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ClusterTomorrow to contain tomorrow’s cluster value. A ClusterMatrix column is then created

by forming a tuple of today’s cluster index and tomorrow’s cluster index. The Pandas

value_counts method is then used to create a frequency distribution of these pairs. Finally,

the K × K NumPy matrix is created and filled with the percentage frequency of occurance of

each cluster follow-on:

def create_follow_cluster_matrix(data):


Creates a k x k matrix, where k is the number of clusters

that shows when cluster j follows cluster i.


data["ClusterTomorrow"] = data["Cluster"].shift(-1)


data["ClusterTomorrow"] = data["ClusterTomorrow"].apply(int)

sp500["ClusterMatrix"] = list(

zip(data["Cluster"], data["ClusterTomorrow"])


cmvc = data["ClusterMatrix"].value_counts()

clust_mat = np.zeros( (k, k) )

for row in cmvc.iteritems():

clust_mat[row[0]] = row[1]*100.0/len(data)

print("Cluster Follow-on Matrix:")


The __main__ function ties all of the above functions together. It carries out the K-Means

algorithm and uses these cluster membership values in all subsequent functions:

if __name__ == "__main__":

# Obtain S&P500 pricing data from Yahoo Finance

start = datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 1)

end = datetime.datetime(2015, 12, 31)

sp500 = web.DataReader("^GSPC", "yahoo", start, end)

# Plot last year of price "candles"

plot_candlesticks(sp500, datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1))

# Carry out K-Means clustering with five clusters on the

# three-dimensional data H/O, L/O and C/O

sp500_norm = get_open_normalised_prices(sp500, start, end)

k = 5

km = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=42)


labels = km.labels_

sp500["Cluster"] = labels

# Plot the 3D normalised candles using H/O, L/O, C/O


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