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Hence, all we need to do is re-arrange these formulae to provide α and β in terms of µ and

σ. α is given by:

While β is given by:

α =

( 1 − µ

σ 2 − 1 )

µ 2 (3.16)


( ) 1

β = α

µ − 1


Note that we have to be careful here, as we should not specify a σ > 0.289, since this is the

standard deviation of a uniform density (which itself implies no prior belief on any particular

fairness of the coin).

Let’s carry out an example now. Suppose I think the fairness of the coin is around 0.5, but

I’m not particularly certain (hence I have a wider standard deviation). I may specify a standard

deviation of around 0.1. What beta distribution is produced as a result?

Plugging the numbers into the above formulae gives us α = 12 and β = 12 and the beta

distribution in this instance is given in Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2: A beta distribution with α = 12 and β = 12.

Notice how the peak is centred around 0.5 but that there is significant uncertainty in this

belief, represented by the width of the curve.

3.6 Using Bayes’ Rule to Calculate a Posterior

We are finally in a position to be able to calculate our posterior beliefs using Bayes’ rule.

Bayes’ rule in this instance is given by:

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