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amzn = create_lagged_series("AMZN", start, end, lags=3)


# Use the first three daily lags of AMZN closing prices

# and scale the data to lie within -1 and +1 for comparison

X = amzn[["Lag1", "Lag2", "Lag3"]]

y = amzn["Today"]

X = scale(X)

y = scale(y)

# Use the training-testing split with 70% of data in the

# training data with the remaining 30% of data in the testing

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(

X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=random_state


# Pre-create the arrays which will contain the MSE for

# each particular ensemble method

estimators = np.zeros(axis_step)

bagging_mse = np.zeros(axis_step)

rf_mse = np.zeros(axis_step)

boosting_mse = np.zeros(axis_step)

# Estimate the Bagging MSE over the full number

# of estimators, across a step size ("step_factor")

for i in range(0, axis_step):

print("Bagging Estimator: %d of %d..." % (

step_factor*(i+1), n_estimators)


bagging = BaggingRegressor(






bagging.fit(X_train, y_train)

mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, bagging.predict(X_test))

estimators[i] = step_factor*(i+1)

bagging_mse[i] = mse

# Estimate the Random Forest MSE over the full number

# of estimators, across a step size ("step_factor")

for i in range(0, axis_step):

print("Random Forest Estimator: %d of %d..." % (

step_factor*(i+1), n_estimators)

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