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## Plot the residuals of the first linear combination

plot(comb1$residuals, type="l",

xlab="April 26th 2006 to April 9th 2012",

ylab="Residuals of EWA and EWC regression")

## Now we perform the ADF test on the residuals,

## or "spread" of each model, using a single lag order

adf.test(comb1$residuals, k=1)

adf.test(comb2$residuals, k=1)


## Obtain RDS equities prices for a recent ten year period

getSymbols("RDS-A", from="2006-01-01", to="2015-12-31")

getSymbols("RDS-B", from="2006-01-01", to="2015-12-31")

## Avoid the hyphen in the name of each variable

RDSA <- get("RDS-A")

RDSB <- get("RDS-B")

## Utilise the backwards-adjusted closing prices

rdsaAdj = unclass(RDSA$"RDS-A.Adjusted")

rdsbAdj = unclass(RDSB$"RDS-B.Adjusted")

## Plot the ETF backward-adjusted closing prices

plot(rdsaAdj, type="l", xlim=c(0, 2517), ylim=c(25.0, 80.0),

xlab="January 1st 2006 to December 31st 2015",

ylab="RDS-A and RDS-B Backward-Adjusted Closing Price in GBP", col="blue")


plot(rdsbAdj, type="l", xlim=c(0, 2517), ylim=c(25.0, 80.0),

axes=F, xlab="", ylab="", col="red")


## Plot a scatter graph of the

## Royal Dutch Shell adjusted prices

plot(rdsaAdj, rdsbAdj, xlab="RDS-A Backward-Adjusted Prices",

ylab="RDS-B Backward-Adjusted Prices")

## Carry out linear regressions twice, swapping the dependent

## and independent variables each time, with zero drift

comb1 = lm(rdsaAdj~rdsbAdj)

comb2 = lm(rdsbAdj~rdsaAdj)

## Plot the residuals of the first linear combination

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