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15.3.1 Linear Regression

An elementary supervised technique from classical statistics that finds an optimal linear response

surface from a set of labelled predictor-response pairs.

15.3.2 Linear Classification

These supervised techniques classify data into groups, rather than predict numerical responses.

Common techniques include Logistic Regression, Linear Discriminant Analysis and Naive Bayes


15.3.3 Tree-Based Methods

Decision trees are a supervised technique that partition the predictor/feature space into hypercubic

subsets. Ensembles of decision trees include Random Forests and Gradient Boosted

Regression Trees.

15.3.4 Support Vector Machines

SVMs are a supervised technique that attempts to create a linear separation boundary in a

higher-dimensional space than the original problem in order to deal with non-linear separation

of features.

15.3.5 Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Neural networks are a supervised technique that create hierarchies of activation "neurons" that

can approximate high-dimensional non-linear functions. "Deep" networks make use of many

hidden layers of neurons to form hierarchical representations for state-of-the-art classification


15.3.6 Bayesian Networks

Bayesian Networks or "Bayes Nets" are a type of probabilistic graphical model that represent

probabilistic relationships between variables. They are utilised both for inference and learning


15.3.7 Clustering

Clustering is an unsupervised technique that attempts to partition data into subsets according

to some similarity criteria. A common technique is K-Means Clustering.

15.3.8 Dimensionality Reduction

Dimensionality reduction algorithms are unsupervised techniques that attempt to transform the

space of predictors/factors into another set that explain the "variation" in the responses with

fewer dimensions. Principal Component Analysis is the canonical technique here.

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