Broken Justice System

November 9 2011: Debra Frazer neglects to mention during 2010 I was granted a full residency order for my granddaughter by Order of the Court .Therefore. Hastings County Council Children's Services had NO legal rights or say in my granddaughter's life: The Court Order Mrs Frazer has referred to goes against the administration of Justice and proved to be an effective technique for achieving the speedy resolution in the concealment of child abuse of all kinds. This Court Order and anyother Court Order made hereafter is in fact null and void as it was proclaimed in completely illegal circumstances due to criminal activities concealed through presentation of false and forged evidence, false testimony and fraudulent Court Hearing enabling the illegal removal of my granddaughter from my care by a corrupt Judge permitting Hastings County Council Children's Services to cover their backsides from accountability for their most appalling failings in child protection and if that meant further abuse needed to take place on the children then Judge Jakens was prepared to let that happen - You would think this would have ended Judge Jakens judicial career, but it actually made Judge Jakens more popular with Hastings County Council Children's Services. Meanwhile in Rotherham, Rochdale, Telford, Oldham etc... Need I say more..

November 9 2011: Debra Frazer neglects to mention during 2010 I was granted a full residency order for my granddaughter by Order of the Court .Therefore. Hastings County Council Children's Services had NO legal rights or say in my granddaughter's life: The Court Order Mrs Frazer has referred to goes against the administration of Justice and proved to be an effective technique for achieving the speedy resolution in the concealment of child abuse of all kinds. This Court Order and anyother Court Order made hereafter is in fact null and void as it was proclaimed in completely illegal circumstances due to criminal activities concealed through presentation of false and forged evidence, false testimony and fraudulent Court Hearing enabling the illegal removal of my granddaughter from my care by a corrupt Judge permitting Hastings County Council Children's Services to cover their backsides from accountability for their most appalling failings in child protection and if that meant further abuse needed to take place on the children then Judge Jakens was prepared to let that happen - You would think this would have ended Judge Jakens judicial career, but it actually made Judge Jakens more popular with Hastings County Council Children's Services. Meanwhile in Rotherham, Rochdale, Telford, Oldham etc... Need I say more..


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