A History of Central Eastern Europe

Four towns in Zemplen Megye in Hungary are studied: Hosszu-Laz, Felso-Regmec, Nagy-Trna (now in Slovakia), and Satoralijaujhely; and two villages in the Spis region of Slovakia: Stara Ves and Majere with Lysa nad Dunajcom provide the backdrop for an overview of this part of Hungary and Upper Hungary from the 18th to 20th centuries.

Four towns in Zemplen Megye in Hungary are studied: Hosszu-Laz, Felso-Regmec, Nagy-Trna (now in Slovakia), and Satoralijaujhely; and two villages in the Spis region of Slovakia: Stara Ves and Majere with Lysa nad Dunajcom provide the backdrop for an overview of this part of Hungary and Upper Hungary from the 18th to 20th centuries.


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SPIŠSKÁ STARÁ VES was a center of commerce and crafts by the late 14 th c. The

King granted the right to import, store and export wine, beer and other beverages to the

village in 1399 which made the 15 th c start off well. The area is famed for its’ delicate

lace, sheepskin coats and felt hats topped with eagle feathers. 17 Traders prospered here,

as the town was on an ancient and lucrative trade route from Poland to Hungary.

Health spas have enjoyed a long

history in the area as well. The

clean environment of the High

Tatras helps heal respiratory

illnesses. There are many

mineral and thermal springs in

the regions which are used in

the water cure used to treat

various illnesses. In the late 17 th

and early 18 th centuries the

water or nature cure became

increasingly popular in the area.

It was brought to the United

States in the latter half of the 18th

c and was the foundation upon which the healing discipline of naturopathy was built.

STARÁ VES is nestled in the Rieka Valley and straddles a stream of the same

name. The stream is a branch of the Dunajec River that serves as the border with

POLAND in this area. A short distance west of the village that international border turns

south overland while the river arcs northward.

The village has played host to royalty on several occasions: on 11 November 1411


II JAGIEŁŁO (c1362 – 1434) here and in neighboring SROMOWCE NIŻNE across the Dunajec

possibly to discuss the ramifications of the Polish victory over the TEUTONIC KNIGHTS,

ZSIGMOND’s ally, on the 15 th of July 1410 at the Battle of Grunwald. The armies of the

ORDER were decimated and led to the Peace of Thorn (February 1411) the ended the 2‐

year old Polish‐Lithuanian‐Teutonic War.

The Treaty of Lubowla of 1412 in which

the 16 ZIPS towns were mortgaged to

POLAND was negotiated in nearby

STARÁ ĽUBOVŇA and may have

contributed to the reasons behind the

November meeting. On 21 February

1474 negotiations in the succession

struggle for the throne of Bohemia

between MÁTYÁS CORVINUS (1443 –


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