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commands, so that the positions can be closed or shorted:

def go_short_units(self):


Go short the appropriate number of "units" of the

portfolio to open a new position or to close out

a long position.


for i, ticker in enumerate(self.tickers):

if self.weights[i] < 0.0:


ticker, "BOT",





ticker, "SLD",



zscore_trade takes the latest calculated z-score of the portfolio market price and uses this

to long, short or close a trade. The logic below encapsulates the "Bollinger Bands" aspect of the


If the z-score is less than the negative of the entry threshold, a long position is created.

If the z-score is greater than the positive of the entry threshold, a short position is created.

Correspondingly, if the strategy is already in the market and the z-score exceeds the negative of

the exit threshold, any long position is closed. If the strategy is already in the market and the

z-score is less than the exit threshold, a short position is closed:

def zscore_trade(self, zscore, event):


Determine whether to trade if the entry or exit zscore

threshold has been exceeded.


# If we’re not in the market...

if self.invested is None:

if zscore < -self.entry_z:

# Long Entry

print("LONG: %s" % event.time)


self.invested = "long"

elif zscore > self.entry_z:

# Short Entry

print("SHORT: %s" % event.time)


self.invested = "short"

# If we are in the market...

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