Monday, 15th August, 2022


Page 4DAILY ANALYST Monday, 15th August, 2022PRINPAG retains EdwinArthur as PresidentThe Elections Committee of the Private NewspaperPublishers Association of Ghana (PRINPAG) has declaredLAWYER ANDREW EDWIN ARTHUR Publisherof the New Independent and Incumbent President asthe winner of the Presidential Elections held by theAssociation in Accra on Friday, August 12, 2022.Edwin Arthur secured 32 votes against his competitor,Mr. David Tamakloe publisher of Whatsupnewsghana.comwho had 18 votes. Declaring the results, the Chairman of theElections Committee, Mr. Ben Assorow announced that allunopposed candidates had a YES Vote of 94% with 6% NO Votes.They were Mr. Michael Antwi-Agyei who won the position ofVice-President; Mr. Emmanuel Opare-Djan who was retainedunopposed as National Organiser; whilst Mr. Jeorge WilsonKingson was elected to the newly-created position of PublicAffairs Officer.In his remarks after the polls, the Chairman of the ElectionsCommittee Mr. Ben Assorow warmly commended thePRINPAG members for their 100% turn out which is an inspirationto the incoming Executives. He disclosed that the incomingexecutives shall appoint an Acting Treasurer till nominationis open for an election to elect a substantive Treasurer.The losing Candidate, Mr. David Tamakloe assured PRINPAGmembers of his support and readiness to represent the Associationat any level.The President-elect, Mr. Edwin Arthur thanked all membersfor their enthusiasm and overwhelming support at thepolls. He reiterated his commitment to the development of theAssociation and assured that he will continue the PRINPAGAGENDA of “Re-organization, Re-branding and Re-tooling” ofthe Association.The Swearing-in of the newly-elected Executives comes onby the close of August.Andrew Edwin Arthur, PRINPAG President-ElectPolice to reduce robberyresponse time to 10 minutesThe Inspector-General of Police Dr. George AkuffoDampare says the Police Service is working to reducerobbery response time to 10 minutes across thecountry.According to him, the initiative will be boostedwith the deployment of over 2000 personnel and motorbikesacross highways in the country in the coming days.Speaking at a public lecture on Policing at the Kwame NkrumahUniversity of Science and Technology (KNUST), the IGPsaid the service is committed to its responsibility of protectinglives and properties in the country.“We want to reduce robbery and crime response time to 10minutes across the country, we believe this is possible and itwill be done. When was the last time you heard of robberies onthe major highways in the country, the Police have men patrollingall those places.“We are going to deploy about 2000 motorbikes and officersto be patrolling all highways in the country,” the IGP noted.Dr. Akuffo Dampare also said in order to enhance disciplinein the service, all officers now have their names sewed in theiruniforms permanently for easy identification by the public.The IGP also revelled the Police Service has scaled up itsintelligence operations by committing adequate finance andHuman resources in the area.“We have our intelligence officers all over the place, in theUbers, shops and all over the communities. It’s very expensivebut we need to get the jobAlan’s supportersembark on health walkLast Saturday , the streetsof Kumasi in the AshantiRegion saw perhapsthe biggest health walkin contemporary times.Over 200,000 men and womenof all ages from different ethnicand religious backgroundswalked on the streets of Kumasito exercise their limbs and touse the walk as an opportunityto send a message to the currentMinister of Trade and Industry,Mr. Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen,that ‘Aduru ne so’ whichtranslates as, it is your turn.Mr. Kyerematen is a prominentfounding member of theruling NPP and many people arecounting on him to contest theoffice of flag-bearer in the NPPand eventually the presidentialelection of the Republic of Ghanacome 2024.Though Mr. Kyerematen himselfhas not officially declared hisinterest in contesting the NPPflag-beararship race, the mammothcrowd at the walk showedhow Ghana was eager to have thisfine gentleman of the land to leadthe country to catapult it to thenext level of transformationaldevelopment with his great ideas.Even before other potentialcandidates will settle on their decision,one thing that was prominentamong the answers givenby the crowd of health walkerswas that they know the focus ofMr. Kyerematen, they understandwell the mantra of 'Job for thePeople and Cash for the People'.Some of the people intimatedthat the unemployment ratein Ghana was high and the factAll new officers whopass out of the policetraining school cannow swim and driveas the Police trainingmodule has been reviewedto make trainees more efficientin responding to current crimetrends.This was disclosed by theInspector-General of Police Dr.George Akuffo Dampare at apublic lecture on Policing at theKwame Nkrumah University ofScience and Technology (KNUST).According to the IGP, the policetraining school module hasbeen changed to make it morepractical and effective.“The training school modulehas been changed to make it75% practical and 25% theoretical.Now all new police officerswho leave the training schoolcan swim and drive as part ofthe training so they can meetthe criminals anywhere. If thecriminals choose to swim, theofficers will meet them. We aretaking all necessary measures toensure that we protect lives andproperties”.The IGP also noted the Policethat more free SHS graduates willbe joining the job market soonmeant that Ghana required AlanKyerematen’s transformationalagenda to catapult the countryto the next level of sustainabledevelopment.Some of the placards and bannersat the walk read “Aduru woso”, “The right person for the job,‘Yenim wo firi tete’ “Alan Mer3nie, Asanteman hia wo, “Breakthe 8 with the unifier,” “PracticalEconomist, Adwadifo Adamfo,”“Father for all,” among others.The walk was organised bySpecial Interest Groups in AshantiRegion and was attended byplans to introduce a virtual policestation to make it possible for thepublic to file complaints online.“We are looking forward to aperiod where we will have virtualpolice station. Where you don’thave to show up at the policestation.“You just make your complainvirtually and then we will sendyou all the information. And wecan even virtually also invite thesuspect which is data processing.“And we evaluate and thinkmany lovers of Alan Kyerematen,who, for a long time, have beenwaiting for an opportunity to expresstheir love and appreciationfor the man Alan Kyerematen.The walk started early morningat the Bekwai roundaboutand the participants walked withlots of excitement. Most of themunderstood what they were doingand all participants were sure ofone thing, that Alan Kyerematenbecoming the next president ofGhana will definitely inure to thebenefit of all party members inparticular and Ghana as a whole.All new Police officers cannow swim and drive - IGPthat it is something that we canvirtually do than to show up atthe police station and be unattendedto and all that. So, we havea lot of work to do, but internallywith a press of a button you cansend messages to every police officeracross the country instantly,”the police chief said.“From headquarters to regionallevel we send documentselectronically that we need not tofind people to come pick it up anddo that,” Dr. Dampare added.

DAILY ANALYSTMonday, 15th August, 2022 Page 5Ghana's political complexionand the discolored patchesGhana, formerlyknown as theGold Coast is acountry locatedin West Africa.She has a notoriety for anumber of things whichinclude being the first sub-Saharan African country todisannex from British colonialism,the hospitablenessof its citizens, and the relativestability it has enjoyedover a protracted period.It is ranked as the mostpeaceful country in West Africa,2nd in Africa, and 38thglobally by the Instituteof Economics and Peace inits 2021 Global Peace Indexreport.She is named after theextinct but once prosperousGhana Empire, of the 7th to13th century situated in theNorth West of the moderndaycountry (modern-daysoutheast of Mauritania andwestern Mali).Technically, Ghana is awealthy country, endowedwith immense resources.The top cocoa producer alsohas abundant gold, timber,diamonds, bauxite, manganese,oil, and lithium hasbeen discovered in commercialquantities.But Ghana has not beenan exception from the "ResourceCurse" that bedevilsmany wealthy African countrieswith the potential tobecome extremely prosperous.The resource cursealso called the paradox ofplenty was firstly coined byRichard Auty in 1993 referringto the failure of manyresource-rich countriesto benefit fully from theirnatural resource wealth,and for governments inthese countries to respondeffectively to public welfareneeds.Good leadership haseluded this beautiful countryand we have mostly settledfor mediocrity. Slowlybecoming a microcosm offailed states.Interethnic and intratribalmarriages may havebecome popular in recenttimes, but Ghana has aGhana as volatile. It thriveson corruption and itswheels are oiled by it.A lot of our politiciansare well-read and exposed.Books written by great authorslike Niccolò Machiavelliwith tried and testedprinciples have been manualsused to manipulate themasses.Instances are "Men areso simple of mind, and somuch dominated by theirimmediate needs, that adeceitful man will alwaysfind plenty who are ready tobe deceived"."There is nothing moreimportant than appearingto be religious"."Cunning and deceit willevery time serve a man betterthan force to rise froma base condition to greatfortune"."Therefore it is unnecessaryfor a prince to have allthe good qualities I haveenumerated, but it is verynecessary to appear to havethem. And I shall dare to saythis also, that to have themand always to observe themis injurious, and that to appearto have them is useful;to appear merciful, faithful,humane, religious, upright,and to be so, but with amind so framed that shouldyou require not to be so, youmay be able and know howto change to the opposite"The political scene ischaracterized by a majorfragilefacade of unity. Inreality, we are divided intotribal lines. We don't needan anthropologist to do indepthresearch on this. Weare either faking oblivion ordeciding to live in denial.The 2021 Populationand Housing Census by theGhana Statistical Serviceput the literacy rate now at69.8 percent. This is quiteimpressive and indicates agood number of Ghanaianscould be on top of issues.Unfortunately, we havebecome more partisan thanever before. It may be forthe underlining conditionof tribalism. We are sharplydivided along tribal linesand our tribal biases arereflected in our choices. Ahigh literacy rate has notbeen enough to alter ourtribal stances. Since there islittle political dealignment,true accountability hasbeen nonexistent.Our society has evolvedand our value systemhas shifted. More prominenceis placed on money.The source is disregardedtotally. Leaders are a reflectionof their society and asmost of us lament abouthow corrupt our societyhas become, let us acceptthat it has been endorsedby a majority of us from ourhomes, churches, mosques,and work settings.I may describe the existingpolitical landscape inity of politicians statinguntruths, concealing thetruth, and paltering. Theycash in on the corruptibilityof electorates and playon tribal cards to acquirepower. After all most areblinded by partisanship.The media, a supposedfourth arm of government,which is to keep thepopulace informed and alsoserve as a whip of the governmenthas come out to bean aid in manipulating andmisinforming the peopleover many years.The media in the Ghanaianpolitical terrain isvulnerable. Their independenceis easily compromisedbecause it is mucheasier to influence most ofthem. Most professionalshere are financially displacedand work under verychallenging circumstances.A lot of media institutionsare owned by politiciansor people in bed withpoliticians. This sets thetone and position of workersin such establishments.Besides, they don't receivedecent remuneration orgood conditions of service.Consequently, wellmeaningjournalists havecome to find themselves inthe pockets of ambitiousand unethical politicians.Most have been. affiliates toone political party or more.Now the pattern andmodus operandi of mostGhanaian politicians havebecome predictable. Thepopulace has lost trust inmost politicians and politicaloffice holders. This airof mistrust has made thelandscape very volatile andGhana must move cautiously.Institutions thatwere once very reputableand seen as sacred in theirobligations seem to havebeen infiltrated by partisanpolitical puppets over someyears now.Religion was a restrainingbelt, but it is equallylosing its grip quickly asmany have come to see alot of these religious leadersas corrupt, unethical,and morally warped. Easilyinduced by money and visibleexploit their positionsto make more money.Politicians may have toearn their trust since manypeople are waking up to thefact that most of the electoratesare just a way to ameans for the politiciansto gain power. The charm iswaning off.In summary, the politicalclimate in Ghana is oneof distrust. It is one that isseen as an industry wheredeceit is peddled for greateconomic and financial potentialsand consequencesfor the politician and thosewho find favor with them.Long Live Ghana.By Dumenu CharlesSelorm

Page 4

DAILY ANALYST Monday, 15th August, 2022

PRINPAG retains Edwin

Arthur as President

The Elections Committee of the Private Newspaper

Publishers Association of Ghana (PRINPAG) has declared


of the New Independent and Incumbent President as

the winner of the Presidential Elections held by the

Association in Accra on Friday, August 12, 2022.

Edwin Arthur secured 32 votes against his competitor,

Mr. David Tamakloe publisher of

who had 18 votes. Declaring the results, the Chairman of the

Elections Committee, Mr. Ben Assorow announced that all

unopposed candidates had a YES Vote of 94% with 6% NO Votes.

They were Mr. Michael Antwi-Agyei who won the position of

Vice-President; Mr. Emmanuel Opare-Djan who was retained

unopposed as National Organiser; whilst Mr. Jeorge Wilson

Kingson was elected to the newly-created position of Public

Affairs Officer.

In his remarks after the polls, the Chairman of the Elections

Committee Mr. Ben Assorow warmly commended the

PRINPAG members for their 100% turn out which is an inspiration

to the incoming Executives. He disclosed that the incoming

executives shall appoint an Acting Treasurer till nomination

is open for an election to elect a substantive Treasurer.

The losing Candidate, Mr. David Tamakloe assured PRINPAG

members of his support and readiness to represent the Association

at any level.

The President-elect, Mr. Edwin Arthur thanked all members

for their enthusiasm and overwhelming support at the

polls. He reiterated his commitment to the development of the

Association and assured that he will continue the PRINPAG

AGENDA of “Re-organization, Re-branding and Re-tooling” of

the Association.

The Swearing-in of the newly-elected Executives comes on

by the close of August.

Andrew Edwin Arthur, PRINPAG President-Elect

Police to reduce robbery

response time to 10 minutes

The Inspector-General of Police Dr. George Akuffo

Dampare says the Police Service is working to reduce

robbery response time to 10 minutes across the


According to him, the initiative will be boosted

with the deployment of over 2000 personnel and motorbikes

across highways in the country in the coming days.

Speaking at a public lecture on Policing at the Kwame Nkrumah

University of Science and Technology (KNUST), the IGP

said the service is committed to its responsibility of protecting

lives and properties in the country.

“We want to reduce robbery and crime response time to 10

minutes across the country, we believe this is possible and it

will be done. When was the last time you heard of robberies on

the major highways in the country, the Police have men patrolling

all those places.

“We are going to deploy about 2000 motorbikes and officers

to be patrolling all highways in the country,” the IGP noted.

Dr. Akuffo Dampare also said in order to enhance discipline

in the service, all officers now have their names sewed in their

uniforms permanently for easy identification by the public.

The IGP also revelled the Police Service has scaled up its

intelligence operations by committing adequate finance and

Human resources in the area.

“We have our intelligence officers all over the place, in the

Ubers, shops and all over the communities. It’s very expensive

but we need to get the job

Alan’s supporters

embark on health walk

Last Saturday , the streets

of Kumasi in the Ashanti

Region saw perhaps

the biggest health walk

in contemporary times.

Over 200,000 men and women

of all ages from different ethnic

and religious backgrounds

walked on the streets of Kumasi

to exercise their limbs and to

use the walk as an opportunity

to send a message to the current

Minister of Trade and Industry,

Mr. Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen,

that ‘Aduru ne so’ which

translates as, it is your turn.

Mr. Kyerematen is a prominent

founding member of the

ruling NPP and many people are

counting on him to contest the

office of flag-bearer in the NPP

and eventually the presidential

election of the Republic of Ghana

come 2024.

Though Mr. Kyerematen himself

has not officially declared his

interest in contesting the NPP

flag-beararship race, the mammoth

crowd at the walk showed

how Ghana was eager to have this

fine gentleman of the land to lead

the country to catapult it to the

next level of transformational

development with his great ideas.

Even before other potential

candidates will settle on their decision,

one thing that was prominent

among the answers given

by the crowd of health walkers

was that they know the focus of

Mr. Kyerematen, they understand

well the mantra of 'Job for the

People and Cash for the People'.

Some of the people intimated

that the unemployment rate

in Ghana was high and the fact

All new officers who

pass out of the police

training school can

now swim and drive

as the Police training

module has been reviewed

to make trainees more efficient

in responding to current crime


This was disclosed by the

Inspector-General of Police Dr.

George Akuffo Dampare at a

public lecture on Policing at the

Kwame Nkrumah University of

Science and Technology (KNUST).

According to the IGP, the police

training school module has

been changed to make it more

practical and effective.

“The training school module

has been changed to make it

75% practical and 25% theoretical.

Now all new police officers

who leave the training school

can swim and drive as part of

the training so they can meet

the criminals anywhere. If the

criminals choose to swim, the

officers will meet them. We are

taking all necessary measures to

ensure that we protect lives and


The IGP also noted the Police

that more free SHS graduates will

be joining the job market soon

meant that Ghana required Alan

Kyerematen’s transformational

agenda to catapult the country

to the next level of sustainable


Some of the placards and banners

at the walk read “Aduru wo

so”, “The right person for the job,

‘Yenim wo firi tete’ “Alan Mer3

nie, Asanteman hia wo, “Break

the 8 with the unifier,” “Practical

Economist, Adwadifo Adamfo,”

“Father for all,” among others.

The walk was organised by

Special Interest Groups in Ashanti

Region and was attended by

plans to introduce a virtual police

station to make it possible for the

public to file complaints online.

“We are looking forward to a

period where we will have virtual

police station. Where you don’t

have to show up at the police


“You just make your complain

virtually and then we will send

you all the information. And we

can even virtually also invite the

suspect which is data processing.

“And we evaluate and think

many lovers of Alan Kyerematen,

who, for a long time, have been

waiting for an opportunity to express

their love and appreciation

for the man Alan Kyerematen.

The walk started early morning

at the Bekwai roundabout

and the participants walked with

lots of excitement. Most of them

understood what they were doing

and all participants were sure of

one thing, that Alan Kyerematen

becoming the next president of

Ghana will definitely inure to the

benefit of all party members in

particular and Ghana as a whole.

All new Police officers can

now swim and drive - IGP

that it is something that we can

virtually do than to show up at

the police station and be unattended

to and all that. So, we have

a lot of work to do, but internally

with a press of a button you can

send messages to every police officer

across the country instantly,”

the police chief said.

“From headquarters to regional

level we send documents

electronically that we need not to

find people to come pick it up and

do that,” Dr. Dampare added.

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