A History of Central Eastern Europe

Four towns in Zemplen Megye in Hungary are studied: Hosszu-Laz, Felso-Regmec, Nagy-Trna (now in Slovakia), and Satoralijaujhely; and two villages in the Spis region of Slovakia: Stara Ves and Majere with Lysa nad Dunajcom provide the backdrop for an overview of this part of Hungary and Upper Hungary from the 18th to 20th centuries.

Four towns in Zemplen Megye in Hungary are studied: Hosszu-Laz, Felso-Regmec, Nagy-Trna (now in Slovakia), and Satoralijaujhely; and two villages in the Spis region of Slovakia: Stara Ves and Majere with Lysa nad Dunajcom provide the backdrop for an overview of this part of Hungary and Upper Hungary from the 18th to 20th centuries.


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offensive commenced with the 1 st Ukranian and 1 st Czecho-Slovak Army Corps to penetrate

Slovakia by crossing the Eastern Carpathian Mountains. 19 20 By the 19 th of September the

first trains full of German voluntary evacuees left eastern Slovakia. This voluntary

evacuation became mandatory on 27 October under orders from Berlin; more than

100,000 Germans fled in 6 months. Members of the 1 st Czecho-Slovak Army Corps entered

Slovakia through the Dukla Pass in Eastern Slovakia on October 6 th . Ultimately

unsuccessful after 2 months of fighting, 4,000 of the Corps were killed and 15,000 sent to

concentration camps. The majority of the POWs were released in November 1944.

Spišská Stará Ves

A few notes on the village before

moving on to its houses of worship and then

to other towns. Most of the customs,

traditions, celebrations and even clothing

styles have already been discussed in the

family biography you got a few years back –

it’s intermingled in the KUTARÑA family

biographies. Today the town consists of 2, or

in some places 3, streets that run parallel to

the main highway (Route 542). Most of the

buildings standing have been built within the last 70 to 100 years however a few older homes

remain. The Hotel Cyprian is considered to be nice, having 33 rooms, a restaurant and a bar

on the top floor. It serves tourists in the summer and those interested in snow sports in the

winter. The hotel is named after the

18 th c flying Monk Cyprian. A recent

visitor reports that the town …

… maintains its Old World

charm. Early in the morning,

you can hear the church bells

ringing and after they stop,

you hear the cowbells ringing

as the farmers walk their

herds past the hotel to take

them to pasture. It seems that

about every third cow has a

bell around its neck.

From our cousin Kathleen who visited SPIŠSKÁ STARÁ VES in 2000:

The next day I drove to SSV. It was an interesting drive, because, as you know, the

area is mountainous, so one drives up or down the river valleys, rather than as the crow

flies. The mountain villages look like open-air museums, but are living, working places

still. Spišská SV is another of the same. On entering, I found the graveyard, AND

there were three (or more?) tombstones with Kutarna or Kutarnova names. 21


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