Monday, 15th August, 2022


Page 2Taiwan's foreign ministry tweeted an image ofmembers of the group being greeted at a Taipei airportAUS congressionaldelegation hasarrived for an unannouncedvisit toTaiwan, 12 days aftera tour of the island by HouseSpeaker Nancy Pelosi.Five members of Congresswill visit until Monday, saidWashington's de-facto embassyin the capital Taipei.China launched its largest-evermilitary exercisesaround Taiwan after Ms Pelosi'svisit earlier in August.Ukrainian PresidentVolodymyr Zelenskyhas accusedRussia of using"nuclear blackmail"at the Zaporizhzhia nuclearpower plant - Europe's largest.Russia seized the plant inMarch and has been accusedof turning it into a base fromwhere it hits nearby towns.Both countries have tradedblame for shelling it in recentdays, prompting UN warningsof a nuclear disaster.Mr Zelensky says any Russiansoldier who shoots at orunder the cover of the plant willbe a "special target".The six-nuclear reactorZaporizhzhia station is locatedin the city of Enerhodar, on theeastern bank of the DnieperRiver (Dnipro in Ukrainian) insouthern Ukraine.Russia invaded Ukraine on24 February, seizing the plantwithin days. Moscow has keptUkrainian personnel to operatethe facility.The UN has warned thatcontinued hostilities aroundthe station could lead to a nucleardisaster affecting much ofEurope.Russia has repeatedlydenied any wrongdoing at theplant.It says it seized control ofthe plant to prevent leaks ofradioactive materials duringfighting in the region.During his video addresslate on Saturday, Mr Zelenskysaid Russia had engaged in"constant provocations" byfiring on the plant and saidforces stationed there had usedBeijing sees the self-governingisland as its own, renegadeterritory that must bereunited with the mainland.It believes that missioncould be necessary with force,if other attempts at unificationare unsuccessful.Ms Pelosi became the mostsenior American politicianto visit the island in 25 yearsduring her appearance earlierthis month.Her brief, but controversial,stopover was labelled "manic,DAILY ANALYST Monday, 15th August, 2022irresponsible and irrational" bythe Chinese foreign minister.Speaking during a meetingof south-east Asian foreignministers in Cambodia, WangYi insisted that Taiwan would"eventually return to the embraceof the motherland".Beijing continues to carryout military drills near theisland. Earlier on Sunday, Taipeisaid it had detected 22 Chineseaircraft and six naval ships inand around the Taiwan Strait.At the height of China'smilitary exercises, Taiwanaccused its neighbour of tryingto change the status quo in theregion.On Sunday, its foreignministry published photos ofmembers of the US congressionaldelegation being greeted atUkraine war: Zelensky warns Russiansoldiers at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plantit as a base to shell the citiesof Nikopol and Marhanets - onthe other bank of the river.This was being done, thepresident said, to "blackmailour state and the entire freeworld". But he stressed that"Russian blackmail only mobiliseseven more global efforts toconfront terror"."Every Russian soldier whoeither shoots at the plant, orshoots under the cover of theplant, must understand that heis becoming a special target forour intelligence, for our specialservices, for our army," thepresident said.He added that "every day"of Russia's occupation of theplant "increases the radiationthreat to Europe".Ukraine's defence intelligenceagency also accused Russiaof a provocation by parkinga Pion self-propelled heavyartillery piece outside a nearbytown and painting a Ukrainianflag on it, in an attempt to discreditKyiv.A BBC investigation revealedearlier this week that many ofthe Ukrainian workers at thesite are being kept under armedguard amid harsh conditions.On Thursday, foreign minstersfrom the G7 group of industrialdemocracies demandedthat Russia withdraw from thesite immediately.Their warning echoed statementsfrom the United Nations'nuclear watchdog, the InternationalAtomic Energy Agency(IAEA), which called for an endto "all military activities thatendanger nuclear security".UN Secretary General AntónioGuterres has warned thatthe situation at the plant could"lead to disaster".Global NewsCongress team followsPelosi with second highlevelvisit in a monthan airport.A statement from the AmericanInstitute in Taiwan saidthe team's visit was part of awider visit to the Indo-Pacificregion.It added that the five members- led by Democratic SenatorEd Markey - would discussissues including regional security,trade and investment withTaiwanese leaders.The group are due to meetThe blaze happened in Giza, whichlies just across the Nile from CairoDozens of peoplehave died after afire broke out at achurch in Egypt,many of themcrushed during a desperatescramble to escape.Officials say the number ofdead is at least 41, with dozensinjured. Children are believed tobe among the dead.An electrical fire broke outas 5,000 worshippers gatheredfor Mass at the Coptic Abu Sifinchurch, security sources toldReuters.The fire blocked an entrance,causing a stampede, they said.Fire services say the blazehas been brought under control.The exact cause of the fire isnot clear.However, Father FaridFahmy, from another nearbychurch in the Imbaba neighbourhood,told the AFP newsagency that it was caused by ashort circuit."The power was out andthey were using a generator,"he said. "When the power cameback, it caused an overload."Worshippers have been explainingtheir moments sincethe blaze ignited.President Tsai Ing-wen onMonday.President Tsai's office saidthe month's second high-levelAmerican visit signalled "firmsupport" for Taiwan.The US does not officiallyrecognise Taiwan - only a fewcountries do - however, it doesmaintain a strong relationshipwith the island, which includesselling weapons for Taiwan todefend itself.Egypt fire: Dozens deadin Giza Coptic church"People were gathering onthe third and fourth floor, andwe saw smoke coming from thesecond floor. People rushed togo down the stairs and startedfalling on top of each other,"Yasir Munir told Reuters."Then we heard a bang andsparks and fire coming out ofthe window," he said, addingthat he and his daughter wereon the ground floor and able toescape.Egyptian President AbdelFattah al-Sisi offered his "sincerecondolences to the familiesof the innocent victims thathave passed on to be with theirLord in one of his houses ofworship".The prosecutor's office saidit had sent a team to the sceneto investigate the cause of theblaze.Giza lies just across the Nilefrom Cairo and is part of theGreater Cairo metropolis.Coptic Christians make upat least 10 million of Egypt's 103million people.Copts claims they facediscrimination and play a lesserpart in Egyptian public life thantheir numbers justify.

DAILY ANALYSTMonday, 15th August, 2022 Page 3GPRTU rubbisheslinks with ZoomlionFrontpage StoriesThe Ghana PrivateRoad Transport Union(GPRTU) has denied anylinks with ZoomlionGhana Limited as faras the mandatory towing levy isconcerned.In a statement, the unionsaid claims by Mr Bright Simons,Vice President of IMANI Ghana,on Wednesday 10 August,alleging that, the Ghana PrivateRoad Transport Union (GPRTU)“has cut a deal with the wastemanagement experts ZoomlionGhana Limited to impose atowing insurance service on ourmembers without a membershipballot” is “untrue”.“The leadership of GPRTUwishes to inform the generalpublic, Bright Simons and hislikes that, the GPRTU has no suchrelationship with Zoomlion inconnection with our life-savinginnovative towing insurancepolicy which is aimed at bringingsanity to reduce road fatalities.Indeed, we are awarethat Zoomlion’s business iswaste management and soour relationship with themis purely along the lines ofwaste collection. It is thereforeunfortunate that BrightSimons will engineer such awild allegation to spark anunnecessary uproar within ourrank and file.” A portion of thestatement saidGovt to support marketwomen with trucksRead the full statement belowRE: ZOOMLION IN CHARGEOF GPRTU MANDATORY TOWINGLEVY –BRIGHT SIMON ALLEGESAccra, 11th August, 2022, – Wehave read with disappointmenta story published by and attributedto Mr. Bright Simons, HonoraryVice President of IMANI Ghana,on Wednesday 10th August,alleging that, the Ghana PrivateRoad Transport Union (GPRTU)“has cut a deal with the wastemanagement experts ZoomlionGhana Limited to impose atowing insurance service on ourmembers without a membershipballot”.ALSO READ Zoomlion kickstartsproper handwashingcampaign in basic schoolsThe leadership of GPRTUwishes to inform the generalpublic, Bright Simons and hislikes that, the GPRTU has nosuch relationship with Zoomlionin connection with our lifesavinginnovative towinginsurance policy which is aimedat bringing sanity in order toreduce road fatalities. Indeed,we are aware that Zoomlion’sbusiness is waste managementand so our relationship withthem is purely along the lines ofwaste collection. It is thereforeunfortunate that Bright Simonswill engineer such a wildallegation in an effort to spark anunnecessary uproar within ourrank and file.The Leadership of GPRTU hashad broad consultations with ourmembers across the nation anddo not understand what BrightSimons meant by “membershipballot”. Over the years we havetaken decisions that havekept us together as a unionwithout acrimony. It is thereforeunfortunate that a person of hisstature would be motivated toput spanners in the wheels of acarefully thought-through policywhich has been widely acceptedby the membership of the GPRTU.We wish to state for therecord that between Januaryand June 2022, the National RoadSafety Commission has reportedthat 1,300 persons have beenkilled in road accidents in Ghana.These fatalities were associatedwith stationary and or brokendown vehicles on the road asreported by the National RoadSafety Authority. The reportindicates that nearly 8,000 peoplesustained various degrees ofinjuries during the same period.This according to the reportis even an improvement ascompared to previous years.These frightening statisticsas put out by the National RoadSafety Authority motivated theleadership of GPRTU to embarkon this initiative to help reduceroad carnage and protect roadusers. The GPRTU is poised andready to implement the initiativewith Road Safety ManagementServices Limited and otherstakeholders.We have successfullylaunched an app to aid membersto have access to towing vehiclesand, the over 2.6 million vehiclesoperated by our members haveagreed to subscribe to theinitiative through the app withdetails of their vehicles.One would have thought thata simple inquiry at the GPRTUregarding this matter wouldhave settled and rendered thetweet and the brouhaha it hasgenerated unnecessarily.We call, therefore, for anunqualified apology and also acomplete retraction from bothGhanaweb and Bright Simonson their false allegation tobring peace and further requesttheir support for the successfulimplementation of the project forthe safety of Ghanaian lives or wewill advise ourselves.SignedGODFRED ABULBIRE(GPRTU SECRETARY)President Nana Akufo-Addo has given theassurance that hisgovernment is doeverything practicallypossible to halt the rising foodprices in the country.Speaking at the closingceremony of the 22 GeneralAssembly of the PresbyterianChurch of Ghana at Kwahu-Abetifi in the Eastern region overthe weekend, President Akufo-Addo said arrangements werebeing made with market womento provide trucks to evacuate foodstuff from rural markets to urbancentres to help reduce food pricesin the cities.Furthermore, he said hisgovernment was encouragingcompanies and institutions toengage in the manufacturing ofinorganic fertilizers to scale upproduction to reduce the impactof high cost and unavailability offertilizers as “ we advance rapidlyour plan to establish an organicfertilizer plant in Ghana”.Touching on the poor stateof the economy, he said hisPresident Nana Akufo-Addogovernment was determined torevive and return the economyto the path of economic growthrecorded before the Covid-19pandemic.“The Akufo-Addo governmenthas not thrown up its handsin despair. We are determinedto bring relief to the Ghanaianpeople, and return the economyto the high rate of growth thatcharacterized development inthe three years preceding theCOVID-19 outbreak and whichmade our economy one of thefastest growing in the world atthe time.”“The approach to the IMFis a major step in the short runtowards that goal. Other stepswill be taken in particular todeal with the unacceptabledepreciation of the currency-the Cedis. Reining in inflationby bringing down food pricesis a major preoccupation of thegovernment and hopefully, thisseason’s emerging successfulharvest will assist us in thisregard,” President Akufo-Addosaid..Bawumia joins Ga Mashieto Celebrate HomowoVice President Dr.Mahamudu Bawumiaon Saturday joinedthe chiefs and peopleof Ga State (GaMashie) to celebrate the 2022 GaMashie Homowo festival.He paid courtesy calls onthe Ga Mants, Nii Tackie TeikoTsuru, the Gbese Mants, NiiAyibontey, Sempe Mants, NiiAdote Otintor, Nii Ahene NunooIII, Abola Mants and the AsereMants, Nii Nikoi Olai Amashi II.Everywhere he went, theVice President was received withspontaneous applause and cheersfrom the enthusiastic gathering.In a brief remark to the Sempechief and his people, Dr. Bawumiastarted with the usual Homowogreetings of 'Afi oo afi' beforeexplaining the purpose of hisvisit; to pay homage to the chiefsand people of the Ga State, saying“it is a beautiful festival andour Chiefs are the custodians ofour tradition and this is why onbehalf of the government and ourparty I'm here to pay homage toall the key chiefs in the Ga state.”He encouraged the traditionalleadership headed by the SempeMantse to keep up with the goodinitiatives being undertaken inthe area, with a pledge to be apartner in that regard.“Please continue to do all theVice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia exchangingthings you're doing to developthe Ga state. I want to assure youthat we will be by your side tosupport you to continue to do thegood work for the Ga state”, Dr.Bawumia pledged.He gave meaning to thatpledge by making a cash donationto support the reconstruction ofthe Sempe Mantse's palace, andalso presented assorted drinks tosupport the festivities.The occasion was also gracedby the National Chief Imamof Ghana Sheikh Usman NuhuSharubutu, and some members ofthe Diplomatic Corps.The traditional priest ofSempe later prayed for the VicePresident, asking God to grant hisheart's desires.HomowoThe Ga people celebrateHomowo which is translatedas 'hooting at hunger' inremembrance of a devastatingfamine arising from a droughtthat occurred in their history inprecolonial Ghana. The festivalstarts in August with the plantingof crops (mainly maize and yam)before the rainy season starts.During this period, noisemakingis prohibited or bannedsince it is believed that it willhinder the maturity of the crops.Even though it is a Gatraditional festival, many otherethnic groups also partake in thecelebrations.


Monday, 15th August, 2022 Page 3

GPRTU rubbishes

links with Zoomlion

Frontpage Stories

The Ghana Private

Road Transport Union

(GPRTU) has denied any

links with Zoomlion

Ghana Limited as far

as the mandatory towing levy is


In a statement, the union

said claims by Mr Bright Simons,

Vice President of IMANI Ghana,

on Wednesday 10 August,

alleging that, the Ghana Private

Road Transport Union (GPRTU)

“has cut a deal with the waste

management experts Zoomlion

Ghana Limited to impose a

towing insurance service on our

members without a membership

ballot” is “untrue”.

“The leadership of GPRTU

wishes to inform the general

public, Bright Simons and his

likes that, the GPRTU has no such

relationship with Zoomlion in

connection with our life-saving

innovative towing insurance

policy which is aimed at bringing

sanity to reduce road fatalities.

Indeed, we are aware

that Zoomlion’s business is

waste management and so

our relationship with them

is purely along the lines of

waste collection. It is therefore

unfortunate that Bright

Simons will engineer such a

wild allegation to spark an

unnecessary uproar within our

rank and file.” A portion of the

statement said

Govt to support market

women with trucks

Read the full statement below




Accra, 11th August, 2022, – We

have read with disappointment

a story published by www. and attributed

to Mr. Bright Simons, Honorary

Vice President of IMANI Ghana,

on Wednesday 10th August,

alleging that, the Ghana Private

Road Transport Union (GPRTU)

“has cut a deal with the waste

management experts Zoomlion

Ghana Limited to impose a

towing insurance service on our

members without a membership


ALSO READ Zoomlion kickstarts

proper handwashing

campaign in basic schools

The leadership of GPRTU

wishes to inform the general

public, Bright Simons and his

likes that, the GPRTU has no

such relationship with Zoomlion

in connection with our lifesaving

innovative towing

insurance policy which is aimed

at bringing sanity in order to

reduce road fatalities. Indeed,

we are aware that Zoomlion’s

business is waste management

and so our relationship with

them is purely along the lines of

waste collection. It is therefore

unfortunate that Bright Simons

will engineer such a wild

allegation in an effort to spark an

unnecessary uproar within our

rank and file.

The Leadership of GPRTU has

had broad consultations with our

members across the nation and

do not understand what Bright

Simons meant by “membership

ballot”. Over the years we have

taken decisions that have

kept us together as a union

without acrimony. It is therefore

unfortunate that a person of his

stature would be motivated to

put spanners in the wheels of a

carefully thought-through policy

which has been widely accepted

by the membership of the GPRTU.

We wish to state for the

record that between January

and June 2022, the National Road

Safety Commission has reported

that 1,300 persons have been

killed in road accidents in Ghana.

These fatalities were associated

with stationary and or broken

down vehicles on the road as

reported by the National Road

Safety Authority. The report

indicates that nearly 8,000 people

sustained various degrees of

injuries during the same period.

This according to the report

is even an improvement as

compared to previous years.

These frightening statistics

as put out by the National Road

Safety Authority motivated the

leadership of GPRTU to embark

on this initiative to help reduce

road carnage and protect road

users. The GPRTU is poised and

ready to implement the initiative

with Road Safety Management

Services Limited and other


We have successfully

launched an app to aid members

to have access to towing vehicles

and, the over 2.6 million vehicles

operated by our members have

agreed to subscribe to the

initiative through the app with

details of their vehicles.

One would have thought that

a simple inquiry at the GPRTU

regarding this matter would

have settled and rendered the

tweet and the brouhaha it has

generated unnecessarily.

We call, therefore, for an

unqualified apology and also a

complete retraction from both

Ghanaweb and Bright Simons

on their false allegation to

bring peace and further request

their support for the successful

implementation of the project for

the safety of Ghanaian lives or we

will advise ourselves.




President Nana Akufo-

Addo has given the

assurance that his

government is do

everything practically

possible to halt the rising food

prices in the country.

Speaking at the closing

ceremony of the 22 General

Assembly of the Presbyterian

Church of Ghana at Kwahu-

Abetifi in the Eastern region over

the weekend, President Akufo-

Addo said arrangements were

being made with market women

to provide trucks to evacuate food

stuff from rural markets to urban

centres to help reduce food prices

in the cities.

Furthermore, he said his

government was encouraging

companies and institutions to

engage in the manufacturing of

inorganic fertilizers to scale up

production to reduce the impact

of high cost and unavailability of

fertilizers as “ we advance rapidly

our plan to establish an organic

fertilizer plant in Ghana”.

Touching on the poor state

of the economy, he said his

President Nana Akufo-Addo

government was determined to

revive and return the economy

to the path of economic growth

recorded before the Covid-19


“The Akufo-Addo government

has not thrown up its hands

in despair. We are determined

to bring relief to the Ghanaian

people, and return the economy

to the high rate of growth that

characterized development in

the three years preceding the

COVID-19 outbreak and which

made our economy one of the

fastest growing in the world at

the time.”

“The approach to the IMF

is a major step in the short run

towards that goal. Other steps

will be taken in particular to

deal with the unacceptable

depreciation of the currency

-the Cedis. Reining in inflation

by bringing down food prices

is a major preoccupation of the

government and hopefully, this

season’s emerging successful

harvest will assist us in this

regard,” President Akufo-Addo


Bawumia joins Ga Mashie

to Celebrate Homowo

Vice President Dr.

Mahamudu Bawumia

on Saturday joined

the chiefs and people

of Ga State (Ga

Mashie) to celebrate the 2022 Ga

Mashie Homowo festival.

He paid courtesy calls on

the Ga Mants, Nii Tackie Teiko

Tsuru, the Gbese Mants, Nii

Ayibontey, Sempe Mants, Nii

Adote Otintor, Nii Ahene Nunoo

III, Abola Mants and the Asere

Mants, Nii Nikoi Olai Amashi II.

Everywhere he went, the

Vice President was received with

spontaneous applause and cheers

from the enthusiastic gathering.

In a brief remark to the Sempe

chief and his people, Dr. Bawumia

started with the usual Homowo

greetings of 'Afi oo afi' before

explaining the purpose of his

visit; to pay homage to the chiefs

and people of the Ga State, saying

“it is a beautiful festival and

our Chiefs are the custodians of

our tradition and this is why on

behalf of the government and our

party I'm here to pay homage to

all the key chiefs in the Ga state.”

He encouraged the traditional

leadership headed by the Sempe

Mantse to keep up with the good

initiatives being undertaken in

the area, with a pledge to be a

partner in that regard.

“Please continue to do all the

Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia exchanging

things you're doing to develop

the Ga state. I want to assure you

that we will be by your side to

support you to continue to do the

good work for the Ga state”, Dr.

Bawumia pledged.

He gave meaning to that

pledge by making a cash donation

to support the reconstruction of

the Sempe Mantse's palace, and

also presented assorted drinks to

support the festivities.

The occasion was also graced

by the National Chief Imam

of Ghana Sheikh Usman Nuhu

Sharubutu, and some members of

the Diplomatic Corps.

The traditional priest of

Sempe later prayed for the Vice

President, asking God to grant his

heart's desires.


The Ga people celebrate

Homowo which is translated

as 'hooting at hunger' in

remembrance of a devastating

famine arising from a drought

that occurred in their history in

precolonial Ghana. The festival

starts in August with the planting

of crops (mainly maize and yam)

before the rainy season starts.

During this period, noisemaking

is prohibited or banned

since it is believed that it will

hinder the maturity of the crops.

Even though it is a Ga

traditional festival, many other

ethnic groups also partake in the


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