Monday, 15th August, 2022

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Page 2

Taiwan's foreign ministry tweeted an image of

members of the group being greeted at a Taipei airport


US congressional

delegation has

arrived for an unannounced

visit to

Taiwan, 12 days after

a tour of the island by House

Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Five members of Congress

will visit until Monday, said

Washington's de-facto embassy

in the capital Taipei.

China launched its largest-ever

military exercises

around Taiwan after Ms Pelosi's

visit earlier in August.

Ukrainian President

Volodymyr Zelensky

has accused

Russia of using

"nuclear blackmail"

at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear

power plant - Europe's largest.

Russia seized the plant in

March and has been accused

of turning it into a base from

where it hits nearby towns.

Both countries have traded

blame for shelling it in recent

days, prompting UN warnings

of a nuclear disaster.

Mr Zelensky says any Russian

soldier who shoots at or

under the cover of the plant will

be a "special target".

The six-nuclear reactor

Zaporizhzhia station is located

in the city of Enerhodar, on the

eastern bank of the Dnieper

River (Dnipro in Ukrainian) in

southern Ukraine.

Russia invaded Ukraine on

24 February, seizing the plant

within days. Moscow has kept

Ukrainian personnel to operate

the facility.

The UN has warned that

continued hostilities around

the station could lead to a nuclear

disaster affecting much of


Russia has repeatedly

denied any wrongdoing at the


It says it seized control of

the plant to prevent leaks of

radioactive materials during

fighting in the region.

During his video address

late on Saturday, Mr Zelensky

said Russia had engaged in

"constant provocations" by

firing on the plant and said

forces stationed there had used

Beijing sees the self-governing

island as its own, renegade

territory that must be

reunited with the mainland.

It believes that mission

could be necessary with force,

if other attempts at unification

are unsuccessful.

Ms Pelosi became the most

senior American politician

to visit the island in 25 years

during her appearance earlier

this month.

Her brief, but controversial,

stopover was labelled "manic,

DAILY ANALYST Monday, 15th August, 2022

irresponsible and irrational" by

the Chinese foreign minister.

Speaking during a meeting

of south-east Asian foreign

ministers in Cambodia, Wang

Yi insisted that Taiwan would

"eventually return to the embrace

of the motherland".

Beijing continues to carry

out military drills near the

island. Earlier on Sunday, Taipei

said it had detected 22 Chinese

aircraft and six naval ships in

and around the Taiwan Strait.

At the height of China's

military exercises, Taiwan

accused its neighbour of trying

to change the status quo in the


On Sunday, its foreign

ministry published photos of

members of the US congressional

delegation being greeted at

Ukraine war: Zelensky warns Russian

soldiers at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant

it as a base to shell the cities

of Nikopol and Marhanets - on

the other bank of the river.

This was being done, the

president said, to "blackmail

our state and the entire free

world". But he stressed that

"Russian blackmail only mobilises

even more global efforts to

confront terror".

"Every Russian soldier who

either shoots at the plant, or

shoots under the cover of the

plant, must understand that he

is becoming a special target for

our intelligence, for our special

services, for our army," the

president said.

He added that "every day"

of Russia's occupation of the

plant "increases the radiation

threat to Europe".

Ukraine's defence intelligence

agency also accused Russia

of a provocation by parking

a Pion self-propelled heavy

artillery piece outside a nearby

town and painting a Ukrainian

flag on it, in an attempt to discredit


A BBC investigation revealed

earlier this week that many of

the Ukrainian workers at the

site are being kept under armed

guard amid harsh conditions.

On Thursday, foreign minsters

from the G7 group of industrial

democracies demanded

that Russia withdraw from the

site immediately.

Their warning echoed statements

from the United Nations'

nuclear watchdog, the International

Atomic Energy Agency

(IAEA), which called for an end

to "all military activities that

endanger nuclear security".

UN Secretary General António

Guterres has warned that

the situation at the plant could

"lead to disaster".

Global News

Congress team follows

Pelosi with second highlevel

visit in a month

an airport.

A statement from the American

Institute in Taiwan said

the team's visit was part of a

wider visit to the Indo-Pacific


It added that the five members

- led by Democratic Senator

Ed Markey - would discuss

issues including regional security,

trade and investment with

Taiwanese leaders.

The group are due to meet

The blaze happened in Giza, which

lies just across the Nile from Cairo

Dozens of people

have died after a

fire broke out at a

church in Egypt,

many of them

crushed during a desperate

scramble to escape.

Officials say the number of

dead is at least 41, with dozens

injured. Children are believed to

be among the dead.

An electrical fire broke out

as 5,000 worshippers gathered

for Mass at the Coptic Abu Sifin

church, security sources told


The fire blocked an entrance,

causing a stampede, they said.

Fire services say the blaze

has been brought under control.

The exact cause of the fire is

not clear.

However, Father Farid

Fahmy, from another nearby

church in the Imbaba neighbourhood,

told the AFP news

agency that it was caused by a

short circuit.

"The power was out and

they were using a generator,"

he said. "When the power came

back, it caused an overload."

Worshippers have been explaining

their moments since

the blaze ignited.

President Tsai Ing-wen on


President Tsai's office said

the month's second high-level

American visit signalled "firm

support" for Taiwan.

The US does not officially

recognise Taiwan - only a few

countries do - however, it does

maintain a strong relationship

with the island, which includes

selling weapons for Taiwan to

defend itself.

Egypt fire: Dozens dead

in Giza Coptic church

"People were gathering on

the third and fourth floor, and

we saw smoke coming from the

second floor. People rushed to

go down the stairs and started

falling on top of each other,"

Yasir Munir told Reuters.

"Then we heard a bang and

sparks and fire coming out of

the window," he said, adding

that he and his daughter were

on the ground floor and able to


Egyptian President Abdel

Fattah al-Sisi offered his "sincere

condolences to the families

of the innocent victims that

have passed on to be with their

Lord in one of his houses of


The prosecutor's office said

it had sent a team to the scene

to investigate the cause of the


Giza lies just across the Nile

from Cairo and is part of the

Greater Cairo metropolis.

Coptic Christians make up

at least 10 million of Egypt's 103

million people.

Copts claims they face

discrimination and play a lesser

part in Egyptian public life than

their numbers justify.


Monday, 15th August, 2022 Page 3

GPRTU rubbishes

links with Zoomlion

Frontpage Stories

The Ghana Private

Road Transport Union

(GPRTU) has denied any

links with Zoomlion

Ghana Limited as far

as the mandatory towing levy is


In a statement, the union

said claims by Mr Bright Simons,

Vice President of IMANI Ghana,

on Wednesday 10 August,

alleging that, the Ghana Private

Road Transport Union (GPRTU)

“has cut a deal with the waste

management experts Zoomlion

Ghana Limited to impose a

towing insurance service on our

members without a membership

ballot” is “untrue”.

“The leadership of GPRTU

wishes to inform the general

public, Bright Simons and his

likes that, the GPRTU has no such

relationship with Zoomlion in

connection with our life-saving

innovative towing insurance

policy which is aimed at bringing

sanity to reduce road fatalities.

Indeed, we are aware

that Zoomlion’s business is

waste management and so

our relationship with them

is purely along the lines of

waste collection. It is therefore

unfortunate that Bright

Simons will engineer such a

wild allegation to spark an

unnecessary uproar within our

rank and file.” A portion of the

statement said

Govt to support market

women with trucks

Read the full statement below




Accra, 11th August, 2022, – We

have read with disappointment

a story published by www.

ghanaweb.com and attributed

to Mr. Bright Simons, Honorary

Vice President of IMANI Ghana,

on Wednesday 10th August,

alleging that, the Ghana Private

Road Transport Union (GPRTU)

“has cut a deal with the waste

management experts Zoomlion

Ghana Limited to impose a

towing insurance service on our

members without a membership


ALSO READ Zoomlion kickstarts

proper handwashing

campaign in basic schools

The leadership of GPRTU

wishes to inform the general

public, Bright Simons and his

likes that, the GPRTU has no

such relationship with Zoomlion

in connection with our lifesaving

innovative towing

insurance policy which is aimed

at bringing sanity in order to

reduce road fatalities. Indeed,

we are aware that Zoomlion’s

business is waste management

and so our relationship with

them is purely along the lines of

waste collection. It is therefore

unfortunate that Bright Simons

will engineer such a wild

allegation in an effort to spark an

unnecessary uproar within our

rank and file.

The Leadership of GPRTU has

had broad consultations with our

members across the nation and

do not understand what Bright

Simons meant by “membership

ballot”. Over the years we have

taken decisions that have

kept us together as a union

without acrimony. It is therefore

unfortunate that a person of his

stature would be motivated to

put spanners in the wheels of a

carefully thought-through policy

which has been widely accepted

by the membership of the GPRTU.

We wish to state for the

record that between January

and June 2022, the National Road

Safety Commission has reported

that 1,300 persons have been

killed in road accidents in Ghana.

These fatalities were associated

with stationary and or broken

down vehicles on the road as

reported by the National Road

Safety Authority. The report

indicates that nearly 8,000 people

sustained various degrees of

injuries during the same period.

This according to the report

is even an improvement as

compared to previous years.

These frightening statistics

as put out by the National Road

Safety Authority motivated the

leadership of GPRTU to embark

on this initiative to help reduce

road carnage and protect road

users. The GPRTU is poised and

ready to implement the initiative

with Road Safety Management

Services Limited and other


We have successfully

launched an app to aid members

to have access to towing vehicles

and, the over 2.6 million vehicles

operated by our members have

agreed to subscribe to the

initiative through the app with

details of their vehicles.

One would have thought that

a simple inquiry at the GPRTU

regarding this matter would

have settled and rendered the

tweet and the brouhaha it has

generated unnecessarily.

We call, therefore, for an

unqualified apology and also a

complete retraction from both

Ghanaweb and Bright Simons

on their false allegation to

bring peace and further request

their support for the successful

implementation of the project for

the safety of Ghanaian lives or we

will advise ourselves.




President Nana Akufo-

Addo has given the

assurance that his

government is do

everything practically

possible to halt the rising food

prices in the country.

Speaking at the closing

ceremony of the 22 General

Assembly of the Presbyterian

Church of Ghana at Kwahu-

Abetifi in the Eastern region over

the weekend, President Akufo-

Addo said arrangements were

being made with market women

to provide trucks to evacuate food

stuff from rural markets to urban

centres to help reduce food prices

in the cities.

Furthermore, he said his

government was encouraging

companies and institutions to

engage in the manufacturing of

inorganic fertilizers to scale up

production to reduce the impact

of high cost and unavailability of

fertilizers as “ we advance rapidly

our plan to establish an organic

fertilizer plant in Ghana”.

Touching on the poor state

of the economy, he said his

President Nana Akufo-Addo

government was determined to

revive and return the economy

to the path of economic growth

recorded before the Covid-19


“The Akufo-Addo government

has not thrown up its hands

in despair. We are determined

to bring relief to the Ghanaian

people, and return the economy

to the high rate of growth that

characterized development in

the three years preceding the

COVID-19 outbreak and which

made our economy one of the

fastest growing in the world at

the time.”

“The approach to the IMF

is a major step in the short run

towards that goal. Other steps

will be taken in particular to

deal with the unacceptable

depreciation of the currency

-the Cedis. Reining in inflation

by bringing down food prices

is a major preoccupation of the

government and hopefully, this

season’s emerging successful

harvest will assist us in this

regard,” President Akufo-Addo


Bawumia joins Ga Mashie

to Celebrate Homowo

Vice President Dr.

Mahamudu Bawumia

on Saturday joined

the chiefs and people

of Ga State (Ga

Mashie) to celebrate the 2022 Ga

Mashie Homowo festival.

He paid courtesy calls on

the Ga Mants, Nii Tackie Teiko

Tsuru, the Gbese Mants, Nii

Ayibontey, Sempe Mants, Nii

Adote Otintor, Nii Ahene Nunoo

III, Abola Mants and the Asere

Mants, Nii Nikoi Olai Amashi II.

Everywhere he went, the

Vice President was received with

spontaneous applause and cheers

from the enthusiastic gathering.

In a brief remark to the Sempe

chief and his people, Dr. Bawumia

started with the usual Homowo

greetings of 'Afi oo afi' before

explaining the purpose of his

visit; to pay homage to the chiefs

and people of the Ga State, saying

“it is a beautiful festival and

our Chiefs are the custodians of

our tradition and this is why on

behalf of the government and our

party I'm here to pay homage to

all the key chiefs in the Ga state.”

He encouraged the traditional

leadership headed by the Sempe

Mantse to keep up with the good

initiatives being undertaken in

the area, with a pledge to be a

partner in that regard.

“Please continue to do all the

Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia exchanging

things you're doing to develop

the Ga state. I want to assure you

that we will be by your side to

support you to continue to do the

good work for the Ga state”, Dr.

Bawumia pledged.

He gave meaning to that

pledge by making a cash donation

to support the reconstruction of

the Sempe Mantse's palace, and

also presented assorted drinks to

support the festivities.

The occasion was also graced

by the National Chief Imam

of Ghana Sheikh Usman Nuhu

Sharubutu, and some members of

the Diplomatic Corps.

The traditional priest of

Sempe later prayed for the Vice

President, asking God to grant his

heart's desires.


The Ga people celebrate

Homowo which is translated

as 'hooting at hunger' in

remembrance of a devastating

famine arising from a drought

that occurred in their history in

precolonial Ghana. The festival

starts in August with the planting

of crops (mainly maize and yam)

before the rainy season starts.

During this period, noisemaking

is prohibited or banned

since it is believed that it will

hinder the maturity of the crops.

Even though it is a Ga

traditional festival, many other

ethnic groups also partake in the


Page 4

DAILY ANALYST Monday, 15th August, 2022

PRINPAG retains Edwin

Arthur as President

The Elections Committee of the Private Newspaper

Publishers Association of Ghana (PRINPAG) has declared


of the New Independent and Incumbent President as

the winner of the Presidential Elections held by the

Association in Accra on Friday, August 12, 2022.

Edwin Arthur secured 32 votes against his competitor,

Mr. David Tamakloe publisher of Whatsupnewsghana.com

who had 18 votes. Declaring the results, the Chairman of the

Elections Committee, Mr. Ben Assorow announced that all

unopposed candidates had a YES Vote of 94% with 6% NO Votes.

They were Mr. Michael Antwi-Agyei who won the position of

Vice-President; Mr. Emmanuel Opare-Djan who was retained

unopposed as National Organiser; whilst Mr. Jeorge Wilson

Kingson was elected to the newly-created position of Public

Affairs Officer.

In his remarks after the polls, the Chairman of the Elections

Committee Mr. Ben Assorow warmly commended the

PRINPAG members for their 100% turn out which is an inspiration

to the incoming Executives. He disclosed that the incoming

executives shall appoint an Acting Treasurer till nomination

is open for an election to elect a substantive Treasurer.

The losing Candidate, Mr. David Tamakloe assured PRINPAG

members of his support and readiness to represent the Association

at any level.

The President-elect, Mr. Edwin Arthur thanked all members

for their enthusiasm and overwhelming support at the

polls. He reiterated his commitment to the development of the

Association and assured that he will continue the PRINPAG

AGENDA of “Re-organization, Re-branding and Re-tooling” of

the Association.

The Swearing-in of the newly-elected Executives comes on

by the close of August.

Andrew Edwin Arthur, PRINPAG President-Elect

Police to reduce robbery

response time to 10 minutes

The Inspector-General of Police Dr. George Akuffo

Dampare says the Police Service is working to reduce

robbery response time to 10 minutes across the


According to him, the initiative will be boosted

with the deployment of over 2000 personnel and motorbikes

across highways in the country in the coming days.

Speaking at a public lecture on Policing at the Kwame Nkrumah

University of Science and Technology (KNUST), the IGP

said the service is committed to its responsibility of protecting

lives and properties in the country.

“We want to reduce robbery and crime response time to 10

minutes across the country, we believe this is possible and it

will be done. When was the last time you heard of robberies on

the major highways in the country, the Police have men patrolling

all those places.

“We are going to deploy about 2000 motorbikes and officers

to be patrolling all highways in the country,” the IGP noted.

Dr. Akuffo Dampare also said in order to enhance discipline

in the service, all officers now have their names sewed in their

uniforms permanently for easy identification by the public.

The IGP also revelled the Police Service has scaled up its

intelligence operations by committing adequate finance and

Human resources in the area.

“We have our intelligence officers all over the place, in the

Ubers, shops and all over the communities. It’s very expensive

but we need to get the job

Alan’s supporters

embark on health walk

Last Saturday , the streets

of Kumasi in the Ashanti

Region saw perhaps

the biggest health walk

in contemporary times.

Over 200,000 men and women

of all ages from different ethnic

and religious backgrounds

walked on the streets of Kumasi

to exercise their limbs and to

use the walk as an opportunity

to send a message to the current

Minister of Trade and Industry,

Mr. Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen,

that ‘Aduru ne so’ which

translates as, it is your turn.

Mr. Kyerematen is a prominent

founding member of the

ruling NPP and many people are

counting on him to contest the

office of flag-bearer in the NPP

and eventually the presidential

election of the Republic of Ghana

come 2024.

Though Mr. Kyerematen himself

has not officially declared his

interest in contesting the NPP

flag-beararship race, the mammoth

crowd at the walk showed

how Ghana was eager to have this

fine gentleman of the land to lead

the country to catapult it to the

next level of transformational

development with his great ideas.

Even before other potential

candidates will settle on their decision,

one thing that was prominent

among the answers given

by the crowd of health walkers

was that they know the focus of

Mr. Kyerematen, they understand

well the mantra of 'Job for the

People and Cash for the People'.

Some of the people intimated

that the unemployment rate

in Ghana was high and the fact

All new officers who

pass out of the police

training school can

now swim and drive

as the Police training

module has been reviewed

to make trainees more efficient

in responding to current crime


This was disclosed by the

Inspector-General of Police Dr.

George Akuffo Dampare at a

public lecture on Policing at the

Kwame Nkrumah University of

Science and Technology (KNUST).

According to the IGP, the police

training school module has

been changed to make it more

practical and effective.

“The training school module

has been changed to make it

75% practical and 25% theoretical.

Now all new police officers

who leave the training school

can swim and drive as part of

the training so they can meet

the criminals anywhere. If the

criminals choose to swim, the

officers will meet them. We are

taking all necessary measures to

ensure that we protect lives and


The IGP also noted the Police

that more free SHS graduates will

be joining the job market soon

meant that Ghana required Alan

Kyerematen’s transformational

agenda to catapult the country

to the next level of sustainable


Some of the placards and banners

at the walk read “Aduru wo

so”, “The right person for the job,

‘Yenim wo firi tete’ “Alan Mer3

nie, Asanteman hia wo, “Break

the 8 with the unifier,” “Practical

Economist, Adwadifo Adamfo,”

“Father for all,” among others.

The walk was organised by

Special Interest Groups in Ashanti

Region and was attended by

plans to introduce a virtual police

station to make it possible for the

public to file complaints online.

“We are looking forward to a

period where we will have virtual

police station. Where you don’t

have to show up at the police


“You just make your complain

virtually and then we will send

you all the information. And we

can even virtually also invite the

suspect which is data processing.

“And we evaluate and think

many lovers of Alan Kyerematen,

who, for a long time, have been

waiting for an opportunity to express

their love and appreciation

for the man Alan Kyerematen.

The walk started early morning

at the Bekwai roundabout

and the participants walked with

lots of excitement. Most of them

understood what they were doing

and all participants were sure of

one thing, that Alan Kyerematen

becoming the next president of

Ghana will definitely inure to the

benefit of all party members in

particular and Ghana as a whole.

All new Police officers can

now swim and drive - IGP

that it is something that we can

virtually do than to show up at

the police station and be unattended

to and all that. So, we have

a lot of work to do, but internally

with a press of a button you can

send messages to every police officer

across the country instantly,”

the police chief said.

“From headquarters to regional

level we send documents

electronically that we need not to

find people to come pick it up and

do that,” Dr. Dampare added.


Monday, 15th August, 2022 Page 5

Ghana's political complexion

and the discolored patches

Ghana, formerly

known as the

Gold Coast is a

country located

in West Africa.

She has a notoriety for a

number of things which

include being the first sub-

Saharan African country to

disannex from British colonialism,

the hospitableness

of its citizens, and the relative

stability it has enjoyed

over a protracted period.

It is ranked as the most

peaceful country in West Africa,

2nd in Africa, and 38th

globally by the Institute

of Economics and Peace in

its 2021 Global Peace Index


She is named after the

extinct but once prosperous

Ghana Empire, of the 7th to

13th century situated in the

North West of the modernday

country (modern-day

southeast of Mauritania and

western Mali).

Technically, Ghana is a

wealthy country, endowed

with immense resources.

The top cocoa producer also

has abundant gold, timber,

diamonds, bauxite, manganese,

oil, and lithium has

been discovered in commercial


But Ghana has not been

an exception from the "Resource

Curse" that bedevils

many wealthy African countries

with the potential to

become extremely prosperous.

The resource curse

also called the paradox of

plenty was firstly coined by

Richard Auty in 1993 referring

to the failure of many

resource-rich countries

to benefit fully from their

natural resource wealth,

and for governments in

these countries to respond

effectively to public welfare


Good leadership has

eluded this beautiful country

and we have mostly settled

for mediocrity. Slowly

becoming a microcosm of

failed states.

Interethnic and intratribal

marriages may have

become popular in recent

times, but Ghana has a

Ghana as volatile. It thrives

on corruption and its

wheels are oiled by it.

A lot of our politicians

are well-read and exposed.

Books written by great authors

like Niccolò Machiavelli

with tried and tested

principles have been manuals

used to manipulate the


Instances are "Men are

so simple of mind, and so

much dominated by their

immediate needs, that a

deceitful man will always

find plenty who are ready to

be deceived".

"There is nothing more

important than appearing

to be religious".

"Cunning and deceit will

every time serve a man better

than force to rise from

a base condition to great


"Therefore it is unnecessary

for a prince to have all

the good qualities I have

enumerated, but it is very

necessary to appear to have

them. And I shall dare to say

this also, that to have them

and always to observe them

is injurious, and that to appear

to have them is useful;

to appear merciful, faithful,

humane, religious, upright,

and to be so, but with a

mind so framed that should

you require not to be so, you

may be able and know how

to change to the opposite"

The political scene is

characterized by a majorfragile

facade of unity. In

reality, we are divided into

tribal lines. We don't need

an anthropologist to do indepth

research on this. We

are either faking oblivion or

deciding to live in denial.

The 2021 Population

and Housing Census by the

Ghana Statistical Service

put the literacy rate now at

69.8 percent. This is quite

impressive and indicates a

good number of Ghanaians

could be on top of issues.

Unfortunately, we have

become more partisan than

ever before. It may be for

the underlining condition

of tribalism. We are sharply

divided along tribal lines

and our tribal biases are

reflected in our choices. A

high literacy rate has not

been enough to alter our

tribal stances. Since there is

little political dealignment,

true accountability has

been nonexistent.

Our society has evolved

and our value system

has shifted. More prominence

is placed on money.

The source is disregarded

totally. Leaders are a reflection

of their society and as

most of us lament about

how corrupt our society

has become, let us accept

that it has been endorsed

by a majority of us from our

homes, churches, mosques,

and work settings.

I may describe the existing

political landscape in

ity of politicians stating

untruths, concealing the

truth, and paltering. They

cash in on the corruptibility

of electorates and play

on tribal cards to acquire

power. After all most are

blinded by partisanship.

The media, a supposed

fourth arm of government,

which is to keep the

populace informed and also

serve as a whip of the government

has come out to be

an aid in manipulating and

misinforming the people

over many years.

The media in the Ghanaian

political terrain is

vulnerable. Their independence

is easily compromised

because it is much

easier to influence most of

them. Most professionals

here are financially displaced

and work under very

challenging circumstances.

A lot of media institutions

are owned by politicians

or people in bed with

politicians. This sets the

tone and position of workers

in such establishments.

Besides, they don't receive

decent remuneration or

good conditions of service.

Consequently, wellmeaning

journalists have

come to find themselves in

the pockets of ambitious

and unethical politicians.

Most have been. affiliates to

one political party or more.

Now the pattern and

modus operandi of most

Ghanaian politicians have

become predictable. The

populace has lost trust in

most politicians and political

office holders. This air

of mistrust has made the

landscape very volatile and

Ghana must move cautiously.

Institutions that

were once very reputable

and seen as sacred in their

obligations seem to have

been infiltrated by partisan

political puppets over some

years now.

Religion was a restraining

belt, but it is equally

losing its grip quickly as

many have come to see a

lot of these religious leaders

as corrupt, unethical,

and morally warped. Easily

induced by money and visible

exploit their positions

to make more money.

Politicians may have to

earn their trust since many

people are waking up to the

fact that most of the electorates

are just a way to a

means for the politicians

to gain power. The charm is

waning off.

In summary, the political

climate in Ghana is one

of distrust. It is one that is

seen as an industry where

deceit is peddled for great

economic and financial potentials

and consequences

for the politician and those

who find favor with them.

Long Live Ghana.

By Dumenu Charles


Page 6

DAILY ANALYST Monday, 15th August, 2022

from neutral bodies

– Yidana Zakaria

Mr Yidana Zakaria,

the North

East Regional


has called on

stakeholders to identify key

neutral opinion leaders to

constantly sensitise people in

conflict areas for development to


He said it was necessary to

seek engagements from neutral

bodies in curbing conflicts

among communities within

the northern belt of the country

because some of such conflicts

were fueled by chiefs and

traditional leaders, who were

expected to foster unity.

He made the call in Tamale

during a stakeholder meeting,

organised by the National

Development Authority (NDA).

The meeting was to co-create

a Medium Term Development

strategy for the northern zone

of the country in alignment

with strategic priorities of

development actors and to share

insights in planning the 2022

edition of the Northern Ghana

Development Summit and

Investment Fair.

It was attended by the

Northern, North East, Savannah,

Upper West and Upper East

Regional Ministers, and the

NDA’s development partners.

Mr Zakaria said the

intermittent communal conflicts

in the north had been a concern

over the years and hindered

development in the areas of

education and health and called

for continuous education on the

effects of conflicts in vulnerable


He called for intervention

from opinion and religious

leaders within the communities

to educate people on the

consequences of conflicts, saying

“Until we are able to address

the issues of conflict in the

northern part of this country,

we will continue to wallow in

the situations of poverty and its

Mr. Zakaria Yidana addressing the gathering


He advised people of the

north to embrace peace and

acknowledge that peace was

instrumental in development,

adding that a problem in a

small community within the

north could compromise the

development of the whole area.

He said the international

community would not be pleased

to know that areas they wanted

to support engaged in conflicts.

The Regional Minister

further called on indigenes to

safeguard the peace of the north

and expressed displeasure over

people running to the southern

part of the country after creating

problems in the north.

Stop manufacturing


– ISD staff cautioned

Officers of the Information

Services Department

(ISD) have been

cautioned against

manufacturing information

and claiming it is true

reflection of citizens’ opinions or

feedback on policies and programmes

of the government.

Mr David Owusu Amoah, the

Acting Chief Information Officer,

ISD, who gave the caution, told

ISD officers that “If you manufacture

information, you are doing a

disservice to mother Ghana and

our relevance will be doubted.”

He was speaking at a training

workshop for Regional, Metropolitan,

Municipal and District

Information Officers drawn from

the five regions in the north on

data collection methodologies.

The two-day training, which

ended in Tamale on Saturday,

sought to enhance the research

skills of information officers to

conduct credible research over

time to help government review

and update its policies and programmes.

It was in line with the Memorandum

of Understanding signed

between the ISD and the Ghana

Statistical Service for the latter

to provide technical assistance to

the Research Division of the ISD

to conduct credible and reliable


Besides the northern belt,

information officers from six

regions in the southern belt of

the country also benefited from

the training, leaving information

officers in the middle belt, who

would soon have their turn in


Mr Amoah urged the information

officers to be steadfast to

their roles by going to the field

to gather information, and add

value to their research activities

to ensure that whatever information

they picked on the field

would be scientific and reliable.

Information officers work

to disseminate information on

policies and programmes of

government to the people and

gather data on people’s reaction

to government policies and programmes.

Mr Amoah urged them to

forge ahead to transform the ISD

such that its relevance would be

visible to all.

Tablets were presented to the

information officers during the

training to facilitate their work

to ensure improved performance.

Take advantage of “YouStart”

– Nurses and Midwives urged

Nurses and Midwives

should not put all

their trust in the

promise of Social and

National Insurance

Trust benefits but embrace the

“YouStart” programme to create

wealth and comfort even in their


They have been charged to

be proactive and develop an entrepreneurial

mindset to create

value for money and make them

financially independent.

Mr Franklin Owusu-Karikari,

Director, Business Support and

Policy, National Entrepreneurship

and Innovation, gave the

advice in Accra at the closing

ceremony of a national Youth

Boot Camp for Nurses and Midwives

across the country to mark

International Youth Day which

falls on August 12.

The programme was organised

by the Ghana Registered

Nurses and Midwives Association

(GRNMA) on the theme:

“Intergenerational Solidarity in

Nursing and Midwifery: Creating

An Opportunity For All Ages in


He said salaries alone cannot

sustain the socio-economic

expenditure of the citizenry and

encouraged all to have other

sources of income to meet the

rising expenditure pattern of the


Statistics revealed that 17.8

million people are unemployed,

of which 2.2 million people are

within the ages of 18-35.

Addressing the unemployment

issue, Mr Owusu- Karikari

said the Government introduced

the “YouStart” programme in

2020 as a vehicle to support the

youth to develop commercially

viable businesses, gain access to

capital, training and technical

skills to enable them operate

their businesses.

The YouStart programme,

he stated, would support young

graduates, school leavers and

small businesses with soft loans

of up to GHS 50,000 to expand

their enterprises.

The initiative provides the

youth-led enterprises with a

standard loan package of between

GHS100,000 to GHS 400,000 at

concessional rates for Small and

Medium Enterprises through the

financial institutions.

The Ghana Enterprises Agency

is implementing the programme

in its 16 regional offices,

business advisory and resource

centres across the country.

Mr Owusu-Karikari urged

health practitioners to seek for

information and build their

retirement future, saying, “you

need to take your destiny into

your hands and have other sources

of income.”

Dr Samuel Adjorlolo, Senior

Lecturer, School of Nursing and

Midwifery, University of Ghana,

Legon advised health professionals

to assist each other through

mentorship and training to provide

quality health care delivery.

Dr Adjorlolo called for unity

among them, stating that there

could not be growth in every

institution without togetherness

and social cohesion.

He called on the authorities to

review the 30 per cent admission

protocol reserved for the Ministry

of Health into the School of

Nursing and Midwifery to avoid

politicisation of the profession.

Mrs Perpetual Ofori-Ampofo,

the President, GRNMA, said the

Association would continue to

fight for the interest of its members

to better their socio-economic


She said the Association had

established a Youth Committee

to recognised the contribution of

young health professionals and

mentor them on issues relating

to their operations to improve

health care across the country.

Mrs Ofori-Ampofo advised

the participants to be agents of

change and impart positively on

the knowledge they acquired in

advancing the healthcare profession.

Mr Prince Opuni Frimpong,

Chairman, Greater Accra, GRNMA,

called on authorities to develop

strategic policies to connect and

support health professionals to

improve service delivery.

Monday, 15th August, 2022


Page 7

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

Mrs Adisa Tassa,

the Ayawaso East

Municipal Education

Director, has

urged parents and

guardians to complement the

efforts of teachers in promoting

reading culture in children.

She said every stakeholder

needed to get involved in the

upbringing of learners to instill

in them the love for reading to

enhance their creativity.

“The act of instilling the

culture of reading into children

should not only be left to teachers

and primary caregivers alone.

There is the need for parents to

also create a learning environment

in their homes to promote

reading among the children,” she


Mrs Tassa gave the advice

at the first ever reading festival

for children in Basic ‘1’ to ‘3’ in

Ghanaian and English languages

in the Ayawaso East Municipality

in Accra.

The schools which participated

in the reading programme

included Flagstaff House Basic,

St. Kizito Roman Catholic Basic,

Kanda Estate Basic and Alwaleed

Comprehensive Basic schools.

teachers – Parents advised

age and maintain public libraries

in the country and that the vision

was to connect Ghanaians to

learning resources.

Hajia Salma Sani Mohammed

Adams, the Municipal Chief

Executive for Ayawaso East, said;

“Reading enriches and expands

our vocabulary and develops the

skill of concentration whilst providing

us with pure enjoyment

and sheer pleasure.”

She urged teachers and

parents to support children in

their reading capabilities whilst

parents invest in providing them

with reading materials.

Mr. Nasser Toure Mahama, the

Member of Parliament for Ayawaso

East, Nima, and the guest

of honour, expressed gratitude to

the initiators of the programme,

saying it would form a firm foundation

for children to broaden

their horizon as they ascend the

academic ladder.

Kanda Estate Basic School

emerged as the overall winners

and they received a trophy

while the other four schools each

received a certificate of participation

Ṫhe winners will represent

the municipality at the regional

reading festival.

More speed boats needed to

expand galamsey fight on water

bodies – Minerals Commission

GH251,870 worth of properties

lost to fire in Central Region

The Central Region

lost an estimated

GH251,870.00 worth

of property to fire

outbreaks in the first

quarter of 2022.

This figure, represents about

66.8 per cent increase over last

year’s loss of GH161,602.00 during

the same period.

Division Officer (DOIII) Abdul

Wasiu Hudu, Central Regional

Public Relations Officer (PRO) of

the Ghana National Fire Service

(GNFS), disclosed this in an

interview with the Ghana News


In all, June 2022 recorded the

highest figure of GH80,874, followed

by May GH74,096, March

GH30,712, January GH24,467,

February GH18,213 and April


The region, however, recorded

an increase in fire outbreaks

from 428 in the first quarter of

2021 to 458 in 2022.

The seven per cent increase

was largely driven by bushfires,

domestic, vehicle collision, industrial

and commercial fires.

Over the same period, he said,

domestic fires increased from

107 to 116, vehicular from 31 to

36, commercial, from 48 to 58,

institutional from 11 to 17 while

rescue mission rose from zero to


DOIII Hudu said that the

GNFS had diligently carried out

its task of managing fires by

undertaking rescue operations

and related matters but noted

sadly that in spite of frantic efforts

being made by the Service

to combat fire outbreaks in the

region, the menace was still on

the ascendancy.

He stated that section two of

PNDC Law 229 of 1990 prescribed

a fine of up to 250 penalty units

plus up to 12 months’ imprisonment

for a person who started a

fire that resulted in bush fire.

Although section five of

the same law mandated Metropolitan,

Municipal and District

Assemblies to institute bushfire

control sub-committees to regulate

the burning of vegetation

within their respective jurisdictions,

many assemblies in the

region had not fulfilled that


He therefore encouraged

MMDAs in the region to fulfil the

legal requirement in their respective


Also, he said Legislative

Instrument 1724 Regulations

of 2003, made it mandatory for

all public residential facilities,

The programme was initiated

by the Ghana Education Service

in collaboration with the United

States Agency for International

Development (USAID) – partnership

for education: Learning and

the Ghana Library Authority.

It was on the theme: “Learn

to Read, Read to Learn.”

Mrs Tassa said children who

were good readers tend to achieve

better results, adding that reading

promotes achievement in all


Mr Edward Addo-Yobo, the

Acting Greater Accra Regional

Director of the Ghana Library

Authority (GLA), said studies

conducted on early grade level

reading of children in Ghana indicated

that majority of learners

at primary level perform poorly

in reading.

He assigned some factors that

accounted for poor reading as

inadequate training of teachers

in developing literacy among

learners, insufficient reading materials,

time on task for reading

among others.

He said the mandate of the

GLA was to establish, equip, manhealth

institutions, schools and

training centres as well as other

places for large public assembly

to acquire fire certificates to enable

them to operate smoothly.

He also advised individuals

to acquire fire extinguishers as

a first aid appliance for their respective

homes, and They should

also be extra cautious in dealing

with fire outbreaks, saying it was

unfortunate that people usually

rushed to fire accident scenes

without any precautionary measures

and urged all to desist from

the practice.

“Drivers and car owners

should try as much as possible to

have serviceable fire extinguishers

in their vehicles all the time,

this will help tackle fires at the

early stage before the arrival of

firefighters,” he said.

The Minerals Commission

is asking for more

speed boats to expand

its fight against illegal

mining activities

(galamsey) on water bodies.

This appeal is coming at a

time when the Commission is investigating

alleged illegal mining

in the Offin river.

Government has deployed

speed boats with security officers

to patrol the river bodies to check


The new measure according

to the Commission is aimed at

permanently dealing with the issue

of illegal mining activities on

water bodies in the country.

Speaking at a press conference

in Accra, Chief Executive

Officer for the Minerals Commission,

Martin Kwaku Ayisi noted

that the security officers will

patrol the water bodies during

the day and night.

“We hope government will

give us more boats, so we cover

almost the tributaries and the

smaller streams that flow into

these river bodies. Now the

patrols will be happening 24/7.

So we have this firm belief that,

the officers will stay on the water

bodies so that within the next

year or so, we have more boats

all over the water bodies. That is

the only way we can avoid this


The government says it is

hopeful that the introduction

of the speed patrol boats on

galamsey-affected water bodies

will yield the needed results.

In a bid to curb the activities

of illegal miners on water bodies,

government has commissioned

five-speed boats.

The move is also to take the

fight against galamsey to river

bodies across the country.

Speaking to journalists after

the commissioning of the boats,

the sector minister, Samuel Abu

Jinapor, expressed optimism,

adding that the move will be a

game changer in Ghana’s quest to

win the war on illegal mining.

“Most of the rivers in our

country stretch a great distance,

and it is almost impossible for

anyone to monitor these enclaves

to ensure that, we rid them of

illegal small-scale miners. With

the acquisition of these boats

and the recruitment of these

guards, it means that the major

rivers in our country are going to

be monitored constantly and is

going to be a major intervention

in clearing the river bodies of our

country”, the Minister said.

Page 8


DAILY ANALYST Monday, 15th August, 2022

Minister of Health

has launched the

first ever National

Guidelines for

the diagnosis

and management of cardiovascular

diseases (CVD) in Ghana.

This makes Ghana the third

country in sub-Saharan Africa to

encode such guidelines.

The guidelines were developed

jointly by Ghanaian experts

and local institutions under the

coordination of the Ghana Heart

Initiative, a project implemented

by the Ministry of Health

(MoH), Ghana Health Service

(GHS), GIZ, with funding support

from the Bayer AG.

Mr Kwaku Agyeman-Manu,

the Minister of Health, speaking

at the event, said the guidelines

were an important element in

the sustainable strengthening

of Non-Communicable Diseases

(NCDs) management in Ghana.

“The Ghana Heart Initiative

is a great example of how

stakeholders can join forces to

address global health challenges.”

He said the development of

the National Guidelines for the

Management of Cardiovascular

Diseases was among the most

important results delivered

so far, as it institutionalized a

treatment standard for healthcare

professionals on all levels

of care.

Dr. Patrick Kuma-Aboagye,

the Director General of the GHS,

urged health professionals to

embrace the use of the guidelines

in the management of cardiovascular

diseases to reduce

morbidity and mortality.

Mr Colin Tyrer, the Cluster

Guidelines for the management of

cardiovascular diseases launched

Division Head, Pharma South-

East and West Africa for Bayer

AG, expressed their commitment

to promote access to quality

healthcare in Ghana.

He said, “At Bayer, attaining

our vision of ‘Health for

All, Hunger for None’ means,

enabling broader patient access

to quality medicines and treatments


“In light of this, we are

committed to moving NCD care

forward: developing capacities,

enhancing awareness and improving

infrastructure to tackle

such diseases in West Africa.

The Ghana Heart Initiative

represents a lighthouse project

in this regard, helping us to

better understand access components

beyond drug availability

and serving as a foundation and

catalyst for subsequent initiatives

around NCDs capacity

building.” Mr Tyrer added.

the Director General of International

Services, Mr. Carsten

Schmitz–Hoffmann, speaking

on behalf of GIZ, said, “These

Guidelines have been developed

by Ghanaians for Ghanaians.”

Over one hundred experts

and health professionals from

various health institutions

across the country representing

all levels of care have joined

hands to produce this national

treatment standard for cardiovascular

diseases, ensuring a

direct ownership and meaning,”

he stated.

Dr. Alfred Doku, the Technical

Director GHI, highlighting milestones

attained by the initiative,

said the project since inception

had significantly strengthened

the Ghanaian health care system

through the development of CVD

training manuals which had

been used to train more than 650

health professionals.

This includes the supply of

basic equipment for diagnosis

and management of CVDs to

beneficiary health facilities, the

establishment of a CVD Support

and Call Centre, and the

improvement of nationwide

CVD related data collection and

management, he said.

The Ghana Heart Initiative is

currently being rolled out to 10

additional regions following the

successful pilot in the Greater

Accra Region.

Two Monkeypox Strains

Get New Names – WHO

Upper East gets five additional doctors

Dr Emmanuel Kofi

Dzotsi, the Upper

East Regional

Director of the

Ghana Health

Service (GHS) says the Region

was able to attract and retain

five additional Medical Officers,

in the first half of this year.

The Region had over the

years battled with shortage of

critical health staff, especially

Doctors who refuse postings to

the area.

In 2021 for instance, all 10

Medical Officers posted to the

Region refused to report.

“I am happy to announce

that during the half of 2022,

we were able to attract five

additional Medical Officers to

the Region. I hereby express my

sincere thanks and appreciation

to those Doctors for accepting to

come and work in the Region.”

Dr Dzotsi announced this

at the 2022 mid-year health

performance review meeting

of stakeholders in Bolgatanga,

the regional capital, on the

theme; “The role of quality data

in improving service delivery


The Regional Director

assured health professionals

who still had doubts about

accepting postings to the

Region, saying “The Upper East

Region is a place to work. All the

myths about the Region are not

true, the Region is the best place

to work in.”

He appealed to the Regional

Coordinating Council, Municipal

and District Assemblies, and

other stakeholders to put in

place residential and office

accommodation, some monetary

incentive packages and comfort

items to attract and retain more

health staff in the Region.

He noted that the inadequate

numbers of critical human

resources such as Physician

and Surgical Specialists,

Medical Officers, Physician

Assistants, Midwives, Laboratory

Scientists among other health

professionals continued to

thwart their effort at achieving

some critical service indicators

and targets.

Dr Dzotsi said as of the

period under review, the Doctor

to population ratio in the Region

was 1:23,724 and that of nurses

was 1:290.

He said health personnel

who accepted postings and

worked in deprived areas in the

Region were given promotion

after two years, study leave with

pay after three years and early

postings out of the deprived

areas after serving for two years.

The Director said the

Region currently had 56

Medical Officers including

Obstetric and Gynaecological

Specialist, Physician and

Surgical Specialists and some

general practitioners stationed

at the Regional Hospital, while

the remaining Officers were

distributed across the Region.

The Regional Minister, Mr

Stephen Yakubu, said as part of

efforts to increase the number of

Doctors in the Region, the RCC

had directed all 15 Municipal and

District Assemblies to identify

and sponsor medical students,

and bond them to return and


The World Health

Organization (WHO)

has renamed two

monkeypox strains

with Roman numerals

so as not to draw unfavorable

attention to African countries.

The decision was made after

a group of global virologists

and public health experts

reached consensus on the new

terminology this week, according

to the WHO.

The organization said on

Friday that Roman numerals

will now be used for two clades

(or strains) of monkeypox: the

former Congo Basin (Central

African) clade will be referred to

as Clade one (I) and the former

West African clade as Clade two


İn addition , experts agreed

that Clade II consists of two

subclades (or substrains). Lowercase

alphanumeric characters

will be used for subclades.

In June, WHO Director

General Tedros Adhanom

Ghebreyesus announced that

the organization was going

to work on new names for

monkeypox in order to get rid

of the “discriminatory and

stigmatizing” nomenclature.

Earlier in June, over 30

scientists wrote a public letter

urging the medical community

to rename the virus to prevent

possible discrimination and

stigmatization. Scientists said

the WHO recommended avoiding

geographic regions and animals

in disease names. They also

suggested that the monkeypox

virus could not be called African.

In July, WHO Director-

General Ghebreyesus announced

that the global monkeypox

outbreak represents a

public health emergency of

international concern.

Most people usually recover

from monkeypox within a few

weeks without treatment. The

symptoms are initially flulike,

such as fever, chills, and

swollen lymph nodes, which are

then followed by a widespread

rash. According to the WHO,

the disease can be more severe

in young children, pregnant

women, and individuals who are


The monkeypox virus is

not easily transmitted and

usually spreads through close

physical contact, including

sexual contact, with an infected

individual. The virus can enter

the human body through broken

skin, the respiratory tract, eyes,

nose and mouth, and via bodily

fluids. Monkeypox is a zoonotic

disease (spread between animals

and people). It originates

in animals like rodents and

primates and occurs in remote

parts of Central and West Africa.

Over 31,000 cases of

monkeypox have been reported

worldwide across more than 70

countries, and so far, 12 deaths

have been attributed to the



Monday, 15th August, 2022 Page 9

How Intestinal Bacteria Help

Humans to Stay Healthy

Gut microbiota refers

to a diverse

community of


that colonize the

gut mucosa.

Humans are seeded with

their first microbes at birth,

both on the skin and in the


The initial seeding sets

the stage for a person’s

developing immune system,

influencing the risk for future



The gut microbiome

exists in a state of mutual

symbiosis with the human


The microbes benefit

from the stable and nutrient-rich

environment of the


Humans do not possess

all the requisite genetic

codes for optimal metabolic

health promotion.

There are over 100

trillion bacteria in the gut

(belonging to about 400

bacterial species). The gut

microbiota encodes over

three million genes (far

greater than the genome in

humans) that can produce

various metabolites essential

for human health.

So, the gut microbiota

provides the human host

with metabolites that are

naturally not produced by

humans, but essential for

optimal human health.

Metabolites from the gut


• Help human host

to develop their immune


• Help regulate host


• Modulate host brain




Dysbiosis is the alteration

of the composition of

human microbiota at given

site. Gut dysbiosis can lead

to alteration of the host

physiology resulting in the

pathogenic processes of

different diseases.

Gut dysbiosis leads to

poor gut-health. There is

loss of gut integrity and


There is upregulation of

proinflammatory cytokines

and chemokines (due to loss

of Regulatory T cell anti-inflammatory

activities associated

with Gut dysbiosis).

Gram negative bacteria

generate lipopolysaccharides

(LPS), a marker of inflammation.


or abundance of gram-negative

bacteria in the gut can

cause inflammation

A Gut dysbiosis induces

a chronic state of systemic

low-grade inflammation

that plays a crucial role

in the pathophysiology of

chronic diseases. Gut dysbiosis

is associated with the


. Cardiovascular diseases

(Atherosclerosis, HTN);

Metabolic disorders (Type 2

diabetes, Obesity); chronic

kidney diseases; Autoimmune

disorders, Neurological


Association does not

mean causality; causality,

however, has been demonstrated

in rodent models.



The 2- to 4- short chain

fatty acids (SCFAs), mainly,

Acetate, Propionate and

Butyrate, are generated by

bacterial fermentation of

dietary fibers and non-digestible


The SCFAs are readily absorbed

from the large intestines

into the bloodstream

to reach distant tissues like

liver, kidneys, fatty tissues.

Acetate readily crosses the

Blood-Brain Barrier to reach

the brain tissue.

The production of SCFA

is influenced by the pattern

of food intake and diet

mediated changes in the gut


The SCFAs are involved

in cellular energy production

and are known to affect

Lipids, Glucose, Cholesterol


The SCFAs improve insulin

sensitivity and therefore,

support the role of the

gut microbiota in glycemic


About 90-95% of the

short chain fatty acids are

absorbed from the colon

into the systemic circulation

(only 5-10% of the short

chain fatty acids are lost in




SCFAs switch gene-expression

on and off by inhibiting

histone deacetylase


By so doing, the SCFAs

upregulate anti-inflammatory


down-regulate proinflammatory




SCFAs not only protect

against diet-induced obesity,

but also inhibit insulin

resistance (Lin et al., 2012)

The SCFAs switch on the

genetic codes that help to

burn body fat as fuel for energy

production in the cells.



SCFAs promote Regulatory

T (Treg) cells formation.

It is the Tregs that

suppress the production of

inflammatory cytokines by

inflammatory T-cells. So, the

SCFAs could be described as

Anti-inflammatory agents;

they help the human body

to control inflammations.



The SCFAs exert regulatory

control over the

production of enzymes

involved in cholesterol

generation, and those that

promote plaque-formation

in blood vessels.

Butyric acid downregulates

de novo lipogenesis,

ameliorate lipo-toxicity,

slows down atherosclerosis

progression, and stimulate

the burning of fats as fuel

for energy production in the

body cells.



SCFAs modulate brain

and behavioral health; they

influence maturation and

functions of microglia.

Altered SCFA production

has been implicated in a

variety of neurobehavioral

diseases including Autistic

spectrum disorder, and neurodegenerative

diseases like

Parkinson diseases.

Gram negative bacteria

generate Lipopolysaccharides

(LPS). On brain tissue,

LPS may activate immune

cells to induce inflammatory

cytokines that cause lowgrade


SCFAs generate anti-inflammatory

cytokines that

prevent neuroinflammation.

Elderly persons have impaired

barrier functions of

both the intestinal wall and

the Blood-Brain Barrier.

Bacterial amyloid and

LPS may escape from intestine,

into the circulation;

enter the brain tissue to

promote neuroinflammation

that lead to neurodegenerative

diseases like

Parkinsons diseases, Multiple

sclerosis, Dementia.



A healthy gut microbiome

generates the SCFAs.

SCFAs affect epithelial-,

immune-, nervous-, and vascular

functions to modulate

blood pressure

Studies indicate that gut

dysbiosis is associated with


. in hypertensive Rats

there is a reduction in microbial

richness and diversity

. There is a reduction in

butyrate- and acetate-producing

bacteria in hypertensives

. There is an increase in

Firmicutes bacteria phyla

relative to Bacteroidetes in

the gut

SCFA-receptors are

expressed in renal tissues;

intestinal dysbiosis activates

the renin-angiotensin

system (RAS) which contributes

to chronic kidney

diseases (CKD)

SCFAs affect blood pressure

by modulating local

RAS in the kidneys. Butyrate

inhibits Ang II-induced hypertension

by suppressing

the (pro)renin receptor and

intrarenal RAS

SCFA receptors (i.e.,

Gpr41, Olfr78) in the renal

Juxtaglomerular apparatus

mediate renin secretion in

response from gut microbiota

signals to lower baseline

blood pressure.


Western diets (high-protein,

high-fat, low-fiber

components) and the commercially

processed foods

promote Gut Dysbiosis and

decreased microbial diversity

in the gut.

Western diets, therefore,

promote obesity, metabolic

syndrome, chronic diseases

like cardiovascular diseases,

hypertension, and cancers

The high fructose sugary

drinks made from corn syrups

promote Gut dysbiosis

and, metabolic syndrome.


High fiber diet serves as

fuel for gut microbiome. Gut

metabolome including the

SCFAs are essential products

for optimal gut function.

(High protein diets could

promote the formation of

harmful products in the


Therefore, a healthy

dietary pattern should include

high-fiber vegetables

like broccoli, spinach (and

other green-leafy vegetables),

nuts, seeds and whole

grains, and fresh farm produce

to help maintain gut


Diets high in fiber (low in

animal proteins and animal

fats) that have been minimally

processed are good

for gut health. A healthy gut

promotes good health and

prevents the chronic diseases.

Indeed, you are what you



Page 10

The Ghana


Trade and Finance

Conference (GITFiC)

has called for

sustained sensitization of

the Ghanaian public and

the business community of

the benefits of the African

Continental Free Trade Area


It said with intra-African

trade still very low, at less

than 20 per cent, the advent

of the AfCFTA was regarded

as a springboard to position

in the league of global trade


The GITFiC made the call at

a press briefing on its 29-page

survey report titled: “Assessing

the AfCFTA Among the Business

Community in Ghana,” which

was undertaken within a period

of 12 weeks from February to

The Bank of Ghana has

directed all banks and

financial institutions

in the country to reject

all British £50 and £20

paper notes effective 31st August


The directive comes after

the Bank of England in the

United Kingdom declared that

the two paper banknotes will no

longer be legal tender starting

in October this year, because

they have been replaced with

polymer banknotes.

On its website, the Bank of

England said “30 September 2022

is the last day you can use paper

£20 and £50 notes. They have

been replaced by new polymer

£20 and £50 notes.”

Both the £20 and £50 paper

notes features the Queen of

England, but the new £50

polymer note features a picture

of British scientist Alan Turing

taken in 1961, according to the

bank of England, while the new

£20 note celebrate the works and

legacy of British artist, Turner.

The new £20 note has been in


There must be sustained


April 2022.

The survey was to collect

and assess views of the business

community regarding the

framework of the AfCFTA, and

the designation of Accra as the

“commercial capital of Africa.”

Making a presentation on

the Report, Mr Gideon Adjandeh,

the Economic Researcher and

Policy Advocate at GITFiC said

a total of 4,800 questionnaires

were administered to business

enterprises in six sampled

regions of Ghana namely;

Greater Accra, Ashanti, Eastern,

Northern, Volta and Western


“A non-disguised

questionnaire containing closeended

and open-ended questions

was developed to elicit the

perspectives of respondents” he

stated, and that the responses

were ranked on a blend of

Ghana Central Bank to

reject £20 and £50 paper

notes from August 31

circulation since October 2019,

while the £50 note has been in

use since June 2021. But both

will be of no use from October 1,


Following the BoG’s directive,

banks in Ghana have started

issuing circulars via SMS to all

their customers informing them

that the two paper banknotes

will longer be accepted at the

banks from August 31, 2022.

Techgh24 editor made a call

to Access Bank, upon receiving a

copy of the circular to get details

and a bank of official said per

the BoG’s directive, Ghanaians

are also on a deadline to spend

any £50 and £20 paper notes

they have between now and

September 30, when the two

paper notes would no longer

remain legal tender.

There is a countdown on the

website of the Bank of England

indicating 49 more days [from

today] left for you to use your £20

and £50 paper banknotes.

Meanwhile, as of today, the

British pound is equivalent to


DAILY ANALYST Monday, 15th August, 2022

the Likert scale and semantic

differential scale.

Mr Adjandeh said the

survey adopted a qualitative

approach, adding that, “a multistage

sampling approach was

used in the collection of data,

with a high sense of ethical

consideration and a total of 2,572

questionnaires was used for the


The study found that 34 per

cent of respondents have not

heard about the AfCFTA, and

the majority of respondents

(18.86 per cent) gained

information about it from the

radio and television while a

high rate of 66.5 per cent of

respondents indicated that the

implementation of the AfCFTA

would have a beneficial effect on

their businesses.

Mr Adjandeh said over 90 per

cent of respondents stated that

the sensitization of the AfCFTA

would be relevant to ensure that

Ghana harnesses the optimal

benefits under the preferences

presented by the continental

liberalized market.

“It is hoped that the findings

The Association of

Ghana Industries

(AGI) has initiated

talks with government

to push for tax

exemption on the importation

of raw materials and partially

manufactured goods into the

country by manufacturing


The move is to support and

protect investments made in the

country and ensure that goods

produced are affordable and able

to compete favourably on the

international market.

It would also cushion locally

produced goods from unfair

competition posed by cheap

imported goods.

Mr Humphrey Kwasi Ayim –

Darke, President of AGI, speaking

to the Ghana News Agency (GNA)

in an interview, said the current

tax regime was biased towards


He added that some products

were enjoying tax exemptions

so it would be in the right

direction for raw materials

that were being imported for

manufacturing purposes to also

enjoy tax exemptions.

“All manufactured goods

must enjoy tax exemptions just

as agricultural machinery and

other equipment”, he stated.

This, he said would create

more jobs for the youth and

contribute to the manufacturing

sector increasing gross domestic

Mr. Gideon Adjandeh, the Economic

of this field survey would serve

as veritable reference for policy

makers and key players in the

AfCFTA ecosystem,” he stated.

Mr Selasi Koffi Ackom, the

Chief Executive Officer of GITFiC

said: “We at the GITFiC strongly

believe that, through sustained

help we can jointly change the

narrative on low sensitization

and spark the interest of the

business community and the

public on the vast opportunity

the Continental Free Trade Area

bring to the African Continent.

“Our vision was to serve

key stakeholders in trade and


Mr Ackom said for GITFiC

to add layer to its vision as a

nexus serving both private and

public enterprises and entities


According to him, globally,

manufacturing makes the

economy a real one and a

potential to ensure economic

growth and development.

It is in this light that the

government introduced the One

District, One Factory policy to

revamp industrialisation.

He indicated that the country

must endeavour to wean itself

from foreign supply to ensure

would launch a comprehensive

handbook on AfCFTA, which

would contain detailed and

simplified information on its


It would particularly delve

into key topics such as; the Rules

of Origin and Trade Remedies

among others as pertains in the

field of international trade, he


“The handbook has gone

under reviews from key

stakeholder institutions

including the African

Union under the Economic

Development Department

and under the auspices of His

Excellency Albert M. Muchanga;

Commissioner – Trade, Industry,

Tourism and Mining.”

Import of raw materials

must be tax exempted – AGI

socio-economic security.

Additionally, manufacturing

contributions to GDP had stalled

over the years and the youth

must endeavour to enter it to

improve their livelihoods.

Ms Akosua Amanoh, a

young entrepreneur in soap

manufacturing speaking to the

GNA called on the government

to ensure that the youth in the

small communities had a feel of

the 1D1F policy.


Monday, 15th August, 2022 Page 11

New Ghana forward,

Inaki Williams has

opened up on what

led to his decision

to switch his Spain

nationality to play for Ghana.

Last month, the Ghana

Football Association (GFA)

announced that the Athletic

Bilbao forward has become

eligible to play for the Black


Speaking to the Spanish

press ahead of the start of

the new La Liga season, Inaki

Williams says beyond his

family’s role, Kurt Okraku was

instrumental in the process to

get him to switch nationality.

“It's something I've been

thinking about for many months

and I've had the help of my


“The president of the

Ghanaian federation [Kurt

Okraku] is the one who pushed

hardest for me to be there,”

Inaki Williams said as quoted by


Inaki Williams added,


GFA president Kurt Okraku pushed

the hardest for me to switch to play

for Ghana – Inaki Williams

“Trains only run once and I got

on this one, which has more good

than bad.

“The decision has been

mature and consensual with my


Kurt Okraku

Next month, Inaki Williams

will have his chance to play

for the Black Stars when he is

invited for the international

friendly matches.

Haaland defended

by Guardiola after

recording just

eight touches in

Man City's rout of


Pep Guardiola has

backed Erling Haaland

despite the Manchester

City forward recording

just eight touches

during the club's Premier League

win over Bournemouth on Saturday.

City ran riot against the

Cherries, winning 4-0 to make it

two wins from two to start the


Haaland, though, was not

among the scorers, and saw little

of the ball as Bournemouth sat

deep at the Etihad Stadium.

He did, however, provide

the assist for Ilkay Gundogan's

opening goal, and Guardiola

leapt to his summer signing's

defence post-match.

What did Guardiola say about


The City boss told a press

conference: “The most difficult

job in the world is when you are

in a striker and defenders defend

in areas like Bournemouth; they

have three central defenders and

two players in front and everyone

in the middle. How can you

survive like that? It’s so difficult.

“We will find many of these

situations, but it is a question

of time: the right moment, the

right tempo, the right movement.

But the quality of players

we have behind him, to assist

him, we will find him. I have no

doubt about that.”

What did Guardiola say about

De Bruyne?

Haaland may have struggled

on his home debut in the

Premier League, but Kevin De

Bruyne was at his devastating

best as he chipped in with a goal

and an assist for Phil Foden.

On De Bruyne's stunning

performance, Guardiola said,

“Kevin before last season was

just assist and assist and now

he is enjoying scoring goals. It is

important for us [that] not just

Julian [Alvarez] and Erling get

the goals.

“When I was in Munich he

played in Wolfsburg and I think

he was the best player in the

Bundesliga. Kevin was a really

good player before our arrival,

was good with us and will be

after us.”

Qatar to use some World

Cup players for Ghana

friendly in Austria

World Cup hosts,

Qatar, will

name some of

their regular

players for the

international friendly against

Ghana this month.

The Asian giants will play

Ghana, Morocco and Jamaica in

a four-nation tournament later

this month in Austria.

With the tournament being

played out of the international

window, Qatar will have the

advantage of naming a strong

team with most of their players

playing in the Qatari stars league.

Meanwhile, Ghana will travel

with the Black Galaxies for the

three games.

The tournament will be held

at the Ernst-Happel-Stadion in


Qatar, North Africans

Morocco and the Raggae Boyz of

Jamaica will participate in the

preparatory games.

The Black Stars will engage

Jamaica first before playing Qatar

and Morocco.

The games will also serve

as preparations ahead of the

2022 FIFA World Cup, with

September's AFCON qualifiers

expected to be postponed.

The West African giants are

returning to the World Cup after

edging out Nigeria to qualify for

the tournament in Qatar this


The Ghana Football

Association recently announced

the nationality switches of

six players as part of boosting

the team with quality before

November's World Cup.

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