Friday, 12th August, 2022


Page 10Mr AlbertoCalderon, theGlobal ChiefExecutive Officerof AngloGoldAshanti Ltd, Wednesday saidthe company had invested morethan one billion dollars in Ghanaover the past few years.He said 86 per cent of theinvestments were retained withThe Ashanti RegionalCustoms Division ofthe Ghana RevenueAuthority (GRA)generated a total ofGH184.5 million as revenue atthe end of July 2022.The amount is out of the totaltarget of GH383,913,600.00 forthis year.Mr. Edmund AugustineOmari, Ashanti Regional SectorCommander said the collectionwas behind the target of theregion by 50.1 per cent.He explained this was dueto the inability of the taxpayersto rake in enough incomebecause of the current economicsituation in the country.“The Bulk Oil Storage andTransportation Co Ltd (BOST)our major taxpayer, is notmaking enough,” he explained,and assured management ofworking hard to meet the targetbefore the year ends.Mr Omari, who was speakingat the opening of the 2022Customs Division ManagementRetreat in Kumasi, spoke of lackof logistics and personnel asfactors impeding collection ofrevenues.The five-day meetingis being held on the theme“Simplification of CustomsProcedures in Achieving 2022Revenue Target”.The meeting will amongother things discuss the GRArisk management structure,simplification of bonds andtreaties, overview of terrorismBusinessAngloGold made overone billion dollarsinvestments in Ghanaregistered partner Ghanaiancompanies, while 98 per centof its 4,000 employees wereGhanaians.President Nana Addo DankwaAkufo-Addo, in 2019, re-openedAngloGold’s Obuasi Mine withan initial investment of US$881million after its shutdown in2014.The revamping of the ObuasiGRA-Kumasigenerates GH184.5Mas revenue in Julyin Africa and its effects ontrade (roles and challenges ofthe Customs Division), tradeagreement and its effects onrevenue and the role of postclearance audit in revenuemobilization.The Sector Commanderoutlining the functions of theKumasi collection said theyensure that goods that entered,exited or transited theiroperational areas went throughright customs procedures andprocesses.They also performed directexport, temporal export,voluntary import compliance,free zones and petroleumfunctions.Mr. Omari hinted thatplans were far advanced to setup a checkpoint on the Ejura-Kumasi Road, where intelligencegathered confirmed that it hadbecome a major smuggling routein the Ashanti Region.He, however assured thatthe other existing checkpointslocated at Kubease, Ahenkro,Mankranso, and Mpasatia inthe region would continue toperform their duties effectively.He mentioned that thecheckpoint at Anwiankwantaon the Kumasi-Obuasi roadwhich linked to the Central andWestern Regions needed to berelocated.This was due to the ongoingroad construction whichhad affected their day-to-dayactivities on the stretch.DAILY ANALYST Friday, 12th August, 2022Mine has created employmentfor the indigenes and boostedthe local economy.Mr Calderon announced thiswhen he paid a courtesy callon Mr George Mireku Duker, aDeputy Minister of Lands andNatural Resources in charge ofMines, in Accra, ahead of hismeeting with President Akufo-Addo at the Jubilee House.He said the Mine wouldcontinue to invest in itsshareholders and localcommunities hosting itsoperations to make a differencein the lives of the people.“We invest in many countriesin the world, from Australia,Americas to Africa and I’ve beento many places, and I can saywith certainty that the countryThe Ghana Union ofTraders Association(GUTA) is cautioningthat Ghanaiansmay buy Christmasgoods at much higher prices inDecember this year.Goods, including food itemslike cooking oil, rice, sugar,second-hand clothing, andfrozen foods, as well as nonfooditems such as Christmastrees, ribbons, and balloons fordecorations are mostly importedby members of GUTA.Dr Joseph Obeng, Presidentof the Association, told theGhana News Agency that if theGovernment did not addressthe depreciation of the Cediimmediately, Ghanaians wouldbuy their Christmas goods atexpensive prices.He said: “We would have tobring as much goods as we can,but to tell the truth, our capitalitself has dwindled. It means itwill also affect the volumes oftrade that we do, especially inthe last quarter of the year if thetrend continues.”“When exchange rate goesup, inflation goes up, interestrate and all the indicators oftrading go up, it will definitelyaffect the final pricing then itwill affect the final consumerwho already is suffering,” heemphasised.Dr Obeng noted that theworking capital of manymembers of GUTA, the country’sumbrella body of traders(importers and exporters),continued to deplete due to thedepreciation of the Cedi againstthe Dollar amid high interestrates on loans.The President said that:“It could be recalled that sinceDecember 2021 when the dollarwas GHS6.4, our working capitalthat welcomes us the most andgives us support is Ghana,” MrCalderon stated.Mr Duker, on his part,gave the assurance that theGovernment would continue tocreate an enabling environmentfor the large-scale miningcompanies to thrive and ensurea win-win situation.He said government’sdealing with the large-scalemining companies would behas been depleted by 40 percent. Now that the dollar hasreached GHS9, our worst fear isthat we are now going to makeChristmas orders from oursuppliers, which may aggravatethe situation.”He said that the importbusiness had become“gloomy and pathetic” as themultinationals have taken over,and their efforts to start lookingfor goods to export to supportthe economy had not yielded theexpected result.He, therefore, called onthe Government to amendthe country’s investmentlaw on foreign retail tradeand wholesale to make themultinationals deposit theircapital fund in Ghana fortransfers.“We believe that thegovernment should have fullcontrol of management of ournational resources as well as thecapability to solve this problemin the shortest possible time,” DrObeng, said.anchored on transparency andaccountability by providing thenecessary information to them.He said AngloGold Ghanaremained an integral part of thegovernment’s mining drive andwould continue to support it.“The leadership of yourmen here are doing so well andthey have shown quality andcompetence in the company’soperations,” Mr Duker said.GUTA cautions public of increasein prices of goods at ChristmasInflationary pressures andother factors have compoundedthe economic hardship inGhana whose economy was oncedescribed by the InternationalMonetary Fund (IMF) as thefastest growing economy in sub-Saharan Africa.This has made theGovernment to initiatediscussions with the IMF tosupport Ghana’s homegrowneconomic programme to restoremacroeconomic stability, anchordebt sustainability, and promoteinclusive and sustainablegrowth.Meanwhile, the PresidentNana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addohad said that the Governmentwas determined to work hard toturn the economy around.The President said that withthe measures put in place by theGovernment: “I am confidentthat we will revive and revitalisethe economy and put ournation back on the path of rapideconomic growth.”

DAILY ANALYSTFriday, 12th August, 2022 Page 11Caf President PatriceMotsepe has statedthat they are goingto listen to divergentviews regarding theAfrica Super League.Motsepe launched the SuperLeague on Wednesday in Arusha,Tanzania, at Caf’s 44th generalassembly.Although the African footballadministrator has confidence inthe new competition, opposingvoices have been raised, and oneof the opponents is the SouthAfrican Football Players Union(Safpu), which termed it anill-conceived and unworkableidea."Part of our job is to engageand to consult with all stakeholders,”Motsepe told BBCAfrica Sport.“And sometimes it's moreimportant to listen to those whohave got different views and alsothose who disagree with you."I think some of them feelthat we haven't spoken to them.We couldn't have spoken to everybody.It's impossible. We willengage with all of them."Motsepe has always stressedthat the Super League is an avenueto source more funds for theAfrican football competitions."I want to be in a situationwhere there's competitionamong all the leagues, and Iwant the Champions League toeven get more prize money, andto be competitive," he added.Motsepe:Impossible to talkto everyone aboutSuper League"My objective is to get moneyfor football infrastructure, forplayers, club owners, stakeholders.We are talking about anythingbetween $250m to $300mevery year," Motsepe explained."If you look at the numbers,we are talking about $2.5m foreach of the 24 clubs to use, tohelp with transport and accommodationbut also to buyplayers."On her part, Simba’s chiefexecutive officer, Barbara Gonzalez,highlighted what she thinksare the benefits of the inauguraltournament."This is going to change theface of African football as weknow it in terms of investment,exposure, and marketing overall,"Gonzalez said."As one of the leading footballclubs in the region, we'reextremely excited about this."Fifa President Giani Infantino,who was present duringthe Super League launch, addedhis voice on the idea that hasattracted divergent views acrossthe continent."Well, first of all, the AfricanSuper League is a completelydifferent proposition than whatwas proposed in Europe, whichwas a kind of a breakaway thingoutside of the structures," Infantinoexplained."This is done within thestructure within Caf, withinFifa, within the football pyramidstructure."Former Accra Hearts ofOak striker, Kofi Kordzihas said that he willunder circumstancereturn to the club afterhe was "humiliated" in thepublic space.Accra Hearts of Oak describedKofi Kordzi and five other playersas surplus to requirement whenthey announced their decisionto release them.Despite his release from theclub, Accra Hearts of Oak areyet to give him his letter as hewas told that some clubs haveexpressed interest in him so willnot make him leave for free.Asked if he would return tothe club, Kofi Kordzi told SaddickAdams that there is no amountof money that will compel himto wear the Phobian jersey againbecause of how he was treated.“Football is played with theheart but before God and maneven if Hearts of Oak give mebillions of dollars I can’t be ableto play for them again,” Kordzitold Accra-based Angel FM.Kofi Kordzi scored 7 goals inthe 2021/2022 Ghana PremierLeague for the Phobians.BBC broadcaster, JohnBennett has said newBlack Stars player,Tariq Lamptey willmake significantimpact for the Black Stars at the2022 World Cup.The Brighton and HoveSportsI will never wear the PhobianTariq Lamptey will makeWorld Cup - BBC journalistAlbion defender is set to play forthe Black Stars at the 2022 FIFAWorld Cup after completing hisnationality switch in June 2022.Speaking with Gold TalkSport,Bennett said he cannot wait towatch the British-born Ghanaianin Ghana colours.“I can’t wait to see him [TariqLamptey] in the Black Stars shirtahead of the [FIFA] World Cup,"he said.“I think he can really make adifference down the right-handside for Ghana,” he added.Following Ghana'squalification for the 2022 FIFAWorld Cup, five players switchednationalities to play for the BlackStars.The players include InakiWilliams, Tariq Lamptey, StephanAmbrosius, Ransford Yeboah, andPatric Pfeiffer.Mohammed Salisu, who hadrequested more time to settle inat Southampton, has also agreedto play for Ghana.The aforementioned playerswill be available during the nextinternational break in September2022.The 2022 FIFA World Cup willcommence on Monday, November21 and end on Sunday, December18, 2022.Ghana are in World CupGroup H with Uruguay, Portugal,and South Korea.The Black Stars will begintheir World Cup campaignagainst Portugal on November24, followed by South Korea onNovember 28.They will wrap up their groupstage games against Uruguayon December 2 at the Al JanoubStadium in Al Wakra.

Page 10

Mr Alberto

Calderon, the

Global Chief

Executive Officer

of AngloGold

Ashanti Ltd, Wednesday said

the company had invested more

than one billion dollars in Ghana

over the past few years.

He said 86 per cent of the

investments were retained with

The Ashanti Regional

Customs Division of

the Ghana Revenue

Authority (GRA)

generated a total of

GH184.5 million as revenue at

the end of July 2022.

The amount is out of the total

target of GH383,913,600.00 for

this year.

Mr. Edmund Augustine

Omari, Ashanti Regional Sector

Commander said the collection

was behind the target of the

region by 50.1 per cent.

He explained this was due

to the inability of the taxpayers

to rake in enough income

because of the current economic

situation in the country.

“The Bulk Oil Storage and

Transportation Co Ltd (BOST)

our major taxpayer, is not

making enough,” he explained,

and assured management of

working hard to meet the target

before the year ends.

Mr Omari, who was speaking

at the opening of the 2022

Customs Division Management

Retreat in Kumasi, spoke of lack

of logistics and personnel as

factors impeding collection of


The five-day meeting

is being held on the theme

“Simplification of Customs

Procedures in Achieving 2022

Revenue Target”.

The meeting will among

other things discuss the GRA

risk management structure,

simplification of bonds and

treaties, overview of terrorism


AngloGold made over

one billion dollars

investments in Ghana

registered partner Ghanaian

companies, while 98 per cent

of its 4,000 employees were


President Nana Addo Dankwa

Akufo-Addo, in 2019, re-opened

AngloGold’s Obuasi Mine with

an initial investment of US$881

million after its shutdown in


The revamping of the Obuasi


generates GH184.5M

as revenue in July

in Africa and its effects on

trade (roles and challenges of

the Customs Division), trade

agreement and its effects on

revenue and the role of post

clearance audit in revenue


The Sector Commander

outlining the functions of the

Kumasi collection said they

ensure that goods that entered,

exited or transited their

operational areas went through

right customs procedures and


They also performed direct

export, temporal export,

voluntary import compliance,

free zones and petroleum


Mr. Omari hinted that

plans were far advanced to set

up a checkpoint on the Ejura-

Kumasi Road, where intelligence

gathered confirmed that it had

become a major smuggling route

in the Ashanti Region.

He, however assured that

the other existing checkpoints

located at Kubease, Ahenkro,

Mankranso, and Mpasatia in

the region would continue to

perform their duties effectively.

He mentioned that the

checkpoint at Anwiankwanta

on the Kumasi-Obuasi road

which linked to the Central and

Western Regions needed to be


This was due to the ongoing

road construction which

had affected their day-to-day

activities on the stretch.

DAILY ANALYST Friday, 12th August, 2022

Mine has created employment

for the indigenes and boosted

the local economy.

Mr Calderon announced this

when he paid a courtesy call

on Mr George Mireku Duker, a

Deputy Minister of Lands and

Natural Resources in charge of

Mines, in Accra, ahead of his

meeting with President Akufo-

Addo at the Jubilee House.

He said the Mine would

continue to invest in its

shareholders and local

communities hosting its

operations to make a difference

in the lives of the people.

“We invest in many countries

in the world, from Australia,

Americas to Africa and I’ve been

to many places, and I can say

with certainty that the country

The Ghana Union of

Traders Association

(GUTA) is cautioning

that Ghanaians

may buy Christmas

goods at much higher prices in

December this year.

Goods, including food items

like cooking oil, rice, sugar,

second-hand clothing, and

frozen foods, as well as nonfood

items such as Christmas

trees, ribbons, and balloons for

decorations are mostly imported

by members of GUTA.

Dr Joseph Obeng, President

of the Association, told the

Ghana News Agency that if the

Government did not address

the depreciation of the Cedi

immediately, Ghanaians would

buy their Christmas goods at

expensive prices.

He said: “We would have to

bring as much goods as we can,

but to tell the truth, our capital

itself has dwindled. It means it

will also affect the volumes of

trade that we do, especially in

the last quarter of the year if the

trend continues.”

“When exchange rate goes

up, inflation goes up, interest

rate and all the indicators of

trading go up, it will definitely

affect the final pricing then it

will affect the final consumer

who already is suffering,” he


Dr Obeng noted that the

working capital of many

members of GUTA, the country’s

umbrella body of traders

(importers and exporters),

continued to deplete due to the

depreciation of the Cedi against

the Dollar amid high interest

rates on loans.

The President said that:

“It could be recalled that since

December 2021 when the dollar

was GHS6.4, our working capital

that welcomes us the most and

gives us support is Ghana,” Mr

Calderon stated.

Mr Duker, on his part,

gave the assurance that the

Government would continue to

create an enabling environment

for the large-scale mining

companies to thrive and ensure

a win-win situation.

He said government’s

dealing with the large-scale

mining companies would be

has been depleted by 40 per

cent. Now that the dollar has

reached GHS9, our worst fear is

that we are now going to make

Christmas orders from our

suppliers, which may aggravate

the situation.”

He said that the import

business had become

“gloomy and pathetic” as the

multinationals have taken over,

and their efforts to start looking

for goods to export to support

the economy had not yielded the

expected result.

He, therefore, called on

the Government to amend

the country’s investment

law on foreign retail trade

and wholesale to make the

multinationals deposit their

capital fund in Ghana for


“We believe that the

government should have full

control of management of our

national resources as well as the

capability to solve this problem

in the shortest possible time,” Dr

Obeng, said.

anchored on transparency and

accountability by providing the

necessary information to them.

He said AngloGold Ghana

remained an integral part of the

government’s mining drive and

would continue to support it.

“The leadership of your

men here are doing so well and

they have shown quality and

competence in the company’s

operations,” Mr Duker said.

GUTA cautions public of increase

in prices of goods at Christmas

Inflationary pressures and

other factors have compounded

the economic hardship in

Ghana whose economy was once

described by the International

Monetary Fund (IMF) as the

fastest growing economy in sub-

Saharan Africa.

This has made the

Government to initiate

discussions with the IMF to

support Ghana’s homegrown

economic programme to restore

macroeconomic stability, anchor

debt sustainability, and promote

inclusive and sustainable


Meanwhile, the President

Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

had said that the Government

was determined to work hard to

turn the economy around.

The President said that with

the measures put in place by the

Government: “I am confident

that we will revive and revitalise

the economy and put our

nation back on the path of rapid

economic growth.”

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