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15.2 Machine Learning Domains

Machine learning tasks are generally categorised into three main areas: Supervised Learning,

Unsupervised Learning and Reinforcement Learning.

The methods all differ in how the machine learning algorithm is "rewarded" for being correct

in its predictions or classifications.

15.2.1 Supervised Learning

Supervised learning algorithms involve labelled data. That is, data annotated with values such

as categories (as in supervised classification) or numerical responses (as in supervised regression).

Such algorithms are "trained" on the data and learn which predictive factors influence the


When applied to unseen data supervised learning algorithms attempt to make predictions

based on their prior training experience. An example from the quantitative finance would be

using supervised regression to predict tomorrow’s stock price from the previous month’s worth

of price data.

15.2.2 Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised learning algorithms do not make use of labelled data. Instead they utilise the

underlying structure of the data to identify patterns. The canonical method is unsupervised

clustering, which attempts to partition datasets into sub-clusters that are associated in some

manner. An example from quantitative finance would be the clustering of certain assets into

groups that behave similarly in order to optimise portfolio allocations.

15.2.3 Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning algorithms attempt to perform a task within a certain dynamic environment,

by taking actions inside the environment that seek to maximise a reward mechanism.

These algorithms differ from supervised learning in that there is no direct set of input/output

pairs utilised within the data. Such algorithms have recently gained significant notoriety due

to their use by Google DeepMind[3]. DeepMind have utilised "deep reinforcement learning"

to exceed human performance in Atari video games[70] and the ancient game of Go[4]. Such

algorithms have been applied in quant finance to optimise investment portfolios.

Unfortunately it won’t be possible to consider Reinforcement Learning in this book as the

topic is extremely broad and constantly evolving, filling many books and research papers in its

own right.

15.3 Machine Learning Techniques

Due to its interdisciplinary nature there are a large number of differing machine learning algorithms.

Most have arisen from the computer science, engineering and statistics communities.

The list of machine learning algorithms is almost endless, as they include crossover techniques

and ensembles of many other algorithms. However, the algorithms frequently used within

quantitative finance are considered below.

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