ENGL 3860: Metaphysical Graffiti Slide Deck

ENGL 3860: Metaphysical Graffiti Slide Deck ENGL 3860: Metaphysical Graffiti Slide Deck

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developing multiple alternatives to the public Following Warner more than Fraser, [Farmer] is interested in poetic world making and what this might mean for composition pedagogy. The emphasis on making and text circulation draws him to punk, anarchist, and riot grrrl zines as archetypal genres produced through acts of bricolage […] he develops the concept of bricolage as an artful making do. Percy, he notes, sees resistance occurring, “not in the forum, the streets, or the public square, but rather in the ad hoc, ingenuous, and quotidian strategies that individuals deploy in everyday contexts” (30). hawk | Public Spheres | 154

Zines are a perfect example of this phenomenon […] Very much into DIY aesthetics, they had random typography, hand-drawn images, and photocopied and stapled pages. And sans any official distribution, they were handed out to friends, left in record stores, and traded through the postal service. They were a celebration of the amateurish, makeshift, and the ephemeral, and their collage aesthetics and anticopyright ethos, especially among anarchist zines, outlined an alternative way to live and a form of micropolitics—a power at the capillaries to articulate the system differently with “whatever tools of textual circulation are readily available. This alternative poetic world, in short, must be built from the street up” (50). hawk | Public Spheres | 154

developing multiple alternatives to the public<br />

Following Warner more than Fraser, [Farmer] is interested in poetic world<br />

making and what this might mean for composition pedagogy. The<br />

emphasis on making and text circulation draws him to punk, anarchist, and<br />

riot grrrl zines as archetypal genres produced through acts of bricolage […]<br />

he develops the concept of bricolage as an artful making do. Percy, he<br />

notes, sees resistance occurring, “not in the forum, the streets, or the<br />

public square, but rather in the ad hoc, ingenuous, and quotidian<br />

strategies that individuals deploy in everyday contexts” (30).<br />

hawk | Public Spheres | 154

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