A History of Central Eastern Europe

Four towns in Zemplen Megye in Hungary are studied: Hosszu-Laz, Felso-Regmec, Nagy-Trna (now in Slovakia), and Satoralijaujhely; and two villages in the Spis region of Slovakia: Stara Ves and Majere with Lysa nad Dunajcom provide the backdrop for an overview of this part of Hungary and Upper Hungary from the 18th to 20th centuries.

Four towns in Zemplen Megye in Hungary are studied: Hosszu-Laz, Felso-Regmec, Nagy-Trna (now in Slovakia), and Satoralijaujhely; and two villages in the Spis region of Slovakia: Stara Ves and Majere with Lysa nad Dunajcom provide the backdrop for an overview of this part of Hungary and Upper Hungary from the 18th to 20th centuries.


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Growing up there was the Roman Catholic Church and …. everyone else. To the

Orthodox Church, they are rock, the foundation of Catholicism….and everyone else

claiming the Catholic label is just that …. everyone else. The Roman Catholics? The result of

their misunderstanding or misreading of the Holy Scriptures, it’s just so darn obvious – their

Schismatic all right, but not as bad as some of the other ones. So there’s the Orthodox

Church (associated with Russia) and the Roman Catholic Church one leaderless and the

other used to have warrior-kings as their leader. Then within the Roman Catholic Church

there are different “rites” the 2 biggies being the Latin Rite and the Byzantine Rite, basically

West/Rome/Latin and East/Constantinople/Byzantine. Now the Eastern Right churches have

all sorts of names and some have several names to one church….So ‘n’ So Byzantine Catholic

Church = So ‘n’ So Catholic Church of the Eastern Rite = So ‘n’ So Greek Catholic Church.

(Foggy on just how Greek got in, but it did) But with the Eastern Rite Catholic Church there

is often confusion with an alternate name used for Orthodox Churches on occasion – Eastern

Orthodox. What it all boils down to is more churches built for the same # of people – ergo –

there is competition to win & grow & beat your opponents. But for our purposes, let’s focus

on the Latin rite and the Byzantine rite. We grew up within the Latin rite – ‘nuf said. Greek

Catholic was the more a century ago, Byzantine Catholic is now preferred The Byzantine

Catholics have certain characteristics that set them apart (otherwise why have a schism?):

Byzantine liturgies and disciplines of the church used. (As do practically all Eastern

Orthodox – point of confusion)

Different set of prayers for mass

Different cycle of readings

Married parish clergy in countries of origin (though bishops are celibate)

Separating the sanctuary and the main church with a screen of painted icons

Giving communion and confirmation to infants at the time of baptism (Efficient)

Now, Eastern Orthdoxy has 12 national churches that look to Moscow. Parishioners

within these 12 different countries, at one point or another, started looking the other way

and we have 12 different national churches for the Byzantine Catholics – and each of these

has reunited with, is “in communion with” technically Rome at different times. Each

churches is equal in dignity to every other “in communion with” the “Patriarch of the West“

So, on one hand you can get the first 3 Holy Sacraments all at once at the hands of a

married priest, but only if that priest is Byzantine Rite. If the married priest is a Latin Rite

guy – then it’s all wrong, invalid, perhaps even a huge sin and everyone involved needs to be


Now that you’re, perhaps, even less clear (or more likely care even less) on these different

yet related, somehow, in a kinda odd way that can’t really be reckoned since both can’t really

be right, but neither can be wrong either…

condemned and even excommunicated. Talk about a classic case of split-personalities


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