Amboy Guardian 8_17_22
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10. The Amboy Guardian *August 17, 2022Peru Day, International Park, Perth Amboy 7/30/22 *Photos by Paul W. Wang

August 17, 2022 * The Amboy Guardian .11Persona IQ Smart Knee captures and transmits knee motion data that can optimizepatient monitoring, recovery and research after knee replacement surgeryHACKENSACK, NJ – HackensackMeridian HackensackUniversity Medical Center isthe first hospital in New Jerseyto use the Persona IQ SmartKnee, a knee replacement jointcomponent that securely tracksand transmits knee motion data.Physicians can then use the datato optimize patient monitoring,recovery and research afterknee replacement surgery.Yair Kissin, M.D., an orthopedicsurgeon and sports medicinespecialist with a special interestin treating conditions of theknee, was the first in the state toimplant the smart knee componentinto a male patient on July11, 2022.The Persona IQ implantableknee component includes a 10-year battery and sensors thatconstantly capture long-termpost-operative data on:• Cadence (steps per minute)• Average walking speed• Stride length• Range of motion• Distance traveled• Step countThe data collected by thesensors is transmitted daily tothe patient’s Home Base Station,uploaded to the securecloud, analyzed overnight, andmade available in the mymobilityCare Management Platformapp, which organizes anddisplays the data for patientsand physicians. In addition tographs and charts that displaycollected data over time, theapp includes patient educationHUMC Sugical OR- Dr. Yair Kissin - Ortho Knee Replacement and Persona IQmaterials, pre- and post-operativeexercises, and telemedicineand messaging capabilities.“The Persona IQ represents anexciting development in kneereplacement technology,” saidDr. Kissin. “Physicians canuse the collected data to monitorhow patients are doing aftertheir knee replacement, as wellas for research that will improvefuture knee replacement procedures.Patients can also use theapp to track their progress sincetheir surgery.”“As one of the premier jointreplacement programs in NewJersey, Hackensack UniversityMedical Center is at the forefrontof developing technologyfor knee replacements — includingrobotics and ‘smart’technology such as the PersonaIQ,” said Michael Kelly, M.D.,medical director of Orthopedicsat Hackensack Meridian Health.“The Persona IQ will allow usto monitor patient progress andpoint to areas of focus for futureresearch, such as enhancementsin component design or surgicaltechniques.”A surgeon must qualify patientsto receive a Persona IQimplant during their knee replacementprocedure.Pallone on Signing of the CHIPSand Science Act into LawEnergy and Commerce ChairmanAttends Bill Signing of Legislation that Invests$52 billion to Ensure More SemiconductorsAre Built Right Here in the United StatesPress Release 8/9/22WASHINGTON, DC – CongressmanFrank Pallone, Jr.(NJ-06) issued the followingstatement after President Bidensigned H.R. 4346, the CHIPSand Science Act of 2022, intolaw, which passed the Houselast month. The law will bolstersemiconductor manufacturing,boost resilience in U.S. supplychains, create good-payingAmerican jobs, and lower costsfor families in the United States.New Jersey could benefit fromthis investment in chip manufacturing,especially the NewJersey Innovation and TechnologyHub in New Brunswick.“By signing the CHIPS andScience Act into law today,President Biden is loweringcosts for consumers, creating100,000 good paying Americanjobs, and ending our dangerousdependence on foreign manufacturersof critical goods. It’sa pleasure to join him today forthis bill signing, which was apriority of the Democratic Congress.“Over the past three decades,America’s share of semiconductorproduction has plummeted,jeopardizing both our nationalsecurity and economic welfare.This new law appropriatesover $52 billion to ensure moresemiconductors are producedright here in the United States– ending our reliance on othercountries and lowering costsfor consumers for automobiles,consumer electronics, home appliances,and other goods. Myhome state of New Jersey hasa well-known reputation forresearch and manufacturing.There’s simply no reason whywe can’t invest in Americanworkers, innovation, and manufacturing.“This legislation invests $1.5billion in the Public WirelessSupply Chain Innovation Fundfor the deployment and promotionof Open Radio AccessNetwork, or Open RAN, 5Gnetworks. This investment willhelp bring diversity and innovationto wireless supply chainswhile also countering the spreadof harmful network equipmentfrom companies backed by adversarieslike Communist China-backedHuawei.“I’m pleased these two keyprovisions came from my Committeeand look forward to seeingthem bolster our economyand reduce costs for consumers.”You’re Invited to Sunday WorshipPERTH AMBOY - Please join us on Sunday mornings: 9:00 AMfor English Worship and Sunday School; 10:30 AM for HungarianWorship and Sunday SchoolRev. András Szász – Pastor; Organ Prelude - Richard Russell,Organist. We Extend an Open Invitation to All!Magyar Reformed Church, 331 Kirkland Place, Perth Amboy,NJ - 732-442-7799; www.mrchurchnj.orgParking behind the church on the Wilson Street side.PARA Partners with Morris Habitat for Humanityto Build Two Homes on Pearl PlacePress Release 8/9/22PERTH AMBOY – The PerthAmboy Redevelopment Authority(PARA) has contractedto sell two adjacent lots on PearlPlace to Morris Habitat for Humanityfor the construction ofsingle-family homes within aredevelopment zone.The two homes, to be constructedon two 25 by 100 lots,are part of a partnership betweenMorris Habitat and thePerth Amboy RedevelopmentTeam for Neighborhood Enterpriseand Revitalization (PART-NER), a non-profit that createshousing and economic opportunitiesfor low- and moderate-income residents. MorrisHabitat and PARTNER havebeen named as the project redevelopers.Blair Schleicher Wilson, CEOof Morris Habitat, said the nextstep is to seek construction approvalsfrom the city for the twohomes, which will ultimatelybe sold to families who meetlow income guidelines, but candemonstrate the ability to payproperty taxes, utilities and allother expenses related to homeownership. The homeowner selectionprocess will be completedby random selection; preferenceswill be given to veteransand current Perth Amboy HousingAuthority residents.“This type of partnership isa perfect fit with our vision ofcommunity redevelopment,”said Joel Rosa, PARA chair.“We are taking under-used parcelsof land and creating singlefamilyhomes for families whohave the dream of home ownershipthrough our relationshipwith Morris Habitat. It strengthensneighborhoods and fulfills adirect need.”The project germinated lastAugust, when Doug Dzema,Executive Director of the PerthAmboy Housing Authority, contactedMorris Habitat about thisopportunity that PARA posedfor these two parcels. The nonprofithad already been workingin Perth Amboy, completingtwo homes at 662 Cortlandt St.and 440 Lawrie St. and aboutembark on the construction oftwo others, at Inslee Street andGarretson Avenue.Morris Habitat, with a regionalterritory that includesMiddlesex County, has precisestipulations for homes. For example,all must be designed as“user friendly” as possible, withEnergy Star appliances, maintainence-freematerials, a singlegarage, handicap accessibility,the ability to use side and rearyards for recreation and plentyof storage space. All homes arefor sale; there are no rentals.“The exterior design of thehomes are slanted toward thenature of the existing neighborhood,”Wilson explained. “Notonly do we design our homesto be affordable for our homeowners,but we are also mindfulof the cost of living and maintaininga home. Those valuesare built into all of our Habitathomes.”Wilson expressed her appreciationto PARA for recognizingthe benefit of the Pearl Streetparcels, as they will ultimatelybecome dream properties forfamilies who never thought theywould have a chance to owntheir own homes.“Working with local redevelopmentagencies, MorrisHabitat is turning empty orblighted properties into new opportunitiesfor residents, whilestrengthening neighborhoods inthe process” she said. “We hopeto continually work with PARAas we embrace a shared visionfor a revitalized Perth Amboy.”

10. The Amboy Guardian *August 17, 2022

Peru Day, International Park, Perth Amboy 7/30/22 *Photos by Paul W. Wang

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