A History of Central Eastern Europe

Four towns in Zemplen Megye in Hungary are studied: Hosszu-Laz, Felso-Regmec, Nagy-Trna (now in Slovakia), and Satoralijaujhely; and two villages in the Spis region of Slovakia: Stara Ves and Majere with Lysa nad Dunajcom provide the backdrop for an overview of this part of Hungary and Upper Hungary from the 18th to 20th centuries.

Four towns in Zemplen Megye in Hungary are studied: Hosszu-Laz, Felso-Regmec, Nagy-Trna (now in Slovakia), and Satoralijaujhely; and two villages in the Spis region of Slovakia: Stara Ves and Majere with Lysa nad Dunajcom provide the backdrop for an overview of this part of Hungary and Upper Hungary from the 18th to 20th centuries.


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ROYAL COUNTIES (late 10 th c – late 13 th c): Each county was the responsibility of a county head,

whose seat was a castle - a quasi-capital of the county. The county head was the representative of

the king, the judge, and the supreme law observance supervisor on his respective territory. He

collected the fees and payments in kind made by the subjects for the king, gave two thirds of

them to the king and kept the rest. His castle had special fortification and was able to withstand

long-term besieges. The royal county divided into castle districts; official language was Latin.

Royal County: Latin compagus civitatis / comitatus comitatus

Hungarian: vármegye / megye / várispánság

Slovak: kráľovský / komitát / župa / hradské španstvo

Royal County head: Latin: comes civitatis / comes comitatus

Hungarian: ispán

Slovak: župan

German: Gespan

Royal County Deputy:

Latin (only): comes castri / castellani

NOBLE COUNTIES (late 13 th c – 1848): In the late 13th century, the royal counties gradually turned

into noble counties maintaining the same borders, duties – support the king militarily – and the

title of county head. The noble county was an autonomous entity of lower gentry. It was led by

the comes who was appointed by the king for a specific amount of time with the right to recall,

and (mostly) by his deputy, appointed by the king, subject to increasing influence of the comes

from the 15 th c on. The comes were the supreme feudal lords of the county, usually held higher

offices such as Palatine or Treasurer and beginning in the 14 th c were the county castellan for the

castle. Beginning in the13th c, the real county administrator was the deputy county heads; they

presided over the county assembly, supervised the police, regulated and collected taxes and

maintained bridges and roads. The deputy became the effective county castellan or held an

equally influential post from the 15 th c.

Noble County: Latin: comitatus

Hungarian: vármegye / megye

Slovak: stolica / župa

Noble County head: Latin: comes

Hungarian: ispán

Slovak: župan

German: Gespan

Noble County Deputy: Latin: comes curialis / vicecomes

Hungarian: alispán / vicispán

Slovak: podžupan / vicišpán

German: Untergespan / Vizegespan

COUNTIES (1849 – 1918)

Main county head: Latin: comes (supremus)

Hungarian: főispán

Slovak: hlavný župan

German: Obergespan


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