Masai Mara National Reserve

Located in the vales of The Great Rift Valley and bordering Tanzania, the Masai Mara National Reserve is a Jewel of Wildlife viewing in Kenya. Nowhere else in the world will you experience the cycle of life more real than the Masai Mara. Here, the dramatic contrast between life and death is astonishingly electrifying. It’s a life of sacrifice, hope, and striving for happy endings.

Located in the vales of The Great Rift Valley and bordering Tanzania, the Masai Mara National Reserve is a Jewel of Wildlife viewing in Kenya.

Nowhere else in the world will you experience the cycle of life more real than the Masai Mara. Here, the dramatic contrast between life and death is astonishingly electrifying. It’s a life of sacrifice, hope, and striving for happy endings.


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Masai Mara

National Reserve

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Shanjoy Tours and Safaris

P r e p a r e d b y : D o r o t h y M i t c h e l l

Masai Mara National Reserve

Located in the vales of The Great Rift Valley and bordering Tanzania, the

Masai Mara National Reserve is a Jewel of Wildlife viewing in Kenya.

Nowhere else in the world will you experience the cycle of life more real

than the Masai Mara. Here, the dramatic contrast between life and death

is astonishingly electrifying. It’s a life of sacrifice, hope, and striving for

happy endings.

The Park Topography

Perhaps the cause of her serenity and charms, Masai Mara is composed

of four unique terrains. First, the Sandy and leafy Ngama Hills are

favoured by rhinos. Second, the Oloololo plateau Escarpment to the

west. Third, the Central Plains with scattered bushes and open

grasslands that support herbivore game. Fourth, is the Mara Triangle

bordering the Mara River. With lush grassland, acacia woodlands, and

slimy slopes the Triangle host the action and excitement of the Great

Wildebeest Migration.


Wildebeest Migration at the Mara

The Masai Mara National Reserve is reputed worldwide for the annual wildebeest

migrations. From July every year, over 1.5 million wildebeest, antelopes and zebra

arrive in Kenya from Serengeti National Park. The slimy leap into the crocodileinfested

Mara River is their only ticket to greener pastures. Faced with death, turning

back is never an option. Their very survival is fated to the Mara Reserve.

In December, the animals wander back to Serengeti National Park in preparation for

the calving season which comes in February. This multi-species migration is one of the

world’s natural wonders.


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