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We can replicate the above steps for RDS-A and RDS-B as we did for EWA and EWC. The

full code to carry this out is given below. The only minor difference is that we need to utilise

the get("...") R function, since quantmod pulls in RDS-A as the variable "RDS-A". R does

not like hyphens in variable names as the minus operator takes precedence. Hence we need to

use get as a workaround:

> getSymbols("RDS-A", from="2006-01-01", to="2015-12-31")

> getSymbols("RDS-B", from="2006-01-01", to="2015-12-31")

> RDSA <- get("RDS-A")

> RDSB <- get("RDS-B")

> rdsaAdj = unclass(RDSA$"RDS-A.Adjusted")

> rdsbAdj = unclass(RDSB$"RDS-B.Adjusted")

We can plot both share classes on the same chart. Clearly they are tightly cointegrated:

> plot(rdsaAdj, type="l", xlim=c(0, 2517), ylim=c(25.0, 80.0),

xlab="January 1st 2006 to December 31st 2015",

ylab="RDS-A and RDS-B Backward-Adjusted Closing Price in GBP", col="blue")

> par(new=T)

> plot(rdsbAdj, type="l", xlim=c(0, 2517), ylim=c(25.0, 80.0), axes=F,

xlab="", ylab="", col="red")

> par(new=F)

Figure 12.9: Backward-adjusted closing prices of RDS-A and RDS-B

We can also plot a scatter graph of the two price series. It is apparent how tight the linear

relationship between them is. This is no surprise given that they track the same underlying


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