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√ √√√α0 p∑

ɛ t = w t + α p ɛ 2 t−i (11.14)

You can think of ARCH(p) as applying an AR(p) model to the variance of the series.

An obvious question to ask at this stage is if we are going to apply an AR(p) process to

the variance, why not a Moving Average MA(q) model as well? Or a mixed model such as


This is actually the motivation for the Generalised ARCH model, known as GARCH, which

we will now define and discuss.


11.6 Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedastic


11.6.1 GARCH Definition

Definition 11.6.1. Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedastic Model of Order p,


A time series {ɛ t } is given at each instance by:

ɛ t = σ t w t (11.15)

Where {w t } is discrete white noise, with zero mean and unit variance, and σ 2 t is given by:



σt 2 = α 0 + α i ɛ 2 t−i + β j σt−j 2 (11.16)



Where α i and β j are parameters of the model.

We say that {ɛ t } is a generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic model of order

p,q, denoted by GARCH(p,q).

Hence this definition is similar to that of ARCH(p) with the exception that we are adding

moving average terms. That is, the value of σ 2 at t, σt 2 , is dependent upon previous σt−j 2 values.

Thus GARCH is the "ARMA equivalent" of ARCH, which only has an autoregressive component.

11.6.2 Simulations, Correlograms and Model Fittings

We are going to begin with the simplest possible case of the model–GARCH(1,1). This means we

are going to consider a single autoregressive lag and a single "moving average" lag. The model

is given by the following:

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