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label=’Backtest’, ax=ax, **kwargs



linestyle="dashed", c="gray", lw=2


ax.set_ylabel(’Rolling Annualised Sharpe’)



The plot_results code is modified to include the rolling Sharpe graph if the self.rolling_sharpe

flag is set to True. This is carried out using an offset_index. The index is used to let Matplotlib

know if there are five or six vertical sections in the chart, and if so, to adjust the plot


def plot_results(self, filename=None):



if self.rolling_sharpe:

offset_index = 1


offset_index = 0

vertical_sections = 5 + offset_index

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, vertical_sections * 3.5))

fig.suptitle(self.title, y=0.94, weight=’bold’)

gs = gridspec.GridSpec(vertical_sections, 3, wspace=0.25, hspace=0.5)

stats = self.get_results()

ax_equity = plt.subplot(gs[:2, :])

if self.rolling_sharpe:

ax_sharpe = plt.subplot(gs[2, :])

ax_drawdown = plt.subplot(gs[2 + offset_index, :])

ax_monthly_returns = plt.subplot(gs[3 + offset_index, :2])

ax_yearly_returns = plt.subplot(gs[3 + offset_index, 2])

ax_txt_curve = plt.subplot(gs[4 + offset_index, 0])

ax_txt_trade = plt.subplot(gs[4 + offset_index, 1])

ax_txt_time = plt.subplot(gs[4 + offset_index, 2])

self._plot_equity(stats, ax=ax_equity)

if self.rolling_sharpe:

self._plot_rolling_sharpe(stats, ax=ax_sharpe)

self._plot_drawdown(stats, ax=ax_drawdown)



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