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that arrive out of order in the events queue.


# Set the first instance of time

if self.time is None:

self.time = event.time

# Set the correct latest prices depending upon

# order of arrival of market bar event

price = event.adj_close_price/float(



if event.time == self.time:

for i in range(0, len(self.tickers)):

if event.ticker == self.tickers[i]:

self.latest_prices[i] = price


self.time = event.time

self.bars_elapsed += 1

self.latest_prices = np.full(len(self.tickers), -1.0)

for i in range(0, len(self.tickers)):

if event.ticker == self.tickers[i]:

self.latest_prices[i] = price

go_long_units is a helper method that longs the appropriate quantity of portfolio "units"

by purchasing their individual components separately in the correct quantities. It achieves this

by shorting any component that has a negative value in the self.weights array and by longing

any component that has a positive value. Note that it multiplies this by the self.qty value,

which is the base number of units to transact for a portfolio "unit":

def go_long_units(self):


Go long the appropriate number of "units" of the

portfolio to open a new position or to close out

a short position.


for i, ticker in enumerate(self.tickers):

if self.weights[i] < 0.0:


ticker, "SLD",





ticker, "BOT",


go_short_units is almost identical to the above method except that it swaps the long/short

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