A History of Central Eastern Europe

Four towns in Zemplen Megye in Hungary are studied: Hosszu-Laz, Felso-Regmec, Nagy-Trna (now in Slovakia), and Satoralijaujhely; and two villages in the Spis region of Slovakia: Stara Ves and Majere with Lysa nad Dunajcom provide the backdrop for an overview of this part of Hungary and Upper Hungary from the 18th to 20th centuries.

Four towns in Zemplen Megye in Hungary are studied: Hosszu-Laz, Felso-Regmec, Nagy-Trna (now in Slovakia), and Satoralijaujhely; and two villages in the Spis region of Slovakia: Stara Ves and Majere with Lysa nad Dunajcom provide the backdrop for an overview of this part of Hungary and Upper Hungary from the 18th to 20th centuries.


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German records it is found as both ALTENSTADT and ALTENDORF and it is found in

records dating from 1320 C.E. in Latin as VILLA ANTIQUA. While there are slight

differences in meaning, all can be translated as OLD TOWN. The Latin VILLA is used in

describing a country house, estate or farm while VICUS or VICULUS ANTIQUA would be a

more accurate way of naming a village “Old Town.” Considering that languages are not

static and are subject to regional peculiarities and the passage of 700 years – I think we

can safely state that it was close enough. Now that the Latin has been accepted as

correct we are confounded by the existence of another village less than 20 miles distant

that shares the same name! VILLA ANTIQUA is found in even older records, 13 th century,

and that place, in Slovak, is NOVA VES or (you guessed it) NEW TOWN! In German, stadt

refers to a city while dorf refers to a village. Both the Hungarian and Slovak forms are

direct translations of Villa Antiqua.

Slovak and Hungarian

linguistics use a system by which the name of the

COMITATE precedes the town’s name (in Slovak a modifying form is used and SPIŠ

becomes SPIŠSKÁ):

At first it appears

somewhat logical to contrast

“OLD TOWN” with a nearby

“N EW T OWN .” Two problems:

‣ First, no town is named O

T OWN at its’ founding

(remember UJHELY in

Hungary?); and


‣ Second, NEW TOWN is older

than OLD TOWN!

So how did it get its name?


A village born of intrigue

The first great landholder in SPIŠ known to posterity was EKBERT VON ANDECHS‐

MERANIA, brother of GERTRUDE, QUEEN OF HUNGARY. While brother‐in‐law to the

Hungarian KING ANDRÁS II, EKBERT’S already immense wealth grew astronomically, as

did many other of the Kings’ in‐laws.

SYNOPSIS (The short version): the KING brings the kingdom to near financial ruin after

enacting the Novæ Institutiones. This policy, in effect by 1206, allowed him to grant royal

lands to his supporters and, oddly, most of those just happened to be his in‐laws.

“He gave away everything - money, villages, domains, whole counties - to the utter impoverishment of

the treasury. Andrew was generous primarily with his (1 st ) wife's German relatives and followers,

which caused discontent among his subjects.” 9


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