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team at OpenAI spend significant time looking at such problems. They have released an opensource

toolkit to allow straightforward testing of new RL agents known as the OpenAI Gym[28].

Unfortunately RL, along with MDP and POMDP, are not within the scope of this book.

Note that in this book continuous-time Markov processes are not considered. In quantitative

trading the time unit is often given via ticks or bars of historical asset data. However, if the objective

is to price derivatives contracts then the continuous-time machinery of stochastic calculus

would be utilised.

14.1.1 Markov Model Mathematical Specification

This section as well as that on the Hidden Markov Model Mathematical Specification will closely

follow the notation and model specification of Murphy (2012)[71].

In quantitative finance the analysis of a time series is often of primary interest. As has been

discussed in previous chapters such a time series generally consists of a sequence of T discrete

observations X 1 , . . . , X T . An important assumption about Markov Chain models is that at any

time t, the observation X t captures all of the necessary information required to make predictions

about future states. This assumption will be utilised in the following specification.

Formulating the Markov Chain into a probabilistic framework allows the joint density function

for the probability of seeing the observations to be written as:

p(X 1:T ) = p(X 1 )p(X 2 | X 1 )p(X 3 | X 2 ) . . . (14.1)


= p(X 1 ) p(X t | X t−1 ) (14.2)


This states that the probability of seeing sequences of observations is given by the probability

of the initial observation multiplied T − 1 times by the conditional probability of seeing the

subsequent observation, given that the previous observation has occurred. It will be assumed in

this chapter that the latter term known as the transition function p(X t | X t−1 ) will itself be timeindependent.

In addition since the market regime models considered in this book will consist

of small, discrete numbers of regimes the type of model under consideration is a Discrete-State

Markov Chain (DSMC).

If there are K separate possible states (regimes) for the model to be in at any time t then

the transition function can be written as a transition matrix that describes the probability of

transitioning from state j to state i at any time-step t. Mathematically the elements of the

transition matrix A are given by:

A ij = p(X t = j | X t−1 = i) (14.3)

As an example it is possible to consider a simple two-state Markov Chain Model. Figure

14.1 represents the numbered states as circles while the arcs represent the probability of jumping

from state to state:

Notice that the probabilities sum to unity for each state, i.e. α + (1 − α) = 1. The transition

matrix A for this system is a 2 × 2 matrix given by:

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