds of Liberian women

at the climax of fourteen (14)

days fast and prayer exercise

for Liberia and the Subregion.

The fast and prayers were

organized by the Liberian

Women Mass Action for Peace

under the banner “Women in

Peacebuilding Network

to change their mindset,

including students about

waste management”, he


Mayor Koijee spoke

recently at the D. Twe

Memorial High School in the

borough of New Kru Town on

Bushord Island, while

serving as guest speaker at

the induction ceremony of

newly elected officials of


He said cleanliness of any

city is not only the job of the

Mayor, but the entire


S p e a k i n g o v e r t h e

weekend at the Invincible

Park on Old Road, Minister

Saydee-Tarr told the women

that a society without peace

is like life in the state of

nature without knowledge,

noting that it erases all gains

and puts the country


She stressed that the

importance of peace for any

society is obvious, adding

that without peace, no

nation or no individual can


“We need to deal with the

minds of the people to

change their mentality and

clean their various homes,

communities and other public

areas in order to live in a safe

and clean environment and

stop waiting for MCC alone to

do all'. Let us begin taking

responsibility of cleaning our

City," Koijee stated.

He also stressed that

residents of Monrovia should

take the lead in giving the

city a facelift, adding that

waste collection and disposal

is very expensive in Liberia

and the world at large.

Mayor Koijee: "With your

collaboration, we can keep

our city clean so that it can be

compared to the best and

decent cities across the


At time the same time, the

MCC boss promised to work

with the newly inducted MCSS

officials in tutoring students

properly and adequately to

enhance their performance in

West African Senior Schools

Certificate Examination

(WASSCE).He called on the

best teachers in various

s u b j e c t s , i n c l u d i n g

Mathematics, Chemistry, and

English, among others to

come together and start

Solidifying peace is key

-Gender Minister tells praying women

move forward.

"Only in a peaceful

atmosphere can we continue

to grow as a nation and secure

our children’s future. We can

help keep the peace by

listening to each other and do

our best to understand each

other. We have to try to be

helpful to each other and see

o u r c o m m u n i t y a s a n

extension of our homes",

Minister Tarr continued.

She assured the women

that she will deliver their

petition to President George

Manneh Weah, saying "As

always, we know he is our

more headline news

tutoring public school students

under a single umbrella,

something he says, would help

students to perform well during

exams period.

He also promised to provide

food for both teachers and

students during their academic

excellent studies while they are

on campus.

He then extolled President

Weah for paying WASSCE fees for

all students writing the exams

across Liberia, including free

he Director General of

Tthe Center for National

D o c u m e n t a t i o n ,

Records and Archives (CNDRA) Mr.

Emmanuel Lomax has appealed

to government and development

partners to lend more support to

the Center to help address some

challenges there."The cultural

heritage sector of Liberia needs a

complete overhaul to meet up

with demands of the 21st

century", he said.Mr. Lomax

spoke recently at program

marking the celebration of

International Archive Day

organized under the auspices of

the CNDRA in Monrovia.

H e s a i d r e c t i f y i n g

international protocols and

treaties isn't enough, stressing a

need for government to take

practical steps to make the

National Archives what it’s meant

to be and to promote the image

of Liberia, while preserving the

country’s rich heritage.

Mr. Lomax added that doing so

would require government

through the National Legislature

to increase budgetary allocation

for the CNDRA, as a way of

m o t i v a t i n g i n t e r n a t i o n a l

partners to lend more support to

the Center.

premier champion and will

definitely ensure that all

mandated sectoral agencies

purposefully and intentionally

carry out their part as it relates

to the issues raised therein. You

can rest assured that this

President as the Feminist -In-

Chief, along with his second in

command - Chief Dr. Cllr. Jewel

Howard Taylor, who is a female

and as such will naturally seek

our interest as she has already

proven to be a staunch gender

equality enthusiast; we know

for a fact that our President

shall continue to support the

cause of the women of Liberia."

tuition policy at the University of


Koijee observed that these

interventions are making positive

impact in the lives of young

students nowadays, noting that

before then, parents had to

struggle to pay their children

school fees throughout, after

which they began paying exam

f e e s . H e s a i d t h i s w a s

disheartening for less-fortunate

parents and students, who are


National Archive appeals

for more support

By Lewis S. Teh

"We can't begin to ask our

partners for assistance when

national government isn't

demonstrating interest; our

government has to take bold steps

to encourage our partners", he

s t r e s s e d . H e c a l l e d o n

international partners, including

the U.S. government, ECOWAS,

AU, United Nations through

UNESCO to join the Government of

Liberia in lending support to

CNDRA for the improvement of the


The Director General explained

that the Archive is faced with

multi-dimensional challenges and

is in dire need of support, ranging

from renovation to equipping to

undertake its function and

mandate.“As you may be aware,

our mandate here at the Archive

covers the entire cultural heritage

landscape of Liberia, including

materials and performing arts such

as the Zeon arts, library, cultural

troops, the musical and movie

industry and historical sites”, Mr.

Lomax outlined.

The Center for National

Documents, Records and Archive

(CNDRA) was created in 1977. The

Agency oversees the acquisition,

maintenance, and dissemination

of documents and records that are

related to the functions of the

Government of Liberia.

She lauded President Weah for

sheltering praying mothers by

providing space for women from all

walks of life, Christians, Muslims,

Traditional alike.

Touching on sexual and genderbased

violence (SGBV), the

Minister appealed to all, including

parents to be watchful of their

children and the most vulnerable

amongst in their communities

against would-be perpetrators.

“You can never be too

protective. Let’s continue to make

our quest for peace very inclusive -

we need all hands on deck."

Editing by Jonathan Browne

DAILY OBSERVER Tuesday, June 14, 2022 Page A22 N26 16 59

Shop Owners Protest

Closures at Red Light

By Tina Mehnpaine

The arbitrary

shut down

of Red Light

market by

the Liberia

National Police on Monday,

June 13, has raised the ire

of business owners who

are now demanding the

reopening of their stores

with immediate effect.

The police had closed

the country’s largest

commercial center to

reinforce its backup

operation with the

Municipal Police of

Monrovia and Paynesville

in ensuring that Red

Light Market is cleared of


The operation seeks

to provide means for the

our businesses for one day

is dangerous,” said Teta


“The government is

making life very difficult for

its citizens,” said Emmanual

Duo, who also owns a store

in Red Light. “The business

people are taxpayers and

can’t not be treated in such

a manner. You can’t shut

down their businesses

because of the reason to

ensure restrictions. Allow the

business to go on why you

try to restrict the people,” he


When contacted, Police

Spokesperson Moses Carter

maintained that the police

had decided to restore order

at the market in order to

allow the road construction

to be carried out smoothly.

According to Carter,

the decision to shut down

businesses at the market is

for time indefinite.

“I can’t tell when we are

going to allow stores and

shops to reopen in the market.

We are working to remove

the street vendors from the

area so as to continue the

UNDP Invests US$860K to Grow Liberian

Businesses, Agri Cooperatives

UNDP Liberia

in partnership


iCampus Liberia,


launched the second round

of the Growth Accelerator

grant competition, which is

designed to provide finance,

business skills and mentoring

to accelerate the growth

of impactful business start-

completion of the road

project and ensure that

marketeers will return to

the newly constructed and

dedicated Omega Market.

However, the police

operation has been criticized

by marketeers and small

business owners who think

that such action deprives

them of livelihood.

And with emotions

running high,they yesterday

blocked traffic at the ELWA

Junction in response to the

police action and demanded

the reopening of their

respective shops and stores.

Many carried signs or

shouted “freedom”, as they

assembled at the ELWA

Junction, Paynesville

City Hall and at President

George Weah's Rehab

Road residence to call

for the reopening of their


They claimed that the

closures of the market would

make it difficult for them to

survive and take care of their


Red Light has remained

a place of contention for

several months as many

traders have been defiant to

the government’s mandate

to halt business activity to

allow the completion of the

ongoing road construction


But that has not been

the case, as the project

experienced delays, making

it difficult for the road

construction company to

operate its equipment, with

thousands of vendors who

spread their wares on the

roadside to sell.

Getrude Wilson, chairlady

of the group, said early

ups in Liberia.

This year the competition

seeks to identify and provide

grant funding and training

to seven (7) promising

business ventures, as well

as five (5) agricultural cooperative

societies as a means

of spurring growth and development

of agribusinesses

in Liberia.

Each successful venture

will receive up to

US$40,000 in funding to expand

their profit-making activities,

as well as business

development training and

mentoring to ensure they

succeed and transition into

fully fledged commercial

businesses that are generating

value for their owners

and stakeholders, as well as

providing employment to

Monday morning, they went

to open their businesses,

only to be stopped by police

officers who threatened to

beat them if they disobeyed.

She said there was no

notice from the police

informing them about the

abrupt closure.

“We went to Red Light

this morning but, to our

utmost surprise, they [police

officers] shut the whole Red

Light down. They said there

wouldn’t be any stores or

shops open. They barricaded

the whole place,” she said.

“We asked the police what

happened and they said that

we shouldn’t ask them,” she


“Some of us took loans

from Access Bank Liberia to

do business and we must sell

everyday to meet up with

our obligations. So closing

— Deadline for Round 2 Growth Accelerator grants is June 16, 2022

Amb. McCarthy Tours

APM Terminals Facility

US Ambassador



has led a


delegation to visit APM

Terminals Liberia to assess

the workings of Liberia’s

largest seaport, and the port

digitization projects.

While Amb. McCarthy

toured the facility, he said

it was important that government

and concession

holders, including APM

Terminals, provide the most

efficient operations for Liberian

businesses and ultimately


“The Free Port of Monrovia

is critical to Liberia's future.

The United States and

Liberia’s other trading partners

believe the efficient and

transparent operation of the

port is vital to Liberia’s future

growth and prosperity,”

the Ambassador said. “We

support the efforts by APM

Terminals Liberia to fully

digitize customs and port

processes to help achieve

that goal. We are pleased

with the progress we have

seen with digitization so far,

and we expect to see it completed

without delay.”

During the Ambassador's

visit on June 9, he boarded

tugboats and participated in

the docking of a large clinker

vessel to the berth to see

in person the marine services

provided by APM Terminals

Liberia in the Free

Port of Monrovia. The challenges

associated with the

lack of dredging were made

visible by the need for specialized

maneuvering of the

Marine Pilots and the Tug

Masters to bring in vessels

safely and efficiently.

He was informed about

the improvement initiatives

at the port which include a

digitization project between

APM Terminals Liberia and

the Liberia Revenue Authority.

people with disabilities, the

youth and women.

The Growth Accelerator

grant competition,

which is part of UNDP Liberia’s

Livelihoods and

Employment Creation

programme, will this year

invest US$860,000 towards

spurring the growth of micro,

small and mediumsized

business enterprises

(MSMEs) and agricultural

cooperatives into fullfledged

commercial entities

contributing to the reduction

of poverty and inequality in

the country through creation

of sustainable businesses

that can employ the youth,

people with disabilities and


“In 2021, we received

many entries in the first

round of the Growth Accelerator

grant competition and

noted a great demand for allround

business development

support. The interest highlighted

the entrepreneurial

US Ambassador McCarthy (center)

As a multinational port operator

with 75 ports globally,

and specifical operations

in the United States ports

of Los Angeles, Newark,

Miami, and Mobile, APM

Terminals global has a longlasting

relationship with the

United States of America

dating back decades.

That relationship includes

the use of a US Coast Guard

ISPS program active in nearly

all global seaports, including

the Free Port of Monrovia,

which better facilitates

global trade.

Commenting on the digitization

project, Jonny Graham

said the journey they

have embarked on with the

LRA and other government

agencies, is built on a clear

vision of benefiting Liberia

road construction work,” he

told the Daily Observer in a

mobile telephone interview.

The relocation of

marketers from Red Light

to Omega began on July

10, 2021. The decision was

predicated upon the need

to facilitate smooth process

of the road construction

work. The Minister of State

for Presidential Affairs,

Nathaniel McGill, once

said that the government

would lose more than US$1

million if sellers in the area

are not relocated to allow

the road construction work

to continue without any


But the government’s

mandate to relocate

marketers to the Omega

Market has been met with

constant resistance from

petty traders, who say there

is a lack of sufficient space

and other much needed

amenities at Omega Market

for everyone who would

move from Red Light to


passion and energy of Liberians,

which must be harnessed

and fully developed

to accelerate the country’s

growth and development,”

said Stephen Rodriques,

UNDP’s Resident Representative

in Liberia.

This year’s competition

scales up its support to 12

winners, up from last year’s

five winners.

“This is a huge investment

made by UNDP that

will go directly to impacting

the lives of individuals

who will emerge successful,”

said iCampus CEO,

Luther Jeke.


“The US government has

been a strong partner in this

direction and is fully on

board in supporting the process.

We are very pleased

to have such an important

partner providing such great

support to this improvement

initiative,” Graham said.

“And most importantly support

an initiative that will

bring such a great benefit to

the Liberian business community

and to the Liberian


Meanwhile, APM Terminals

Liberia marine coordinator

Sam Jabbah, who

led the visit on the tugboat

operations, said it was a real

pleasure to show the Ambassador

and his delegation

the working of the marine

pilots and the crews of the






Vol. 33 No. 037


The Nation’s NEWS Since 1989


JUNE 14, 2022 LD$40.00

Gov't Regrets Death Of Conjoined Twins



Final Training



‘Bad Medical Procedure

Leaves Child Crippled’

Parents Seek Assistance

By Elbie Sebleh

U.S. Ambassador Tours APM Terminals Liberia

…Backs Digital Processes

he Ambassador of the e c o n o m i c b u s i n e s s

TU n i t e d S t a t e s o f development, ongoing

America to Liberia improvement initiatives,

Michael A. McCarthy and a and the Port Digitization

high-level delegation from the partnership between APM

US Embassy and USAID Terminals Liberia and the

r e c e n t l y v i s i t e d A P M Liberia Revenue Authority.

Terminals Liberia.

Likewise, the Ambassador

A statement said the visit learned about the critical

gave the Ambassador the concern of the port channel

o p p o r t u n i t y t o s e e t h e and dredging requirement.

workings of Liberia's largest The delegation then

seaport, as well as to receive boarded tugboats and

firsthand updates on macro- participated in the

Court Clears GSA Employees

Of Multiple Charges


Emergency Meeting

...On Rule Of Law For 2023 Election

By Prince Saah


The task of the leader

is to get his people

from where they are to

where they have not been

JUNE 14, 2022 - Vol. 33 No. 037


NICOL Secures

GAC Begins


Gov't Regrets

U.S. Ambassador

docking of a large clinker vessel

to the berth to see in-person the

marine services provided by

APM Terminals Liberia in the

Freeport of Monrovia.

The challenges associated to

the lack of dredging were

made visible by the need for

specialized maneuvering of

the Marine Pilots and the Tug

Masters to bring in vessels

safely and efficiently.

C o m m e n t i n g o n t h e

operations of APM Terminals

Liberia and its importance to

trade facilitation for the

L i b e r i a n e c o n o m y ,

Ambassador McCarthy

s t r e s s e d t h e n e e d f o r

continuous collaboration

b e t w e e n L i b e r i a n

government agencies and

private concession holders to

provide the most efficient

operations for Liberian

businesses and ultimately


“The Freeport of Monrovia

is critical to Liberia's future.

The United States and

Liberia's other trading

partners believe efficient and

transparent operation of the

port is vital to Liberia's future

growth and prosperity. We

support the efforts by APM

Terminals Liberia to fully

digitize customs and port

processes to help achieve that

goal. We are pleased with the

progress we have seen with

digitization so far, and we

expect to see it completed

without delay,” Ambassador

McCarthy said.

As a multinational port

operator with 75 ports

globally, and specifically

operations in the United

States ports of Los Angeles,

Newark, Miami and Mobile,

APM Terminals global has a

long-lasting relationship with

the United States of America

dating back decades.

That relationship includes

the use of a US Guard Coast

ISPS program active in nearly

all global seaports, including

the Freeport of Monrovia,

which better facilitates global


The Managing Director of

APM Terminals Liberia

highlighted the importance of

s u c h c o l l a b o r a t i o n s ,

especially regarding the Port

Digitization implementation.

“The journey we have

embarked on to partner with

the Liberia Ministry of

Finance, Liberia Revenue

Authority, Liberia Custom

Brokers Association, Liberia

Shipping Line Association,

and Liberian Commercial

B a n k s t o i m p l e m e n t

digitization at the Freeport

required strong partnerships

with a clear vision of

b e n e f i t i n g L i b e r i a

c o n s u m e r s . T h e U S

government has been a strong

partner in this direction and is

fully on board in supporting

the process. We are very

pleased to have such an

important partner providing

such great support to this

improvement initiative. And

most importantly support to

an initiative that will bring

such a great benefit to the

Liberian business community

a n d t o t h e L i b e r i a n

population,” Mr. Graham


During the visit, the

Ambassador and his team

interacted with various

m a n a g e m e n t a n d s t a ff

members and received hand

on instructions on how

tugboats function and the

extreme level of teamwork

needed for complex marine


APM Terminals Liberia

Marine Coordinator Sam

Jabbah, who led the visit on

the tugboat operations,

commented “It is great to see

the appreciation for the skills

and teamwork of the APM

Terminals Liberia marine

team. The Marine Pilots and

crews of the tugboats and

pilot boats perform on a daily

basis, and it was a real

pleasure to show a delegation

like this the great work that

goes on the Freeport of


The visit is part of a broader

effort by the Ambassador to

strengthen the relationship

between the United States of

A m e r i c a a n d L i b e r i a ,

especially in the areas of trade


Court Clears

Page 8

Bad Medical

The Nation’s NEWS Since 1989

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